21,053 research outputs found

    Techniques for Stock Market Prediction: A Review

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    Stock market forecasting has long been viewed as a vital real-life topic in economics world. There are many challenges in stock market prediction systems such as the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH), Nonlinearity, complex, diverse datasets, and parameter optimization. A stock's value on the stock market fluctuates due to many factors like previous trends of the stock, the current news, twitter feeds, any online customer feedbacks etc. In this paper, the literature is critically analysed on approaches used for stock market prediction in terms of stock datasets, features used, evaluation metrics used, statistical, machine learning and deep learning techniques along with the directions for the future. The focus of this review is on trend and value prediction for stocks. Overall, 68 research papers have been considered for review from years 1998-2023. From the review, Indian stock market datasets are found to be most frequently used datasets. Evaluation metrics used commonly are accuracy and Mean Absolute Percentage Error. ARIMA is reported as the most used frequently statistical technique for stick market prediction. Long-Short Term Memory and Support Vector Machine are the commonly used algorithms in stock market prediction. The advantages and disadvantages of frequently used evaluation metrics, machine learning, deep learning and statistical approaches are also included in this survey

    Combination of Facebook Prophet and Attention-Based LSTM with Multi- Source data for Indian Stock Market Prediction

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    The stock market prediction has been the subject of interest to various researchers and analysts due to its highly unpredictable nature and serves as a perfect example for time series forecasting. Over the years deep learning models such as Long-Term Short-Term Memory and statistical models such as Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average have shown promising results in predicting future stock prices. But the results from these models cannot be generalized as they fail to incorporate the dynamics of the market and influence of several external factors such as political, social, investor\u27s emotion, etc on stock markets. Recently Facebook’s creation of the Prophet model solely for time series forecasting has been successful in fitting the trends and seasonality of the data accurately compared to vanilla models. This research proposes a unique combination of the newly developed Facebook Prophet model and Attention-Based Long-Term Short-Term Memory model to predict the adjacent closing price of NIFTY 50 stocks to fit both the seasonality and non-linearity component of stock price data. Further to encompass both market and investor sentiments influencing stock prediction, data from five sources are collected from 01/01/2015 to 31/12/2019 namely historic stock price, technical indicators, news articles scraped from multiple news sources, and tweets collected from a verified Twitter account. To extract sentiments from unlabelled news and tweet data this research takes upon an unsupervised approach by implementing a pre-trained Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers base uncased model. The proposed model is trained and validated on eight combinations of the dataset created by merging data from multiple sources and compared with the performance of the baseline Facebook Prophet model trained and tested with data from a single source i.e., historic stock prices. The proposed model resulted in the least Mean Absolute Percentage Error ranging from 3.3 to 7.7 for all the combinations of the data in comparison to the baseline model which achieved the highest Mean Absolute Percentage Error of 11.67

    Deep Learning for Financial Time Series Prediction : A State-of-the-Art Review of Standalone and Hybrid Models

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    Financial time series prediction, whether for classification or regression, has been a heated research topic over the last decade. While traditional machine learning algorithms have experienced mediocre results, deep learning has largely contributed to the elevation of the prediction performance. Currently, the most up-to-date review of advanced machine learning techniques for financial time series prediction is still lacking, making it challenging for finance domain experts and relevant practitioners to determine which model potentially performs better, what techniques and components are involved, and how the model can be designed and implemented. This review article provides an overview of techniques, components and frameworks for financial time series prediction, with an emphasis on state-of-the-art deep learning models in the literature from 2015 to 2023, including standalone models like convolutional neural networks (CNN) that are capable of extracting spatial dependencies within data, and long short-term memory (LSTM) that is designed for handling temporal dependencies; and hybrid models integrating CNN, LSTM, attention mechanism (AM) and other techniques. For illustration and comparison purposes, models proposed in recent studies are mapped to relevant elements of a generalized framework comprised of input, output, feature extraction, prediction, and related processes. Among the state-of-the-art models, hybrid models like CNN-LSTM and CNN-LSTM-AM in general have been reported superior in performance to stand-alone models like the CNN-only model. Some remaining challenges have been discussed, including non-friendliness for finance domain experts, delayed prediction, domain knowledge negligence, lack of standards, and inability of real-time and high-frequency predictions. The principal contributions of this paper are to provide a one-stop guide for both academia and industry to review, compare and summarize technologies and recent advances in this area, to facilitate smooth and informed implementation, and to highlight future research directions

    The Stock Exchange Prediction using Machine Learning Techniques: A Comprehensive and Systematic Literature Review

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    This literature review identifies and analyzes research topic trends, types of data sets, learning algorithm, methods improvements, and frameworks used in stock exchange prediction. A total of 81 studies were investigated, which were published regarding stock predictions in the period January 2015 to June 2020 which took into account the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The literature review methodology is carried out in three major phases: review planning, implementation, and report preparation, in nine steps from defining systematic review requirements to presentation of results. Estimation or regression, clustering, association, classification, and preprocessing analysis of data sets are the five main focuses revealed in the main study of stock prediction research. The classification method gets a share of 35.80% from related studies, the estimation method is 56.79%, data analytics is 4.94%, the rest is clustering and association is 1.23%. Furthermore, the use of the technical indicator data set is 74.07%, the rest are combinations of datasets. To develop a stock prediction model 48 different methods have been applied, 9 of the most widely applied methods were identified. The best method in terms of accuracy and also small error rate such as SVM, DNN, CNN, RNN, LSTM, bagging ensembles such as RF, boosting ensembles such as XGBoost, ensemble majority vote and the meta-learner approach is ensemble Stacking. Several techniques are proposed to improve prediction accuracy by combining several methods, using boosting algorithms, adding feature selection and using parameter and hyper-parameter optimization

    Reinforcement Learning in Stock Trading

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    Using machine learning techniques in financial markets, particularly in stock trading, attracts a lot of attention from both academia and practitioners in recent years. Researchers have studied different supervised and unsupervised learning techniques to either predict stock price movement or make decisions in the market. In this paper we study the usage of reinforcement learning techniques in stock trading. We evaluate the approach on real-world stock dataset. We compare the deep reinforcement learning approach with state-of-the-art supervised deep learning prediction in real-world data. Given the nature of the market where the true parameters will never be revealed, we believe that the reinforcement learning has a lot of potential in decision-making for stock trading
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