27 research outputs found

    Formal Linguistic Models and Knowledge Processing. A Structuralist Approach to Rule-Based Ontology Learning and Population

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    2013 - 2014The main aim of this research is to propose a structuralist approach for knowledge processing by means of ontology learning and population, achieved starting from unstructured and structured texts. The method suggested includes distributional semantic approaches and NL formalization theories, in order to develop a framework, which relies upon deep linguistic analysis... [edited by author]XIII n.s

    Computational linguistics in the Netherlands 1996 : papers from the 7th CLIN meeting, November 15, 1996, Eindhoven

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    Computational linguistics in the Netherlands 1996 : papers from the 7th CLIN meeting, November 15, 1996, Eindhoven

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    Darstellung und stochastische Auflösung von AmbiguitÀt in constraint-basiertem Parsing

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    Diese Arbeit untersucht zwei komplementĂ€re AnsĂ€tze zum Umgang mit Mehrdeutigkeiten bei der automatischen Verarbeitung natĂŒrlicher Sprache. ZunĂ€chst werden Methoden vorgestellt, die es erlauben, viele konkurrierende Interpretationen in einer gemeinsamen Datenstruktur kompakt zu reprĂ€sentieren. Dann werden AnsĂ€tze vorgeschlagen, die verschiedenen Interpretationen mit Hilfe von stochastischen Modellen zu bewerten. FĂŒr das dabei auftretende Problem, Wahrscheinlichkeiten von seltenen Ereignissen zu schĂ€tzen, die in den Trainingsdaten nicht auftraten, werden neuartige Methoden vorgeschlagen.This thesis investigates two complementary approches to cope with ambiguities in natural language processing. It first presents methods that allow to store many competing interpretations compactly in one shared datastructure. It then suggests approaches to score the different interpretations using stochastic models. This leads to the problem of estimation of probabilities of rare events that have not been observed in the training data, for which novel methods are proposed

    Active Learning - An Explicit Treatment of Unreliable Parameters

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    Institute for Communicating and Collaborative SystemsActive learning reduces annotation costs for supervised learning by concentrating labelling efforts on the most informative data. Most active learning methods assume that the model structure is fixed in advance and focus upon improving parameters within that structure. However, this is not appropriate for natural language processing where the model structure and associated parameters are determined using labelled data. Applying traditional active learning methods to natural language processing can fail to produce expected reductions in annotation cost. We show that one of the reasons for this problem is that active learning can only select examples which are already covered by the model. In this thesis, we better tailor active learning to the need of natural language processing as follows. We formulate the Unreliable Parameter Principle: Active learning should explicitly and additionally address unreliably trained model parameters in order to optimally reduce classification error. In order to do so, we should target both missing events and infrequent events. We demonstrate the effectiveness of such an approach for a range of natural language processing tasks: prepositional phrase attachment, sequence labelling, and syntactic parsing. For prepositional phrase attachment, the explicit selection of unknown prepositions significantly improves coverage and classification performance for all examined active learning methods. For sequence labelling, we introduce a novel active learning method which explicitly targets unreliable parameters by selecting sentences with many unknown words and a large number of unobserved transition probabilities. For parsing, targeting unparseable sentences significantly improves coverage and f-measure in active learning

    Combining bayesian and support vector machines learning to automatically complete syntactical information for HPSG-like formalisms

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    Learning Bayesian Belief Networks (BBN) from corpora and incorporating the extracted inferring knowledge with a Support Vector Machines (SVM) classifier has been applied to the automatic acquisition of verb subcategorization frames for Modern Greek. We have made use of minimal linguistic resources, such as basic morphological tagging and phrase chunking, to demonstrate that verb subcategorization, which is of great significance for developing robust natural language human computer interaction systems, could be achieved using large corpora, without having any general-purpose syntactic parser at all. Moreover, by taking advantage of the plethora in unlabeled data found in text corpora in addition to some available labeled examples, we overcome the expensive task of annotating the whole set of training data and the performance of the subcategorization frames learner is increased. We argue that a classifier generated from BBN and SVM is well suited for learning to identify verb subcategorization frames. Empirical results will support this claim. Performance has been methodically evaluated using two different corpora, one balanced and one domain-specific in order to determine the unbiased behavior of the trained models. Limited training data are proved to endow with satisfactory results. We have been able to achieve precision exceeding 90 % on the identification of subcategorization frames which were not known beforehand. The obtained valid frames have been used to fill out the subcategorization field of verb entries in an HPSG-like lexicon using the LKB grammar development environment