1,370 research outputs found

    DClEVerNet: Deep Combinatorial Learning for Efficient EV Charging Scheduling in Large-scale Networked Facilities

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    With the electrification of transportation, the rising uptake of electric vehicles (EVs) might stress distribution networks significantly, leaving their performance degraded and stability jeopardized. To accommodate these new loads cost-effectively, modern power grids require coordinated or ``smart'' charging strategies capable of optimizing EV charging scheduling in a scalable and efficient fashion. With this in view, the present work focuses on reservation management programs for large-scale, networked EV charging stations. We formulate a time-coupled binary optimization problem that maximizes EV users' total welfare gain while accounting for the network's available power capacity and stations' occupancy limits. To tackle the problem at scale while retaining high solution quality, a data-driven optimization framework combining techniques from the fields of Deep Learning and Approximation Algorithms is introduced. The framework's key ingredient is a novel input-output processing scheme for neural networks that allows direct extrapolation to problem sizes substantially larger than those included in the training set. Extensive numerical simulations based on synthetic and real-world data traces verify the effectiveness and superiority of the presented approach over two representative scheduling algorithms. Lastly, we round up the contributions by listing several immediate extensions to the proposed framework and outlining the prospects for further exploration

    Empowering citizens' cognition and decision making in smart sustainable cities

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Advances in Internet technologies have made it possible to gather, store, and process large quantities of data, often in real time. When considering smart and sustainable cities, this big data generates useful information and insights to citizens, service providers, and policy makers. Transforming this data into knowledge allows for empowering citizens' cognition as well as supporting decision-making routines. However, several operational and computing issues need to be taken into account: 1) efficient data description and visualization, 2) forecasting citizens behavior, and 3) supporting decision making with intelligent algorithms. This paper identifies several challenges associated with the use of data analytics in smart sustainable cities and proposes the use of hybrid simulation-optimization and machine learning algorithms as an effective approach to empower citizens' cognition and decision making in such ecosystemsPeer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Driver-aware charging infrastructure design

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    Public charging infrastructure plays a crucial role in the context of electrifying the private mobility sector in particular for urban regions. Against this background, we develop a new mathematical model for the optimal placement of public charging stations for electric vehicles in cities. While existing approaches strongly aggregate traffic information or are only applicable to small instances, we formulate the problem as a specific combinatorial optimization problem that incorporates individual demand and temporal interactions of drivers, exact positioning of charging stations, as well as various charging speeds, and realistic charging curves. We show that the problem can be naturally cast as an integer program that, together with different reformulation techniques, can be efficiently solved for large instances. More specifically, we show that our approach can compute optimal placements of charging stations for instances based on traffic data for cities with up to 600000600\,000 inhabitants and future electrification rates of up to 15%15\%

    Operational research and simulation methods for autonomous ride-sourcing

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    Ride-sourcing platforms provide on-demand shared transport services by solving decision problems related to ride-matching and pricing. The anticipated commercialisation of autonomous vehicles could transform these platforms to fleet operators and broaden their decision-making by introducing problems such as fleet sizing and empty vehicle redistribution. These problems have been frequently represented in research using aggregated mathematical programs, and alternative practises such as agent-based models. In this context, this study is set at the intersection between operational research and simulation methods to solve the multitude of autonomous ride-sourcing problems. The study begins by providing a framework for building bespoke agent-based models for ride-sourcing fleets, derived from the principles of agent-based modelling theory, which is used to tackle the non-linear problem of minimum fleet size. The minimum fleet size problem is tackled by investigating the relationship of system parameters based on queuing theory principles and by deriving and validating a novel model for pickup wait times. Simulating the fleet function in different urban areas shows that ride-sourcing fleets operate queues with zero assignment times above the critical fleet size. The results also highlight that pickup wait times have a pivotal role in estimating the minimum fleet size in ride-sourcing operations, with agent-based modelling being a more reliable estimation method. The focus is then shifted to empty vehicle redistribution, where the omission of market structure and underlying customer acumen, compromises the effectiveness of existing models. As a solution, the vehicle redistribution problem is formulated as a non-linear convex minimum cost flow problem that accounts for the relationship of supply and demand of rides by assuming a customer discrete choice model and a market structure. An edge splitting algorithm is then introduced to solve a transformed convex minimum cost flow problem for vehicle redistribution. Results of simulated tests show that the redistribution algorithm can significantly decrease wait times and increase profits with a moderate increase in vehicle mileage. The study is concluded by considering the operational time-horizon decision problems of ride-matching and pricing at periods of peak travel demand. Combinatorial double auctions have been identified as a suitable alternative to surge pricing in research, as they maximise social welfare by relying on stated customer and driver valuations. However, a shortcoming of current models is the exclusion of trip detour effects in pricing estimates. The study formulates a shared-ride assignment and pricing algorithm using combinatorial double auctions to resolve the above problem. The model is reduced to the maximum weighted independent set problem, which is APX-hard. Therefore, a fast local search heuristic is proposed, producing solutions within 10\% of the exact approach for practical implementations.Open Acces

    Deployment Optimization for Shared e-Mobility Systems with Multi-agent Deep Neural Search

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from IEEE via the DOI in this recordShared e-mobility services have been widely tested and piloted in cities across the globe, and already woven into the fabric of modern urban planning. This paper studies a practical yet important problem in those systems: how to deploy and manage their infrastructure across space and time, so that the services are ubiquitous to the users while sustainable in profitability. However, in real-world systems evaluating the performance of different deployment strategies and then finding the optimal plan is prohibitively expensive, as it is often infeasible to conduct many iterations of trial-and-error. We tackle this by designing a high-fidelity simulation environment, which abstracts the key operation details of the shared e-mobility systems at fine-granularity, and is calibrated using data collected from the real-world. This allows us to try out arbitrary deployment plans to learn the optimal given specific context, before actually implementing any in the real-world systems. In particular, we propose a novel multi-agent neural search approach, in which we design a hierarchical controller to produce tentative deployment plans. The generated deployment plans are then tested using a multi-simulation paradigm, i.e., evaluated in parallel, where the results are used to train the controller with deep reinforcement learning. With this closed loop, the controller can be steered to have higher probability of generating better deployment plans in future iterations. The proposed approach has been evaluated extensively in our simulation environment, and experimental results show that it outperforms baselines e.g., human knowledge, and state-of-the-art heuristic-based optimization approaches in both service coverage and net revenue.Alan Turing InstituteEngineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC

    Coordinating Charging Behavior : Engineering Systems for Electric Vehicle Users

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    Electric Autonomous Mobility-on-Demand: Jointly Optimal Vehicle Design and Fleet Operation

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    The advent of autonomous driving and electrification is enabling the deployment of Electric Autonomous Mobility-on-Demand (E-AMoD) systems, whereby electric autonomous vehicles provide on-demand mobility. Crucially, the design of the individual vehicles and the fleet, and the operation of the system are strongly coupled. Hence, to maximize the system-level performance, they must be optimized in a joint fashion. To this end, this paper presents a framework to jointly optimize the fleet design in terms of battery capacity and number of vehicles, and the operational strategies of the E-AMoD system, with the aim of maximizing the operator's total profit. Specifically, we first formulate this joint optimization problem using directed acyclic graphs as a mixed integer linear program, which can be solved using commercial solvers with optimality guarantees. Second, to solve large instances of the problem, we propose a solution algorithm that solves for randomly sampled sub-problems, providing a more conservative solution of the full problem, and devise a heuristic approach to tackle larger individual sub-problem instances. Finally, we showcase our framework on a real-world case study in Manhattan, where we demonstrate the interdependence between the number of vehicles, their battery size, and operational and fixed costs. Our results indicate that to maximize a mobility operator's profit, a fleet of small and light vehicles with battery capacity of 20 kWh only can strike the best trade-off in terms of battery degradation, fixed costs and operational efficiency

    Electric vehicle routing, arc routing, and team orienteering problems in sustainable transportation

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    [EN] The increasing use of electric vehicles in road and air transportation, especially in last-mile delivery and city mobility, raises new operational challenges due to the limited capacity of electric batteries. These limitations impose additional driving range constraints when optimizing the distribution and mobility plans. During the last years, several researchers from the Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, and Operations Research communities have been developing optimization, simulation, and machine learning approaches that aim at generating efficient and sustainable routing plans for hybrid fleets, including both electric and internal combustion engine vehicles. After contextualizing the relevance of electric vehicles in promoting sustainable transportation practices, this paper reviews the existing work in the field of electric vehicle routing problems. In particular, we focus on articles related to the well-known vehicle routing, arc routing, and team orienteering problems. The review is followed by numerical examples that illustrate the gains that can be obtained by employing optimization methods in the aforementioned field. Finally, several research opportunities are highlighted.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities (PID2019-111100RB-C21-C22/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, RED2018-102642-T), the SEPIE Erasmus+Program (2019-I-ES01-KA103-062602), and the IoF2020-H2020 (731884) project.Do C. Martins, L.; Tordecilla, RD.; Castaneda, J.; Juan-Pérez, ÁA.; Faulin, J. (2021). Electric vehicle routing, arc routing, and team orienteering problems in sustainable transportation. Energies. 14(16):1-30. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14165131130141