19 research outputs found

    Determine Factors in The Use of Syariah Banking Mobile Apps Case Study in Bank Syariah Indonesia

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    This study aims to explore, measure, and analyze the factors that influence the intention to use the Bank Syariah Indonesia Mobile Application in the DKI Jakarta area. Researchers took a sample of 150 respondents using the BSI Mobile Application who are domiciled in DKI Jakarta. The research method used in this research is Structural Equation Modeling Partial Least Square (SEM PLS). where the hypothesis in this study is that there are six factors such as perceived ease of use (EU), perceived usefulness (PU), Trust (TR), expected performance (PE), social influence (SI), facilitating condition (FC), and intention to use behavioral BSI Mobile (BI), where there are two variables that have a positive effect on the intention to use BSI Mobile in the DKI Jakarta area, namely expected performance and facilitating condition. For variables that do not affect behavioral intention to use BSI Mobile, there are four variables, namely perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, trust and social influence. This study proposes several recommendations for developing mobile banking to help customers gain more insight about banks and actively choose the BSI Mobile Application as a reliable transaction method. The reason customers use BSI Mobile is to simplify financial transactions. From six variables, there are two variables namely Expected performance and Social influence that have a very significant effect on behavioral intention to use BSI Mobile in the DKI Jakarta area. A scenario planning was designed as an alternative development strategy for increasing Bank Syariah Indonesia Mobile which is compiled using the TAIDA (Tracking, Analyzing, Imaging, Deciding, Acting) method. Keywords: behavioral intention, expected performance, facilitating condition, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, social influenc

    Factors affecting mobile banking adoption : an empirical study in Gwalior region

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    The aim of this study is to examine the factors which influence customers to adopt mobile banking. Going through the previous literature, four determinant factors have been identified. Individual variable is evaluated using a 5-point Likert-scale. Self-administered quantitative questionnaires were distributed, targeting the respondents in the Gwalior region which falls in central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh, using the primary data collection method. A quantitative research technique was utilized for this exploration. A pilot investigation of 20 respondents was led to confirm the reliability of the questionnaire. Data was analysed using regression tests. The outcomes of this investigation brought the conclusion that perceived utility, perceived convenience, and perceived trust have a positive impact on the behavioural intention to adopt mobile banking whereas perceived financial costs were found to be insignificant. The paper concludes with a discussion of the exploration results and draws out a few implications for future researc

    Factors Affecting Isfahanian Mobile Banking Adoption Based on the Decomposed Theory of Planned Behavior

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    The intention to use mobile banking: Further evidence from Saudi Arabia

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    The purpose of this research paper is to develop and examine a research model to understand the factors that affect the intention to use mobile banking services in Saudi Arabia. Based on a paper-based survey of 253 respondents, the study utilized a Partial Least Squares (PLS) to empirically test the model. The results indicated strong support for the validity of proposed model with 66,7% of the variance in intention to use mobile banking. The results also indicated that compatibility was the strongest facilitator of intention while perceived risk was a barrier to the intention to use mobile banking. Trust had strong negative relationship with perceived risk, indicating that trust may alleviate the risk barrier, which could influence intention to use mobile banking. Contrary to previous research, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use did not have significant effect on intention to use mobile banking. The implications of the findings were discussed and suggestions for future research were presented

    Google dorks: Use cases and adoption study

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    The information age brought about radical changes in our lives. More and more assets are getting connected to the Internet. On the one hand, the connectivity to this ever-growing network of connected devices and assets (the Internet) precipitates more convenience and access to various resources. However, on the downside, the Internet could be the hotbed for malicious actors like hackers, attackers, and cybercriminals’ communities. Continuous Penetration testing and monitoring of the sites, and forums providing illicit digital products and services is a must-do task nowadays. Advanced searching techniques could be employed for discovering such forums and sites. Google dorks that are utilizing Google’s advanced searching techniques could be applied for such purpose. Google dorks could be used for other areas that we will explain during this thesis in more detail like information gathering, vulnerability detection, etc. The purpose of this thesis is to propose advanced searching techniques that will help cybersecurity professionals in information gathering, reconnaissance, vulnerability detection as well as cyber criminal investigative tasks. Further, a usability study has been conducted to examine the acceptance of these techniques among a group of cybersecurity professionals. In this usability study, we will measure the significance of 5 variables in the innovation diffusion model (IDT) namely Complexity, Compatibility, Relative advantage, Trialability, and observability in the adoption of Google dorks for searchrelated tasks for cybersecurity professionals. Keywords: Google dorks, Cybercriminal forums, Information gathering, Dark web, Defaced sites, Innovation diffusion theor

    Mobile banking adoption in peripheral countries : the case of Portugal

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    The present study originates from the theme of innovation, more specifically the innovation of the business model. Over the past few years, business models have gained increasing importance in business and academia because of their extreme importance to the success of any company or entity. In the financial and banking industry, technology has been evolving without any precedents, so banks seek to develop and innovate their business models in order to contribute positively to consumer expectations. Mobile bankig is a successful example. However, a question arises on the demand side, is the consumer ready to adopt such innovation from the banks? This investigation seeks therefore to understand the factors that may explain the adoption of mobile banking as being a bank innovation. To verify the importance of the dimensions of the model, a quantitative exploratory study was carried out through the application of a questionnaire given to adult individuals with a bank account in Portugal. A research model was created resulting from the combination of the variables identified in the Diffusion of Innovation theory, with the variables of perceived risk and personal innovativeness. The results show that the adoption of mobile banking is supported by relative advantage, compatibility, perceived risk and, finally, personal innovativeness

    Os Millennials e o mobile marketing: fatores influenciadores da frequência de uso das aplicações móveis bancárias

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    Em plena era digital, a mobilidade é um requisito cada vez mais exigido por cada um de nós. A tecnologia evoluiu no sentido de fornecer a mobilidade, os millennials acompanharam esta evolução e tornaram-se pioneiros na sua utilização. As empresas perceberam que teriam de desenvolver produtos e serviços que viessem ao encontro das necessidades e desejos dos consumidores, e aliaram-se aos recentes avanços tecnológicos para darem esse passo. O setor bancário já há muito que iniciou a sua caminhada no sentido de dar autonomia e mobilidade aos clientes com o lançamento do serviço de homebanking, no qual os clientes podem aceder a partir de um computador e efetuar operações bancárias. A evolução dos telemóveis e a rápida adesão aos mesmos trouxeram a necessidade de disponibilizar o serviço de homebanking numa aplicação mobile, nascendo assim o mobile banking. O objetivo do presente estudo é a análise da frequência de uso das aplicações de mobile banking e os fatores que podem influenciar a decisão da geração Millennial na adoção deste serviço. A abordagem metodológica adotada é a investigação exploratória aplicando-se o método quantitativo sendo o inquérito baseado na literatura existente sobre a adoção do mobile banking. Os resultados revelam que a perceção de valor e risco, a confiança inicial e as expectativas de performance e esforço são fatores que influenciam a frequência de utilização das aplicações de mobile banking por parte dos millennials. No entanto, não se verificou qualquer relação entre a frequência de uso e a idade dos inquiridos. O presente estudo apresenta utilidade para os responsáveis pelo desenvolvimento de serviços digitais e marketing das instituições bancárias.In full digital age, mobility is a requisite demanded more and more by each one of us. The technology evolved to supply mobility and the millennials followed this evolution to become pioneers of their usage. Companies realized they would need to develop products and services that match the demands and desires of consumers and allied to the recent technological advances to give such step. The banking sector started a movement long ago to give autonomy and mobility to clients with the launch of homebanking services, where clients can access from a computer and do banking operations. The evolution of mobile phones and the fast adherence to them brought a need to make the homebanking service available in a mobile app, therefore mobile banking was born. The goal of this study is the analysis of the frequency of use of mobile banking applications and the factors that may influence the Millennial generation decision of adopting this service. The adopted methodological approach is the exploratory research by the quantitative method, and the survey was based on existing literature about the adoption of mobile banking. The results reveal that the perception of value and risk, the initial trust and the prospects of performance and effort are factors that influence the frequency of use of applications of mobile banking by the millennials. However, it was not verified any relation between the frequency of use and the age of the respondents. This study presents usefulness to the responsible for the development of digital services and marketing of banking institutions

    Factors Affecting the Adoption of Production Digital Printing Technologies by Commercial Printers in India

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    The global print market has been declining. However, recent studies showed that the US print market is finally growing again (EPICOMM, 2015). A report by Drupa (2014) suggested that this is due to the growth in digital printing and the digitalization of media. This trend has given rise to many opportunities such as variable data printing and on-demand printing. Moreover, a shift toward shorter print runs and tighter deadlines has facilitated companies in the US printing industry to adopt digital printing technologies. Research shows a similar trend in Europe as well (Pira, 2012). However, the penetration of digital printing technologies varies by geographic regions. Research by Drupa (2014) indicates that while US and Europe possess the highest rate of adoption, developing regions such as India have just started to grasp these opportunities. Thus, this thesis aims at examining the factors affecting the adoption of production digital printing (PDP) technologies by commercial printers in India. The increasing value of the Indian print industry (Chander, 2012), along with the growing economy (The World Bank Group, 2015) made India a good region for the study. Online web surveys were sent to 802 Indian commercial printers, of which 132 were returned giving a response rate of 16.46%. Most (93%) of the responders showed moderate to high awareness on the benefits of PDP technologies. The survey data were analyzed using binary logistic regression, which also presented the odds ratio to rank the factors in their order of importance with respect to the adoption decision. The independent variables included factors from Rogers’ (1996) Diffusion of Innovations as well as two factors from Davis’ (1989) Technology Acceptance Model. While Relative advantage was found to be the strongest factor positively affecting the adoption of PDP technologies, complexity had a strong negative effect on adoption. Compatibility, observability, and perceived ease-of-use were other significant factors positively affecting the adoption. Trialability and perceived usefulness were found to be insignificant. These factors were measured using 5-point Likert scales. On the other hand, the dichotomous dependent variable of adoption was measured by the responses to the simple questions, “Do you currently use production digital printing technologies?” and “Do you plan to adopt production digital printing technologies?” This study indicated that 61.36% of the commercial printers surveyed were currently using PDP technologies, with 66.67% of non-adopters planning on adopting the technology in the next 36 months. Dry toner EP was the most widely adopted PDP technology. This study likely helps suppliers in the Indian printing industry understand commercial printers and their readiness to adopt PDP technologies. As a solutions supplier in the Indian print industry, the author was extremely interested in service providers’ receptivity to incorporate new technologies in their companies. Ultimately, the study suggested that both print services providers and suppliers must give utmost priority to education and training related to PDP technologies

    An integrated model for m-banking adoption in Saudi Arabia

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    YesPurpose The purpose of this paper is to identify and examine the most important factors that could predict the Saudi customer’s continued intention towards adoption of mobile banking. Design/methodology/approach The proposed conceptual model was based on the technology acceptance model (TAM) and task-technology fit (TTF) model. This is also expanded by considering two additional factors: perceived privacy and perceived security. By using a self-administered questionnaire, the data were collected from a convenience sample of Saudi banking customers from different parts of Saudi Arabia. Findings The main results based on structural equation modelling analyses supported the impact of perceived privacy, perceived security, perceived usefulness and TTF on the customers’ continued intention to use mobile banking. Research limitations/implications The moderation influence of the demographic factors (i.e. age, gender, income level, educational level) was not tested. The data were also collected using a self-report questionnaire; however, it would be more accurate to utilise more statistics from the bank database about the users of m-banking. Originality/value This study represents a worthy attempt to test such novel technology (m-banking) in the KSA where there is a scarcity of literature. A considerable theoretical contribution was also made by integrating the TTF model with the TAM in addition to consider privacy and security in one single model. Moreover, considering both perceived privacy and security in the current model creates an accurate picture about the adoption of m-banking especially as there are a limited number of m-banking studies that have considered privacy and security alongside the TTF model and TAM in the same model

    Factors that influence the adoption of mobile banking financial services in Nairobi County, Kenya.

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    Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Business Administration at Strathmore UniversityThis study sought to establish the factors influencing the adoption of mobile banking in Nairobi County. The specific objectives of the study included establishing how the perceived ease of use, perceived risk, perceived usefulness and how social influence affects mobile banking adoption by bank customers. The research focused on 43 commercial banks with branches within Nairobi Central Business District and formed the population of the study. For each of the 43 banks in Nairobi the biggest in terms of customer size was chosen. The researcher randomly picked five respondents from the odd numbered banks that were 21, leading to a sample size of 110 respondents. The study was underpinned by the theories of adoption of technology and theories that support the adoption of mobile banking. The research design that was adopted was a descriptive and correlation research design. Primary data was collected through the use of a questionnaire with both closed and open ended questions. The descriptive analysis adopted, involved the use of tables, pie charts, percentages, mean and standard deviation to summarize the respondents‟ answers, and answer the four research questions. Results indicated that out of the four factors, perceived ease of use of mobile banking and social influence of mobile banking had a positive and statistically significant influence in adoption of mobile banking in Nairobi. On the other hand, perceived usefulness of mobile banking, and perceived risk of mobile banking were found to have positive and negative effects respectively but they both had a statistically non-significant influence on the adoption of mobile banking in Nairobi. The study recommends that financial institutions should invest in more easy to use technology as well as social innovations geared towards improving customer image in order to enhance mobile banking adoption in Nairobi County