176 research outputs found

    Development of an acoustic communication link for micro underwater vehicles

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    PhD ThesisIn recent years there has been an increasing trend towards the use of Micro Remotely Operated Vehicles (μROVs), such as the Videoray and Seabotix LBV products, for a range of subsea applications, including environmental monitoring, harbour security, military surveillance and offshore inspection. A major operational limitation is the umbilical cable, which is traditionally used to supply power and communications to the vehicle. This tether has often been found to significantly restrict the agility of the vehicle or in extreme cases, result in entanglement with subsea structures. This thesis addresses the challenges associated with developing a reliable full-duplex wireless communications link aimed at tetherless operation of a μROV. Previous research has demonstrated the ability to support highly compressed video transmissions over several kilometres through shallow water channels with large range-depth ratios. However, the physical constraints of these platforms paired with the system cost requirements pose significant additional challenges. Firstly, the physical size/weight of transducers for the LF (8-16kHz) and MF (16-32kHz) bands would significantly affect the dynamics of the vehicle measuring less than 0.5m long. Therefore, this thesis explores the challenges associated with moving the operating frequency up to around 50kHz centre, along with the opportunities for increased data rate and tracking due to higher bandwidth. The typical operating radius of μROVs is less than 200m, in water < 100m deep, which gives rise to multipath channels characterised by long timespread and relatively sparse arrivals. Hence, the system must be optimised for performance in these conditions. The hardware costs of large multi-element receiver arrays are prohibitive when compared to the cost of the μROV platform. Additionally, the physical size of such arrays complicates deployment from small surface vessels. Although some recent developments in iterative equalisation and decoding structures have enhanced the performance of single element receivers, they are not found to be adequate in such channels. This work explores the optimum cost/performance trade-off in a combination of a micro beamforming array using a Bit Interleaved Coded Modulation with Iterative Decoding (BICM-ID) receiver structure. The highly dynamic nature of μROVs, with rapid acceleration/deceleration and complex thruster/wake effects, are also a significant challenge to reliable continuous communications. The thesis also explores how these effects can best be mitigated via advanced Doppler correction techniques, and adaptive coding and modulation via a simultaneous frequency multiplexed down link. In order to fully explore continuous adaptation of the transmitted signals, a real-time full-duplex communication system was constructed in hardware, utilising low cost components and a highly optimised PC based receiver structure. Rigorous testing, both in laboratory conditions and through extensive field trials, have enabled the author to explore the performance of the communication link on a vehicle carrying out typical operations and presenting a wide range of channel, noise, Doppler and transmission latency conditions. This has led to a comprehensive set of design recommendations for a reliable and cost effective link capable of continuous throughputs of >30 kbits/s

    Methods for Model Complexity Reduction for the Nonlinear Calibration of Amplifiers Using Volterra Kernels

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    Volterra models allow modeling nonlinear dynamical systems, even though they require the estimation of a large number of parameters and have, consequently, potentially large computational costs. The pruning of Volterra models is thus of fundamental importance to reduce the computational costs of nonlinear calibration, and improve stability and speed, while preserving accuracy. Several techniques (LASSO, DOMP and OBS) and their variants (WLASSO and OBD) are compared in this paper for the experimental calibration of an IF amplifier. The results show that Volterra models can be simplified, yielding models that are 4–5 times sparser, with a limited impact on accuracy. About 6 dB of improved Error Vector Magnitude (EVM) is obtained, improving the dynamic range of the amplifiers. The Symbol Error Rate (SER) is greatly reduced by calibration at a large input power, and pruning reduces the model complexity without hindering SER. Hence, pruning allows improving the dynamic range of the amplifier, with almost an order of magnitude reduction in model complexity. We propose the OBS technique, used in the neural network field, in conjunction with the better known DOMP technique, to prune the model with the best accuracy. The simulations show, in fact, that the OBS and DOMP techniques outperform the others, and OBD, LASSO and WLASSO are, in turn, less efficient. A methodology for pruning in the complex domain is described, based on the Frisch–Waugh–Lovell (FWL) theorem, to separate the linear and nonlinear sections of the model. This is essential because linear models are used for equalization and cannot be pruned to preserve model generality vis-a-vis channel variations, whereas nonlinear models must be pruned as much as possible to minimize the computational overhead. This methodology can be extended to models other than the Volterra one, as the only conditions we impose on the nonlinear model are that it is feedforward and linear in the parameters

    Study and optimization of core allocation in multi-core optical fibers

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    Layout Optimization in Multi-core Optical FibersSpace-division multiplexing (SDM) is regarded as a promising solution for the capacity crunch looming just around the corner. The exponential growth of network traffic that has us gravitating towards this crunch has created the need for high-capacity optical transmission systems, which is where homogeneous single-mode multi-core fibers (SM-MCF) step into the scene. A method for the estimation of crosstalk inside a MCF is introduced, along with several layouts that seek to minimize the inter-core crosstalk (XT) amongst the cores. A method for choosing the best layout for the cores on a given MCF is devised and three fibers differing only in cladding diameter (Cd= 125,260,300 µm) are analysed

    Advanced Modulation and Coding Technology Conference

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    The objectives, approach, and status of all current LeRC-sponsored industry contracts and university grants are presented. The following topics are covered: (1) the LeRC Space Communications Program, and Advanced Modulation and Coding Projects; (2) the status of four contracts for development of proof-of-concept modems; (3) modulation and coding work done under three university grants, two small business innovation research contracts, and two demonstration model hardware development contracts; and (4) technology needs and opportunities for future missions

    High-Capacity Hybrid Optical Fiber-Wireless Communications Links in Access Networks

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    Modulação e conversão de formatos óticos avançados

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia ElectrotécnicaOver the years, the increased search and exchange of information lead to an increase of traffic intensity in todays optical communication networks. Coherent communications, using the amplitude and phase of the signal, reappears as one of the transmission techniques to increase the spectral efficiency and throughput of optical channels. In this context, this work present a study on format conversion of modulated signals using MZI-SOAs, based exclusively on all- optical techniques through wavelength conversion. This approach, when applied in interconnection nodes between optical networks with different bit rates and modulation formats, allow a better efficiency and scalability of the network. We start with an experimental characterization of the static and dynamic properties of the MZI-SOA. Then, we propose a semi-analytical model to describe the evolution of phase and amplitude at the output of the MZI-SOA. The model’s coefficients are obtained using a multi-objective genetic algorithm. We validate the model experimentally, by exploring the dependency of the optical signal with the operational parameters of the MZI-SOA. We also propose an all-optical technique for the conversion of amplitude modulation signals to a continuous phase modulation format. Finally, we study the potential of MZI-SOAs for the conversion of amplitude signals to QPSK and QAM signals. We show the dependency of the conversion process with the operational parameters deviation from the optimal values. The technique is experimentally validated for QPSK modulation.Nos últimos anos, a crescente procura e troca de informação tem levado ao aumento de tráfego nas redes de comunicação óticas atuais. As comunicações coerentes, com recurso à amplitude e fase do sinal, ressurgem como uma das técnicas de transmissão capazes de aumentar a eficiência espectral e o rendimento dos canais óticos. Nesse âmbito, este trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre a conversão de formatos de modulação de sinais, usando técnicas exclusivamente no domínio ótico, através de conversão de comprimento de onda, com base no MZI-SOA. Esta técnica, aplicada em nós óticos que interligam redes óticas com débitos binários distintos, permite uma maior escalabilidade e eficiência da rede. A tese começa por apresentar uma caracterização experimental detalhada das propriedades estáticas e dinâmicas do MZI-SOA. É depois proposto um modelo semi-analítico que descreve a evolução da amplitude e fase do sinal ótico à saída do MZI-SOA. Os coeficientes do modelo são obtidos recorrendo a um algoritmo genético multiobjectivo. O modelo é validado experimentalmente, explorando a dependência do sinal ótico com os parâmetros operacionais do MZI- SOA. Segue-se a proposta de uma técnica de conversão de formato de modulação de amplitude para modulação de fase contínua. Finalmente, é feito um estudo das potencialidades do MZI-SOA para conversão de formato de modulação de amplitude para modulação QPSK e QAM. Mostra-se a dependência da constelação do sinal com o desvio dos parâmetros operacionais, em torno do valor ótimo. A técnica é validada experimentalmente para modulação QPSK

    Advanced optical modulation and format conversion

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    Tese de Doutoramento em Engenharia Eletrotécnica apresentada à Universidade de Aveiro.Nos últimos anos, a crescente procura e troca de informação tem levado ao aumento de tráfego nas redes de comunicação óticas actuais. As comunicações coerentes, com recurso à amplitude e fase do sinal, ressurgem como uma das técnicas de transmissão capazes de aumentar a eficiência espectral e o rendimento dos canais óticos. Nesse âmbito, este trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre a conversão de formatos de modulação de sinais, usando técnicas exclusivamente no domínio ótico, através de conversão de comprimento de onda, com base no MZI-SOA. Esta técnica, aplicada em nós óticos que interligam redes óticas com débitos binàrios distintos, permite uma maior escalabilidade e eficiência da rede. A tese começa por apresentar uma caracterização experimental detalhada das propriedades estáticas e dinámicas do MZI-SOA. É depois proposto um modelo semi-analítico que descreve a evolução da amplitude e fase do sinal ótico à saída do MZI-SOA. Os coeficientes do modelo são obtidos recorrendo a um algoritmo genético multiobjectivo. O modelo é validado experimentalmente, explorando a dependência do sinal ótico com os parâmetros operacionais do MZISOA. Segue-se a proposta de uma técnica de conversão de formato de modulação de amplitude para modulação de fase contínua. Finalmente, é feito um estudo das potencialidades do MZI-SOA para conversão de formato de modulação de amplitude para modulação QPSK e QAM. Mostra-se a depedência da constelação do sinal com o desvio dos parâmetros operacionais, em torno do valor ótimo. A técnica é validada experimentalmente para modulação QPSK.ABSTRACT: Over the years, the increased search and exchange of information lead to an increase of traffic intensity in todays optical communication networks. Coherent communications, using the amplitude and phase of the signal, reappears as one of the transmission techniques to increase the spectral efficiency and throughput of optical channels. In this context, this work present a study on format conversion of modulated signals using MZI-SOAs, based exclusively on alloptical techniques through wavelength conversion. This approach, when applied in interconnection nodes between optical networks with different bit rates and modulation formats, allow a better efficiency and scalability of the network. We start with an experimental characterization of the static and dynamic properties of the MZI-SOA. Then, we propose a semi-analytical model to describe the evolution of phase and amplitude at the output of the MZI-SOA. The model’s coefficients are obtained using a multi-objective genetic algorithm. We validate the model experimentally, by exploring the dependency of the optical signal with the operational parameters of the MZI-SOA. We also propose an all-optical technique for the conversion of amplitude modulation signals to a continuous phase modulation format. Finally, we study the potential of MZI-SOAs for the conversion of amplitude signals to QPSK and QAM signals. We show the dependency of the conversion process with the operational parameters deviation from the optimal values. The technique is experimentally validated for QPSK modulation.Apoio financeiro da Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia — FCT através da bolsa SFRH / PROTEC / 50015 / 2009

    Automatic DGD and GVD compensation at 640 Gb/s based on scalar radio-frequency spectrum measurement

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    We demonstrate what we believe to be the first real-time impairment-cancellation system for groupvelocity dispersion (GVD) and differential group delay (DGD) for a 640 Gb/s single-channel signal. Simultaneous compensation of two independent parameters is demonstrated by feedback control of separate GVD and DGD compensators using an impairment monitor based on an integrated all-optical radio-frequency (RF) spectrum analyzer.We show that low-bandwidth measurement of only a single tone in the RF spectrum is sufficient for automatic compensation for multiple degrees of freedom using a multivariate optimization scheme

    Underwater optical wireless communications in turbulent conditions: from simulation to experimentation

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    Underwater optical wireless communication (UOWC) is a technology that aims to apply high speed optical wireless communication (OWC) techniques to the underwater channel. UOWC has the potential to provide high speed links over relatively short distances as part of a hybrid underwater network, along with radio frequency (RF) and underwater acoustic communications (UAC) technologies. However, there are some difficulties involved in developing a reliable UOWC link, namely, the complexity of the channel. The main focus throughout this thesis is to develop a greater understanding of the effects of the UOWC channel, especially underwater turbulence. This understanding is developed from basic theory through to simulation and experimental studies in order to gain a holistic understanding of turbulence in the UOWC channel. This thesis first presents a method of modelling optical underwater turbulence through simulation that allows it to be examined in conjunction with absorption and scattering. In a stationary channel, this turbulence induced scattering is shown to cause and increase both spatial and temporal spreading at the receiver plane. It is also demonstrated using the technique presented that the relative impact of turbulence on a received signal is lower in a highly scattering channel, showing an in-built resilience of these channels. Received intensity distributions are presented confirming that fluctuations in received power from this method follow the commonly used Log-Normal fading model. The impact of turbulence - as measured using this new modelling framework - on link performance, in terms of maximum achievable data rate and bit error rate is equally investigated. Following that, experimental studies comparing both the relative impact of turbulence induced scattering on coherent and non-coherent light propagating through water and the relative impact of turbulence in different water conditions are presented. It is shown that the scintillation index increases with increasing temperature inhomogeneity in the underwater channel. These results indicate that a light beam from a non-coherent source has a greater resilience to temperature inhomogeneity induced turbulence effect in an underwater channel. These results will help researchers in simulating realistic channel conditions when modelling a light emitting diode (LED) based intensity modulation with direct detection (IM/DD) UOWC link. Finally, a comparison of different modulation schemes in still and turbulent water conditions is presented. Using an underwater channel emulator, it is shown that pulse position modulation (PPM) and subcarrier intensity modulation (SIM) have an inherent resilience to turbulence induced fading with SIM achieving higher data rates under all conditions. The signal processing technique termed pair-wise coding (PWC) is applied to SIM in underwater optical wireless communications for the first time. The performance of PWC is compared with the, state-of-the-art, bit and power loading optimisation algorithm. Using PWC, a maximum data rate of 5.2 Gbps is achieved in still water conditions