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    [EN] Climate change is one of the short term threats for the humanity because it can affect seriously to the environment and, consequently, to vegetal and animal life. If it is not stopped in next years, maybe this effect will be irreversible. Climate change is produced by anthropogenic emissions of Greenhouse Gas to Earth's atmosphere. Vapour compression systems are one of the main contributors to this phenomenon. Among them, commercial refrigeration applications, through HFC usage, can be highlighted. Since 1990s, developed countries supermarkets are using refrigerants (mainly R134a, R404A and R507A) with great impact (high GWP values) on the climate change due to leakages, especially from parallel compressor rack DX systems. Recently, some regulations and directives have been approved to limit GWP values of HFC used in most extended refrigeration and air conditioning applications, directly affecting to commercial refrigeration. In this thesis, some low-GWP alternatives to replace the most commonly used HFC refrigerants in commercial refrigeration are evaluated, taking into account the limitations imposed by these regulations. To carry out this evaluation, the current status of parallel compressor rack refrigeration systems and their fluids has been reviewed. Then, the different low-GWP options to replace R134a and R404A have been studied. HFOs and their mixtures with HFC have been highlighted as the most promising drop-in or retrofit alternatives. Thus, R1234yf, R1234ze(E) and R450A were proposed to replace R134a and R448A to substitute R404A. The theoretical performance of the different low-GWP alternative fluids, as an overview of their potential use, has been studied at typical parallel compressor rack refrigeration operating conditions using the basic thermodynamic vapour compression cycle. Given the good theoretical performance of these refrigerants, they have been tested in a vapour compression test bench. From the experimental results it is depicted that R1234yf and R1234ze(E) are not acceptable as drop-in or light retrofit refrigerants from an energetic point of view. These fluids, when used in R134a systems, require system modifications (more severe in the case of R1234ze(E)) to achieve acceptable energy efficiency values. Moreover, due to the large refrigerant charge in PCRRS, both HFOs could present problems relating to security. Thus, while R450A presents a GWP value of 547, it appears as the best option to replace R134a due to the similar energy efficiency and properties. Its experimental mass flow rate and cooling capacity are slightly lower than R134a, but the final COP is approximately the same. The best R450A results when compared to R134a are obtained at higher CRs. Although can obtain better efficiency results in new systems, with a minor TXV adjustment R448A shows very high performance when it is used in R404A systems. Despite R448A lower cooling capacity than that R404A, this HFC/HFO mixture can achieve great CO2 equivalent emission reductions and it is recommended as lower-GWP replacement for R404A.[ES] El cambio climático es una amenaza para la humanidad ya que puede afectar seriamente al medio ambiente y, en consecuencia, a la vida animal y vegetal. Si en los próximos años no se actúa para detenerlo, tal vez este efecto sea irreversible. Entre otros factores, el incremento de la temperatura global es producido por las emisiones antropogénicas de gases de efecto invernadero a la atmósfera. La refrigeración comercial, basada en sistemas de compresión de vapor, contribuye de forma relevante a este fenómeno a través del uso de fluidos sintéticos como refrigerantes y del consumo de energía eléctrica procedente de combustibles fósiles. Desde la última década del siglo XX, los supermercados de países desarrollados utilizan HFCs como fluidos de trabajo, principalmente R134a, R404A y R507A. Estos gases, de alto potencial de calentamiento atmosférico (PCA), contribuyen al cambio climático al fugarse accidentalmente de los sistemas de refrigeración, destacando las centrales de compresores en paralelo conectadas a sistemas de expansión directa. El valor máximo de PCA de los HFCs utilizados en aplicaciones de refrigeración y aire acondicionado va a ser controlado por normativas comunitarias, afectando directamente a los fluidos usados comúnmente en refrigeración comercial. Esta tesis evalúa diferentes alternativas de bajo PCA para sustituir los refrigerantes HFC más utilizados en refrigeración comercial, teniendo en cuenta las limitaciones impuestas por las normativas actuales. Para llevar a cabo dicho estudio, se revisa el estado actual de los sistemas de centrales de compresores en paralelo y sus fluidos. A continuación, se analizan las diferentes opciones de bajo PCA para sustituir al R134a y R404A. Al destacar los HFOs y sus mezclas con HFCs como alternativas para realizar un reemplazo con pocas modificaciones del sistema (propiedades similares); R1234yf, R1234ze(E) y R450A son propuestos para sustituir al R134a y R448A para R404A. El rendimiento teórico de los diferentes fluidos alternativos de bajo PCA, para obtener una visión general del potencial de su uso, se estudia simulando las condiciones operativas típicas de las centrales de compresores en paralelo, usando el ciclo termodinámico de compresión de vapor básico. Dado el buen rendimiento mostrado por estos refrigerantes, son ensayados en un banco de pruebas de compresión de vapor. De los resultados experimentales se observa que R1234yf y R1234ze(E) no son aceptables desde un punto de vista energético como sustitutivos directos o con menores modificaciones. Dichos fluidos, cuando son utilizados en sistemas de R134a, requieren modificaciones del sistema (más severas en el caso del R1234ze(E)) para alcanzar valores aceptables de eficiencia energética. Por otra parte, debido a la gran carga necesaria en PCRRS, ambos HFOs podrían presentar problemas en cuanto a la seguridad. Así, mientras que el R450A presenta un valor de PCA de 547, aparece como la mejor opción para sustituir al R134a debido a una eficiencia energética y propiedades similares. El caudal másico y la capacidad frigorífica del R450A son ligeramente inferiores en comparación con las del R134a, pero por otra parte, el COP resultante es aproximadamente el mismo. Los mejores resultados obtenidos para R450A son obtenidas a altas tasas de compresión. Aunque puede ser obtenida una eficiencia energética más alta en sistemas de nuevo diseño, con sólo un ajuste menor de la válvula de expansión termostática, el R448A muestra valores muy altos de rendimiento en sistemas utilizados con R404A. A pesar de que la capacidad frigorífica del R448A es menor que la del R404A, esta mezcla de HFC y HFO puede dar lugar a grandes reducciones de emisiones de CO2 equivalentes, siendo así recomendado como reemplazo del R404A con menor PCA.[CA] El canvi climàtic és una amenaça per a la humanitat ja que pot afectar seriosament el medi ambient i, en conseqüència, la vida animal i vegetal. Si en els propers anys no s'actua per aturar-lo, potser aquest efecte siga irreversible. Entre altres factors, l'increment de la temperatura global és produït per les emissions antropogèniques de gasos d'efecte hivernacle a l'atmosfera. La refrigeració comercial, basada en sistemes de compressió de vapor, contribueix de manera rellevant a aquest fenomen per l'ús de fluids sintètics com refrigerants i pel consum d'energia elèctrica procedent de combustibles fòssils. Des de l'última dècada del segle XX, els supermercats dels països desenvolupats utilitzen HFCs com fluids de treball, principalment R134a, R404A i R507A. Aquests gasos, d'alt potencial d'escalfament atmosfèric (PCA en castellà), contribueixen al canvi climàtic quan s'escapen accidentalment dels sistemes de refrigeració. D'aquest tipus de sistemes destaquen com a grans emissors de diòxid de carboni les centrals de compressors en paral·lel connectades a sistemes d'expansió directa. El valor màxim de PCA dels HFCs utilitzats en aplicacions de refrigeració i aire condicionat serà controlat per normatives comunitàries, cosa que afectarà directament els fluids utilitzats a la gran majoria de sistemes de refrigeració comercial. Aquesta tesi avalua diferents alternatives de baix PCA per substituir els refrigerants HFC més utilitzats en refrigeració comercial sense oblidar les limitacions imposades per les normatives actuals. Per dur a terme aquest estudi, es revisa l'estat actual dels sistemes de centrals de compressors en paral·lel i els seus fluids. A continuació, s'analitzen les diferents opcions de baix PCA per substituir l'R134a i l'R404A. Els HFOs i les seves mescles amb HFCs com alternatives destaquen per permetre una substitució amb poques modificacions del sistema (propietats similars); R1234yf, R1234ze(E) i R450A són proposats per substituir l'R134a i R448A per l'R404A. Per obtenir una visió general del potencial de l'ús dels diferents fluids alternatius de baix PCA, s'estudia el seu rendiment teòric mitjançant una simulació de les condicions operatives típiques de les centrals de compressors en paral·lel. Per a aquesta simulació s'empra el cicle termodinàmic de compressió de vapor bàsic. Com a conseqüència del bon rendiment mostrat per aquests refrigerants, són assajats en un banc de proves de compressió de vapor. Dels resultats experimentals s'observa que R1234yf i R1234ze(E) no són acceptables des d'un punt de vista energètic com a substitutius directes o amb menors modificacions. Aquests fluids, quan són utilitzats en sistemes de R134a, requereixen modificacions del sistema (més severes en el cas de l'R1234ze(E)) per assolir valors acceptables d'eficiència energètica. D'altra banda, a causa de la gran càrrega necessària en PCRRS, tots dos HFOs podrien presentar problemes en temes de seguretat. Així, mentre que el R450A presenta un valor de PCA de 547, apareix com la millor opció per substituir l'R134a a causa de una eficiència energètica i propietats similars. El cabal màssic i la capacitat frigorífica de l'R450A són lleugerament inferiors en comparació amb les de l'R134a, però d'altra banda, el COP resultant és aproximadament el mateix. Els millors resultats de l'R450A són obtinguts a altes taxes de compressió. Tot i que pot ser obtinguda una eficiència energètica més alta en sistemes de nou disseny, amb només un ajust menor de la vàlvula d'expansió termostàtica, l'R448A mostra valors molt alts de rendiment en sistemes utilitzats amb R404A. Encara que la capacitat frigorífica de l'R448A és menor que la de l'R404A, aquesta barreja de HFCs i HFO pot aconseguir grans reduccions d'emissions de CO2 equivalents, i es per tant es recomanada com a reemplaçament amb menor PCA de l'R404A.Mota Babiloni, A. (2016). ANALYSIS OF LOW GLOBAL WARMING POTENTIAL FLUORIDE WORKING FLUIDS IN VAPOUR COMPRESSION SYSTEMS. EXPERIMENTAL EVALUATION OF COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION ALTERNATIVES [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/62680TESISPremios Extraordinarios de tesis doctorale

    Redistributed manufacturing in healthcare: Creating new value through disruptive innovation

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    The RiHN White Paper is the first serious attempt to gather expertise and to explore applications in promising areas of healthcare that could benefit from RDM and covers early-stage user needs, challenges and priorities. The UK has an opportunity to lead in this area and RiHN has identified an extensive number of areas for fruitful R&D, crossing production technology, infrastructure, business and organisations. The paper serves as a foundation for discussing future technological roadmaps and engaging the wider community and stakeholders, as well as policy makers, in addressing the potential impact of RDM.The RiHN White Paper is of particular value to policy makers and funders seeking to specify action and to direct attention where it is needed. The White Paper is also useful for the research community, to support their proposals with credible research propositions and to show where collaboration with industry and the public sector will deliver the most benefits.In order to seize the opportunities presented by RDM RiHN proposes a bold new agenda that incorporates a whole healthcare system view of future implementation pathways and wider transformation implications. The priority areas for Future R&D can be summarised as follows: throughAutomated production platform technologies and supporting manufacturing infrastructuresAdvances in analytics and metrologyNew regulatory frameworks and governance pathwaysNew frameworks for business model and organisational transformationThe time to take action is now. Technologies are developing that have the potential to disrupt traditional healthcare pathways and offer therapies tailored to individual needs and physiological characteristics. The challenge is seizing this opportunity and make the UK a world leader in RDM

    BORDER: a Benchmarking Framework for Distributed MQTT Brokers

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    Vibration edge computing in maritime IoT

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    IoT and the Cloud are among the most disruptive changes in the way we use data today. These changes have not significantly influenced practices in condition monitoring for shipping. This is partly due to the cost of continuous data transmission. Several vessels are already equipped with a network of sensors. However, continuous monitoring is often not utilised and onshore visibility is obscured. Edge computing is a promising solution but there is a challenge sustaining the required accuracy for predictive maintenance. We investigate the use of IoT systems and Edge computing, evaluating the impact of the proposed solution on the decision making process. Data from a sensor and the NASA-IMS open repository were used to show the effectiveness of the proposed system and to evaluate it in a realistic maritime application. The results demonstrate our real-time dynamic intelligent reduction of transmitted data volume by without sacrificing specificity or sensitivity in decision making. The output of the Decision Support System fully corresponds to the monitored system's actual operating condition and the output when the raw data are used instead. The results demonstrate that the proposed more efficient approach is just as effective for the decision making process

    Towards video streaming in IoT environments: vehicular communication perspective

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    Multimedia oriented Internet of Things (IoT) enables pervasive and real-time communication of video, audio and image data among devices in an immediate surroundings. Today's vehicles have the capability of supporting real time multimedia acquisition. Vehicles with high illuminating infrared cameras and customized sensors can communicate with other on-road devices using dedicated short-range communication (DSRC) and 5G enabled communication technologies. Real time incidence of both urban and highway vehicular traffic environment can be captured and transmitted using vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communication modes. Video streaming in vehicular IoT (VSV-IoT) environments is in growing stage with several challenges that need to be addressed ranging from limited resources in IoT devices, intermittent connection in vehicular networks, heterogeneous devices, dynamism and scalability in video encoding, bandwidth underutilization in video delivery, and attaining application-precise quality of service in video streaming. In this context, this paper presents a comprehensive review on video streaming in IoT environments focusing on vehicular communication perspective. Specifically, significance of video streaming in vehicular IoT environments is highlighted focusing on integration of vehicular communication with 5G enabled IoT technologies, and smart city oriented application areas for VSV-IoT. A taxonomy is presented for the classification of related literature on video streaming in vehicular network environments. Following the taxonomy, critical review of literature is performed focusing on major functional model, strengths and weaknesses. Metrics for video streaming in vehicular IoT environments are derived and comparatively analyzed in terms of their usage and evaluation capabilities. Open research challenges in VSV-IoT are identified as future directions of research in the area. The survey would benefit both IoT and vehicle industry practitioners and researchers, in terms of augmenting understanding of vehicular video streaming and its IoT related trends and issues

    Identifying and Scoping Context-Specific Use Cases For Blockchain-Enabled Systems in the Wild.

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    Advances in technology often provide a catalyst for digital innovation. Arising from the global banking crisis at the end of the first decade of the 21st Century, decentralised and distributed systems have seen a surge in growth and interest. Blockchain technology, the foundation of the decentralised virtual currency Bitcoin, is one such catalyst. The main component of a blockchain, is its public record of verified, timestamped transactions maintained in an append-only, chain-like, data structure. This record is replicated across n-nodes in a network of co-operating participants. This distribution offers a public proof of transactions verified in the past. Beyond tokens and virtual currency, real-world use cases for blockchain technology are in need of research and development. The challenge in this proof-of-concept research is to identify an orchestration model of innovation that leads to the successful development of software artefacts that utilise blockchain technology. These artefacts must maximise the potential of the technology and enhance the real-world business application. An original two phase orchestration model is defined. The model includes both a discovery and implementation phase and implements state-of-the-art process innovation frameworks: Capability Maturity Modelling, Business Process Redesign, Open Innovation and Distributed Digital Innovation. The model succeeds in its aim to generate feasible problem-solution design pairings to be implemented as blockchain enabled software systems. Three systems are developed: an internal supply-chain management system, a crowd-source sponsorship model for individual players on a team and a proof-of-origin smart tag system. The contribution is to have defined an innovation model through which context-specific blockchain usecases can be identified and scoped in the wild

    COOLFACADE: Architectural Integration of Solar Cooling Technologies in the Building Envelope

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    The thesis ‘COOLFACADE – Architectural integration of solar cooling strategies in the building envelope’ aims to shed light on the possibilities and constraints for architectural integration of solar cooling systems in façades, in order to support the design of climate responsive architectural products for office buildings as self-sufficient alternatives to conventional air-conditioning systems. Increasing cooling needs in the built environment present an important and complex challenge for the design of sustainable buildings and cities. Even though the first course of action should always aim to reduce energy consumption through saving measures and passive design, this is often not enough to avoid mechanical equipment altogether, particularly in the case of office buildings in warm climate contexts. Solar cooling technologies have been increasingly explored, as an environmentally friendly alternative to harmful refrigerants used within vapour compression systems; while also being driven by solar, thus, renewable energy. The principles behind some of these technologies have been researched for over a century, reaching mature solutions and components, and being recognised as promising alternatives to common air-conditioning units. Nonetheless, building application remains mostly limited to demonstration projects and pilot experiences. Recently, façade integrated concepts have been explored, as a way to promote widespread application throughout the development of multifunctional building components. However, while these are regarded as relevant and promising standalone concepts, further research is still needed to assess the integration potential of diverse solar cooling technologies, and identify barriers to overcome, in order to promote the widespread application of solar cooling components in the built environment. The aim of this research project is to explore the possibilities and constraints for architectural integration of solar cooling strategies in façades, in order to support the design of climate responsive architectural products for office buildings, without compromising the thermal comfort of users. The underlying hypothesis then is that self-sufficient solar cooling integrated facades may be a promising alternative to conventional centralised air-conditioning systems widely used in office buildings in warm climates. Most research efforts on solar cooling currently deal with the optimisation of the systems in terms of their performance, testing new materials and simplifying their operation to increase reported efficiencies. However, there is a lack of knowledge on the requirements and current limits for widespread façade application. In order to achieve the research goal and comprehensively assess the façade integration potential of solar technologies and discuss current barriers, different aspects must be acknowledged. These distinct aspects are addressed through several research questions, which in turn define the different chapters of the dissertation. Introduction and conclusions aside, the research body is structured on three sequential parts, with 2-3 chapters each. The first part deals with the state-of-the-art in the field and the theoretical framework, laying the groundwork for the following sections. The second part explores different aspects required as input for façade integration; while the third part comprises the evaluation of solar cooling technologies in terms of current possibilities and constraints for the development of integrated façades, based on the inputs identified in the second part. Furthermore, all chapters were published or submitted for publication as scientific articles in peer review academic journals. The first part considers two chapters that lay the foundations for the research project, The first chapter after the introduction expands the background of the dissertation by identifying knowledge gaps and research trends while contributing to the generation of a reference database of research experiences, throughout a systematic literature review of cooling research in office buildings during the last 25 years. On the other hand, the following chapter delves specifically in the main themes addressed within the dissertation, proposing a framework for the understanding of solar cooling integrated façades. This considers the theoretical discussion of the concept of architectural façade integration; and the identification of the main working principles and technical components from most common solar cooling technologies, based on a state-of-the-art review. The second part explores different required inputs for façade integration. Design and construction requirements for façade integration are explored; while the response from façade design parameters to various climate conditions is assessed in parallel. The exploration of design and construction requirements is conducted through the identification of the main perceived problems for the façade integration of building services and solar technologies, by means of a survey addressed to façade professionals. On the other hand, a separate chapter explores the relation between climate conditions and cooling requirements in office buildings, evaluating the potential impact of several passive cooling strategies in various warm climates, as a first step before considering further technologies. This was conducted through the statistical analysis of reported research experiences, and dynamic energy simulations of a base scenario using specialised software. The third part of the dissertation consists of two chapters that incorporate previous outcomes for the evaluation of selected solar cooling technologies in terms of current possibilities and constraints for the development of integrated façades. The first of these chapters showcases a qualitative evaluation of the façade integration potential of several solar cooling technologies, based on a comprehensive review of key aspects of each technology and their prospects to overcome the identified barriers for façade integration. This is complemented by a feasibility assessment of integrated concepts in several climates, throughout numerical calculations based on climate data and building scenarios simulated with specialised software; showcased in the following and final chapter. The driving force of the research project is the intention to test the limits of solar cooling integration in façades, showcasing current possibilities while identifying technical constrains and barriers to overcome for the widespread application of integrated façade concepts. Although interesting prospects were identified in this dissertation, important technical constraints need to be solved to conceive a façade component fail-tested for application in buildings. Furthermore, several barriers related to the façade design and development process would need to be tackled in order to introduce architectural products such as these into the building market. The identification and discussion of these barriers, along with the definition of technology driven development paths and recommendations for the generation of distinct architectural products, are regarded as the main outcomes of this dissertation, serving as a compass to guide further explorations in the topic, under an overall environmentally conscious design approach

    Comparative study of healthcare messaging standards for interoperability in ehealth systems

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    Advances in the information and communication technology have created the field of "health informatics," which amalgamates healthcare, information technology and business. The use of information systems in healthcare organisations dates back to 1960s, however the use of technology for healthcare records, referred to as Electronic Medical Records (EMR), management has surged since 1990’s (Net-Health, 2017) due to advancements the internet and web technologies. Electronic Medical Records (EMR) and sometimes referred to as Personal Health Record (PHR) contains the patient’s medical history, allergy information, immunisation status, medication, radiology images and other medically related billing information that is relevant. There are a number of benefits for healthcare industry when sharing these data recorded in EMR and PHR systems between medical institutions (AbuKhousa et al., 2012). These benefits include convenience for patients and clinicians, cost-effective healthcare solutions, high quality of care, resolving the resource shortage and collecting a large volume of data for research and educational needs. My Health Record (MyHR) is a major project funded by the Australian government, which aims to have all data relating to health of the Australian population stored in digital format, allowing clinicians to have access to patient data at the point of care. Prior to 2015, MyHR was known as Personally Controlled Electronic Health Record (PCEHR). Though the Australian government took consistent initiatives there is a significant delay (Pearce and Haikerwal, 2010) in implementing eHealth projects and related services. While this delay is caused by many factors, interoperability is identified as the main problem (Benson and Grieve, 2016c) which is resisting this project delivery. To discover the current interoperability challenges in the Australian healthcare industry, this comparative study is conducted on Health Level 7 (HL7) messaging models such as HL7 V2, V3 and FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources). In this study, interoperability, security and privacy are main elements compared. In addition, a case study conducted in the NSW Hospitals to understand the popularity in usage of health messaging standards was utilised to understand the extent of use of messaging standards in healthcare sector. Predominantly, the project used the comparative study method on different HL7 (Health Level Seven) messages and derived the right messaging standard which is suitable to cover the interoperability, security and privacy requirements of electronic health record. The issues related to practical implementations, change over and training requirements for healthcare professionals are also discussed


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    The thesis ‘COOLFACADE – Architectural integration of solar cooling strategies in the building envelope’ aims to shed light on the possibilities and constraints for architectural integration of solar cooling systems in façades, in order to support the design of climate responsive architectural products for office buildings as self-sufficient alternatives to conventional air-conditioning systems. Increasing cooling needs in the built environment present an important and complex challenge for the design of sustainable buildings and cities. Even though the first course of action should always aim to reduce energy consumption through saving measures and passive design, this is often not enough to avoid mechanical equipment altogether, particularly in the case of office buildings in warm climate contexts. Solar cooling technologies have been increasingly explored, as an environmentally friendly alternative to harmful refrigerants used within vapour compression systems; while also being driven by solar, thus, renewable energy. The principles behind some of these technologies have been researched for over a century, reaching mature solutions and components, and being recognised as promising alternatives to common  air-conditioning units. Nonetheless, building application remains mostly limited to demonstration projects and pilot experiences. Recently, façade integrated concepts have been explored, as a way to promote widespread application throughout the development of multifunctional building components. However, while these are regarded as relevant and promising standalone concepts, further research is still needed to assess the integration potential of diverse solar cooling technologies, and identify barriers to overcome, in order to promote the widespread application of solar cooling components in the built environment. The aim of this research project is to explore the possibilities and constraints for architectural integration of solar cooling strategies in façades, in order to support the design of climate responsive architectural products for office buildings, without compromising the thermal comfort of users. The underlying hypothesis then is that self-sufficient solar cooling integrated facades may be a promising alternative to conventional centralised air-conditioning systems widely used in office buildings in warm climates. Most research efforts on solar cooling currently deal with the optimisation of the systems in terms of their performance, testing new materials and simplifying their operation to increase reported efficiencies. However, there is a lack of knowledge on the requirements and current limits for widespread façade application. In order to achieve the research goal and comprehensively assess the façade integration potential of solar technologies and discuss current barriers, different aspects must be acknowledged. These distinct aspects are addressed through several research questions, which in turn define the different chapters of the dissertation. Introduction and conclusions aside, the research body is structured on three sequential parts, with 2-3 chapters each. The first part deals with the state-of-the-art in the field and the theoretical framework, laying the groundwork for the following sections. The second part explores different aspects required as input for façade integration; while the third part comprises the evaluation of solar cooling technologies in terms of current possibilities and constraints for the development of integrated façades, based on the inputs identified in the second part. Furthermore, all chapters were published or submitted for publication as scientific articles in peer review academic journals. The first part considers two chapters that lay the foundations for the research project, The first chapter after the introduction expands the background of the dissertation by identifying knowledge gaps and research trends while contributing to the generation of a reference database of research experiences, throughout a systematic literature review of cooling research in office buildings during the last 25 years. On the other hand, the following chapter delves specifically in the main themes addressed within the dissertation, proposing a framework for the understanding of solar cooling integrated façades. This considers the theoretical discussion of the concept of architectural façade integration; and the identification of the main working principles and technical components from most common solar cooling technologies, based on a state-of-the-art review. The second part explores different required inputs for façade integration. Design and construction requirements for façade integration are explored; while the response from façade design parameters to various climate conditions is assessed in parallel. The exploration of design and construction requirements is conducted through the identification of the main perceived problems for the façade integration of building services and solar technologies, by means of a survey addressed to façade professionals. On the other hand, a separate chapter explores the relation between climate conditions and cooling requirements in office buildings, evaluating the potential impact of several passive cooling strategies in various warm climates, as a first step before considering further technologies. This was conducted through the statistical analysis of reported research experiences, and dynamic energy simulations of a base scenario using specialised software. The third part of the dissertation consists of two chapters that incorporate previous outcomes for the evaluation of selected solar cooling technologies in terms of current possibilities and constraints for the development of integrated façades. The first of these chapters showcases a qualitative evaluation of the façade integration potential of several solar cooling technologies, based on a comprehensive review of key aspects of each technology and their prospects to overcome the identified barriers for façade integration. This is complemented by a feasibility assessment of integrated concepts in several climates, throughout numerical calculations based on climate data and building scenarios simulated with specialised software; showcased in the following and final chapter. The driving force of the research project is the intention to test the limits of solar cooling integration in façades, showcasing current possibilities while identifying technical constrains and barriers to overcome for the widespread application of integrated façade concepts. Although interesting prospects were identified in this dissertation, important technical constraints need to be solved to conceive a façade component fail-tested for application in buildings. Furthermore, several barriers related to the façade design and development process would need to be tackled in order to introduce architectural products such as these into the building market. The identification and discussion of these barriers, along with the definition of technology driven development paths and recommendations for the generation of distinct architectural products, are regarded as the main outcomes of this dissertation, serving as a compass to guide further explorations in the topic, under an overall environmentally conscious design approach. &nbsp

    BORDER: A Benchmarking Framework for Distributed MQTT Brokers

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    [EN] Message queuing telemetry transport (MQTT), one of the most popular application layer protocols for the Internet of Things, works according to a publish/subscribe paradigm where clients connect to a centralized broker. Sometimes (e.g., in high scalability and low-latency applications), it is required to depart from such a centralized approach and move to a distributed one, where multiple MQTT brokers cooperate together. Many MQTT brokers (both open source or commercially available) allow to create such a distributed environment: however, it is challenging to select the right solution due to the many available choices. This article proposes, therefore benchmarking framework for distributed MQTT brokers (BORDER), a framework for creating and evaluating distributed architectures of MQTT brokers with realistic and customizable network topologies. Based on isolated Docker containers and emulated network components, the framework provides quantitative metrics about the overall system performance, such as End-to-End latency as well as network and physical resources consumed. We use BORDER to compare five of the most popular MQTT brokers that allow the creation of distributed architectures and we release it as an open-source project to allow for reproducible researches.This work was supported in part by the Project BASE5G under Project 1155850 funded by Regione Lombardia within the framework POR FESR 2014-2020.Longo, E.; Redondi, A.; Cesana, M.; Manzoni, P. (2022). BORDER: A Benchmarking Framework for Distributed MQTT Brokers. IEEE Internet of Things. 9(18):17728-17740. https://doi.org/10.1109/JIOT.2022.3155872177281774091