343 research outputs found

    Current and emerging trends in public relations theory and practice

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    Presentation on key PR issues including measurement and evaluation (ROI), communication management (Communication Controlling) and the history of public relations

    Cavity cooling of an optically levitated nanoparticle

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    The ability to trap and to manipulate individual atoms is at the heart of current implementations of quantum simulations, quantum computing, and long-distance quantum communication. Controlling the motion of larger particles opens up yet new avenues for quantum science, both for the study of fundamental quantum phenomena in the context of matter wave interference, and for new sensing and transduction applications in the context of quantum optomechanics. Specifically, it has been suggested that cavity cooling of a single nanoparticle in high vacuum allows for the generation of quantum states of motion in a room-temperature environment as well as for unprecedented force sensitivity. Here, we take the first steps into this regime. We demonstrate cavity cooling of an optically levitated nanoparticle consisting of approximately 10e9 atoms. The particle is trapped at modest vacuum levels of a few millibar in the standing-wave field of an optical cavity and is cooled through coherent scattering into the modes of the same cavity. We estimate that our cooling rates are sufficient for ground-state cooling, provided that optical trapping at a vacuum level of 10e-7 millibar can be realized in the future, e.g., by employing additional active-feedback schemes to stabilize the optical trap in three dimensions. This paves the way for a new light-matter interface enabling room-temperature quantum experiments with mesoscopic mechanical systems.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure


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    The research is designed to analyze the influence of organizational communication satisfaction on employee performance. In this research organizational communication satisfaction includes communication climate, communication controlling, unity of organization, communication with coworker, information of company, individual feedback, media quality, and communication of superior with subordinate. Respondents were consist of 100 employee from three public hospitals i.e. Romani Hospital, Telogorejo Hospital, and Panti Wilasa Hospital. They were gathered by using random sampling method. The data were analyzed by using regression analysis method. The results show that all organizational communication satisfaction variables significantly dan positively influenced on the employee performance

    Keep calm and evaluate: Encouraging practitioners to measure effectively.

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    Measurement has been a concern for the PR profession for the best part of a century. Today, agreeing on value from the outset lies at the heart of true insight into whether communication is effective or not

    Arbitrary d-dimensional Pauli X gates of a flying qudit

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    High-dimensional degrees of freedom of photons can encode more quantum information than their two-dimensional counterparts. While the increased information capacity has advantages in quantum applications (such as quantum communication), controlling and manipulating these systems has been challenging. Here we show a method to perform deterministic arbitrary high-dimensional Pauli X gates for single photons carrying orbital angular momentum. The X gate consists of a cyclic permutation of qudit basis vectors and, together with the Z gate, forms the basis for performing arbitrary transformations. The proposed experimental setups only use two basic optical elements such as mode sorters and mode shifters and thus could be implemented in any system where these experimental tools are available. Furthermore the number of involved interferometers scales logarithmically with the dimension, which is important for practical implementation

    Return on Investment in Public Relations: A critical assessment of concepts used by practitioners from the perspectives of communication and management sciences

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    Return on Investment (ROI) is a term commonly and non-specifically used by public relations practitioners when discussing the value to be created from communication activities. It mimics business language, particularly from business administration and financial management, but does not figure widely in academic discourse (Watson, 2005). Although the Institute for Public Relations [now CIPR] undertook a review of ROI practice in the United Kingdom (IPR/CDF 2004) and Likely, Rockland & Weiner (2006) proposed variations of ROI as alternatives to the discredited Advertising Value Equivalence (AVEs) measure of value creation, there has been little discussion other than Macnamara (2007) and Gregory and Watson (2008). This paper gives an overview on the views of ROI in public relations literature and concepts used by agencies and providers of measurement services. It reports on survey research amongst practitioners in several European countries on identifying the economic value of public relations. The findings are compared with the concepts of ROI used in business and accounting literature (Weber and Schäffer, 2006; Drury, 2007). Applied theory and parameters for the development of measurement and evaluation techniques are proposed. The paper concludes that the use of the term ROI in public relations needs a proper foundation in overriding management theory; otherwise PR theory and practice will discredit themselves

    Osteoblast-derived vesicles induce a switch from bone-formation to bone-resorption in vivo

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    Bone metabolism is regulated by the cooperative activity between bone-forming osteoblasts and bone-resorbing osteoclasts. However, the mechanisms mediating the switch between the osteoblastic and osteoclastic phases have not been fully elucidated. Here, we identify a specific subset of mature osteoblast-derived extracellular vesicles that inhibit bone formation and enhance osteoclastogenesis. Intravital imaging reveals that mature osteoblasts secrete and capture extracellular vesicles, referred to as small osteoblast vesicles (SOVs). Co-culture experiments demonstrate that SOVs suppress osteoblast differentiation and enhance the expression of receptor activator of NF-κB ligand, thereby inducing osteoclast differentiation. We also elucidate that the SOV-enriched microRNA miR-143 inhibits Runt-related transcription factor 2, a master regulator of osteoblastogenesis, by targeting the mRNA expression of its dimerization partner, core-binding factor β. In summary, we identify SOVs as a mode of cell-to-cell communication, controlling the dynamic transition from bone-forming to bone-resorbing phases in vivo.Uenaka M., Yamashita E., Kikuta J., et al. Osteoblast-derived vesicles induce a switch from bone-formation to bone-resorption in vivo. Nature Communications 13, 1066 (2022); https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-28673-2

    Expanding Evaluation to Progress Strategic Communication: Beyond Message Tracking to Open Listening

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    © 2018, © 2018 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. Management writer Tom Peters noted that what gets measured is what gets done in organizations. Therefore, measurement and evaluation models and approaches provide insights into strategy. Furthermore, the most widely used approaches to evaluation are based on program logic models that identify objectives, planning, and inputs, as well as seek to track outputs, outcomes and impact, thus affording insights into the origins of strategy and strategic intent as well as its implementation. Given increasing focus on emergent strategy and participatory or networked strategy in place of internally predetermined strategy that is unilaterally focused on an organization’s goals and objectives, this article critically reviews widely used models for evaluation of communication to identify how well they support and enable broader contemporary approaches to organizational strategy and strategic communication. This analysis shows a narrow organization-centric focus on evaluating organizational messaging (one-way communication) directed at achieving organizational objectives in traditional evaluation models and calls for a more open, dynamic, and expanded approach to facilitate two-way communication. Furthermore, in showing the important role of formative as well as summative evaluation, this analysis identifies a number of ways that evaluation of communication can inform organizational strategy and transform strategic communication

    Implementasi Kebijakan Pengendalian Kebakaran Hutan dan Lahan di Provinsi Sumatera Selatan

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    Land and forest fires in Indonesia occur almost every year since 1997. The main causes of fires are due to human activities, driven by El Nino during dry season and biophysical conditions of degraded land. In Indonesia land and forest fires have an impact on socio-cultural, economic and political aspects. Therefore, Indonesian government involves multi institutions to control land and forest fire. Thus, to manage fire, coordination among institutions is absolutely necessary. This study using qualitative approach to analyze coordination among government agencies in term of land and forest fire control with case in South Sumatera Province. The results showed that coordination among government agencies occured in the context of fire suppression and the performance was less than optimal when viewed from the achievement of fire fighting targets. Factors influenced the coordination of fire management were authority, communication, controlling and leadership. Therefore, need to be improved by considering that fire suppression in peatlands is relatively difficult.Kebakaran lahan dan hutan (Karhutla) di Indonesia terjadi hampir setiap tahun sejak 1997. Penyebab utama kebakaran berkaitan dengan aktivitas manusia, didorong kondisi iklim ekstrem yang dipengaruhi El Nino saat musim kemarau dan kondisi biofisik lahan terdegradasi. Di Indonesia kebakaran berdampak pada aspek sosial budaya, ekonomi dan politik. Oleh karena itu pemerintah Indonesia melibatkan multi institusi pemerintah dalam pengendalian Karhutla. Dengan demikian koordinasi antar institusi mutlak diperlukan dalam pengendalian Karhutla. Studi dengan pendekatan kualitatif ini menganalisis koordinasi antar instansi pemerintah dalam pengendalian Karhutla dengan kasus di Provinsi Sumatera Selatan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa koordinasi antar instansi pemerintah terjadi dalam konteks pemadaman kebakaran. Kinerja yang dihasilkan kurang optimal ditinjau dari capaian target pemadaman. Faktor yang memengaruhi koordinasi adalah kewenangan, komunikasi, kontrol dan kepemimpinan. Koordinasi perlu ditingkatkan dalam konteks pencegahan Karhutla mengingat pemadaman api di lahan gambut relatif sulit dikendalikan