28 research outputs found

    Combining classification algorithms

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    Dissertação de Doutoramento em Ciência de Computadores apresentada à Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do PortoA capacidade de um algoritmo de aprendizagem induzir, para um determinado problema, uma boa generalização depende da linguagem de representação usada para generalizar os exemplos. Como diferentes algoritmos usam diferentes linguagens de representação e estratégias de procura, são explorados espaços diferentes e são obtidos resultados diferentes. O problema de encontrar a representação mais adequada para o problema em causa, é uma área de investigação bastante activa. Nesta dissertação, em vez de procurar métodos que fazem o ajuste aos dados usando uma única linguagem de representação, apresentamos uma família de algoritmos, sob a designação genérica de Generalização em Cascata, onde o espaço de procura contem modelos que utilizam diferentes linguagens de representação. A ideia básica do método consiste em utilizar os algoritmos de aprendizagem em sequência. Em cada iteração ocorre um processo com dois passos. No primeiro passo, um classificador constrói um modelo. No segundo passo, o espaço definido pelos atributos é estendido pela inserção de novos atributos gerados utilizando este modelo. Este processo de construção de novos atributos constrói atributos na linguagem de representação do classificador usado para construir o modelo. Se posteriormente na sequência, um classificador utiliza um destes novos atributos para construir o seu modelo, a sua capacidade de representação foi estendida. Desta forma as restrições da linguagem de representação dosclassificadores utilizados a mais alto nível na sequência, são relaxadas pela incorporação de termos da linguagem derepresentação dos classificadores de base. Esta é a metodologia base subjacente ao sistema Ltree e à arquitecturada Generalização em Cascata.O método é apresentado segundo duas perspectivas. Numa primeira parte, é apresentado como uma estratégia paraconstruir árvores de decisão multivariadas. É apresentado o sistema Ltree que utiliza como operador para a construção de atributos um discriminante linear. ..

    Non-Parametric Learning for Monocular Visual Odometry

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    This thesis addresses the problem of incremental localization from visual information, a scenario commonly known as visual odometry. Current visual odometry algorithms are heavily dependent on camera calibration, using a pre-established geometric model to provide the transformation between input (optical flow estimates) and output (vehicle motion estimates) information. A novel approach to visual odometry is proposed in this thesis where the need for camera calibration, or even for a geometric model, is circumvented by the use of machine learning principles and techniques. A non-parametric Bayesian regression technique, the Gaussian Process (GP), is used to elect the most probable transformation function hypothesis from input to output, based on training data collected prior and during navigation. Other than eliminating the need for a geometric model and traditional camera calibration, this approach also allows for scale recovery even in a monocular configuration, and provides a natural treatment of uncertainties due to the probabilistic nature of GPs. Several extensions to the traditional GP framework are introduced and discussed in depth, and they constitute the core of the contributions of this thesis to the machine learning and robotics community. The proposed framework is tested in a wide variety of scenarios, ranging from urban and off-road ground vehicles to unconstrained 3D unmanned aircrafts. The results show a significant improvement over traditional visual odometry algorithms, and also surpass results obtained using other sensors, such as laser scanners and IMUs. The incorporation of these results to a SLAM scenario, using a Exact Sparse Information Filter (ESIF), is shown to decrease global uncertainty by exploiting revisited areas of the environment. Finally, a technique for the automatic segmentation of dynamic objects is presented, as a way to increase the robustness of image information and further improve visual odometry results

    Non-Parametric Learning for Monocular Visual Odometry

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    This thesis addresses the problem of incremental localization from visual information, a scenario commonly known as visual odometry. Current visual odometry algorithms are heavily dependent on camera calibration, using a pre-established geometric model to provide the transformation between input (optical flow estimates) and output (vehicle motion estimates) information. A novel approach to visual odometry is proposed in this thesis where the need for camera calibration, or even for a geometric model, is circumvented by the use of machine learning principles and techniques. A non-parametric Bayesian regression technique, the Gaussian Process (GP), is used to elect the most probable transformation function hypothesis from input to output, based on training data collected prior and during navigation. Other than eliminating the need for a geometric model and traditional camera calibration, this approach also allows for scale recovery even in a monocular configuration, and provides a natural treatment of uncertainties due to the probabilistic nature of GPs. Several extensions to the traditional GP framework are introduced and discussed in depth, and they constitute the core of the contributions of this thesis to the machine learning and robotics community. The proposed framework is tested in a wide variety of scenarios, ranging from urban and off-road ground vehicles to unconstrained 3D unmanned aircrafts. The results show a significant improvement over traditional visual odometry algorithms, and also surpass results obtained using other sensors, such as laser scanners and IMUs. The incorporation of these results to a SLAM scenario, using a Exact Sparse Information Filter (ESIF), is shown to decrease global uncertainty by exploiting revisited areas of the environment. Finally, a technique for the automatic segmentation of dynamic objects is presented, as a way to increase the robustness of image information and further improve visual odometry results

    Bayesian Gaussian Process Models: PAC-Bayesian Generalisation Error Bounds and Sparse Approximations

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    Non-parametric models and techniques enjoy a growing popularity in the field of machine learning, and among these Bayesian inference for Gaussian process (GP) models has recently received significant attention. We feel that GP priors should be part of the standard toolbox for constructing models relevant to machine learning in the same way as parametric linear models are, and the results in this thesis help to remove some obstacles on the way towards this goal. In the first main chapter, we provide a distribution-free finite sample bound on the difference between generalisation and empirical (training) error for GP classification methods. While the general theorem (the PAC-Bayesian bound) is not new, we give a much simplified and somewhat generalised derivation and point out the underlying core technique (convex duality) explicitly. Furthermore, the application to GP models is novel (to our knowledge). A central feature of this bound is that its quality depends crucially on task knowledge being encoded faithfully in the model and prior distributions, so there is a mutual benefit between a sharp theoretical guarantee and empirically well-established statistical practices. Extensive simulations on real-world classification tasks indicate an impressive tightness of the bound, in spite of the fact that many previous bounds for related kernel machines fail to give non-trivial guarantees in this practically relevant regime. In the second main chapter, sparse approximations are developed to address the problem of the unfavourable scaling of most GP techniques with large training sets. Due to its high importance in practice, this problem has received a lot of attention recently. We demonstrate the tractability and usefulness of simple greedy forward selection with information-theoretic criteria previously used in active learning (or sequential design) and develop generic schemes for automatic model selection with many (hyper)parameters. We suggest two new generic schemes and evaluate some of their variants on large real-world classification and regression tasks. These schemes and their underlying principles (which are clearly stated and analysed) can be applied to obtain sparse approximations for a wide regime of GP models far beyond the special cases we studied here

    Pygmalion's Long Shadow - Determinants and Outcomes of Teachers' Evaluations

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    This volume comprises two papers analyzing the predictors of teachers' evaluations, and another two with the latter's outcomes as the crucial objective. In the underlying data, the Cologne High School Panel (CHiSP), teachers had been asked whom of their 10th class students they consider to be suitable to start academic studies, and whom of them not. The first paper models these evaluations as an outcome of students' cognitive ability in terms of intelligence scores, their average grades, their parents' social class, and their aspirations. Structural equation modeling is used to control for both measurement error and indirect effects of latent and observed variables The second paper adds another level of analysis by investigating to what extent teachers' evaluations depend on reference-group effects in the classroom. Contextual effects of both class-room achievement and social composition as well as their interaction with student achievement and teachers' frame of reference (in terms of grading concepts) are analyzed by three-level cross-classified multilevel models. The third paper uses Esser's (1999) subjective expected utility theory to develop a formal theoretical model of self-fulfilling prophecy effects on students' educational transitions. Teachers' expectations are supposed to affect students' subjective expected probability of educational success, and thereby their educational transition propensities. Analyses control for both sample selection bias and unobserved heterogeneity. And finally, the fourth paper models decreasing self-fulfilling effects over a sequence of educational transitions as a result of actors' belief updating. Hypotheses are tested by means of sequential logit modeling amended by a variety of sensitivity analyses. The four papers are preceded by an elaborate introduction that aims to approximate the underlying causes and effects of all research questions by unveiling the respective social mechanisms

    Robot environment learning with a mixed-linear probabilistic state-space model

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    This thesis proposes the use of a probabilistic state-space model with mixed-linear dynamics for learning to predict a robot's experiences. It is motivated by a desire to bridge the gap between traditional models with predefined objective semantics on the one hand, and the biologically-inspired "black box" behavioural paradigm on the other. A novel EM-type algorithm for the model is presented, which is less compuationally demanding than the Monte Carlo techniques developed for use in (for example) visual applications. The algorithm's E-step is slightly approximative, but an extension is described which would in principle make it asymptotically correct. Investigation using synthetically sampled data shows that the uncorrected E-step can any case make correct inferences about quite complicated systems. Results collected from two simulated mobile robot environments support the claim that mixed-linear models can capture both discontinuous and continuous structure in world in an intuitively natural manner; while they proved to perform only slightly better than simpler autoregressive hidden Markov models on these simple tasks, it is possible to claim tentatively that they might scale more effectively to environments in which trends over time played a larger role. Bayesian confidence regions—easily by mixed-linear model— proved be an effective guard for preventing it from making over-confident predictions outside its area of competence. A section on future extensions discusses how the model's easy invertibility could be harnessed to the ultimate aim of choosing actions, from a continuous space of possibilities, which maximise the robot's expected payoff over several steps into the futur