533 research outputs found

    Multiple 2D self organising map network for surface reconstruction of 3D unstructured data

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    Surface reconstruction is a challenging task in reverse engineering because it must represent the surface which is similar to the original object based on the data obtained. The data obtained are mostly in unstructured type whereby there is not enough information and incorrect surface will be obtained. Therefore, the data should be reorganised by finding the correct topology with minimum surface error. Previous studies showed that Self Organising Map (SOM) model, the conventional surface approximation approach with Non Uniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS) surfaces, and optimisation methods such as Genetic Algorithm (GA), Differential Evolution (DE) and Particle Swarm Optimisation (PSO) methods are widely implemented in solving the surface reconstruction. However, the model, approach and optimisation methods are still suffer from the unstructured data and accuracy problems. Therefore, the aims of this research are to propose Cube SOM (CSOM) model with multiple 2D SOM network in organising the unstructured surface data, and to propose optimised surface approximation approach in generating the NURBS surfaces. GA, DE and PSO methods are implemented to minimise the surface error by adjusting the NURBS control points. In order to test and validate the proposed model and approach, four primitive objects data and one medical image data are used. As to evaluate the performance of the proposed model and approach, three performance measurements have been used: Average Quantisation Error (AQE) and Number Of Vertices (NOV) for the CSOM model while surface error for the proposed optimised surface approximation approach. The accuracy of AQE for CSOM model has been improved to 64% and 66% when compared to 2D and 3D SOM respectively. The NOV for CSOM model has been reduced from 8000 to 2168 as compared to 3D SOM. The accuracy of surface error for the optimised surface approximation approach has been improved to 7% compared to the conventional approach. The proposed CSOM model and optimised surface approximation approach have successfully reconstructed surface of all five data with better performance based on three performance measurements used in the evaluation

    An evolutionary approach for determining Hidden Markov Model for medical image analysis

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    Hidden Markov Model (HMM) is a technique highly capable of modelling the structure of an observation sequence. In this paper, HMM is used to provide the contextual information for detecting clinical signs present in diabetic retinopathy screen images. However, there is a need to determine a feature set that best represents the complexity of the data as well as determine an optimal HMM. This paper addresses these problems by automatically selecting the best feature set while evolving the structure and obtaining the parameters of a Hidden Markov Model. This novel algorithm not only selects the best feature set, but also identifies the topology of the HMM, the optimal number of states, as well as the initial transition probabilities. © 2012 IEEE

    Optimisation of Mobile Communication Networks - OMCO NET

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    The mini conference “Optimisation of Mobile Communication Networks” focuses on advanced methods for search and optimisation applied to wireless communication networks. It is sponsored by Research & Enterprise Fund Southampton Solent University. The conference strives to widen knowledge on advanced search methods capable of optimisation of wireless communications networks. The aim is to provide a forum for exchange of recent knowledge, new ideas and trends in this progressive and challenging area. The conference will popularise new successful approaches on resolving hard tasks such as minimisation of transmit power, cooperative and optimal routing

    Ontology Alignment using Biologically-inspired Optimisation Algorithms

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    It is investigated how biologically-inspired optimisation methods can be used to compute alignments between ontologies. Independent of particular similarity metrics, the developed techniques demonstrate anytime behaviour and high scalability. Due to the inherent parallelisability of these population-based algorithms it is possible to exploit dynamically scalable cloud infrastructures - a step towards the provisioning of Alignment-as-a-Service solutions for future semantic applications

    Assessing hyper parameter optimization and speedup for convolutional neural networks

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    The increased processing power of graphical processing units (GPUs) and the availability of large image datasets has fostered a renewed interest in extracting semantic information from images. Promising results for complex image categorization problems have been achieved using deep learning, with neural networks comprised of many layers. Convolutional neural networks (CNN) are one such architecture which provides more opportunities for image classification. Advances in CNN enable the development of training models using large labelled image datasets, but the hyper parameters need to be specified, which is challenging and complex due to the large number of parameters. A substantial amount of computational power and processing time is required to determine the optimal hyper parameters to define a model yielding good results. This article provides a survey of the hyper parameter search and optimization methods for CNN architectures

    Swarm Intelligence

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    Swarm Intelligence has emerged as one of the most studied artificial intelligence branches during the last decade, constituting the fastest growing stream in the bio-inspired computation community. A clear trend can be deduced analyzing some of the most renowned scientific databases available, showing that the interest aroused by this branch has increased at a notable pace in the last years. This book describes the prominent theories and recent developments of Swarm Intelligence methods, and their application in all fields covered by engineering. This book unleashes a great opportunity for researchers, lecturers, and practitioners interested in Swarm Intelligence, optimization problems, and artificial intelligence

    Handling Class Imbalance Using Swarm Intelligence Techniques, Hybrid Data and Algorithmic Level Solutions

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    This research focuses mainly on the binary class imbalance problem in data mining. It investigates the use of combined approaches of data and algorithmic level solutions. Moreover, it examines the use of swarm intelligence and population-based techniques to combat the class imbalance problem at all levels, including at the data, algorithmic, and feature level. It also introduces various solutions to the class imbalance problem, in which swarm intelligence techniques like Stochastic Diffusion Search (SDS) and Dispersive Flies Optimisation (DFO) are used. The algorithms were evaluated using experiments on imbalanced datasets, in which the Support Vector Machine (SVM) was used as a classifier. SDS was used to perform informed undersampling of the majority class to balance the dataset. The results indicate that this algorithm improves the classifier performance and can be used on imbalanced datasets. Moreover, SDS was extended further to perform feature selection on high dimensional datasets. Experimental results show that SDS can be used to perform feature selection and improve the classifier performance on imbalanced datasets. Further experiments evaluated DFO as an algorithmic level solution to optimise the SVM kernel parameters when learning from imbalanced datasets. Based on the promising results of DFO in these experiments, the novel approach was extended further to provide a hybrid algorithm that simultaneously optimises the kernel parameters and performs feature selection