53 research outputs found

    A general Framework for Utilizing Metaheuristic Optimization for Sustainable Unrelated Parallel Machine Scheduling: A concise overview

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    Sustainable development has emerged as a global priority, and industries are increasingly striving to align their operations with sustainable practices. Parallel machine scheduling (PMS) is a critical aspect of production planning that directly impacts resource utilization and operational efficiency. In this paper, we investigate the application of metaheuristic optimization algorithms to address the unrelated parallel machine scheduling problem (UPMSP) through the lens of sustainable development goals (SDGs). The primary objective of this study is to explore how metaheuristic optimization algorithms can contribute to achieving sustainable development goals in the context of UPMSP. We examine a range of metaheuristic algorithms, including genetic algorithms, particle swarm optimization, ant colony optimization, and more, and assess their effectiveness in optimizing the scheduling problem. The algorithms are evaluated based on their ability to improve resource utilization, minimize energy consumption, reduce environmental impact, and promote socially responsible production practices. To conduct a comprehensive analysis, we consider UPMSP instances that incorporate sustainability-related constraints and objectives

    Rámec pro plánování problémy

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    Import 22/07/2015Scheduling problems form an important subclass of combinatorial optimisation problems with many applications in manufacturing and logistics. Predominately these problems are NP-complete (decision based) and NP-hard (optimisation based), hence the main course of research in solving them concentrates on the design of efficient heuristic algorithms. Two main categories of these algorithms exist: deterministic algorithms and evolutionary metaheuristics. The deterministic algorithms comprise local improvement techniques, such as k-opt algorithm, which try to improve existing feasible solution, and constructive heuristics, such as NEH, which build a solution starting from scratch, adding one job at a time. Evolutionary metaheuristics have prospered in the past decades, owing to their efficiency and flexibility. Drawing inspiration from the theory of natural evolution or swarm behavioural patterns, the most popular of these algorithms in practice include for instance Genetic Algorithms, Differential Evolution, Particle Swarm Optimisation, amongst others. However, even though these heuristics provide in most cases close to optimal solution at reasonable execution time, this time is still impractically long for many applications. Therefore much effort has been dedicated to accelerating these algorithms. Since the development of hardware turns away from increasing the clock speed towards the parallel processing units, owing to reaching the limits of technology due to the increased power consumption and heat dissipation, this effort goes into parallelisation of the existing algorithms, to enable exploitation of the computing power of multi-core or many-core platforms. This is the goal of the first part of the thesis, accelerating two of the deterministic algorithms, NEH and 2-opt, with interesting results. Another approach has been taken in the second part, with the core premise of exploring the influence of stochasticity on the performance of an evolutionary algorithm, selecting the relatively recent and promising Discrete Artificial Bee Colony algorithm. The pseudo-random number generator has been replaced with the different types of dissipative chaos maps, with some of them improving the algorithm significantly. It has been shown that the population based evolutionary algorithms often form complex networks, taken from the point of view of the information exchange between individual solutions during the course of population development. The final part of this thesis puts this observation into practice by embedding the complex network analysis based self-adaptive mechanism into the ABC algorithm, a continuous optimisation problems solving evolutionary algorithm, which is however the basis for the afore mentioned DABC algorithm, and proving the effectiveness for some of the developed versions, currently on the standard continuous optimisation test functions, with the possibility to extend this modification to the combinatorial optimisations problems in the future being discussed in the conclusion.Rozvrhovací problémy jsou důležitou podtřídou úloh kombinatorické optimalizace s řadou aplikací ve výrobě a logistice. Většina těchto problémů je NP-úplných (rozhodovací forma) a NP-těžkých (optimalizační forma), proto se výzkum zaměřuje na návrh efektivních heuristických algoritmů. Dvě hlavní kategorie těchto algoritmů jsou deterministické algoritmy a evoluční metaheuristiky. Deterministické algoritmy zahrnují techniky lokálního prohledávání, například algoritmus k-opt, jejichž cílem je zlepšení existujícího přípustného řešení problému, dále pak konstruktivní heuristiky, jejichž příkladem je algoritmus NEH, které hledané řešení vytvářejí inkrementálně, bez potřeby znalosti vstupního bodu v prohledávaném prostoru řešení. Evoluční metaheuristiky mají za sebou historii úspěšného vývoje v posledních desetiletích, zejména díky jejich efektivitě a flexibilitě. Jejich inspirací jsou poznatky převzaté z biologie, teorie evoluce a inteligence hejna. Mezi nejpopulárnějšími z těchto algoritmů jsou, mimo jiné, genetické algoritmy, diferenciální evoluce, rojení částic (Particle Swarm Optimisation). Ačkoli tyto heuristiky nalézají ve většině případů řešení blížící se globálnímu optimu v přípustném výpočetním čase, pro řadu aplikací mohou být stále ještě nepřijatelně pomalé. Velké úsilí bylo věnováno zrychlení těchto algoritmů. Protože se vývoj hardware díky dosažení technologických limitů, vzhledem ke zvyšující se spotřebě energie a tepelnému vyzařování, obrací od zvyšování frekvence jednojádrového procesoru k vícejádrovým procesorům a paralelnímu zpracování, je tato snaha většinou orientovaná na paralelizaci existujících algoritmů, aby bylo umožněno využití výpočetní síly vícejádrových platforem (multi-core a many-core). Prvním cílem této práce je tudíž akcelerace dvou deterministických algoritmů, NEH a 2-opt, přičemž bylo dosaženo zajímavých výsledků. Jiný přístup byl zvolen ve druhé části, s hlavní myšlenkou prozkoumání vlivu náhodnosti na výkon evolučního algoritmu. Za tímto účelem byl zvolen relativně nový a slibný algoritmus Discrete Artificial Bee Colony. Generátor pseudonáhodných čísel byl nahrazen několika různými chaotickými mapami, z nichž některé znatelně zlepšily výsledky algoritmu. Bylo ukázáno, že evoluční algoritmy založené na populaci často formují komplexní sítě, vzato z pohledu výměny informací mezi jednotlivými řešeními v populaci během jejího vývoje. Závěrečná část práce aplikuje toto pozorování vložením samo přizpůsobivého mechanismu založeném na analýze komplexní sítě do algoritmu ABC, který je evolučním algoritmem pro spojitou optimalizaci a zároveň základem dříve zmíněného DABC algoritmu. Efektivita několika verzí algoritmu založeném na této myšlence je dokázána na standardní sadě testovacích funkcí pro spojitou optimalizaci. Možnost rozšíření této modifikace na kombinatorické optimalizační problémy je diskutována v závěru práce.460 - Katedra informatikyvýborn

    Evolutionary Computation 2020

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    Intelligent optimization is based on the mechanism of computational intelligence to refine a suitable feature model, design an effective optimization algorithm, and then to obtain an optimal or satisfactory solution to a complex problem. Intelligent algorithms are key tools to ensure global optimization quality, fast optimization efficiency and robust optimization performance. Intelligent optimization algorithms have been studied by many researchers, leading to improvements in the performance of algorithms such as the evolutionary algorithm, whale optimization algorithm, differential evolution algorithm, and particle swarm optimization. Studies in this arena have also resulted in breakthroughs in solving complex problems including the green shop scheduling problem, the severe nonlinear problem in one-dimensional geodesic electromagnetic inversion, error and bug finding problem in software, the 0-1 backpack problem, traveler problem, and logistics distribution center siting problem. The editors are confident that this book can open a new avenue for further improvement and discoveries in the area of intelligent algorithms. The book is a valuable resource for researchers interested in understanding the principles and design of intelligent algorithms

    Recent Research Trends in Genetic Algorithm Based Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problems

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    Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problem (FJSSP) is an extension of the classical Job Shop Scheduling Problem (JSSP). The FJSSP is known to be NP-hard problem with regard to optimization and it is very difficult to find reasonably accurate solutions of the problem instances in a rational time. Extensive research has been carried out in this area especially over the span of the last 20 years in which the hybrid approaches involving Genetic Algorithm (GA) have gained the most popularity. Keeping in view this aspect, this article presents a comprehensive literature review of the FJSSPs solved using the GA. The survey is further extended by the inclusion of the hybrid GA (hGA) techniques used in the solution of the problem. This review will give readers an insight into use of certain parameters in their future research along with future research directions

    Advances in Artificial Intelligence: Models, Optimization, and Machine Learning

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    The present book contains all the articles accepted and published in the Special Issue “Advances in Artificial Intelligence: Models, Optimization, and Machine Learning” of the MDPI Mathematics journal, which covers a wide range of topics connected to the theory and applications of artificial intelligence and its subfields. These topics include, among others, deep learning and classic machine learning algorithms, neural modelling, architectures and learning algorithms, biologically inspired optimization algorithms, algorithms for autonomous driving, probabilistic models and Bayesian reasoning, intelligent agents and multiagent systems. We hope that the scientific results presented in this book will serve as valuable sources of documentation and inspiration for anyone willing to pursue research in artificial intelligence, machine learning and their widespread applications

    Energy and performance-optimized scheduling of tasks in distributed cloud and edge computing systems

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    Infrastructure resources in distributed cloud data centers (CDCs) are shared by heterogeneous applications in a high-performance and cost-effective way. Edge computing has emerged as a new paradigm to provide access to computing capacities in end devices. Yet it suffers from such problems as load imbalance, long scheduling time, and limited power of its edge nodes. Therefore, intelligent task scheduling in CDCs and edge nodes is critically important to construct energy-efficient cloud and edge computing systems. Current approaches cannot smartly minimize the total cost of CDCs, maximize their profit and improve quality of service (QoS) of tasks because of aperiodic arrival and heterogeneity of tasks. This dissertation proposes a class of energy and performance-optimized scheduling algorithms built on top of several intelligent optimization algorithms. This dissertation includes two parts, including background work, i.e., Chapters 3–6, and new contributions, i.e., Chapters 7–11. 1) Background work of this dissertation. Chapter 3 proposes a spatial task scheduling and resource optimization method to minimize the total cost of CDCs where bandwidth prices of Internet service providers, power grid prices, and renewable energy all vary with locations. Chapter 4 presents a geography-aware task scheduling approach by considering spatial variations in CDCs to maximize the profit of their providers by intelligently scheduling tasks. Chapter 5 presents a spatio-temporal task scheduling algorithm to minimize energy cost by scheduling heterogeneous tasks among CDCs while meeting their delay constraints. Chapter 6 gives a temporal scheduling algorithm considering temporal variations of revenue, electricity prices, green energy and prices of public clouds. 2) Contributions of this dissertation. Chapter 7 proposes a multi-objective optimization method for CDCs to maximize their profit, and minimize the average loss possibility of tasks by determining task allocation among Internet service providers, and task service rates of each CDC. A simulated annealing-based bi-objective differential evolution algorithm is proposed to obtain an approximate Pareto optimal set. A knee solution is selected to schedule tasks in a high-profit and high-quality-of-service way. Chapter 8 formulates a bi-objective constrained optimization problem, and designs a novel optimization method to cope with energy cost reduction and QoS improvement. It jointly minimizes both energy cost of CDCs, and average response time of all tasks by intelligently allocating tasks among CDCs and changing task service rate of each CDC. Chapter 9 formulates a constrained bi-objective optimization problem for joint optimization of revenue and energy cost of CDCs. It is solved with an improved multi-objective evolutionary algorithm based on decomposition. It determines a high-quality trade-off between revenue maximization and energy cost minimization by considering CDCs’ spatial differences in energy cost while meeting tasks’ delay constraints. Chapter 10 proposes a simulated annealing-based bees algorithm to find a close-to-optimal solution. Then, a fine-grained spatial task scheduling algorithm is designed to minimize energy cost of CDCs by allocating tasks among multiple green clouds, and specifies running speeds of their servers. Chapter 11 proposes a profit-maximized collaborative computation offloading and resource allocation algorithm to maximize the profit of systems and guarantee that response time limits of tasks are met in cloud-edge computing systems. A single-objective constrained optimization problem is solved by a proposed simulated annealing-based migrating birds optimization. This dissertation evaluates these algorithms, models and software with real-life data and proves that they improve scheduling precision and cost-effectiveness of distributed cloud and edge computing systems

    Applied Metaheuristic Computing

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    For decades, Applied Metaheuristic Computing (AMC) has been a prevailing optimization technique for tackling perplexing engineering and business problems, such as scheduling, routing, ordering, bin packing, assignment, facility layout planning, among others. This is partly because the classic exact methods are constrained with prior assumptions, and partly due to the heuristics being problem-dependent and lacking generalization. AMC, on the contrary, guides the course of low-level heuristics to search beyond the local optimality, which impairs the capability of traditional computation methods. This topic series has collected quality papers proposing cutting-edge methodology and innovative applications which drive the advances of AMC

    Metodología multiobjetivo basada en un comportamiento evolutivo para programar sistemas de producción flexible job shop. Aplicaciones en la industria metalmecánica

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    El objeto de estudio de la presente tesis es el taller de trabajo flexible en el sector metalmecánico. El problema de investigación se derivó a partir de la búsqueda sistemática de metodologías y algoritmos para programar sistemas productivos; se identificaron configuraciones de variables de proceso no abordadas en la literatura, lo que se considera un vacío en el conocimiento. Consecuente con lo anterior, se diseñó una metodología basada en un algoritmo evolutivo para programar los pedidos en un taller de trabajo flexible, con restricciones de tiempo, secuencia, mantenimiento, liberación de pedidos, disponibilidad, consumo y costo de recurso que varía en el tiempo, con el fin de minimizar tiempo de proceso y costo de producción; incluyó un proceso de ponderación para escoger la mejor secuencia de programación. Como aporte principal se propone una metodología novedosa que al compararla con otras metodologías encontradas en la bibliografía, demostró mejoras mayores al 10% en makespan y costo total del recurso consumidoAbstract: The study object of the present thesis is the flexible job shop in the metal mechanic sector. The research problem was derived from the systematic search of methodologies and algorithms to schedule production systems; configurations of process variables not addressed in the literature were identified, which is considered an empty in knowledge. Consequent with previous, a methodology was designed based on an evolutionary algorithm to schedule orders in a flexible job shop, with time restrictions, sequence, maintenance, liberation of orders, availability, consumption and cost of resource that varies in time, in order to minimize processing time and cost of production; it includes a weighting process to choose the best programming sequence. As main contribution a novel methodology was proposed which, compared with other methodologies found in the literature, it demonstrated greater improvements to 10% in Makespan and total cost of consumed resourceDoctorad

    Soft computing applied to optimization, computer vision and medicine

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    Artificial intelligence has permeated almost every area of life in modern society, and its significance continues to grow. As a result, in recent years, Soft Computing has emerged as a powerful set of methodologies that propose innovative and robust solutions to a variety of complex problems. Soft Computing methods, because of their broad range of application, have the potential to significantly improve human living conditions. The motivation for the present research emerged from this background and possibility. This research aims to accomplish two main objectives: On the one hand, it endeavors to bridge the gap between Soft Computing techniques and their application to intricate problems. On the other hand, it explores the hypothetical benefits of Soft Computing methodologies as novel effective tools for such problems. This thesis synthesizes the results of extensive research on Soft Computing methods and their applications to optimization, Computer Vision, and medicine. This work is composed of several individual projects, which employ classical and new optimization algorithms. The manuscript presented here intends to provide an overview of the different aspects of Soft Computing methods in order to enable the reader to reach a global understanding of the field. Therefore, this document is assembled as a monograph that summarizes the outcomes of these projects across 12 chapters. The chapters are structured so that they can be read independently. The key focus of this work is the application and design of Soft Computing approaches for solving problems in the following: Block Matching, Pattern Detection, Thresholding, Corner Detection, Template Matching, Circle Detection, Color Segmentation, Leukocyte Detection, and Breast Thermogram Analysis. One of the outcomes presented in this thesis involves the development of two evolutionary approaches for global optimization. These were tested over complex benchmark datasets and showed promising results, thus opening the debate for future applications. Moreover, the applications for Computer Vision and medicine presented in this work have highlighted the utility of different Soft Computing methodologies in the solution of problems in such subjects. A milestone in this area is the translation of the Computer Vision and medical issues into optimization problems. Additionally, this work also strives to provide tools for combating public health issues by expanding the concepts to automated detection and diagnosis aid for pathologies such as Leukemia and breast cancer. The application of Soft Computing techniques in this field has attracted great interest worldwide due to the exponential growth of these diseases. Lastly, the use of Fuzzy Logic, Artificial Neural Networks, and Expert Systems in many everyday domestic appliances, such as washing machines, cookers, and refrigerators is now a reality. Many other industrial and commercial applications of Soft Computing have also been integrated into everyday use, and this is expected to increase within the next decade. Therefore, the research conducted here contributes an important piece for expanding these developments. The applications presented in this work are intended to serve as technological tools that can then be used in the development of new devices