9,618 research outputs found

    Angels and monsters: An empirical investigation of potential test effectiveness and efficiency improvement from strongly subsuming higher order mutation

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    We study the simultaneous test effectiveness and efficiency improvement achievable by Strongly Subsuming Higher Order Mutants (SSHOMs), constructed from 15,792 first order mutants in four Java programs. Using SSHOMs in place of the first order mutants they subsume yielded a 35%-45% reduction in the number of mutants required, while simultaneously improving test efficiency by 15% and effectiveness by between 5.6% and 12%. Trivial first order faults often combine to form exceptionally non-trivial higher order faults; apparently innocuous angels can combine to breed monsters. Nevertheless, these same monsters can be recruited to improve automated test effectiveness and efficiency

    Using Evolutionary Mutation Testing to improve the quality of test suites

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    Mutation testing is a method used to assess and improve the fault detection capability of a test suite by creating faulty versions, called mutants, of the system under test. Evolutionary Mutation Testing (EMT), like selective mutation or mutant sampling, was proposed to reduce the computational cost, which is a major concern when applying mutation testing. This technique implements an evolutionary algorithm to produce a reduced subset of mutants but with a high proportion of mutants that can help the tester derive new test cases (strong mutants). In this paper, we go a step further in estimating the ability of this technique to induce the generation of test cases. Instead of measuring the percentage of strong mutants within the subset of generated mutants, we compute how much the test suite is actually improved thanks to those mutants. In our experiments, we have compared the extent to which EMT and the random selection of mutants help to find missing test cases in C++ object-oriented systems. We can conclude from our results that the percentage of mutants generated with EMT is lower than with the random strategy to obtain a test suite of the same size and that the technique scales better for complex programs

    Semantic mutation testing

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    This is the Pre-print version of the Article. The official published version can be obtained from the link below - Copyright @ 2011 ElsevierMutation testing is a powerful and flexible test technique. Traditional mutation testing makes a small change to the syntax of a description (usually a program) in order to create a mutant. A test suite is considered to be good if it distinguishes between the original description and all of the (functionally non-equivalent) mutants. These mutants can be seen as representing potential small slips and thus mutation testing aims to produce a test suite that is good at finding such slips. It has also been argued that a test suite that finds such small changes is likely to find larger changes. This paper describes a new approach to mutation testing, called semantic mutation testing. Rather than mutate the description, semantic mutation testing mutates the semantics of the language in which the description is written. The mutations of the semantics of the language represent possible misunderstandings of the description language and thus capture a different class of faults. Since the likely misunderstandings are highly context dependent, this context should be used to determine which semantic mutants should be produced. The approach is illustrated through examples with statecharts and C code. The paper also describes a semantic mutation testing tool for C and the results of experiments that investigated the nature of some semantic mutation operators for C

    Spectrum-Based Fault Localization in Model Transformations

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    Model transformations play a cornerstone role in Model-Driven Engineering (MDE), as they provide the essential mechanisms for manipulating and transforming models. The correctness of software built using MDE techniques greatly relies on the correctness of model transformations. However, it is challenging and error prone to debug them, and the situation gets more critical as the size and complexity of model transformations grow, where manual debugging is no longer possible. Spectrum-Based Fault Localization (SBFL) uses the results of test cases and their corresponding code coverage information to estimate the likelihood of each program component (e.g., statements) of being faulty. In this article we present an approach to apply SBFL for locating the faulty rules in model transformations. We evaluate the feasibility and accuracy of the approach by comparing the effectiveness of 18 different stateof- the-art SBFL techniques at locating faults in model transformations. Evaluation results revealed that the best techniques, namely Kulcynski2, Mountford, Ochiai, and Zoltar, lead the debugger to inspect a maximum of three rules to locate the bug in around 74% of the cases. Furthermore, we compare our approach with a static approach for fault localization in model transformations, observing a clear superiority of the proposed SBFL-based method.Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología TIN2015-70560-RJunta de Andalucía P12-TIC-186

    Achievements, open problems and challenges for search based software testing

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    Search Based Software Testing (SBST) formulates testing as an optimisation problem, which can be attacked using computational search techniques from the field of Search Based Software Engineering (SBSE). We present an analysis of the SBST research agenda, focusing on the open problems and challenges of testing non-functional properties, in particular a topic we call 'Search Based Energy Testing' (SBET), Multi-objective SBST and SBST for Test Strategy Identification. We conclude with a vision of FIFIVERIFY tools, which would automatically find faults, fix them and verify the fixes. We explain why we think such FIFIVERIFY tools constitute an exciting challenge for the SBSE community that already could be within its reach

    On Improving (Non)Functional Testing

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    Software testing is commonly classified into two categories, nonfunctional testing and functional testing. The goal of nonfunctional testing is to test nonfunctional requirements, such as performance and reliability. Performance testing is one of the most important types of nonfunctional testing, one goal of which is to detect the phenomena that an Application Under Testing (AUT) exhibits unexpectedly worse performance (e.g., lower throughput) with some input data. During performance testing, a critical challenge is to understand the AUT’s behaviors with large numbers of combinations of input data and find the particular subset of inputs leading to performance bottlenecks. However, enumerating those particular inputs and identifying those bottlenecks are always laborious and intellectually intensive. In addition, for an evolving software system, some code changes may accidentally degrade performance between two software versions, it is even more challenging to find problematic changes (out of a large number of committed changes) may lead to performance regressions under certain test inputs. This dissertation presents a set of approaches to automatically find specific combinations of input data for exposing performance bottlenecks and further analyze execution traces to identify performance bottlenecks. In addition, this dissertation also provides an approach that automatically estimates the impact of code changes on performance degradation between two released software versions to identify the problematic ones likely leading to performance regressions. Functional testing is used to test the functional correctness of AUTs. Developers commonly write test suites for AUTs to test different functionalities and locate functional faults. During functional testing, developers rely on some strategies to order test cases to achieve certain objectives, such as exposing faults faster, which is known as Test Case Prioritization (TCP). TCP techniques are commonly classified into two categories, dynamic and static techniques. A set of empirical studies has been conducted to examine and understand different TCP techniques, but there is a clear gap in existing studies. No study has compared static techniques against dynamic techniques and comprehensively examined the impact of test granularity, program size, fault characteristics, and the similarities in terms of fault detection on TCP techniques. Thus, this dissertation presents an empirical study to thoroughly compare static and dynamic TCP techniques in terms of effectiveness, efficiency, and similarity of uncovered faults at different granularities on a large set of real-world programs, and further analyze the potential impact of program size and fault characteristics on TCP evaluation. Moreover, in the prior work, TCP techniques have been typically evaluated against synthetic software defects, called mutants. For this reason, it is currently unclear whether TCP performance on mutants would be representative of the performance achieved on real faults. to answer this fundamental question, this dissertation presents the first empirical study that investigates TCP performance when applied to both real-world faults and mutation faults for understanding the representativeness of mutants

    KD-ART: Should we intensify or diversify tests to kill mutants?

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    CONTEXT: Adaptive Random Testing (ART) spreads test cases evenly over the input domain. Yet once a fault is found, decisions must be made to diversify or intensify subsequent inputs. Diversification employs a wide range of tests to increase the chances of finding new faults. Intensification selects test inputs similar to those previously shown to be successful. OBJECTIVE: Explore the trade-off between diversification and intensification to kill mutants. METHOD: We augment Adaptive Random Testing (ART) to estimate the Kernel Density (KD–ART) of input values found to kill mutants. KD–ART was first proposed at the 10th International Workshop on Mutation Analysis. We now extend this work to handle real world non numeric applications. Specifically we incorporate a technique to support programs with input parameters that have composite data types (such as arrays and structs). RESULTS: Intensification is the most effective strategy for the numerical programs (it achieves 8.5% higher mutation score than ART). By contrast, diversification seems more effective for programs with composite inputs. KD–ART kills mutants 15.4 times faster than ART. CONCLUSION: Intensify tests for numerical types, but diversify them for composite types