6 research outputs found

    Comparative study of Radio Mobile and ICS Telecom propagation prediction models for DVB-T

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    In this paper, a comparative study between the results of a measurement campaign conducted in northern Greece and simulations performed with Radio Mobile and ICS Telecom radio planning tools is performed. The DVB-T coverage of a transmitting station located near the city of Thessaloniki is estimated using three empirical propagation models (NTIA-ITS Longley Rice, ITU-R P.1546 and Okumura-Hata-Davidson) and one deterministic model (ITU-R 525/526). The best results in terms of minimum average error and standard deviation are obtained using the deterministic model and the NTIA-ITS Longley Rice empirical model. In order to improve the results, the tuning options available in the ICS Telecom software are used on the Okumura-Hata-Davidson model, leading to a significant increase in accuracy

    A novel optimal small cells deployment for next-generation cellular networks

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    Small-cell-deployments have pulled cellular operators to boost coverage and capacity in high-demand areas (for example, downtown hot spots). The location of these small cells (SCs) should be determined in order to achieve successful deployments. In this paper, we propose a new approach that optimizes small cells deployment in cellular networks to achieve three objectives: reduce the total cost of network installation, balancing the allocation of resources, i.e. placement of each SC and their transmitted power, and providing optimal coverage area with a lower amount of interference between adjacent stations. An accurate formula was obtained to determine the optimum number of SC deployment (NSC). Finally, we derive a mathematical expression to calculate the critical-handoff-point (CHP) for neighboring wireless stations

    Design of a monitoring network of meteorological variables related to tornadoes in Barranquilla-Colombia and its metropolitan area

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    El presente trabajo muestra la incidencia de los tornados más representativos registrados desde el 1993 en el departamento del Atlántico ubicado al norte de Colombia que ha dejado grandes pérdidas materiales y económicas. Ante ello, se propone el diseño de un prototipo de sistema de monitorización de variables meteorológicas asociadas a la aparición de tornados en zonas donde se han presentado estos fenómenos atmosféricos para que los valores almacenados sirvan para su estudio y posterior predicción. Se emplea una red de sensores inalámbricos compuesta por cuatro nodos y un sumidero usando la plataforma Waspmote y módulos Xbee-PRO ZB (S2) para adquisición de datos y transmisión de la información. Se muestra la ubicación los nodos y la estabilidad de los datos obtenidos por los diferentes sensores del sistema.This paper shows the incidence of the most representative tornadoes since 1993 registered on the Atldntico's department, located in the north of Colombia; they have left thousands of material and economic losses. For this reason, it is proposed the design of a prototype system for monitoring meteorological variables associated with the occurrence of tornadoes in areas where they have occurred, to use the registered values in its study and following prediction. This system is based in a wireless sensor network, comprised of four sensor nodes and a sink node using the Waspmote platform and Xbee-PRO ZB (S2) modules for data acquisition and transmission respectively. The location of nodes and the stability of the data obtained by the different sensors in the system are also showed in the current work

    The relationship between choice of spectrum sensing device and secondary-user intrusion in database-driven cognitive radio systems

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    As radios in future wireless systems become more flexible and reconfigurable whilst available radio spectrum becomes scarce, the possibility of using TV White Space devices (WSD) as secondary users in the TV Broadcast Bands (without causing harmful interference to licensed incumbents) becomes ever more attractive. Cognitive Radio encompasses a number of technologies which enable adaptive self-programming of systems at different levels to provide more effective use of the increasingly congested radio spectrum. Cognitive Radio has the potential to use spectrum allocated to TV services, which is not actually being used by these services, without causing disruptive interference to licensed users by using channel selection aided by use of appropriate propagation modelling in TV White Spaces.The main purpose of this thesis is to explore the potential of the Cognitive Radio concept to provide additional bandwidth and improved efficiency to help accelerate the development and acceptance of Cognitive Radio technology. Specifically, firstly: three main classes of spectrum sensing techniques (Energy Detection, Matched Filtering and Cyclostationary Feature Detection) have compare in terms of time and spectrum resources consumed, required prior knowledge and complexity, ranking the three classes according to accuracy and performance. Secondly, investigate spectrum occupancy of the UHF TV band in the frequency range from 470 to 862 MHz by undertaking spectrum occupancy measurements in different locations around the Hull area in the UK, using two different receiver devices; a low cost Software-Defined Radio device and a laboratory-quality spectrum analyser. Thirdly, investigate the best propagation model among three propagation models (Extended-Hata, Davidson-Hata and Egli) for use in the TV band, whilst also finding the optimum terrain data resolution to use (1000, 100 or 30 m). it compares modelled results with the previously-mentioned practical measurements and then describe how such models can be integrated into a database-driven tool for Cognitive Radio channel selection within the TV White Space environment. Fourthly, create a flexible simulation system for creating a TV White Space database by using different propagation models. Finally, design a flexible system which uses a combination of Geolocation Database and Spectrum Sensing in the TV band, comparing the performance of two spectrum analysers (Agilent E4407B and Agilent EXA N9010A) with that of a low cost Software-Defined Radio in the real radio environment. The results shows that white space devices can be designed using SDRs based on the Realtek RTL2832U chip (RTL-SDR), combined with a geolocation database for identifying the primary user in the specific location in a cost-effective manner. Furthermore it is shown that improving the sensitivity of RTL-SDR will affect the accuracy and performance of the WSD