8 research outputs found

    Postphenomenology and Information Science: epistemics contributions to knowledge access

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    Apresenta estudos preliminares sobre o uso da Pós-Fenomenologia na Ciência da Informação, fundamentando o acesso ao conhecimento fornecido pela informação imagética produzida por tecnologias e disponibilizada na web. Descreve os principais elementos que ajudaram a desenvolver essa escola de pensamento e os autores da Fenomenologia que contribuíram para o seu desenvolvimento teórico, Husserl e Merleau-Ponty. Analisa o autor Don Ihde, um dos mais apontados na literatura sobre Pós-Fenomenologia e sua importância para os estudos que relacionam o acesso ao conhecimento mediado na relação homem-tecnologia-mundo, sobretudo numa perspectiva visual dentro da ciência. Aponta abordagens possíveis para estudos futuros que envolvam o uso de tecnologias de comunicação e informação (TICs) e o compartilhamento de informações imagéticas na web. Presents preliminary studies on the use of Postphenomenology in Information Science, supporting access to knowledge provided by imagetic information produced by different technologies and available on the web. Describes the main elements that helped build this school of thought and the authors of phenomenology who contributed to the development of the theory, Husserl and Merleau-Ponty. Analyses of the author Don Ihde, one of the most mentioned in the literature on Postphenomenology and its importance for studies that relate the mediated access to knowledge in the man-technology-world relationship, especially under a visual perspective in science. Points out possible approaches for future studies involving the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) and imagetic information sharing on the web

    ”Det usøkte funn” - modellering av serendipitet i bibliotek- og informasjonsvitenskap

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    Denne studien er en teoretisk diskusjon av hvordan fenomenet serendipitet kan forstås innen bibliotek- og informasjonsvitenskap. Fenomenet er tidligere nevnt i ulike diskusjoner og studier innen BIV, men det er behov for en mer generell og grunnleggende forståelse. Gjennom en analyse av serendipitet i forhold til et utvalg modeller for informasjonsatferd gjøres det rede for ulike aspekter ved fenomenet. Videre diskuteres ulike epistemologiske aspekter knyttet til forskning på serendipitet, og det pekes på aktuelle områder og utfordringer innen BIV i forhold til framtidig forskning. Analysen av informasjonsatferdsmodeller avdekker et behov for en mer helhetlig forståelse av serendipitet som fenomen både i forhold til målrettet søking og mer tilfeldig informasjonsakkvisisjon. Videre er det klart at ulike epistemologiske tilnærminger vil være aktuelle i forhold til ulike forskningstema knyttet til serendipitet innen bibliotek- og informasjonsvitenskaplig forskning.Master i bibliotek- og informasjonsvitenska

    The role of philosophy and the philosophical in information science

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    The importance of philosophy and the philosophical is not on the lips of many library and information science practitioners and scholars, even though pervasive in information science theory and practice. This investigation focusses on the relationship between information science, philosophy and the philosophical thinking attitude revealed through theoretical and practical concerns. This includes theory generation arising from the philosophical in exploring the role of philosophy and the philosophical. It takes into account perceived problems in recognising, accepting and rejecting the role of philosophical approaches and the impact in determining the nature and the theoretical and practical aspects of information science. The problem posed by not recognising philosophical approaches, is that the benefits of philosophical thought cannot be drawn on to understand how knowledge, information and its communication manifest through language and language expression. Three pathways are used in order to reveal philosophy and the philosophical in information science, the connection between information retrieval and language, and philosophical thinking attitudes at theoretical and practical levels. The value of the study lies in contributing towards knowledge and awareness of the effect of philosophical theories on problems seen as central research areas in information science and its domains. The methodological approach gives preference to the comparative and pluralistic epistemology of a journey. The study examines Peter Ingwersen’s cognitive perspective and information retrieval interaction, David Blair’s treatment of information retrieval with natural language as primary concern, and Fanie de Beer’s contribution on the inventive act of reading and knowledge organisation, as representative figures. It is argued that information science cannot avoid philosophy in its different manifestations. By understanding how philosophy manifests in information science, such as the role of philosophy revealed through language and information retrieval, an opportunity is offered to reconsider the discipline’s interdisciplinary nature in the existing scholarly and societal environment, and the contribution of its historical development to the assumptions and philosophies underlying the discipline. A further empirical study on how philosophy and the philosophical are embedded in information science research is recommended. It could investigate the influence of philosophy on decisions made by South African universities to redesign information science research and study programmes.Biblioteek- en inligtingkundige praktisyns praat nie dikwels oor die belangrikheid van filosofie en die filosofiese nie, hoewel dit algemeen in die teorie en praktyk van inligtingkunde voorkom. Hierdie ondersoek fokus op die verband tussen inligtingkunde, filosofie en die filosofiese denkhouding wat deur teoretiese en praktiese aspekte blootgelê word. Dit sluit die skepping in van teorieë wat uit die filosofiese voortspruit met die ondersoek na die rol van filosofie en die filosofiese. Dit neem kennis van vermeende probleme met herkenning, aanvaarding en verwerping van die rol van filosofiese benaderings en die impak op bepaling van die aard en die teoretiese en praktiese aspekte van inligtingkunde. Die probleem wat veroorsaak word deur nie die filosofiese benaderings te erken nie, is dat die voordele van filosofiese denke nie gebruik kan word om te verstaan hoe kennis, inligting en die kommunikasie daarvan in taal- en taaluitdrukking manifesteer nie. Drie weë word gevolg om die filosofie en die filosofiese in inligtingkunde, die verband tussen inligtingontsluiting en taal, en filosofiese denkhouding op teoretiese en praktiese vlak aan te toon. Die waarde van die studie lê daarin dat dit bydra tot kennis en bewustheid van die uitwerking van filosofiese teorieë op probleme wat as sentrale navorsingsgebiede in inligtingkunde en sy domeine beskou word. Die metodologiese benadering gee voorkeur aan die vergelykende en pluralistiese epistemologie van 'n reis. Die studie ondersoek Peter Ingwersen se kognitiewe perspektief en interaksie met inligtingontsluiting, David Blair se hantering van inligtingontsluiting met natuurlike taal as primêre belang, en Fanie de Beer se bydrae oor die vindingryke handeling van lees- en kennisorganisasie, as verteenwoordigende figure. Daar word aangevoer dat inligtingkunde nie filosofie in sy verskillende manifestasies kan vermy nie. Deur te verstaan hoe filosofie in inligtingkunde manifesteer, soos die rol van filosofie wat deur taal- en inligtingontsluiting openbaar word, word die geleentheid gebied om die dissipline se interdissiplinêre aard in die bestaande wetenskaplike en samelewingsomgewing en die bydrae van die historiese ontwikkeling daarvan tot die aannames en filosofieë onderliggend aan die dissipline te heroorweeg. 'n Verdere empiriese studie oor hoe filosofie en die filosofiese in inligtingkundige navorsing vervat is, word aanbeveel. Dit kan die invloed van filosofie op besluite wat Suid-Afrikaanse universiteite neem om navorsings- en studieprogramme vir inligtingkunde te herontwerp, ondersoek.Bohlokwa bja filosofi le bja tiriso ya filosofi bo bolelwa kudu ke basomi ba bantsi ba dithutamahlale tsa bokgobapuku le tshedimoso le dirutegi, le ge e le gore di tletse kudu ka go teori le tiriso ya dithutamahlale tsa tshedimoso. Dinyakisiso tse di nepisitse go kamano magareng ga dithutamahlale tsa tshedimoso, filosofi le maikutlo a go nagana ka filosofi ao a utollotswego ka dipelaelo mabapi le teori le tiriso. Se se akaretsa moloko wo o dirisago teori e lego seo se bakilwego ke tiriso ya filosofi go utolla mosomo wa filosofi le wa tiriso ya filosofi. Di hlokometse kudu mathata ao a bonwago ka go lekodisisa, go amogela le go gana mosomo wa mekgwa ya filosofi le seabe sa go tseba mokgwa le dilo tsa teori le tsa tiriso ya dithutamahlale tsa tshedimoso. Bothata bjo bo laeditswego bja go se lemoge mekgwa ya filosofi, ke gore mehola ya kgopolo ya filosofi e ka se diriswe gore re kwesise ka fao tsebo, tshedimoso le poledisano ka ga yona di ka phethagatswago ka polelo le tlhagiso ya polelo. Ditsela tse tharo di a diriswa ka nepo ya go utolla filosofi le tiriso ya filosofi ka go dithutamahlale tsa tshedimoso, kamano magareng ga go hwetsa tshedimoso le polelo, le mekgwa ya go nagana ka filosofi maemong a teori le a tiriso. Boleng bja dinyakisiso tse ke go ba le seabe go tsebo le go temoso ka ga seabe sa diteori tsa filosofi go mathata ao a bonwego bjalo ka dinyakisiso tse bohlokwa ka go dithutamahlale tsa tshedimoso le go makala a tsona. Tsela ye ya go dirisa mekgwa e rata kudu mokgwa wa papetso le wa go tseba dilo ka tsela ye e fapafapanego mo leetong. Dinyakisiso tse di lekodisisa mokgwa wa kwesiso le kamano ya go hwetsa tshedimoso tsa Peter Ingwersen, kwesiso ya David Blair ya go hwetsa tshedimoso le polelo ya tlhago bjalo ka selo seo se tlisago tlhobaelo ya mathomo, le seabe sa Fanie de Beer ka ga tiro ya boitlhamelo ya go bala le go beakanya tsebo, bjalo ka dilo tseo di tlisago kemelo. Go bolelwa gore dithutamahlale tsa tshedimoso di ka se kgone go efoga filosofi ka tirisong ya tsona ye e fapafapanego. Ka go kwesisa ka fao filosofi e diriswago ka gona ka go dithutamahlale tsa tshedimoso, go swana le ge mosomo wa filosofi o utollotswe ka polelo le ka go utolla tshedimoso, sebaka se a fiwa go lebeledisisa leswa seemo sa thuto ye sa kamano le dithuto tse dingwe ka seemong sa bjale sa dirutegi le ka setshabeng, le seabe sa tlhabollo ya yona mo nakong ye e fetilego go ditshisinyo le go difilosofi tseo di thekgago thuto ye. Dinyakisiso tse dingwe tseo di theilwego go boitemogelo ka ga ka fao filosofi le tiriso ya filosofi di tsentswego ka go dithutamahlale tsa tshedimoso di a sisinywa. Di ka nyakisisa khuetso ya filosofi go diphetho tseo di dirilwego ke diyunibesithi tsa Afrika Borwa go hlama leswa dinyakisiso tsa dithutamahlale tsa tshedimoso le go mananeo a dithuto.Information SciencePh. D. (Information Science

    Mobile phones' contributions to socio-economic development according to Sen: corn growers' perceived impact in the Congo

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    Research questions This research was focused on exploring the impact of communication technologies on rural populations in the Congo. In particular, this research posed two questions: 1. Do mobile phones produce development in rural areas of the Congo? 2. Do mobile phones improve the living conditions of people? The questions helped examine ways in which mobile phones were or were not engendering development among these populations. Methods The research was undertaken using four methods: 1. Phenomenology, 2. Sen s capability approach, 3. Participatory method, and 4. Ecological method Phenomenology aimed to cater to the experiences and meanings of mobile phone uses. Sen s capability approach allowed the interviews to be focused on the basic needs of the poor. Participatory method provided a greater participation of respondents in discussion groups, and ecological method helped achieve a higher inclusion of key players in the targeted area. Major findings The major findings of this study included: 1.Much of the literature on mobile phones and development was not representative or inclusive of key players and their day-to-day lives. 2.Studies have tended to present snapshots or single-focused accounts of mobile phone and development. 3.Authors of mobile phone research have tended to see rural populations with an urban-led bias, leaving aside the actual characteristics of rural areas. 4.Mobile phones were not limited to a person and her properties, but rather mobile phones were owned and shared by the community. 5.Participants expressed a need for technical skills and means to be available to the community and their members. 6.Households were not separated, but rather they were connected to allow people take care of one another. 7.People were connected through collective solidarities in order to come to the aid of those with special needs. 8.Literature and mobile phone sponsors or companies were disseminating mobile phones with an extractive and commercial tendency, focused principally on fees of batteries, chargers, and prepaid cards. Major contributions The major contributions of this research revolved around the focus on: 1.technology to enhance the needed technical skills among concerned populations. 2.shared ownership of mobile phones to cater to both users and non-users of mobile phones among concerned populations. 3.connected households to capitalize on the dynamics of family among concerned populations. 4.collective solidarities to accommodate the processes of aiding one another among concerned populations. 5.capabilities, from a commercial or extractive aspect to capabilities to enhance the capabilities of people to afford mobile phones fees. 6.capabilities, from a corporate or business aspect to capabilities to enhance the capabilities of people who did not and could not own a business. 7.human basic needs to enhance the capabilities of mobile phone users with regard to human basic needs. 8.outliers or the marginalized to attend to those left out among concerned populations. 9.mobile phone-centric libraries to enhance the storage and retrieval of needed information among concerned populations

    Análise de domínio sob a luz do conceito de agenciamento de Gilles Deleuze

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Educação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação, Florianópolis, 2015.Diante adissensão sobre a Análise de Domínio, pretende-se analisar a proposta de Hjørland sob a óptica da Filosofia pós-moderna de Deleuze. Tem-se como objetivo geral deste trabalho a revisão do conceito de Análise de Domínio de Hjørland em uma perspectiva filosófica deleuziana. Os objetivos específicos são:a) identificar e caracterizar as propriedades que sustentam o conceito de Análise de Domínio; b) levantar na Filosofia de Deleuze um conceito que norteie a análise sobre a teoria de Hjørland; c) interpretar o conceito de Análise de Domínio de Hjørland com base no conceito deleuziano. Com a Análise de Conteúdo, dividiu-se o trabalho em três etapas: levantamento e leitura dos artigos de autoria de Hjørland encontradosnas bases Library and Information Science Abstracts (LISA) e Web of Science e Scopus (WoS) e no periódico Advances in Knowledge Organization (AKO), a fim de estabelecer índices de análise, definidos como comunidade discursiva, domínio e linguagem. Verificou-se que os três índices fundamentam a Análise de Domínio, pois as concepções compreendem os aspectos sociais que implicam o uso da informação. Além disso, identificou-se que os três índices não estabelecem relações hierárquicas rígidas nos textos de Hjørland, mas relações maleáveis. Com base na obraMil Platôs de Deleuze e Guattari, elegeu-se o conceito de agenciamento por compatibilizar com os índices anteriores. O conceito de agenciamento diz respeito ao funcionamento dos processos de atualização, operados por máquinas abstratas e constituído por duas duplas de elementos, a dinâmica conteúdo e expressão, além dos movimentos de territorialização e desterritorialização. Num segundo momento, realizou-se um cruzamento entre os índices e os componentes do conceito deleuziano, consolidando diretrizes para o estudo de domínios. Por fim, na última etapa, os resultados foram discutidos em relação ao referencial teórico Ainda, propos-se o conceito filosófico de Indomável, indicando à impossibilidade da fidelidade das representações. Os resultados apontam que só a análise sobre a linguagem não basta aos estudos de domínio, que exige a compreensão do meio composto por subjetividades e instituições.Concluiu-se que a Análise de Domínio se alinha à pós-modernidade e que as Filosofias dessa vertente podem contribuir com o avanço teórico e metodológico da área.Abstract : On the dissension on Domain Analysis, it intends to analyze the proposed Hjørland from the perspective of postmodern philosophy of Deleuze. It has the general objective of this work to review the Hjørland?sconcept of Domain Analysis in a Deleuzian philosophical perspective.The specific objectives are: a) identify and characterize the properties that support the concept of Domain Analysis; b) find in Deleuze's philosophy a concept that guides the analysis of the theory Hjørland; c) interpret the Hjørland's concept of Domain Analysis based on the Deleuzian concept. With content analysis, work was divided in three stages: survey and readingthe Hjørland authored articles found the Library and Information Science Abstracts databases (LISA) and Web of Science and Scopus (WoS) and in the journal Advances in Knowledge Organization (AKO), in order to establish analytical indices defined as a discursive community, domain and language. It was found that the three indices underlie Domain Analysis, for the concepts that comprise the social aspects involve the use of information. In addition, it was identified that the three indices do not establish rigid hierarchical relationships in Hjørland's texts, but malleable relations. Based on the work A Thousand Plateaus of Deleuze and Guattari, was elected the concept of assemblage by compatible with previous rates. The concept of assemblage refers to the operation of the update process, operated by abstract machines and consisting of two pairs of elements, the dynamic content and expression, in addition to the movements of territorialisation and desterritorialization. Secondly, there was a cross between the indices and components of the Deleuzian concept, consolidating guidelines for the study domains. Finally, in the last step, the results were discussed in relation to the theoretical framework. Still, it proposed the philosophical concept of Indomitable, indicating the impossibility of fidelity representations. The results show that only the analysis of the language is not enough to study of domain, which requires an understanding of the environment composed of subjectivities and institutions.It is concluded that the Domain Analysis aligns with post-modernity and the philosophies of this mainstream can contribute to the theoretical and methodological advance of the area

    Arquitetura da informação : uma proposta para fundamentação e caracterização da disciplina científica

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    Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciência da Informação, 2012.Apresenta uma proposta para definição da Arquitetura da Informação como disciplina científica de fundamentação filosófica e implicações tecnológicas práticas. Identifica o hiato existente entre as práticas da Arquitetura da Informação e de um modelo teórico, tanto de natureza filosófica quanto científica, que a sustente. Realiza uma revisão bibliográfica sobre as relações entre a Arquitetura da Informação e seus fundamentos epistemológicos, suas relações com a Ciência da Informação e a possibilidade de executar uma redução teórica da Arquitetura da Informação aos modelos da Ciência da Informação. Com base na revisão da literatura, argumenta sobre a inexistência de um fundamento filosófico que sustente as atuais práticas da arquitetura da informação. Para fundamentar a construção de uma disciplina cientifica de Arquitetura da Informação, realiza uma revisão sobre a Filosofia da Ciência e busca identificar critérios de caracterização da prática científica. Como resultados esta tese propõe as bases filosóficas, as científicas e as tecnológicas da disciplina de Arquitetura da Informação. Propõe uma postulação filosófica para uma ontologia, uma fenomenologia e uma epistemologia para a Arquitetura da Informação de modo a caracterizar um universo de discurso que permita a delimitação do campo científico da disciplina. Assume um conceito de Ciência, identifica critérios para caracterização da Arquitetura da Informação como disciplina científica e apresenta as categorias da Manifestação, da Forma, do Contexto e do Significado como categorias fundamentais, situadas no contexto filosófico construído, para a prática científica da Arquitetura da Informação. Apresenta um modelo referencial de uma Teoria Geral da Arquitetura da Informação e uma estrutura de aplicação deste modelo. Com base na fundamentação científica desenvolvida, apresenta um conjunto de princípios tecnológicos que norteiam a prática da Arquitetura da Informação na construção de soluções e caracteriza uma fundamentação tecnológica para a disciplina. _________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTPresents a proposal for defining the Architecture of Information as a scientific discipline with have philosophical and technological foundations too. Identifies the gap between the current practices of Information Architecture and a related theoretical model to sustain it. Reviews the literature on the relationship between Information Architecture and its epistemological foundations; its relations with the Information Science and the possibility to perform a theoretical reduction of the Architecture of Information models into the Information Science one. Based on the literature review, argues about the lack of a philosophical foundation that supports the currents practices of Information Architecture. To support the construction of a scientific discipline of Architecture of Information, conducts a review of the philosophy of science and seeks to identify criteria for characterization of scientific practice. As a result this thesis proposes the philosophical, scientific and technological foundations to the discipline of Architecture of Information. It proposes a philosophical postulation for ontology, derives a phenomenology and an epistemology for Information Architecture in order to characterize a universe of discourse that allows the delimitation of the field of scientific discipline. Assume a concept of Science identifies criteria for definition of Architecture of Information as a scientific discipline and provides the categories of Manifestation, Form, Context and Meaning as fundamental categories, situated in the philosophical context built to the scientific practice of Architecture of Information. Presents a reference model of a General Theory of Architecture of Information and explains a framework for implementing this model. Based on the scientific foundation developed presents a set of technological principles that guide the practice of Information Architecture in building solutions and features a technological foundation for discipline