15,166 research outputs found

    Efficient data structures for masks on 2D grids

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    This article discusses various methods of representing and manipulating arbitrary coverage information in two dimensions, with a focus on space- and time-efficiency when processing such coverages, storing them on disk, and transmitting them between computers. While these considerations were originally motivated by the specific tasks of representing sky coverage and cross-matching catalogues of astronomical surveys, they can be profitably applied in many other situations as well.Comment: accepted by A&

    SL(2,R) Chern-Simons Theories with Rational Charges and Two-dimensional Conformal Field Theories

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    This paper (completed March 1992) is an extensively revised and expanded version of work which appeared July 1991 on the initial incarnation of the hepth bulletin board, and which was published in the Proceedings of the Workshop on String Theory, Trieste, March 1991. Abstract We present a hamiltonian quantization of the SL(2,R)SL(2,R) 3-dimensional Chern-Simons theory with fractional coupling constant k=s/rk=s/r on a space manifold with torus topology in the ``constrain-first'' framework. By generalizing the ``Weyl-odd'' projection to the fractional charge case, we obtain multi-components holomorphic wave functions whose components are the Kac-Wakimoto characters of the modular invariant admissible representations of A^1{\hat A}_1 current algebra with fractional level. The modular representations carried by the quantum Hilbert space satisfy both Verlinde's and Vafa's constraints coming from conformal field theory. They are the ``square-roots'' of the representations associated to the conformal (r,s)(r,s) minimal models. Our results imply that Chern-Simons theory with SO(2,2)SO(2,2) as gauge group, which describes 2+12+1-dimensional gravity with negative cosmological constant, has the modular properties of the Virasoro discrete series. On the way, we show that the 2-dimensional counterparts of Chern-Simons SU(2)SU(2) theories with half-integer charge k=p/2k=p/2Comment: 29 pages, GEF-TH-92-

    Approximation numbers of composition operators on the Hardy space of the ball and of the polydisk

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    We give general estimates for the approximation numbers of composition operators on the Hardy space on the ball B_dB\_d and the polydisk DdD^d

    A Hilbert Space Theory of Generalized Graph Signal Processing

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    Graph signal processing (GSP) has become an important tool in many areas such as image processing, networking learning and analysis of social network data. In this paper, we propose a broader framework that not only encompasses traditional GSP as a special case, but also includes a hybrid framework of graph and classical signal processing over a continuous domain. Our framework relies extensively on concepts and tools from functional analysis to generalize traditional GSP to graph signals in a separable Hilbert space with infinite dimensions. We develop a concept analogous to Fourier transform for generalized GSP and the theory of filtering and sampling such signals

    Optimal shape and location of sensors for parabolic equations with random initial data

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    In this article, we consider parabolic equations on a bounded open connected subset Ω\Omega of Rn\R^n. We model and investigate the problem of optimal shape and location of the observation domain having a prescribed measure. This problem is motivated by the question of knowing how to shape and place sensors in some domain in order to maximize the quality of the observation: for instance, what is the optimal location and shape of a thermometer? We show that it is relevant to consider a spectral optimal design problem corresponding to an average of the classical observability inequality over random initial data, where the unknown ranges over the set of all possible measurable subsets of Ω\Omega of fixed measure. We prove that, under appropriate sufficient spectral assumptions, this optimal design problem has a unique solution, depending only on a finite number of modes, and that the optimal domain is semi-analytic and thus has a finite number of connected components. This result is in strong contrast with hyperbolic conservative equations (wave and Schr\"odinger) studied in [56] for which relaxation does occur. We also provide examples of applications to anomalous diffusion or to the Stokes equations. In the case where the underlying operator is any positive (possible fractional) power of the negative of the Dirichlet-Laplacian, we show that, surprisingly enough, the complexity of the optimal domain may strongly depend on both the geometry of the domain and on the positive power. The results are illustrated with several numerical simulations

    Conditioning moments of singular measures for entropy optimization. I

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    In order to process a potential moment sequence by the entropy optimization method one has to be assured that the original measure is absolutely continuous with respect to Lebesgue measure. We propose a non-linear exponential transform of the moment sequence of any measure, including singular ones, so that the entropy optimization method can still be used in the reconstruction or approximation of the original. The Cauchy transform in one variable, used for this very purpose in a classical context by A.\ A.\ Markov and followers, is replaced in higher dimensions by the Fantappi\`{e} transform. Several algorithms for reconstruction from moments are sketched, while we intend to provide the numerical experiments and computational aspects in a subsequent article. The essentials of complex analysis, harmonic analysis, and entropy optimization are recalled in some detail, with the goal of making the main results more accessible to non-expert readers. Keywords: Fantappi\`e transform; entropy optimization; moment problem; tube domain; exponential transformComment: Submitted to Indagnationes Mathematicae, I. Gohberg Memorial issu