7,872 research outputs found

    Drawing OWL 2 ontologies with Eddy the editor

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    In this paper we introduce Eddy, a new open-source tool for the graphical editing of OWL~2 ontologies. Eddy is specifically designed for creating ontologies in Graphol, a completely visual ontology language that is equivalent to OWL~2. Thus, in Eddy ontologies are easily drawn as diagrams, rather than written as sets of formulas, as commonly happens in popular ontology design and engineering environments. This makes Eddy particularly suited for usage by people who are more familiar with diagramatic languages for conceptual modeling rather than with typical ontology formalisms, as is often required in non-academic and industrial contexts. Eddy provides intuitive functionalities for specifying Graphol diagrams, guarantees their syntactic correctness, and allows for exporting them in standard OWL 2 syntax. A user evaluation study we conducted shows that Eddy is perceived as an easy and intuitive tool for ontology specification

    Apache Calcite: A Foundational Framework for Optimized Query Processing Over Heterogeneous Data Sources

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    Apache Calcite is a foundational software framework that provides query processing, optimization, and query language support to many popular open-source data processing systems such as Apache Hive, Apache Storm, Apache Flink, Druid, and MapD. Calcite's architecture consists of a modular and extensible query optimizer with hundreds of built-in optimization rules, a query processor capable of processing a variety of query languages, an adapter architecture designed for extensibility, and support for heterogeneous data models and stores (relational, semi-structured, streaming, and geospatial). This flexible, embeddable, and extensible architecture is what makes Calcite an attractive choice for adoption in big-data frameworks. It is an active project that continues to introduce support for the new types of data sources, query languages, and approaches to query processing and optimization.Comment: SIGMOD'1

    Semantic-based policy engineering for autonomic systems

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    This paper presents some important directions in the use of ontology-based semantics in achieving the vision of Autonomic Communications. We examine the requirements of Autonomic Communication with a focus on the demanding needs of ubiquitous computing environments, with an emphasis on the requirements shared with Autonomic Computing. We observe that ontologies provide a strong mechanism for addressing the heterogeneity in user task requirements, managed resources, services and context. We then present two complimentary approaches that exploit ontology-based knowledge in support of autonomic communications: service-oriented models for policy engineering and dynamic semantic queries using content-based networks. The paper concludes with a discussion of the major research challenges such approaches raise

    Bisimulations on data graphs

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    Bisimulation provides structural conditions to characterize indistinguishability from an external observer between nodes on labeled graphs. It is a fundamental notion used in many areas, such as verification, graph-structured databases, and constraint satisfaction. However, several current applications use graphs where nodes also contain data (the so called “data graphs”), and where observers can test for equality or inequality of data values (e.g., asking the attribute ‘name’ of a node to be different from that of all its neighbors). The present work constitutes a first investigation of “data aware” bisimulations on data graphs. We study the problem of computing such bisimulations, based on the observational indistinguishability for XPath —a language that extends modal logics like PDL with tests for data equality— with and without transitive closure operators. We show that in general the problem is PSPACE-complete, but identify several restrictions that yield better complexity bounds (CO- NP, PTIME) by controlling suitable parameters of the problem, namely the amount of non-locality allowed, and the class of models considered (graphs, DAGs, trees). In particular, this analysis yields a hierarchy of tractable fragments.Fil: Abriola, Sergio Alejandro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Oficina de CoordinaciĂłn Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de InvestigaciĂłn En Ciencias de la ComputaciĂłn. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de InvestigaciĂłn En Ciencias de la Computacion; ArgentinaFil: BarcelĂł, Pablo. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: Figueira, Diego. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; FranciaFil: Figueira, Santiago. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Oficina de CoordinaciĂłn Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de InvestigaciĂłn En Ciencias de la ComputaciĂłn. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de InvestigaciĂłn En Ciencias de la Computacion; Argentin

    Event-based media monitoring methodology for Human Rights Watch

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    Executive Summary This report, prepared by a team of researchers from the University of Minnesota for Human Rights Watch (HRW), investigates the use of event-based media monitoring (EMM) to review its application, identify its strengths and weaknesses, and offer suggestions on how HRW can better utilize EMM in its own work. Media monitoring systems include both human-operated (manual) and automated systems, both of which we review throughout the report. The process begins with the selection of news sources, proceeds to the development of a coding manual (for manual searches) or “dictionary” (for automated searches), continues with gathering data, and concludes with the coding of news stories. EMM enables the near real-time tracking of events reported by the media, allowing researchers to get a sense of the scope of and trends in an event, but there are limits to what EMM can accomplish on its own. The media will only cover a portion of a given event, so information will always be missing from EMM data. EMM also introduces research biases of various kinds; mitigating these biases requires careful selection of media sources and clearly defined coding manuals or dictionaries. In manual EMM, coding the gathered data requires human researchers to apply codebook rules in order to collect consistent data from each story they read. In automated EMM, computers apply the dictionary directly to the news stories, automatically picking up the desired information. There are trade-offs in each system. Automated EMM can code stories far more quickly, but the software may incorrectly code stories, requiring manual corrections. Conversely, manual EMM allows for a more nuanced analysis, but the investment of time and effort may diminish the tool’s utility. We believe that both manual and automated EMM, when deployed correctly, can effectively support human rights research and advocacy

    A community based expert system

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    Language Integrated Query in Java for XML and Relational Database

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    XML and relational databases are the most commonly used data-sources for numerous Java-based enterprise applications. The ever-growing dependence of Java-based applications on these technologies calls for developing a uniform means of querying these data-sources in the Java layer such that queries written for any of these technologies look similar and are in fact governed by a single grammar. This thesis implements a new backend system encapsulating querying capabilities over XML and JDBC based relational databases which would complement the translation of queries written using QuEL [1], a language extension to the Java programming language. The QuEL language extension to Java is part of another thesis developed previously and acts as the query language for the back-end implemented in this thesis for XML and relational databases. The benefits of this approach include faster development time and a flat learning curve towards a single query language for various data sources
