1,885 research outputs found

    Specification Patterns for Robotic Missions

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    Mobile and general-purpose robots increasingly support our everyday life, requiring dependable robotics control software. Creating such software mainly amounts to implementing their complex behaviors known as missions. Recognizing the need, a large number of domain-specific specification languages has been proposed. These, in addition to traditional logical languages, allow the use of formally specified missions for synthesis, verification, simulation, or guiding the implementation. For instance, the logical language LTL is commonly used by experts to specify missions, as an input for planners, which synthesize the behavior a robot should have. Unfortunately, domain-specific languages are usually tied to specific robot models, while logical languages such as LTL are difficult to use by non-experts. We present a catalog of 22 mission specification patterns for mobile robots, together with tooling for instantiating, composing, and compiling the patterns to create mission specifications. The patterns provide solutions for recurrent specification problems, each of which detailing the usage intent, known uses, relationships to other patterns, and---most importantly---a template mission specification in temporal logic. Our tooling produces specifications expressed in the LTL and CTL temporal logics to be used by planners, simulators, or model checkers. The patterns originate from 245 realistic textual mission requirements extracted from the robotics literature, and they are evaluated upon a total of 441 real-world mission requirements and 1251 mission specifications. Five of these reflect scenarios we defined with two well-known industrial partners developing human-size robots. We validated our patterns' correctness with simulators and two real robots

    Logic programming for deliberative robotic task planning

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    Over the last decade, the use of robots in production and daily life has increased. With increasingly complex tasks and interaction in different environments including humans, robots are required a higher level of autonomy for efficient deliberation. Task planning is a key element of deliberation. It combines elementary operations into a structured plan to satisfy a prescribed goal, given specifications on the robot and the environment. In this manuscript, we present a survey on recent advances in the application of logic programming to the problem of task planning. Logic programming offers several advantages compared to other approaches, including greater expressivity and interpretability which may aid in the development of safe and reliable robots. We analyze different planners and their suitability for specific robotic applications, based on expressivity in domain representation, computational efficiency and software implementation. In this way, we support the robotic designer in choosing the best tool for his application

    Leveraging probabilistic reasoning in deterministic planning for large-scale autonomous Search-and-Tracking

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    Search-And-Tracking (SaT) is the problem of searching for a mobile target and tracking it once it is found. Since SaT platforms face many sources of uncertainty and operational constraints, progress in the field has been restricted to simple and unrealistic scenarios. In this paper, we propose a new hybrid approach to SaT that allows us to successfully address large-scale and complex SaT missions. The probabilistic structure of SaT is compiled into a deterministic planning model and Bayesian inference is directly incorporated in the planning mechanism. Thanks to this tight integration between automated planning and probabilistic reasoning, we are able to exploit the power of both approaches. Planning provides the tools to efficiently explore big search spaces, while Bayesian inference, by readily combining prior knowledge with observable data, allows the planner to make more informed and effective decisions. We offer experimental evidence of the potential of our approach

    Specification Patterns for Robotic Missions

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    Mobile and general-purpose robots increasingly support our everyday life, requiring dependable robotics control software. Creating such software mainly amounts to implementing their complex behaviors known as missions. Recognizing this need, a large number of domain-specific specification languages has been proposed. These, in addition to traditional logical languages, allow the use of formally specified missions for synthesis, verification, simulation or guiding implementation. For instance, the logical language LTL is commonly used by experts to specify missions as an input for planners, which synthesize the behavior a robot should have. Unfortunately, domain-specific languages are usually tied to specific robot models, while logical languages such as LTL are difficult to use by non-experts. We present a catalog of 22 mission specification patterns for mobile robots, together with tooling for instantiating, composing, and compiling the patterns to create mission specifications. The patterns provide solutions for recurrent specification problems, each of which detailing the usage intent, known uses, relationships to other patterns, and-most importantly-a template mission specification in temporal logic. Our tooling produces specifications expressed in the temporal logics LTL and CTL to be used by planners, simulators or model checkers. The patterns originate from 245 realistic textual mission requirements extracted from the robotics literature, and they are evaluated upon a total of 441 real-world mission requirements and 1251 mission specifications. Five of these reflect scenarios we defined with two well-known industrial partners developing human-size robots. We validated our patterns' correctness with simulators and two different types of real robots

    A Survey on Aerial Swarm Robotics

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    The use of aerial swarms to solve real-world problems has been increasing steadily, accompanied by falling prices and improving performance of communication, sensing, and processing hardware. The commoditization of hardware has reduced unit costs, thereby lowering the barriers to entry to the field of aerial swarm robotics. A key enabling technology for swarms is the family of algorithms that allow the individual members of the swarm to communicate and allocate tasks amongst themselves, plan their trajectories, and coordinate their flight in such a way that the overall objectives of the swarm are achieved efficiently. These algorithms, often organized in a hierarchical fashion, endow the swarm with autonomy at every level, and the role of a human operator can be reduced, in principle, to interactions at a higher level without direct intervention. This technology depends on the clever and innovative application of theoretical tools from control and estimation. This paper reviews the state of the art of these theoretical tools, specifically focusing on how they have been developed for, and applied to, aerial swarms. Aerial swarms differ from swarms of ground-based vehicles in two respects: they operate in a three-dimensional space and the dynamics of individual vehicles adds an extra layer of complexity. We review dynamic modeling and conditions for stability and controllability that are essential in order to achieve cooperative flight and distributed sensing. The main sections of this paper focus on major results covering trajectory generation, task allocation, adversarial control, distributed sensing, monitoring, and mapping. Wherever possible, we indicate how the physics and subsystem technologies of aerial robots are brought to bear on these individual areas

    Multi-agent persistent surveillance under temporal logic constraints

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    This thesis proposes algorithms for the deployment of multiple autonomous agents for persistent surveillance missions requiring repeated, periodic visits to regions of interest. Such problems arise in a variety of domains, such as monitoring ocean conditions like temperature and algae content, performing crowd security during public events, tracking wildlife in remote or dangerous areas, or watching traffic patterns and road conditions. Using robots for surveillance is an attractive solution to scenarios in which fixed sensors are not sufficient to maintain situational awareness. Multi-agent solutions are particularly promising, because they allow for improved spatial and temporal resolution of sensor information. In this work, we consider persistent monitoring by teams of agents that are tasked with satisfying missions specified using temporal logic formulas. Such formulas allow rich, complex tasks to be specified, such as "visit regions A and B infinitely often, and if region C is visited then go to region D, and always avoid obstacles." The agents must determine how to satisfy such missions according to fuel, communication, and other constraints. Such problems are inherently difficult due to the typically infinite horizon, state space explosion from planning for multiple agents, communication constraints, and other issues. Therefore, computing an optimal solution to these problems is often infeasible. Instead, a balance must be struck between computational complexity and optimality. This thesis describes solution methods for two main classes of multi-agent persistent surveillance problems. First, it considers the class of problems in which persistent surveillance goals are captured entirely by TL constraints. Such problems require agents to repeatedly visit a set of surveillance regions in order to satisfy their mission. We present results for agents solving such missions with charging constraints, with noisy observations, and in the presence of adversaries. The second class of problems include an additional optimality criterion, such as minimizing uncertainty about the location of a target or maximizing sensor information among the team of agents. We present solution methods and results for such missions with a variety of optimality criteria based on information metrics. For both classes of problems, the proposed algorithms are implemented and evaluated via simulation, experiments with robots in a motion capture environment, or both

    Provably-Correct Task Planning for Autonomous Outdoor Robots

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    Autonomous outdoor robots should be able to accomplish complex tasks safely and reliably while considering constraints that arise from both the environment and the physical platform. Such tasks extend basic navigation capabilities to specify a sequence of events over time. For example, an autonomous aerial vehicle can be given a surveillance task with contingency plans while complying with rules in regulated airspace, or an autonomous ground robot may need to guarantee a given probability of success while searching for the quickest way to complete the mission. A promising approach for the automatic synthesis of trusted controllers for complex tasks is to employ techniques from formal methods. In formal methods, tasks are formally specified symbolically with temporal logic. The robot then synthesises a controller automatically to execute trusted behaviour that guarantees the satisfaction of specified tasks and regulations. However, a difficulty arises from the lack of expressivity, which means the constraints affecting outdoor robots cannot be specified naturally with temporal logic. The goal of this thesis is to extend the capabilities of formal methods to express the constraints that arise from outdoor applications and synthesise provably-correct controllers with trusted behaviours over time. This thesis focuses on two important types of constraints, resource and safety constraints, and presents three novel algorithms that express tasks with these constraints and synthesise controllers that satisfy the specification. Firstly, this thesis proposes an extension to probabilistic computation tree logic (PCTL) called resource threshold PCTL (RT-PCTL) that naturally defines the mission specification with continuous resource threshold constraints; furthermore, it synthesises an optimal control policy with respect to the probability of success. With RT-PCTL, a state with accumulated resource out of the specified bound is considered to be failed or saturated depending on the specification. The requirements on resource bounds are naturally encoded in the symbolic specification, followed by the automatic synthesis of an optimal controller with respect to the probability of success. Secondly, the thesis proposes an online algorithm called greedy Buchi algorithm (GBA) that reduces the synthesis problem size to avoid the scalability problem. A framework is then presented with realistic control dynamics and physical assumptions in the environment such as wind estimation and fuel constraints. The time and space complexity for the framework is polynomial in the size of the system state, which is efficient for online synthesis. Lastly, the thesis proposes a synthesis algorithm for an optimal controller with respect to completion time given the minimum safety constraints. The algorithm naturally balances between completion time and safety. This work proves an analytical relationship between the probability of success and the conditional completion time given the mission specification. The theoretical contributions in this thesis are validated through realistic simulation examples. This thesis identifies and solves two core problems that contribute to the overall vision of developing a theoretical basis for trusted behaviour in outdoor robots. These contributions serve as a foundation for further research in multi-constrained task planning where a number of different constraints are considered simultaneously within a single framework


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    The scope of this work spans two main areas of autonomy research 1) autonomous path planning and 2) test and evaluation of autonomous systems. Path planning is an integral part of autonomous decision-making, and a deep understanding in this area provides valuable perspective on approaching the problem of how to effectively evaluate vehicle behavior. Autonomous decision-making capabilities must include reliability, robustness, and trustworthiness in a real-world environment. A major component of robot decision-making lies in intelligent path-planning. Serving as the brains of an autonomous system, an efficient and reliable path planner is crucial to mission success and overall safety. A hybrid global and local planner is implemented using a combination of the Potential Field Method (PFM) and A-star (A*) algorithms. Created using a layered vector field strategy, this allows for flexibility along with the ability to add and remove layers to take into account other parameters such as currents, wind, dynamics, and the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLGREGS). Different weights can be attributed to each layer based on the determined level of importance in a hierarchical manner. Different obstacle scenarios are shown in simulation, and proof-of-concept validation of the path-planning algorithms on an actual ASV is accomplished in an indoor environment. Results show that the combination of PFM and A* complement each other to generate a successfully planned path to goal that alleviates local minima and entrapment issues. Additionally, the planner demonstrates the ability to update for new obstacles in real time using an obstacle detection sensor. Regarding test and evaluation of autonomous vehicles, trust and confidence in autonomous behavior is required to send autonomous vehicles into operational missions. The author introduces the Performance Evaluation and Review Framework Of Robotic Missions (PERFORM), a framework for which to enable a rigorous and replicable autonomy test environment, thereby filling the void between that of merely simulating autonomy and that of completing true field missions. A generic architecture for defining the missions under test is proposed and a unique Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic approach is used as the foundation for the mathematically rigorous autonomy evaluation framework. The test environment is designed to aid in (1) new technology development (i.e. providing direct comparisons and quantitative evaluations of varying autonomy algorithms), (2) the validation of the performance of specific autonomous platforms, and (3) the selection of the appropriate robotic platform(s) for a given mission type (e.g. for surveying, surveillance, search and rescue). Several case studies are presented to apply the metric to various test scenarios. Results demonstrate the flexibility of the technique with the ability to tailor tests to the user’s design requirements accounting for different priorities related to acceptable risks and goals of a given mission

    Cascading Verification: An Integrated Method for Domain-Specific Model Checking

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    Model checking is an established formal method for verifying the desired behavioral properties of system models. But popular model checkers tend to support low-level modeling languages that require intricate models to represent even the simplest systems. Modeling complexity arises in part from the need to encode domain knowledge, including domain objects and concepts, and their relationships, at relatively low levels of abstraction. We will demonstrate that, once formalized, domain knowledge can be reused to enhance the abstraction level of model and property specifications, and the effectiveness of probabilistic model checking. This thesis describes a novel method for domain-specific model checking called cascading verification. The method uses composite reasoning over high-level system specifications and formalized domain knowledge to synthesize both low-level system models and the behavioral properties that need to be verified with respect to those models. In particular, model builders use a high-level domain-specific language (DSL) to encode system specifications that can be analyzed with model checking. Domain knowledge is encoded in the Web Ontology Language (OWL), the Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL) and Prolog, which are combined to overcome their individual limitations. Synthesized models and properties are analyzed with the probabilistic model checker PRISM. Cascading verification is illustrated with a prototype system that verifies the correctness of uninhabited aerial vehicle (UAV) mission plans. An evaluation of this prototype reveals non-trivial reductions in the size and complexity of input system specifications compared to the artifacts synthesized for PRISM

    Enhancing maritime defence and security through persistently autonomous operations and situation awareness systems

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    This thesis is concerned with autonomous operations with Autonomous Underwater Vehicles(AUVs) and maritime situation awareness in the context of enhancing maritime defence and security. The problem of autonomous operations with AUVs is one of persistence. That is, AUVs get stuck due to a lack of cognitive ability to deal with a situation and require intervention from a human operator. This thesis focuses on addressing vehicle subsystem failures and changes in high level mission priorities in a manner that preserves autonomy during Mine Counter measures (MCM) operations in unknown environments. This is not a trivial task. The approach followed utilizes ontologies for representing knowledge about the operational environment, the vehicle as well as mission planning and execution. Reasoning about the vehicle capabilities and consequently the actions it can execute is continuous and occurs in real time. Vehicle component faults are incorporated into the reasoning process as a means of driving adaptive planning and execution. Adaptive planning is based on a Planning Domain Definition Language (PDDL) planner. Adaptive execution is prioritized over adaptive planning as mission planning can be very demanding in terms of computational resources. Changes in high level mission priorities are also addressed as part of the adaptive planning behaviour of the system. The main contribution of this thesis regarding persistently autonomous operations is an ontological framework that drives an adaptive behaviour for increasing persistent autonomy of AUVs in unexpected situations. That is, when vehicle component faults threaten to put the mission at risk and changes in high level mission priorities should be incorporated as part of decision making. Building maritime situation awareness for maritime security is a very difficult task. High volumes of information gathered from various sources as well as their efficient fusion taking into consideration any contradictions and the requirement for reliable decision making and (re)action under potentially multiple interpretations of a situation are the most prominent challenges. To address those challenges and help alleviate the burden from humans which usually undertake such tasks, this thesis is concerned with maritime situation awareness built with Markov Logic Networks(MLNs) that support humans in their decision making. However, commonly maritime situation awareness systems rely on human experts to transfer their knowledge into the system before it can be deployed. In that respect, a promising alternative for training MLNs with data is presented. In addition, an in depth evaluation of their performance is provided during which the significance of interpreting an unfolding situation in context is demonstrated. To the best of the author’s knowledge, it is the first time that MLNs are trained with data and evaluated using cross validation in the context of building maritime situation awareness for maritime security