1,465,622 research outputs found

    Characterization of optical communication in a leader-follower unmanned underwater vehicle formation

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    As part of the research to development an optical communication design of a leader-follower formation between unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs), this paper presents light field characterization and design configuration of the hardware required to allow the use of distance detection between UUVs. The study specifically is targeting communication between remotely operated vehicles (ROVs). As an initial step in this study, the light field produced from a light source mounted on the leader UUV was empirically characterized and modeled. Based on the light field measurements, a photo-detector array for the follower UUV was designed. Evaluation of the communication algorithms to monitor the UUV’s motion was conducted through underwater experiments in the Ocean Engineering Laboratory at the University of New Hampshire. The optimal spectral range was determined based on the calculation of the diffuse attenuation coefficients by using two different light sources and a spectrometer. The range between the leader and the follower vehicles for a specific water type was determined. In addition, the array design and the communication algorithms were modified according to the results from the light field

    Analisis Desain Komunikasi Visual sebagai Subjek Pelestarian Seni Budaya dan Kearifan Lokal Minangkabau

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    This research stems from the analysis and review process of the field of Visual Communication Design (VCD) as one of the disciplines that contribute to the preservation of Minangkabau culture and local wisdom. From several research findings, it is evident that VCD can be considered as an academic discipline, and more narrowly, visual communication design media can be employed as a subject in preserving Minangkabau culture and local wisdom. One of the objectives of this research is to underscore that the field of visual communication design, as a subject, can be utilized to promote efforts to preserve and enhance the existence of this discipline in conserving the culture. The research methodology adopted for this study is qualitative (literature review and content analysis). Data were collected through the process of analyzing and reviewing books, journals, articles, and works produced through visual communication media. The research results manifest in descriptive statements that emphasize visual communication design's potential as a medium for preserving Minangkabau culture and local wisdom. Furthermore, this research can be used as a reference and can contribute to the development of the curriculum in the case study area, namely the Visual Communication Design program located in West Sumatr

    Keep Your Nice Friends Close, but Your Rich Friends Closer -- Computation Offloading Using NFC

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    The increasing complexity of smartphone applications and services necessitate high battery consumption but the growth of smartphones' battery capacity is not keeping pace with these increasing power demands. To overcome this problem, researchers gave birth to the Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) research area. In this paper we advance on previous ideas, by proposing and implementing the first known Near Field Communication (NFC)-based computation offloading framework. This research is motivated by the advantages of NFC's short distance communication, with its better security, and its low battery consumption. We design a new NFC communication protocol that overcomes the limitations of the default protocol; removing the need for constant user interaction, the one-way communication restraint, and the limit on low data size transfer. We present experimental results of the energy consumption and the time duration of two computationally intensive representative applications: (i) RSA key generation and encryption, and (ii) gaming/puzzles. We show that when the helper device is more powerful than the device offloading the computations, the execution time of the tasks is reduced. Finally, we show that devices that offload application parts considerably reduce their energy consumption due to the low-power NFC interface and the benefits of offloading.Comment: 9 pages, 4 tables, 13 figure


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    The competence of the 21st century in the era of the industrial revolution requires the integration of information and communication technology in the world of education so that the selection of teaching materials must also be adjusted to the demands of changing times. The purpose of this study is to develop product design, teaching material products, and the feasibility of interactive digital teaching materials integrative learning to write exposition texts for grade X high school. This development research uses the R2D2 model (Reflective, Recursive, Design, and Development). The product resulting from this development research is in the form of a book called BUDESI (Exposition Digital Book) which is the development of interactive digital teaching materials integrative learning to write exposition texts for grade X high school and user manuals. Based on the results of product tests conducted by technology experts, material experts, practitioners, and respondents (field tests) show that the integrative interactive digital teaching materials packaged in BUDESI are very feasible and can be applied to learning to write exposition texts for grade X high school students

    Social software and interactions in Web design: an in situ exploration of tools & methods to support designer-client communication

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    This paper outlines the scope, approach and current progress of a thesis which is investigating the role that Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) plays in supporting the design process within the web design industry. Specifically, the thesis investigates designer-client communication, and explores the issues with technologies to support this communication. This research is situated within the field of Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW). Web design businesses use a variety of CMC tools to support communication with their clients; however they must rely on general purpose tools which the client has prior knowledge of. Social Software solutions which can better support these processes have yet to become adopted within the industry. The research question for this work is how can Social Software be better designed to support designer-client communication within web design businesses? A platform that facilitates the creation of Social Software will be designed, deployed and evaluated in situ to investigate the problems and opportunities for Social Software within this space. An iterative design process will be used to develop and evaluate the platform through the use of ethnographic action research and design thinking methods. The aim of the platform is to reduce the challenges of introducing new software into web design businesses, and evaluate the platform through participatory design studies of developing new tools which better support the design process. The results of the platform will be used to inform a design framework for Social Software designers wanting to develop tools to support communication in this context

    A Rhetoric Of Technology: The Discourse In U.S. Army Manuals And Handbooks

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    This dissertation examines the historical technical publications of the United States Army from 1775-2004. Historical research in Army technical communication reveals the persuasive characteristics of its technical publications. Elements of narrative, storytelling, and anthropomorphism are techniques writers used to help deliver information to readers. Research also reveals the design techniques writers adopted to unite the situated literacies of the troops. Analyses of print, comic, and digital media expose the increasing visualization of information since the eighteenth century. The results of such historical research can be applied to new media designs. Automating processes captured in paper-based technical manuals and adding intelligent functionality to these designs are two of many possible design options. Research also dispels a myth concerning the history of modern technical communication and illustrates the development of many genres and subgenres. Modern technical communication was not born of World War II as many scholars suggest, but was a legitimate field in eighteenth-century America. Finally, historical research in Army technical communication shows the systematic progression of a technological society and our increasing dependence on machine intelligence

    Researching Visual Application Respectful of Cultural Diversity.

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    The general intention of this paper is to provide insight into a problematic area, that of visual application respectful of cultural diversity, and to demonstrate the relevance of graphic design research in a societal environment. The paper presents methods and results from two completed research projects in the field of intercultural visual communication. The key findings of Research Project 1 are methods of multilingual typography communicated by type specimens and text samples, annotations on books, visual examples from Chinese designers and texts. The most important results of Research Project 2 are visually communicated by 120 newly drawn infographics. In addition, a new research plan will be discussed, namely the development of visual identities for public institutions that implement cultural and social diversity policies. The proposed design methods in all three projects respond to the complexity of changing social requirements and forms of communication. They have been developed through visual applications of design that focus on the approach called “research through design.” The fundamental research goal is to practice sovereign interaction, also with visual differences, and thus counters the tendency of globalization and commercialization to equalize differences

    Communication in the IS Community: A Call for Research and Design

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    Many in the IS community are aware of the importance of communication practices in building a sustainable community. Yet, surprisingly, little is known about the practices and perceptions of communication within our field. In this study, members of the ISWorld listserv were surveyed for their patterns of use and involvement, their opinions on the roles and management of the listserv, and their recommendations for design. A complementary archival analysis, which includes an analysis of the 9-11 aftermath and an analysis of how people respond to requests for information, corroborated some of the survey results. The survey results suggest that members are generally satisfied with the listserv but much more can still be done to improve its conduct and design. Moreover, more research can and should be conducted on the listserv and on other forms of communication within the IS community. We enumerate several research topics that emerged from this study

    Study of Science Process Skills Student Using Worksheet based on Science Process Skills

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    The science process is related to cognitive development because it needs to be applied in the skills learning process to support students' mastery of science concepts which can provide better learning outcomes. The focus of this research is to develop a worksheet based on science process skills on biology content for the first grade of high school. Research design is research and development which consists of defining, designing, and developing. The participants for this preliminary field testing were twelve second-grade high school students at I.T Dhia'ul Fikri Sukarara, East Lombok. Collecting data using worksheets refers to science process skills indicators consisting of observation, classification, prediction, communication, and inference. The results of preliminary field testing were analyzed descriptively quantitatively by giving a score of 3, 2, and 1 for each of science process skills indicators, then percentage based on the low, medium, and high categories. The results of the analysis showed that of the seven-biology content tested in the limited trial of developing worksheets, the results obtained were for the low category the highest percentage of content in the biogeochemical cycle for all science process skills indicators. The medium category has the highest percentage of inference indicators for environmental balance, environmental change, environmental pollution, and environmental management. High category on environmental balance content; the highest percentage with indicators of observation, classification, prediction, and communication., environmental changes on indicators of observation, classification, prediction, and communication, pollution indicators of observation, prediction, and communication. The conclusion based on the results of this preliminary field testing is that students are able to demonstrate science process skills using worksheets with various categories, and from the seven-biology content tested, the biogeochemical cycle is considered the most difficult by studentsThe science process is related to cognitive development, because it needs to be applied in the skills learning process to support students' mastery of science concepts which can provide better learning outcomes. The focus of this research is to develop a worksheet based on science process skills on biology content for the first grade of high school. Research design is research and development which consists of define, design and develop. The participants for this preliminary field testing were twelve second grade high school students at I.T Dhia'ul Fikri Sukarara, East Lombok. Collecting data using worksheets with refers to of science process skills indicators consisting of observation, classification, prediction, communication, and inference. The results of preliminary field testing were analyzed descriptively quantitatively by giving a score of 3, 2, and 1 for each of science process skills indicators, then percentage based on the low, medium, and high categories. The results of the analysis showed that of the seven biology content tested in the limited trial of developing worksheets, the results obtained were for the low category the highest percentage of content in the biogeochemical cycle for all science process skills indicators. The medium category has the highest percentage of inference indicators for environmental balance, environmental change, environmental pollution, and environmental management. High category on environmental balance content; the highest percentage with indicators of observation, classification, prediction, and communication., environmental changes on indicators of observation, classification, prediction, and communication., pollution indicators of observation, prediction, and communication. The conclusion based on results of this preliminary field testing is that students are able to demonstrate science process skills using worksheets with various categories, and from the seven biology content tested, the biogeochemical cycle is considered the most difficult by student
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