363 research outputs found

    Diversified query expansion

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    La diversification des résultats de recherche (DRR) vise à sélectionner divers documents à partir des résultats de recherche afin de couvrir autant d’intentions que possible. Dans les approches existantes, on suppose que les résultats initiaux sont suffisamment diversifiés et couvrent bien les aspects de la requête. Or, on observe souvent que les résultats initiaux n’arrivent pas à couvrir certains aspects. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons une nouvelle approche de DRR qui consiste à diversifier l’expansion de requête (DER) afin d’avoir une meilleure couverture des aspects. Les termes d’expansion sont sélectionnés à partir d’une ou de plusieurs ressource(s) suivant le principe de pertinence marginale maximale. Dans notre première contribution, nous proposons une méthode pour DER au niveau des termes où la similarité entre les termes est mesurée superficiellement à l’aide des ressources. Quand plusieurs ressources sont utilisées pour DER, elles ont été uniformément combinées dans la littérature, ce qui permet d’ignorer la contribution individuelle de chaque ressource par rapport à la requête. Dans la seconde contribution de cette thèse, nous proposons une nouvelle méthode de pondération de ressources selon la requête. Notre méthode utilise un ensemble de caractéristiques qui sont intégrées à un modèle de régression linéaire, et génère à partir de chaque ressource un nombre de termes d’expansion proportionnellement au poids de cette ressource. Les méthodes proposées pour DER se concentrent sur l’élimination de la redondance entre les termes d’expansion sans se soucier si les termes sélectionnés couvrent effectivement les différents aspects de la requête. Pour pallier à cet inconvénient, nous introduisons dans la troisième contribution de cette thèse une nouvelle méthode pour DER au niveau des aspects. Notre méthode est entraînée de façon supervisée selon le principe que les termes reliés doivent correspondre au même aspect. Cette méthode permet de sélectionner des termes d’expansion à un niveau sémantique latent afin de couvrir autant que possible différents aspects de la requête. De plus, cette méthode autorise l’intégration de plusieurs ressources afin de suggérer des termes d’expansion, et supporte l’intégration de plusieurs contraintes telles que la contrainte de dispersion. Nous évaluons nos méthodes à l’aide des données de ClueWeb09B et de trois collections de requêtes de TRECWeb track et montrons l’utilité de nos approches par rapport aux méthodes existantes.Search Result Diversification (SRD) aims to select diverse documents from the search results in order to cover as many search intents as possible. For the existing approaches, a prerequisite is that the initial retrieval results contain diverse documents and ensure a good coverage of the query aspects. In this thesis, we investigate a new approach to SRD by diversifying the query, namely diversified query expansion (DQE). Expansion terms are selected either from a single resource or from multiple resources following the Maximal Marginal Relevance principle. In the first contribution, we propose a new term-level DQE method in which word similarity is determined at the surface (term) level based on the resources. When different resources are used for the purpose of DQE, they are combined in a uniform way, thus totally ignoring the contribution differences among resources. In practice the usefulness of a resource greatly changes depending on the query. In the second contribution, we propose a new method of query level resource weighting for DQE. Our method is based on a set of features which are integrated into a linear regression model and generates for a resource a number of expansion candidates that is proportional to the weight of that resource. Existing DQE methods focus on removing the redundancy among selected expansion terms and no attention has been paid on how well the selected expansion terms can indeed cover the query aspects. Consequently, it is not clear how we can cope with the semantic relations between terms. To overcome this drawback, our third contribution in this thesis aims to introduce a novel method for aspect-level DQE which relies on an explicit modeling of query aspects based on embedding. Our method (called latent semantic aspect embedding) is trained in a supervised manner according to the principle that related terms should correspond to the same aspects. This method allows us to select expansion terms at a latent semantic level in order to cover as much as possible the aspects of a given query. In addition, this method also incorporates several different external resources to suggest potential expansion terms, and supports several constraints, such as the sparsity constraint. We evaluate our methods using ClueWeb09B dataset and three query sets from TRECWeb tracks, and show the usefulness of our proposed approaches compared to the state-of-the-art approaches

    Learning representations for Information Retrieval

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    La recherche d'informations s'intéresse, entre autres, à répondre à des questions comme: est-ce qu'un document est pertinent à une requête ? Est-ce que deux requêtes ou deux documents sont similaires ? Comment la similarité entre deux requêtes ou documents peut être utilisée pour améliorer l'estimation de la pertinence ? Pour donner réponse à ces questions, il est nécessaire d'associer chaque document et requête à des représentations interprétables par ordinateur. Une fois ces représentations estimées, la similarité peut correspondre, par exemple, à une distance ou une divergence qui opère dans l'espace de représentation. On admet généralement que la qualité d'une représentation a un impact direct sur l'erreur d'estimation par rapport à la vraie pertinence, jugée par un humain. Estimer de bonnes représentations des documents et des requêtes a longtemps été un problème central de la recherche d'informations. Le but de cette thèse est de proposer des nouvelles méthodes pour estimer les représentations des documents et des requêtes, la relation de pertinence entre eux et ainsi modestement avancer l'état de l'art du domaine. Nous présentons quatre articles publiés dans des conférences internationales et un article publié dans un forum d'évaluation. Les deux premiers articles concernent des méthodes qui créent l'espace de représentation selon une connaissance à priori sur les caractéristiques qui sont importantes pour la tâche à accomplir. Ceux-ci nous amènent à présenter un nouveau modèle de recherche d'informations qui diffère des modèles existants sur le plan théorique et de l'efficacité expérimentale. Les deux derniers articles marquent un changement fondamental dans l'approche de construction des représentations. Ils bénéficient notamment de l'intérêt de recherche dont les techniques d'apprentissage profond par réseaux de neurones, ou deep learning, ont fait récemment l'objet. Ces modèles d'apprentissage élicitent automatiquement les caractéristiques importantes pour la tâche demandée à partir d'une quantité importante de données. Nous nous intéressons à la modélisation des relations sémantiques entre documents et requêtes ainsi qu'entre deux ou plusieurs requêtes. Ces derniers articles marquent les premières applications de l'apprentissage de représentations par réseaux de neurones à la recherche d'informations. Les modèles proposés ont aussi produit une performance améliorée sur des collections de test standard. Nos travaux nous mènent à la conclusion générale suivante: la performance en recherche d'informations pourrait drastiquement être améliorée en se basant sur les approches d'apprentissage de représentations.Information retrieval is generally concerned with answering questions such as: is this document relevant to this query? How similar are two queries or two documents? How query and document similarity can be used to enhance relevance estimation? In order to answer these questions, it is necessary to access computational representations of documents and queries. For example, similarities between documents and queries may correspond to a distance or a divergence defined on the representation space. It is generally assumed that the quality of the representation has a direct impact on the bias with respect to the true similarity, estimated by means of human intervention. Building useful representations for documents and queries has always been central to information retrieval research. The goal of this thesis is to provide new ways of estimating such representations and the relevance relationship between them. We present four articles that have been published in international conferences and one published in an information retrieval evaluation forum. The first two articles can be categorized as feature engineering approaches, which transduce a priori knowledge about the domain into the features of the representation. We present a novel retrieval model that compares favorably to existing models in terms of both theoretical originality and experimental effectiveness. The remaining two articles mark a significant change in our vision and originate from the widespread interest in deep learning research that took place during the time they were written. Therefore, they naturally belong to the category of representation learning approaches, also known as feature learning. Differently from previous approaches, the learning model discovers alone the most important features for the task at hand, given a considerable amount of labeled data. We propose to model the semantic relationships between documents and queries and between queries themselves. The models presented have also shown improved effectiveness on standard test collections. These last articles are amongst the first applications of representation learning with neural networks for information retrieval. This series of research leads to the following observation: future improvements of information retrieval effectiveness has to rely on representation learning techniques instead of manually defining the representation space

    Query-Time Data Integration

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    Today, data is collected in ever increasing scale and variety, opening up enormous potential for new insights and data-centric products. However, in many cases the volume and heterogeneity of new data sources precludes up-front integration using traditional ETL processes and data warehouses. In some cases, it is even unclear if and in what context the collected data will be utilized. Therefore, there is a need for agile methods that defer the effort of integration until the usage context is established. This thesis introduces Query-Time Data Integration as an alternative concept to traditional up-front integration. It aims at enabling users to issue ad-hoc queries on their own data as if all potential other data sources were already integrated, without declaring specific sources and mappings to use. Automated data search and integration methods are then coupled directly with query processing on the available data. The ambiguity and uncertainty introduced through fully automated retrieval and mapping methods is compensated by answering those queries with ranked lists of alternative results. Each result is then based on different data sources or query interpretations, allowing users to pick the result most suitable to their information need. To this end, this thesis makes three main contributions. Firstly, we introduce a novel method for Top-k Entity Augmentation, which is able to construct a top-k list of consistent integration results from a large corpus of heterogeneous data sources. It improves on the state-of-the-art by producing a set of individually consistent, but mutually diverse, set of alternative solutions, while minimizing the number of data sources used. Secondly, based on this novel augmentation method, we introduce the DrillBeyond system, which is able to process Open World SQL queries, i.e., queries referencing arbitrary attributes not defined in the queried database. The original database is then augmented at query time with Web data sources providing those attributes. Its hybrid augmentation/relational query processing enables the use of ad-hoc data search and integration in data analysis queries, and improves both performance and quality when compared to using separate systems for the two tasks. Finally, we studied the management of large-scale dataset corpora such as data lakes or Open Data platforms, which are used as data sources for our augmentation methods. We introduce Publish-time Data Integration as a new technique for data curation systems managing such corpora, which aims at improving the individual reusability of datasets without requiring up-front global integration. This is achieved by automatically generating metadata and format recommendations, allowing publishers to enhance their datasets with minimal effort. Collectively, these three contributions are the foundation of a Query-time Data Integration architecture, that enables ad-hoc data search and integration queries over large heterogeneous dataset collections

    Automated Assessment of the Aftermath of Typhoons Using Social Media Texts

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    Disasters are one of the major threats to economics and human societies, causing substantial losses of human lives, properties and infrastructures. It has been our persistent endeavors to understand, prevent and reduce such disasters, and the popularization of social media is offering new opportunities to enhance disaster management in a crowd-sourcing approach. However, social media data is also characterized by its undue brevity, intense noise, and informality of language. The existing literature has not completely addressed these disadvantages, otherwise vast manual efforts are devoted to tackling these problems. The major focus of this research is on constructing a holistic framework to exploit social media data in typhoon damage assessment. The scope of this research covers data collection, relevance classification, location extraction and damage assessment while assorted approaches are utilized to overcome the disadvantages of social media data. Moreover, a semi-supervised or unsupervised approach is prioritized in forming the framework to minimize manual intervention. In data collection, query expansion strategy is adopted to optimize the search recall of typhoon-relevant information retrieval. Multiple filtering strategies are developed to screen the keywords and maintain the relevance to search topics in the keyword updates. A classifier based on a convolutional neural network is presented for relevance classification, with hashtags and word clusters as extra input channels to augment the information. In location extraction, a model is constructed by integrating Bidirectional Long Short-Time Memory and Conditional Random Fields. Feature noise correction layers and label smoothing are leveraged to handle the noisy training data. Finally, a multi-instance multi-label classifier identifies the damage relations in four categories, and the damage categories of a message are integrated with the damage descriptions score to obtain damage severity score for the message. A case study is conducted to verify the effectiveness of the framework. The outcomes indicate that the approaches and models developed in this study significantly improve in the classification of social media texts especially under the framework of semi-supervised or unsupervised learning. Moreover, the results of damage assessment from social media data are remarkably consistent with the official statistics, which demonstrates the practicality of the proposed damage scoring scheme

    The Institutionalisation of Integrated Reporting: An Exploration of Adoption, Sustainability Embeddedness and Decoupling

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    The thesis conveys three discrete, yet interconnected, studies embracing issues revolving around the exploration of integrated reporting adoption and embeddedness using an institutional theory lens. Integrated reporting can be described as ‘a holistic and integrated representation of the company’s performance in terms of both its finance and its sustainability’ (King III, 2009, p. 54). The first study explores the mimetic, normative and regulative institutional factors, at both an organisational field (meso) and country (macro) levels, affecting the adoption of integrated reporting. Moreover, it provides a portrayal for the adoption of the new practice among corporations. The study uses a relatively large sample driven from the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) report list and tests it empirically using panel data from 2002- 2010. The second study develops a measure to capture sustainability embeddedness in corporate reports and uses the measure to explore and describe sustainability embeddedness in the integrated reports. Additionally, indicators on sustainability embeddedness in the de facto GRI guidelines are highlighted in comparison to the measure developed. Finally, the third study explores the determinants of sustainability embeddedness in integrated reports using a decoupling lens. More specifically, the study examines the effects of integrated reporting age (as a proxy for early and late adoption), the level of reporting of GRI sustainability guidelines (GRI application level), report assurance and corporate governance on sustainability embeddedness in integrated reports. The study finds that the application of integrated reporting emerged in 2001 amongst only a few corporations in Europe and South America, and was spread among all continents by 2010. While mimetic and normative factors at a meso level were significantly related to integrated reporting adoption, regulative and normative factors at a macro level were found to be of limited association with integrated reporting adoption. Interestingly, corporate size, a firm characteristic control variable, was found to be negatively associated with IR adoption. Exploring sustainability embeddedness in integrated reports in the second study reveals that on average integrated reporters covered 54.4% of the indicators on sustainability embeddedness on the constructed index. Integrated reporters were found to show that sustainability is embedded in some aspects as stakeholder dialogue, executive members’ commitment to sustainability and developing measures to report on various environmental impacts. Conversely, integrated reporters conducting business as usual and prioritised financial aspects in others aspects as remuneration, promotion and appraisal, employee sustainability engagement and investor dialogue regarding sustainability. The results also show that there are great discrepancies in the levels of sustainability embeddedness coverage between integrated reporters. Sustainability embeddedness scores were found to decline, especially in the most recent years of adoption. Regression results in the third study did not find evidence that early adopters of integrated reporting had significantly higher sustainability embeddedness than later adopters. Additionally, corporate governance mechanisms were also unable to explain sustainability embeddedness scores, with the exception of the positive association between corporate two-tier boards and sustainability embeddedness. Embedding sustainability was found to be mainly associated with GRI application level. There was limited evidence to suggest that integrated reporters providing assurance for their reports had higher sustainability embeddedness scores. The studies, taken together, contribute to the body of literature on CSR adoption in general and the adoption of integrated reporting and its practices in particular. The studies also provide contribution and implications by testing institutional theory in a new context

    AXMEDIS 2008

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    The AXMEDIS International Conference series aims to explore all subjects and topics related to cross-media and digital-media content production, processing, management, standards, representation, sharing, protection and rights management, to address the latest developments and future trends of the technologies and their applications, impacts and exploitation. The AXMEDIS events offer venues for exchanging concepts, requirements, prototypes, research ideas, and findings which could contribute to academic research and also benefit business and industrial communities. In the Internet as well as in the digital era, cross-media production and distribution represent key developments and innovations that are fostered by emergent technologies to ensure better value for money while optimising productivity and market coverage
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