1,239 research outputs found

    Generating structured music for bagana using quality metrics based on Markov models.

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    This research is partially supported by the project Lrn2Cre8 which acknowledges the financial support of the Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) programme within the Seventh Framework Programme for Research of the European Commission, under FET Grant No. 610859

    Deep Learning Techniques for Music Generation -- A Survey

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    This paper is a survey and an analysis of different ways of using deep learning (deep artificial neural networks) to generate musical content. We propose a methodology based on five dimensions for our analysis: Objective - What musical content is to be generated? Examples are: melody, polyphony, accompaniment or counterpoint. - For what destination and for what use? To be performed by a human(s) (in the case of a musical score), or by a machine (in the case of an audio file). Representation - What are the concepts to be manipulated? Examples are: waveform, spectrogram, note, chord, meter and beat. - What format is to be used? Examples are: MIDI, piano roll or text. - How will the representation be encoded? Examples are: scalar, one-hot or many-hot. Architecture - What type(s) of deep neural network is (are) to be used? Examples are: feedforward network, recurrent network, autoencoder or generative adversarial networks. Challenge - What are the limitations and open challenges? Examples are: variability, interactivity and creativity. Strategy - How do we model and control the process of generation? Examples are: single-step feedforward, iterative feedforward, sampling or input manipulation. For each dimension, we conduct a comparative analysis of various models and techniques and we propose some tentative multidimensional typology. This typology is bottom-up, based on the analysis of many existing deep-learning based systems for music generation selected from the relevant literature. These systems are described and are used to exemplify the various choices of objective, representation, architecture, challenge and strategy. The last section includes some discussion and some prospects.Comment: 209 pages. This paper is a simplified version of the book: J.-P. Briot, G. Hadjeres and F.-D. Pachet, Deep Learning Techniques for Music Generation, Computational Synthesis and Creative Systems, Springer, 201

    AI Methods in Algorithmic Composition: A Comprehensive Survey

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    Algorithmic composition is the partial or total automation of the process of music composition by using computers. Since the 1950s, different computational techniques related to Artificial Intelligence have been used for algorithmic composition, including grammatical representations, probabilistic methods, neural networks, symbolic rule-based systems, constraint programming and evolutionary algorithms. This survey aims to be a comprehensive account of research on algorithmic composition, presenting a thorough view of the field for researchers in Artificial Intelligence.This study was partially supported by a grant for the MELOMICS project (IPT-300000-2010-010) from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, and a grant for the CAUCE project (TSI-090302-2011-8) from the Spanish Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio. The first author was supported by a grant for the GENEX project (P09-TIC- 5123) from the Consejería de Innovación y Ciencia de Andalucía

    Melody Generation using an Interactive Evolutionary Algorithm

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    Music generation with the aid of computers has been recently grabbed the attention of many scientists in the area of artificial intelligence. Deep learning techniques have evolved sequence production methods for this purpose. Yet, a challenging problem is how to evaluate generated music by a machine. In this paper, a methodology has been developed based upon an interactive evolutionary optimization method, with which the scoring of the generated melodies is primarily performed by human expertise, during the training. This music quality scoring is modeled using a Bi-LSTM recurrent neural network. Moreover, the innovative generated melody through a Genetic algorithm will then be evaluated using this Bi-LSTM network. The results of this mechanism clearly show that the proposed method is able to create pleasurable melodies with desired styles and pieces. This method is also quite fast, compared to the state-of-the-art data-oriented evolutionary systems.Comment: 5 pages, 4 images, submitted to MEDPRAI2019 conferenc

    Rethinking Recurrent Latent Variable Model for Music Composition

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    We present a model for capturing musical features and creating novel sequences of music, called the Convolutional Variational Recurrent Neural Network. To generate sequential data, the model uses an encoder-decoder architecture with latent probabilistic connections to capture the hidden structure of music. Using the sequence-to-sequence model, our generative model can exploit samples from a prior distribution and generate a longer sequence of music. We compare the performance of our proposed model with other types of Neural Networks using the criteria of Information Rate that is implemented by Variable Markov Oracle, a method that allows statistical characterization of musical information dynamics and detection of motifs in a song. Our results suggest that the proposed model has a better statistical resemblance to the musical structure of the training data, which improves the creation of new sequences of music in the style of the originals.Comment: Published as a conference paper at IEEE MMSP 201

    Creative Support Musical Composition System: a study on Multiple Viewpoints Representations in Variable Markov Oracle

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    Em meados do século XX, assistiu-se ao surgimento de uma área de estudo focada na geração au-tomática de conteúdo musical por meios computacionais. Os primeiros exemplos concentram-se no processamento offline de dados musicais mas, recentemente, a comunidade tem vindo a explorar maioritariamente sistemas musicais interativos e em tempo-real. Além disso, uma tendência recente enfatiza a importância da tecnologia assistiva, que promove uma abordagem centrada em escolhas do utilizador, oferecendo várias sugestões para um determinado problema criativo. Nesse contexto, a minha investigação tem como objetivo promover novas ferramentas de software para sistemas de suporte criativo, onde algoritmos podem participar colaborativamente no fluxo de composição. Em maior detalhe, procuro uma ferramenta que aprenda com dados musicais de tamanho variável para fornecer feedback em tempo real durante o processo de composição. À luz das características de multi-dimensionalidade e hierarquia presentes nas estruturas musicais, pretendo estudar as representações que abstraem os seus padrões temporais, para promover a geração de múltiplas soluções ordenadas por grau de optimização para um determinado contexto musical. Por fim, a natureza subjetiva da escolha é dada ao utilizador, ao qual é fornecido um número limitado de soluções 'ideais'. Uma representação simbólica da música manifestada como Modelos sob múltiplos pontos de vista, combinada com o autómato Variable Markov Oracle (VMO), é usada para testar a interação ideal entre a multi-dimensionalidade da representação e a idealidade do modelo VMO, fornecendo soluções coerentes, inovadoras e estilisticamente diversas. Para avaliar o sistema, foram realizados testes para validar a ferramenta num cenário especializado com alunos de composição, usando o modelo de testes do índice de suporte à criatividade.The mid-20th century witnessed the emergence of an area of study that focused on the automatic generation of musical content by computational means. Early examples focus on offline processing of musical data and recently, the community has moved towards interactive online musical systems. Furthermore, a recent trend stresses the importance of assistive technology, which pro-motes a user-in-loop approach by offering multiple suggestions to a given creative problem. In this context, my research aims to foster new software tools for creative support systems, where algorithms can collaboratively participate in the composition flow. In greater detail, I seek a tool that learns from variable-length musical data to provide real-time feedback during the composition process. In light of the multidimensional and hierarchical structure of music, I aim to study the representations which abstract its temporal patterns, to foster the generation of multiple ranked solutions to a given musical context. Ultimately, the subjective nature of the choice is given to the user to which a limited number of 'optimal' solutions are provided. A symbolic music representation manifested as Multiple Viewpoint Models combined with the Variable Markov Oracle (VMO) automaton, are used to test optimal interaction between the multi-dimensionality of the representation with the optimality of the VMO model in providing both style-coherent, novel, and diverse solutions. To evaluate the system, an experiment was conducted to validate the tool in an expert-based scenario with composition students, using the creativity support index test

    Polyphonic music generation using neural networks

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    In this project, the application of generative models for polyphonic music generation is investigated. Polyphonic music generation falls into the field of algorithmic composition, which is a field that aims to develop models to automate, partially or completely, the composition of musical pieces. This process has many challenges both in terms of how to achieve the generation of musical pieces that are enjoyable and also how to perform a robust evaluation of the model to guide improvements. An extensive survey of the development of the field and the state-of-the-art is carried out. From this, two distinct generative models were chosen to apply to the problem of polyphonic music generation. The models chosen were the Restricted Boltzmann Machine and the Generative Adversarial Network. In particular, for the GAN, two architectures were used, the Deep Convolutional GAN and the Wasserstein GAN with gradient penalty. To train these models, a dataset containing over 9000 samples of classical musical pieces was used. Using a piano-roll representation of the musical pieces, these were converted into binary 2D arrays in which the vertical dimensions related to the pitch while the horizontal dimension represented the time, and note events were represented by active units. The first 16 seconds of each piece was extracted and used for training the model after applying data cleansing and preprocessing. Using implementations of these models, samples of musical pieces were generated. Based on listening tests performed by participants, the Deep Convolutional GAN achieved the best scores, with its compositions being ranked on average 4.80 on a scale from 1-5 of how enjoyable the pieces were. To perform a more objective evaluation, different musical features that describe rhythmic and melodic characteristics were extracted from the generated pieces and compared against the training dataset. These features included the implementation of the Krumhansl-Schmuckler algorithm for musical key detection and the average information rate used as an estimator of long-term musical structure. Within each set of the generated musical samples, the pairwise cross-validation using the Euclidean distance between each feature was performed. This was also performed between each set of generated samples and the features extracted from the training data, resulting in two sets of distances, the intra-set and inter-set distances. Using kernel density estimation, the probability density functions of these are obtained. Finally, the Kullback-Liebler divergence between the intra-set and inter-set distance of each feature for each generative model was calculated. The lower divergence indicates that the distributions are more similar. On average, the Restricted Boltzmann Machine obtained the lowest Kullback-Liebler divergences