1,844 research outputs found

    Recognizing Uncertainty in Speech

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    We address the problem of inferring a speaker's level of certainty based on prosodic information in the speech signal, which has application in speech-based dialogue systems. We show that using phrase-level prosodic features centered around the phrases causing uncertainty, in addition to utterance-level prosodic features, improves our model's level of certainty classification. In addition, our models can be used to predict which phrase a person is uncertain about. These results rely on a novel method for eliciting utterances of varying levels of certainty that allows us to compare the utility of contextually-based feature sets. We elicit level of certainty ratings from both the speakers themselves and a panel of listeners, finding that there is often a mismatch between speakers' internal states and their perceived states, and highlighting the importance of this distinction.Comment: 11 page

    Cue Phrase Classification Using Machine Learning

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    Cue phrases may be used in a discourse sense to explicitly signal discourse structure, but also in a sentential sense to convey semantic rather than structural information. Correctly classifying cue phrases as discourse or sentential is critical in natural language processing systems that exploit discourse structure, e.g., for performing tasks such as anaphora resolution and plan recognition. This paper explores the use of machine learning for classifying cue phrases as discourse or sentential. Two machine learning programs (Cgrendel and C4.5) are used to induce classification models from sets of pre-classified cue phrases and their features in text and speech. Machine learning is shown to be an effective technique for not only automating the generation of classification models, but also for improving upon previous results. When compared to manually derived classification models already in the literature, the learned models often perform with higher accuracy and contain new linguistic insights into the data. In addition, the ability to automatically construct classification models makes it easier to comparatively analyze the utility of alternative feature representations of the data. Finally, the ease of retraining makes the learning approach more scalable and flexible than manual methods.Comment: 42 pages, uses jair.sty, theapa.bst, theapa.st

    Dialogue Act Modeling for Automatic Tagging and Recognition of Conversational Speech

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    We describe a statistical approach for modeling dialogue acts in conversational speech, i.e., speech-act-like units such as Statement, Question, Backchannel, Agreement, Disagreement, and Apology. Our model detects and predicts dialogue acts based on lexical, collocational, and prosodic cues, as well as on the discourse coherence of the dialogue act sequence. The dialogue model is based on treating the discourse structure of a conversation as a hidden Markov model and the individual dialogue acts as observations emanating from the model states. Constraints on the likely sequence of dialogue acts are modeled via a dialogue act n-gram. The statistical dialogue grammar is combined with word n-grams, decision trees, and neural networks modeling the idiosyncratic lexical and prosodic manifestations of each dialogue act. We develop a probabilistic integration of speech recognition with dialogue modeling, to improve both speech recognition and dialogue act classification accuracy. Models are trained and evaluated using a large hand-labeled database of 1,155 conversations from the Switchboard corpus of spontaneous human-to-human telephone speech. We achieved good dialogue act labeling accuracy (65% based on errorful, automatically recognized words and prosody, and 71% based on word transcripts, compared to a chance baseline accuracy of 35% and human accuracy of 84%) and a small reduction in word recognition error.Comment: 35 pages, 5 figures. Changes in copy editing (note title spelling changed

    Meta Learning Approach to Phone Duration Modeling

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    One of the essential prerequisites for achieving the naturalness of synthesized speech is the possibility of the automatic prediction of phone duration, due to the high importance of segmental duration in speech perception. In this paper we present a new phone duration prediction model for the Serbian language using meta learning approach. Based on the data obtained from the analysis of a large speech database, we used a feature set of 21 parameters describing phones and their contexts. These include attributes related to the segmental identity, manner of articulation (for consonants), attributes related to phonological context, such as segment types and voicing values of neighboring phones, presence or absence of lexical stress, morphological attributes, such as part-of-speech, and prosodic attributes, such as phonological word length, the position of the segment in the syllable, the position of the syllable in a word, the position of a word in a phrase, phrase break level, etc. Phone duration model obtained using meta learning algorithm outperformed the best individual model by approximately 2,0% and 1,7% in terms of the relative reduction of the root-mean-squared error and the mean absolute error, respectively

    Speech Synthesis Based on Hidden Markov Models

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    Integrating lexical and prosodic features for automatic paragraph segmentation

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    Spoken documents, such as podcasts or lectures, are a growing presence in everyday life. Being able to automatically identify their discourse structure is an important step to understanding what a spoken document is about. Moreover, finer-grained units, such as paragraphs, are highly desirable for presenting and analyzing spoken content. However, little work has been done on discourse based speech segmentation below the level of broad topics. In order to examine how discourse transitions are cued in speech, we investigate automatic paragraph segmentation of TED talks using lexical and prosodic features. Experiments using Support Vector Machines, AdaBoost, and Neural Networks show that models using supra-sentential prosodic features and induced cue words perform better than those based on the type of lexical cohesion measures often used in broad topic segmentation. Moreover, combining a wide range of individually weak lexical and prosodic predictors improves performance, and modelling contextual information using recurrent neural networks outperforms other approaches by a large margin. Our best results come from using late fusion methods that integrate representations generated by separate lexical and prosodic models while allowing interactions between these features streams rather than treating them as independent information sources. Application to ASR outputs shows that adding prosodic features, particularly using late fusion, can significantly ameliorate decreases in performance due to transcription errors.The second author was funded from the EU’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the GA H2020-RIA-645012 and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity Juan de la Cierva program. The other authors were funded by the University of Edinburgh

    Modelling prosodic and dialogue information for automatic speech recognition

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