16,461 research outputs found

    The extremal function for partial bipartite tilings

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    For a fixed bipartite graph H and given number c, 0<c<1, we determine the threshold T_H(c) which guarantees that any n-vertex graph with at edge density at least T_H(c) contains (1o(1))c/v(H)n(1-o(1))c/v(H) n vertex-disjoint copies of H. In the proof we use a variant of a technique developed by Komlos~\bcolor{[Combinatorica 20 (2000), 203-218}]Comment: 10 page

    On the critical pair theory in abelian groups : Beyond Chowla's Theorem

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    We obtain critical pair theorems for subsets S and T of an abelian group such that |S+T| < |S|+|T|+1. We generalize some results of Chowla, Vosper, Kemperman and a more recent result due to Rodseth and one of the authors.Comment: Submitted to Combinatorica, 23 pages, revised versio

    Random strategies are nearly optimal for generalized van der Waerden Games

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    In a (1 : q) Maker-Breaker game, one of the central questions is to find (or at least estimate) the maximal value of q that allows Maker to win the game. Based on the ideas of Bednarska and Luczak [Bednarska, M., and T. Luczak, Biased positional games for which random strategies are nearly optimal, Combinatorica, 20 (2000), 477–488], who studied biased H-games, we prove general winning criteria for Maker and Breaker and a hypergraph generalization of their result. Furthermore, we study the biased version of a strong generalization of the van der Waerden games introduced by Beck [Beck, J., Van der Waerden and Ramsey type games, Combinatorica, 1 (1981), 103–116] and apply our criteria to determine the threshold bias of these games up to constant factor. As in the result of [Bednarska, M., and T. Luczak, Biased positional games for which random strategies are nearly optimal, Combinatorica, 20 (2000), 477–488], the random strategy for Maker is again the best known strategy.Postprint (updated version

    Hipergráfok = Hypergraphs

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    A projekt célkitűzéseit sikerült megvalósítani. A négy év során több mint száz kiváló eredmény született, amiből eddig 84 dolgozat jelent meg a téma legkiválóbb folyóirataiban, mint Combinatorica, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Journal of Graph Theory, Random Graphs and Structures, stb. Számos régóta fennálló sejtést bebizonyítottunk, egész régi nyitott problémát megoldottunk hipergráfokkal kapcsolatban illetve kapcsolódó területeken. A problémák némelyike sok éve, olykor több évtizede nyitott volt. Nem egy közvetlen kutatási eredmény, de szintén bizonyos értékmérő, hogy a résztvevők egyike a Norvég Királyi Akadémia tagja lett és elnyerte a Steele díjat. | We managed to reach the goals of the project. We achieved more than one hundred excellent results, 84 of them appeared already in the most prestigious journals of the subject, like Combinatorica, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Journal of Graph Theory, Random Graphs and Structures, etc. We proved several long standing conjectures, solved quite old open problems in the area of hypergraphs and related subjects. Some of the problems were open for many years, sometimes for decades. It is not a direct research result but kind of an evaluation too that a member of the team became a member of the Norvegian Royal Academy and won Steele Prize

    Transversals in 44-Uniform Hypergraphs

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    Let HH be a 33-regular 44-uniform hypergraph on nn vertices. The transversal number τ(H)\tau(H) of HH is the minimum number of vertices that intersect every edge. Lai and Chang [J. Combin. Theory Ser. B 50 (1990), 129--133] proved that τ(H)7n/18\tau(H) \le 7n/18. Thomass\'{e} and Yeo [Combinatorica 27 (2007), 473--487] improved this bound and showed that τ(H)8n/21\tau(H) \le 8n/21. We provide a further improvement and prove that τ(H)3n/8\tau(H) \le 3n/8, which is best possible due to a hypergraph of order eight. More generally, we show that if HH is a 44-uniform hypergraph on nn vertices and mm edges with maximum degree Δ(H)3\Delta(H) \le 3, then τ(H)n/4+m/6\tau(H) \le n/4 + m/6, which proves a known conjecture. We show that an easy corollary of our main result is that the total domination number of a graph on nn vertices with minimum degree at least~4 is at most 3n/73n/7, which was the main result of the Thomass\'{e}-Yeo paper [Combinatorica 27 (2007), 473--487].Comment: 41 page

    The Independence Number of the Orthogonality Graph in Dimension 2k2^k

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    We determine the independence number of the orthogonality graph on 2k2^k-dimensional hypercubes. This answers a question by Galliard from 2001 which is motivated by a problem in quantum information theory. Our method is a modification of a rank argument due to Frankl who showed the analogous result for 4pk4p^k-dimensional hypercubes, where pp is an odd prime.Comment: 3 pages, accepted by Combinatorica, fixed a minor typo spotted by Peter Si

    The planar Cayley graphs are effectively enumerable I: consistently planar graphs

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    We obtain an effective enumeration of the family of finitely generated groups admitting a faithful, properly discontinuous action on some 2-manifold contained in the sphere. This is achieved by introducing a type of group presentation capturing exactly these groups. Extending this in a companion paper, we find group presentations capturing the planar finitely generated Cayley graphs. Thus we obtain an effective enumeration of these Cayley graphs, yielding in particular an affirmative answer to a question of Droms et al.Comment: To appear in Combinatorica. The second half of the previous version is arXiv:1901.0034