86 research outputs found

    Fast, uniform, and compact scalar multiplication for elliptic curves and genus 2 Jacobians with applications to signature schemes

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    We give a general framework for uniform, constant-time one-and two-dimensional scalar multiplication algorithms for elliptic curves and Jacobians of genus 2 curves that operate by projecting to the x-line or Kummer surface, where we can exploit faster and more uniform pseudomultiplication, before recovering the proper "signed" output back on the curve or Jacobian. This extends the work of L{\'o}pez and Dahab, Okeya and Sakurai, and Brier and Joye to genus 2, and also to two-dimensional scalar multiplication. Our results show that many existing fast pseudomultiplication implementations (hitherto limited to applications in Diffie--Hellman key exchange) can be wrapped with simple and efficient pre-and post-computations to yield competitive full scalar multiplication algorithms, ready for use in more general discrete logarithm-based cryptosystems, including signature schemes. This is especially interesting for genus 2, where Kummer surfaces can outperform comparable elliptic curve systems. As an example, we construct an instance of the Schnorr signature scheme driven by Kummer surface arithmetic

    Cryptographic Aspects of Real Hyperelliptic Curves

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    In this paper, we give an overview of cryptographic applications using real hyperelliptic curves. We review previously proposed cryptographic protocols, and discuss the infrastructure of a real hyperelliptic curve, the mathematical structure underlying all these protocols. We then describe recent improvements to infrastructure arithmetic, including explicit formulas for divisor arithmetic in genus 2; and advances in solving the infrastructure discrete logarithm problem, whose presumed intractability is the basis of security for the related cryptographic protocols

    Genus Two Isogeny Cryptography

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    We study (,)(\ell,\ell)-isogeny graphs of principally polarised supersingular abelian surfaces (PPSSAS). The (,)(\ell,\ell)-isogeny graph has cycles of small length that can be used to break the collision resistance assumption of the genus two isogeny hash function suggested by Takashima. Algorithms for computing (2,2)(2,2)-isogenies on the level of Jacobians and (3,3)(3,3)-isogenies on the level of Kummers are used to develop a genus two version of the supersingular isogeny Diffie--Hellman protocol of Jao and de~Feo. The genus two isogeny Diffie--Hellman protocol achieves the same level of security as SIDH but uses a prime with a third of the bit length

    Towards Efficient Hardware Implementation of Elliptic and Hyperelliptic Curve Cryptography

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    Implementation of elliptic and hyperelliptic curve cryptographic algorithms has been the focus of a great deal of recent research directed at increasing efficiency. Elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) was introduced independently by Koblitz and Miller in the 1980s. Hyperelliptic curve cryptography (HECC), a generalization of the elliptic curve case, allows a decreasing field size as the genus increases. The work presented in this thesis examines the problems created by limited area, power, and computation time when elliptic and hyperelliptic curves are integrated into constrained devices such as wireless sensor network (WSN) and smart cards. The lack of a battery in wireless sensor network limits the processing power of these devices, but they still require security. It was widely believed that devices with such constrained resources cannot incorporate a strong HECC processor for performing cryptographic operations such as elliptic curve scalar multiplication (ECSM) or hyperelliptic curve divisor multiplication (HCDM). However, the work presented in this thesis has demonstrated the feasibility of integrating an HECC processor into such devices through the use of the proposed architecture synthesis and optimization techniques for several inversion-free algorithms. The goal of this work is to develop a hardware implementation of binary elliptic and hyperelliptic curves. The focus is on the modeling of three factors: register allocation, operation scheduling, and storage binding. These factors were then integrated into architecture synthesis and optimization techniques in order to determine the best overall implementation suitable for constrained devices. The main purpose of the optimization is to reduce the area and power. Through analysis of the architecture optimization techniques for both datapath and control unit synthesis, the number of registers was reduced by an average of 30%. The use of the proposed efficient explicit formula for the different algorithms also enabled a reduction in the number of read/write operations from/to the register file, which reduces the processing power consumption. As a result, an overall HECC processor requires from 1843 to 3595 slices for a Xilinix XC4VLX200 and the total computation time is limited to between 10.08 ms to 15.82 ms at a maximum frequency of 50 MHz for a varity of inversion-free coordinate systems in hyperelliptic curves. The value of the new model has been demonstrated with respect to its implementation in elliptic and hyperelliptic curve crypogrpahic algorithms, through both synthesis and simulations. In summary, a framework has been provided for consideration of interactions with synthesis and optimization through architecture modeling for constrained enviroments. Insights have also been presented with respect to improving the design process for cryptogrpahic algorithms through datapath and control unit analysis

    XTR and Tori

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    At the turn of the century, 80-bit security was the standard. When considering discrete-log based cryptosystems, it could be achieved using either subgroups of 1024-bit finite fields or using (hyper)elliptic curves. The latter would allow more compact and efficient arithmetic, until Lenstra and Verheul invented XTR. Here XTR stands for \u27ECSTR\u27, itself an abbreviation for Efficient and Compact Subgroup Trace Representation. XTR exploits algebraic properties of the cyclotomic subgroup of sixth degree extension fields, allowing representation only a third of their regular size, making finite field DLP-based systems competitive with elliptic curve ones. Subsequent developments, such as the move to 128-bit security and improvements in finite field DLP, rendered the original XTR and closely related torus-based cryptosystems no longer competitive with elliptic curves. Yet, some of the techniques related to XTR are still relevant for certain pairing-based cryptosystems. This chapter describes the past and the present of XTR and other methods for efficient and compact subgroup arithmetic

    Recent Application in Biometrics

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    In the recent years, a number of recognition and authentication systems based on biometric measurements have been proposed. Algorithms and sensors have been developed to acquire and process many different biometric traits. Moreover, the biometric technology is being used in novel ways, with potential commercial and practical implications to our daily activities. The key objective of the book is to provide a collection of comprehensive references on some recent theoretical development as well as novel applications in biometrics. The topics covered in this book reflect well both aspects of development. They include biometric sample quality, privacy preserving and cancellable biometrics, contactless biometrics, novel and unconventional biometrics, and the technical challenges in implementing the technology in portable devices. The book consists of 15 chapters. It is divided into four sections, namely, biometric applications on mobile platforms, cancelable biometrics, biometric encryption, and other applications. The book was reviewed by editors Dr. Jucheng Yang and Dr. Norman Poh. We deeply appreciate the efforts of our guest editors: Dr. Girija Chetty, Dr. Loris Nanni, Dr. Jianjiang Feng, Dr. Dongsun Park and Dr. Sook Yoon, as well as a number of anonymous reviewers

    Efficient Cryptographic Algorithms and Protocols for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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    As the next evolutionary step in digital communication systems, mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) and their specialization like wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have been attracting much interest in both research and industry communities. In MANETs, network nodes can come together and form a network without depending on any pre-existing infrastructure and human intervention. Unfortunately, the salient characteristics of MANETs, in particular the absence of infrastructure and the constrained resources of mobile devices, present enormous challenges when designing security mechanisms in this environment. Without necessary measures, wireless communications are easy to be intercepted and activities of users can be easily traced. This thesis presents our solutions for two important aspects of securing MANETs, namely efficient key management protocols and fast implementations of cryptographic primitives on constrained devices. Due to the tight cost and constrained resources of high-volume mobile devices used in MANETs, it is desirable to employ lightweight and specialized cryptographic primitives for many security applications. Motivated by the design of the well-known Enigma machine, we present a novel ultra-lightweight cryptographic algorithm, referred to as Hummingbird, for resource-constrained devices. Hummingbird can provide the designed security with small block size and is resistant to the most common attacks such as linear and differential cryptanalysis. Furthermore, we also present efficient software implementations of Hummingbird on 4-, 8- and 16-bit microcontrollers from Atmel and Texas Instruments as well as efficient hardware implementations on the low-cost field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) from Xilinx, respectively. Our experimental results show that after a system initialization phase Hummingbird can achieve up to 147 and 4.7 times faster throughput for a size-optimized and a speed-optimized software implementation, respectively, when compared to the state-of-the-art ultra-lightweight block cipher PRESENT on the similar platforms. In addition, the speed optimized Hummingbird encryption core can achieve a throughput of 160.4 Mbps and the area optimized encryption core only occupies 253 slices on a Spartan-3 XC3S200 FPGA device. Bilinear pairings on the Jacobians of (hyper-)elliptic curves have received considerable attention as a building block for constructing cryptographic schemes in MANETs with new and novel properties. Motivated by the work of Scott, we investigate how to use efficiently computable automorphisms to speed up pairing computations on two families of non-supersingular genus 2 hyperelliptic curves over prime fields. Our findings lead to new variants of Miller's algorithm in which the length of the main loop can be up to 4 times shorter than that of the original Miller's algorithm in the best case. We also generalize Chatterjee et al.'s idea of encapsulating the computation of the line function with the group operations to genus 2 hyperelliptic curves, and derive new explicit formulae for the group operations in projective and new coordinates in the context of pairing computations. Efficient software implementation of computing the Tate pairing on both a supersingular and a non-supersingular genus 2 curve with the same embedding degree of k = 4 is investigated. Combining the new algorithm with known optimization techniques, we show that pairing computations on non-supersingular genus 2 curves over prime fields use up to 55.8% fewer field operations and run about 10% faster than supersingular genus 2 curves for the same security level. As an important part of a key management mechanism, efficient key revocation protocol, which revokes the cryptographic keys of malicious nodes and isolates them from the network, is crucial for the security and robustness of MANETs. We propose a novel self-organized key revocation scheme for MANETs based on the Dirichlet multinomial model and identity-based cryptography. Firmly rooted in statistics, our key revocation scheme provides a theoretically sound basis for nodes analyzing and predicting peers' behavior based on their own observations and other nodes' reports. Considering the difference of malicious behaviors, we proposed to classify the nodes' behavior into three categories, namely good behavior, suspicious behavior and malicious behavior. Each node in the network keeps track of three categories of behavior and updates its knowledge about other nodes' behavior with 3-dimension Dirichlet distribution. Based on its own analysis, each node is able to protect itself from malicious attacks by either revoking the keys of the nodes with malicious behavior or ceasing the communication with the nodes showing suspicious behavior for some time. The attack-resistant properties of the resulting scheme against false accusation attacks launched by independent and collusive adversaries are also analyzed through extensive simulations. In WSNs, broadcast authentication is a crucial security mechanism that allows a multitude of legitimate users to join in and disseminate messages into the networks in a dynamic and authenticated way. During the past few years, several public-key based multi-user broadcast authentication schemes have been proposed in the literature to achieve immediate authentication and to address the security vulnerability intrinsic to μTESLA-like schemes. Unfortunately, the relatively slow signature verification in signature-based broadcast authentication has also incurred a series of problems such as high energy consumption and long verification delay. We propose an efficient technique to accelerate the signature verification in WSNs through the cooperation among sensor nodes. By allowing some sensor nodes to release the intermediate computation results to their neighbors during the signature verification, a large number of sensor nodes can accelerate their signature verification process significantly. When applying our faster signature verification technique to the broadcast authentication in a 4×4 grid-based WSN, a quantitative performance analysis shows that our scheme needs 17.7%~34.5% less energy and runs about 50% faster than the traditional signature verification method

    Cross-platform Identity-based Cryptography using WebAssembly

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    The explosive spread of the devices connected to the Internet has increased the need for efficient and portable cryptographic routines. Despite this fact, truly platformindependent implementations are still hard to find. In this paper, an Identitybased Cryptography library, called CryptID is introduced. The main goal of this library is to provide an efficient and opensource IBC implementation for the desktop, the mobile, and the IoT platforms. Powered by WebAssembly, which is a specification aiming to securely speed up code execution in various embedding environments, CryptID can be utilized on both the client and the server-side. The second novelty of CrpytID is the use of structured public keys, opening up a wide range of domain-specific use cases via arbitrary metadata embedded into the public key. Embedded metadata can include, for example, a geolocation value when working with geolocation-based Identitybased Cryptography, or a timestamp, enabling simple and efficient generation of singleuse keypairs. Thanks to these characteristics, we think, that CryptID could serve as a real alternative to the current Identitybased Cryptography implementations

    Efficient software implementation of elliptic curves and bilinear pairings

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    Orientador: Júlio César Lopez HernándezTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: O advento da criptografia assimétrica ou de chave pública possibilitou a aplicação de criptografia em novos cenários, como assinaturas digitais e comércio eletrônico, tornando-a componente vital para o fornecimento de confidencialidade e autenticação em meios de comunicação. Dentre os métodos mais eficientes de criptografia assimétrica, a criptografia de curvas elípticas destaca-se pelos baixos requisitos de armazenamento para chaves e custo computacional para execução. A descoberta relativamente recente da criptografia baseada em emparelhamentos bilineares sobre curvas elípticas permitiu ainda sua flexibilização e a construção de sistemas criptográficos com propriedades inovadoras, como sistemas baseados em identidades e suas variantes. Porém, o custo computacional de criptossistemas baseados em emparelhamentos ainda permanece significativamente maior do que os assimétricos tradicionais, representando um obstáculo para sua adoção, especialmente em dispositivos com recursos limitados. As contribuições deste trabalho objetivam aprimorar o desempenho de criptossistemas baseados em curvas elípticas e emparelhamentos bilineares e consistem em: (i) implementação eficiente de corpos binários em arquiteturas embutidas de 8 bits (microcontroladores presentes em sensores sem fio); (ii) formulação eficiente de aritmética em corpos binários para conjuntos vetoriais de arquiteturas de 64 bits e famílias mais recentes de processadores desktop dotadas de suporte nativo à multiplicação em corpos binários; (iii) técnicas para implementação serial e paralela de curvas elípticas binárias e emparelhamentos bilineares simétricos e assimétricos definidos sobre corpos primos ou binários. Estas contribuições permitiram obter significativos ganhos de desempenho e, conseqüentemente, uma série de recordes de velocidade para o cálculo de diversos algoritmos criptográficos relevantes em arquiteturas modernas que vão de sistemas embarcados de 8 bits a processadores com 8 coresAbstract: The development of asymmetric or public key cryptography made possible new applications of cryptography such as digital signatures and electronic commerce. Cryptography is now a vital component for providing confidentiality and authentication in communication infra-structures. Elliptic Curve Cryptography is among the most efficient public-key methods because of its low storage and computational requirements. The relatively recent advent of Pairing-Based Cryptography allowed the further construction of flexible and innovative cryptographic solutions like Identity-Based Cryptography and variants. However, the computational cost of pairing-based cryptosystems remains significantly higher than traditional public key cryptosystems and thus an important obstacle for adoption, specially in resource-constrained devices. The main contributions of this work aim to improve the performance of curve-based cryptosystems, consisting of: (i) efficient implementation of binary fields in 8-bit microcontrollers embedded in sensor network nodes; (ii) efficient formulation of binary field arithmetic in terms of vector instructions present in 64-bit architectures, and on the recently-introduced native support for binary field multiplication in the latest Intel microarchitecture families; (iii) techniques for serial and parallel implementation of binary elliptic curves and symmetric and asymmetric pairings defined over prime and binary fields. These contributions produced important performance improvements and, consequently, several speed records for computing relevant cryptographic algorithms in modern computer architectures ranging from embedded 8-bit microcontrollers to 8-core processorsDoutoradoCiência da ComputaçãoDoutor em Ciência da Computaçã