31,271 research outputs found

    La reformulation culturelle et identitaire des MĂ©tis de Colombie-Britannique

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    Le gouvernement provincial de Colombie-Britannique refuse de reconnaître l’existence de communautés métisses originaires de Colombie-Britannique. Cette non-reconnaissance empêche les Métis de Colombie-Britannique de bénéficier des droits autochtones. Cet article a donc pour objectif de faire connaître leur existence en Colombie-Britannique et de présenter les problèmes liés à leur non-reconnaissance. De plus, même au sein du peuple métis, ils ne sont pas réellement reconnus : la plupart des Métis provenant des Prairies considèrent en effet que les véritables Métis sont issus des provinces des Prairies. À cause de cette conviction, les Métis de Colombie-Britannique ne possèdent qu’un pouvoir de décision très réduit dans l’association nationale métisse. Pour prouver leur existence, les associations métisses de la Colombie-Britannique réalisent une revalorisation culturelle et identitaire de la culture métisse de Colombie-Britannique.The provincial government of British Columbia refuses to recognize the existence of the Métis communities from British Columbia. This non-recognition prevents the Métis of British Columbia from having access to Aboriginal rights. This article therefore aims to make known their existence in British Columbia and to highlight the problems linked to their non-recognition. Furthermore, even among the Métis Nation, they are not really recognized. Most of the Métis are from the Prairies and consider that the real Métis originate from there. Because of this conviction, the Métis of British Columbia possess only a limited decision making power in the national association, the Métis National Council. In order to prove their existence, the Métis associations from British Columbia have been recently pushing for a cultural and identity “revalorization” of the Métis culture of British Columbia

    The P.J. Thomas Collection of British Columbia Folk Songs

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    Jori Bartlett fait une description de chants de la Colombie Canadienne collectionnés par Philip J. Thomas depuis les vingt-trois dernières années et en dresse une liste avec indications du nombre de chants appartenant à différentes catégories. La collection est actuellement déposée dans la Section de l’Histoire orale des Archives publiques de la Colombie Canadienne

    CHA Prizes Juries / Jurys des prix de la SHC

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    The CHA greatly appreciates the tremendous work that Michael Dawson and Lara Campbell have done as CHA Council Member responsible for the Garneau, Macdonald and Ferguson and the John Bullen, Clio and Albert B. Corey prizes respectively. The same is true of the jury members of all of our prizes.Many thanks!La SHC apprécie grandement le travail que Michael Dawson et Lara Campbell ont accompli à titre de membre du Conseil de la SHC responsable des Comités des prix Garneau,Macdonald et Ferguson et des prix John-Bullen, Clio et Albert-B.-Corey respectivement. Il en est ainsi pour les membres des jurys de tous nos prix.Un grand merci

    Europe: Neither Plan Colombia, nor Peace Process--From Good Intentions to High Frustrations. Working Paper Series, Vol. 2 No. 7, June 2002

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    (From the introduction). At the same time, a clear message was sent that Europe wanted to distance itself as much as possible from the Plan Colombia, understood as a project centered around counter-insurgency and security issues. After a brief period of uncertainty and the successful and hopeful attempts to revive the Peace Process, the European diplomacy seemed to have its role strengthened from a rank of mere observer to a status of participant in brokering the Peace Process, which was on the verge of collapse in early January 2002. The renewal of the process was then credited to the role of the international community, with heavy European involvement. However, apprehension, pessimism, and a certain degree of realism finally set in the minds of European leaders in view of the decision by President Andrés Pastrana of Colombia to terminate the peace process on February 20, 2002. Considering the continuation of the violent activities perpetrated by the Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC), culminating with the kidnapping of Eduardo Gechem Turbay, a prominent Colombian senator, Pastrana ordered the Colombian troops to enter the territory previously awarded as sanctuary. (4) Meanwhile, under the new Bush administration, U.S. opinion had already shifted toward a more hard line attitude, as former Clinton administration officials reflected in timely columns. (5) Editorials endorsed President Bush’s attempts to make U.S. support more effective. (6) These published opinions confirm that many U.S. elite had significantly shifted toward the idea of more active participation in the Colombian conflict, sidelining the peace negotiations as an apparent result of the attacks of September 11. “Terrorism” was the code word widely used, replacing “counter-insurgency strategy” and “curtailing narco-trafficking” which was the original framework sold to Congress to justify the need for Plan Colombia. The Colombian government began to lobby energetically for the use of U.S. counter-drug trafficking resources in the anti-insurgency activities, equating the fight against the FARC to the military offensive against Al Qaeda. (7) In public statements, the White House limited its position to the parameters outlined by Congress in the fight against drugs. (8

    Ozognathus cornutus (LeConte) – new record for the Palaearctic Region (Coleoptera: Anobiidae)

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    The occurrence of Ozognathus cornutus (LeConte, 1859) in the Mediterranean Region (Madeira Is., Malta and Tunisia) is documented for the first time. The genus is new for the Palaearctic Region, where it was only previously recorded from the Nearctic and Neotropical Regions.peer-reviewe

    Maîtrise de la fécondité et planification familiale au Sud

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    L'article présente les résultats d'une recherche sur l'interruption volontaire de la grossesse en Colombie. Afin d'étudier l'ampleur de ce phénomène dans un pays où cet acte est puni par la loi, une méthodologie spécifique d'enquête a été mise au point. Cette pratique de l'interruption volontaire de grossesse est importante puisque près d'un tiers des femmes ont terminé au moins une grossesse par un avortement. Les auteurs soulignent l'importance de ce phénomène dans le processus de transition démographique, puisque l'avortement, en Colombie, contribue à une réduction significative de la fécondité. (Résume d'auteur
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