
Social software and interactions in Web design: an in situ exploration of tools & methods to support designer-client communication


This paper outlines the scope, approach and current progress of a thesis which is investigating the role that Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) plays in supporting the design process within the web design industry. Specifically, the thesis investigates designer-client communication, and explores the issues with technologies to support this communication. This research is situated within the field of Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW). Web design businesses use a variety of CMC tools to support communication with their clients; however they must rely on general purpose tools which the client has prior knowledge of. Social Software solutions which can better support these processes have yet to become adopted within the industry. The research question for this work is how can Social Software be better designed to support designer-client communication within web design businesses? A platform that facilitates the creation of Social Software will be designed, deployed and evaluated in situ to investigate the problems and opportunities for Social Software within this space. An iterative design process will be used to develop and evaluate the platform through the use of ethnographic action research and design thinking methods. The aim of the platform is to reduce the challenges of introducing new software into web design businesses, and evaluate the platform through participatory design studies of developing new tools which better support the design process. The results of the platform will be used to inform a design framework for Social Software designers wanting to develop tools to support communication in this context

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