10 research outputs found

    Rancang Bangun Smart Aquarium Untuk Ikan Channa Berbasis IoT

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    Keberadaan IoT menjadi sebuah paradigma yang bersifat inovatif dan terus berkembang secara pesat dalam pengaturan telekomunikasi nirkabel modern dengan cepat. Oleh sebab itu, suatu ekosistem yang melibatkan IoT akan memungkinkan pengguna untuk mengelola dan mengoptimalkan peralatan elektronik dan peralatan listrik menggunakan internet. Penggunaan perangkat IoT pada sistem aquarium memungkinkan pengguna lebih mudah dalam melakukan perawatan, monitoring dan kontrol pemberian pakan. Namun, pemeliharaan ikan channa dalam aquarium memerlukan perhatian dan perawatan secara intensif. Pemantauan secara berkala diperlukan agar kesehatan pada ikan channa tetap terjaga. Oleh karena itu, pemanfaatan teknologi IoT menjadi langkah yang dapat dilakukan untuk merealisasikan sistem pemeliharaan ikan channa didalam aquarium. Pada penelitian ini, peneliti mengusulkan desain smart aquarium yang difungsikan untuk memelihara ikan channa. Smart aquarium yang diusulkan memanfaatkan mikrokontroler tunggal berupa NodeMCU V3 dan IoT dengan beberapa fitur yang ditawarkan seperti monitoring jarak jauh, pemantauan suhu aquarium, dan otomatisasi sistem untuk memberi makan ikan dengan memanfaatkan aplikasi BLYNK. Sensor yang digunkan dalam penelitian ini antaralain sensor pH, infrared, level float sensor dan motor sevo sebagai penggerak pakan otomatis. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode ekprerimental. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah merancang desain smart aquarium dan menguji kinerja alat. Metode yang digunkan dalam penelitian ini adalah eksperimental, dengan menguji kinerja sensor-sensor dan kinerja hardware yang digunakan dalam sistem. Hasil yang diperoleh pada penelitian ini adalah berhasil merancang dan menguji kinerja dari sensor-sensor yang digunakan serta dalam keseluruhan sistem alat bekerja dengan baik. Kata Kunci: IoT, Internet of Things, NodeMCU, Monitoring, ikan chann

    Wireless Sensor Network Based Monitoring System: Implementation, Constraints, and Solution

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    Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a collection of sensors communicating at close range by forming a wireless-based network (wireless). Since 2015 research related to the use of WSN in various health, agriculture, security industry, and other fields has continued to grow. One interesting research case is the use of WSN for the monitoring process by collecting data using sensors placed and distributed in locations based on a wireless system. Sensors with low power, multifunction, supported by a combination of wireless network, microcontroller, memory, operating system, radio communication, and energy source in the form of an integrated battery enable a monitoring process of the monitoring area to run properly. The implementation of the wireless sensor network includes five main parts, namely sender, receiver, wireless transmission media, data/information, network architecture/configuration, and network management. Network management itself includes network configuration management, network performance management, network failure management, network security management, and network financing management. The main obstacles in implementing a wireless sensor network include three things: an effective and efficient data sending/receiving process, limited and easily depleted sensor energy/power, network security, and data security that is vulnerable to eavesdropping and destruction. This paper presents a taxonomy related to the constraints in implementing Wireless Sensor Networks. This paper also presents solutions from existing studies related to the constraints of implementing the WSN. Furthermore, from the results of the taxonomy mapping of these constraints, new gaps were identified related to developing existing research to produce better solutions

    An overview of internet of things

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    The internet of things is an emerging technology that is currently present in most processes and devices, allowing to improve the quality of life of people and facilitating the access to specific information and services. The main purpose of the present article is to offer a general overview of internet of things, based on the analysis of recently published work. The added value of this article lies in the analysis of the main recent publications and the diversity of applications of internet of things technology. As a result of the analysis of the current literature, internet of things technology stands out as a facilitator in business and industrial performance but above all in improving the quality of life. As a conclusion to this document, the internet of things is a technology that can overcome the challenges in terms of security, processing capacity and data mobility, as long as the development related to other technologies follows its expected course

    Experimental verification of multi-antenna techniques for aerial and ground vehicles’ communication

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    Novel Models and Algorithms Paving the Road towards RF Convergence

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    After decades of rapid evolution in electronics and signal processing, the technologies in communications, positioning, and sensing have achieved considerable progress. Our daily lives are fundamentally changed and substantially defined by the advancement in these technologies. However, the trend is challenged by a well-established fact that the spectrum resources, like other natural resources, are gradually becoming scarce. This thesis carries out research in the field of RF convergence, which is regarded as a mean to intelligently exploit spectrum resources, e.g., by finding novel methods of optimising and sharing tasks between communication, positioning, and sensing. The work has been done to closely explore opportunities for supporting the RF convergence. As a supplement for the electromagnetic waves propagation near the ground, ground-to-air channel models are first proposed and analysed, by incorporating the atmospheric effects when the altitude of aerial users is higher than 300 m. The status quos of techniques in communications, positioning, and sensing are separately reviewed, and our newly developments in each field are briefly introduced. For instance, we study the MIMO techniques for interference mitigation on aerial users; we construct the reflected echoes, i.e., the radar receiving, for the joint sensing and communications system. The availability of GNSS signals is of vital importance to the GNSS-enabled services, particularly the life-critical applications. To enhance the resilience of GNSS receivers, the RF fingerprinting based anti-spoofing techniques are also proposed and discussed. Such a guarantee on GNSS and ubiquitous GNSS services drive the utilisation of location information, also needed for communications, hence the proposal of a location-based beamforming algorithm. The superposition coding scheme, as an attempt of the waveform design, is also brought up for the joint sensing and communications. The RF convergence will come with many facets: the joint sensing and communications promotes an efficient use of frequency spectrum; the positioning-aided communications encourage the cooperation between systems; the availability of robust global positioning systems benefits the applications relying on the GNSS service

    Études des systèmes de communications sans-fil dans un environnement rural difficile

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    Les systèmes de communication sans fil, ayant de nombreux avantages pour les zones rurales, peuvent aider la population à bien s'y établir au lieu de déménager vers les centres urbains, accentuant ainsi les problèmes d’embouteillage, de pollution et d’habitation. Pour une planification et un déploiement efficace de ces systèmes, l'atténuation du signal radio et la réussite des liens d’accès doivent être envisagées. Ce travail s’intéresse à la provision d’accès Internet sans fil dans le contexte rural canadien caractérisé par sa végétation dense et ses variations climatiques extrêmes vu que les solutions existantes sont plus concentrées sur les zones urbaines. Pour cela, nous étudions plusieurs cas d’environnements difficiles affectant les performances des systèmes de communication. Ensuite, nous comparons les systèmes de communication sans fil les plus connus. Le réseau sans fil fixe utilisant le Wi-Fi ayant l’option de longue portée est choisi pour fournir les communications aux zones rurales. De plus, nous évaluons l'atténuation du signal radio, car les modèles existants sont conçus, en majorité, pour les technologies mobiles en zones urbaines. Puis, nous concevons un nouveau modèle empirique pour les pertes de propagation. Des approches utilisant l’apprentissage automatique sont ensuite proposées, afin de prédire le succès des liens sans fil, d’optimiser le choix des points d'accès et d’établir les limites de validité des paramètres des liens sans fil fiables. Les solutions proposées font preuve de précision (jusqu’à 94 % et 8 dB RMSE) et de simplicité, tout en considérant une multitude de paramètres difficiles à prendre en compte tous ensemble avec les solutions classiques existantes. Les approches proposées requièrent des données fiables qui sont généralement difficiles à acquérir. Dans notre cas, les données de DIGICOM, un fournisseur Internet sans fil en zone rurale canadien, sont utilisées. Wireless communication systems have many advantages for rural areas, as they can help people settle comfortably and conveniently in these regions instead of relocating to urban centers causing various overcrowding, habitation, and pollution problems. For effective planning and deployment of these technologies, the attenuation of the radio signal and the success of radio links must be precisely predicted. This work examines the provision of wireless internet access in the Canadian rural context, characterized by its dense vegetation and its extreme climatic variations, since existing solutions are more focused on urban areas. Hence, we study several cases of difficult environments affecting the performances of communication systems. Then, we compare the best-known wireless communication systems. The fixed wireless network using Wi-Fi, having the long-range option, is chosen to provide wireless access to rural areas. Moreover, we evaluate the attenuation of the radio signal, since the existing path loss models are generally designed for mobile technologies in urban areas. Then, we design a new path loss empirical model. Several approaches are then proposed by using machine learning to predict the success of wireless links, optimize the choice of access points and establish the validity limits for the pertinent parameters of reliable wireless connections. The proposed solutions are characterized by their accuracy (up to 94% and 8 dB RMSE) and simplicity while considering a wide range of parameters that are difficult to consider all together with conventional solutions. These approaches require reliable data, which is generally difficult to acquire. In our case, the dataset from DIGICOM, a rural Canadian wireless internet service provider, is used

    Comparative Analysis of Channel Models for Industrial IoT Wireless Communication

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    In the industrial environments of the future, robots, sensors, and other industrial devices will have to communicate autonomously and in a robust and efficient manner with each other, relying on a large extent on wireless communication links, which will expand and supplement the existing wired/Ethernet connections. The wireless communication links suffer from various channel impairments, such as attenuations due to path losses, random fluctuations due to shadowing and fading effects over the channel and the non line-of-sight (NLoS) due to obstacles on the communication path. Several channel models exist to model the industrial environments in indoor, urban, or rural areas, but a comprehensive comparison of their characteristics is still missing from the current literature. Moreover, several IoT technologies are already on the market, many competing with each other for future possible services and applications in Industrial IoT (IIoT) environments. This paper aims at giving a survey of existing wireless channel models applicable to the IIoT context and to compare them for the first time in terms of worst-case, median-case, and best-case predictive behaviors. Performance metrics, such as cell radius, spectral efficiency, and outage probability, are investigated with a focus on three long-range IoT technologies, one medium-range, and one short-range IoT technology as selected case studies. A summary of popular IoT technologies and their applicability to industrial scenarios is addressed as well.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Comparative Analysis of Channel Models for Industrial IoT Wireless Communication

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