182 research outputs found

    Advances and Applications of Computer Vision Techniques in Vehicle Trajectory Generation and Surrogate Traffic Safety Indicators

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    The application of Computer Vision (CV) techniques massively stimulates microscopic traffic safety analysis from the perspective of traffic conflicts and near misses, which is usually measured using Surrogate Safety Measures (SSM). However, as video processing and traffic safety modeling are two separate research domains and few research have focused on systematically bridging the gap between them, it is necessary to provide transportation researchers and practitioners with corresponding guidance. With this aim in mind, this paper focuses on reviewing the applications of CV techniques in traffic safety modeling using SSM and suggesting the best way forward. The CV algorithm that are used for vehicle detection and tracking from early approaches to the state-of-the-art models are summarized at a high level. Then, the video pre-processing and post-processing techniques for vehicle trajectory extraction are introduced. A detailed review of SSMs for vehicle trajectory data along with their application on traffic safety analysis is presented. Finally, practical issues in traffic video processing and SSM-based safety analysis are discussed, and the available or potential solutions are provided. This review is expected to assist transportation researchers and engineers with the selection of suitable CV techniques for video processing, and the usage of SSMs for various traffic safety research objectives

    DeepCrashTest: Turning Dashcam Videos into Virtual Crash Tests for Automated Driving Systems

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    The goal of this paper is to generate simulations with real-world collision scenarios for training and testing autonomous vehicles. We use numerous dashcam crash videos uploaded on the internet to extract valuable collision data and recreate the crash scenarios in a simulator. We tackle the problem of extracting 3D vehicle trajectories from videos recorded by an unknown and uncalibrated monocular camera source using a modular approach. A working architecture and demonstration videos along with the open-source implementation are provided with the paper.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, ICRA 2020, Trajectory Extraction, Trajectory Simulatio

    Classification of road users detected and tracked with LiDAR at intersections

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    Data collection is a necessary component of transportation engineering. Manual data collection methods have proven to be inefficient and limited in terms of the data required for comprehensive traffic and safety studies. Automatic methods are being introduced to characterize the transportation system more accurately and are providing more information to better understand the dynamics between road users. Video data collection is an inexpensive and widely used automated method, but the accuracy of video-based algorithms is known to be affected by obstacles and shadows and the third dimension is lost with video camera data collection. The impressive progress in sensing technologies has encouraged development of new methods for measuring the movements of road users. The Center for Road Safety at Purdue University proposed application of a LiDAR-based algorithm for tracking vehicles at intersections from a roadside location. LiDAR provides a three-dimensional characterization of the sensed environment for better detection and tracking results. The feasibility of this system was analyzed in this thesis using an evaluation methodology to determine the accuracy of the algorithm when tracking vehicles at intersections. According to the implemented method, the LiDAR-based system provides successful detection and tracking of vehicles, and its accuracy is comparable to the results provided by frame-by-frame extraction of trajectory data using video images by human observers. After supporting the suitability of the system for tracking, the second component of this thesis focused on proposing a classification methodology to discriminate between vehicles, pedestrians, and two-wheelers. Four different methodologies were applied to identify the best method for implementation. The KNN algorithm, which is capable of creating adaptive decision boundaries based on the characteristics of similar observations, provided better performance when evaluating new locations. The multinomial logit model did not allow the inclusion of collinear variables into the model. Overfitting of the training data was indicated in the classification tree and boosting methodologies and produced lower performance when the models were applied to the test data. Despite ANOVA analysis not supporting superior performance by a competitor, the objective of classifying movements at intersections under diverse conditions was achieved with the KNN algorithm and was chosen as the method to implement with the existing algorithm

    Introspective Perception for Mobile Robots

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    Perception algorithms that provide estimates of their uncertainty are crucial to the development of autonomous robots that can operate in challenging and uncontrolled environments. Such perception algorithms provide the means for having risk-aware robots that reason about the probability of successfully completing a task when planning. There exist perception algorithms that come with models of their uncertainty; however, these models are often developed with assumptions, such as perfect data associations, that do not hold in the real world. Hence the resultant estimated uncertainty is a weak lower bound. To tackle this problem we present introspective perception - a novel approach for predicting accurate estimates of the uncertainty of perception algorithms deployed on mobile robots. By exploiting sensing redundancy and consistency constraints naturally present in the data collected by a mobile robot, introspective perception learns an empirical model of the error distribution of perception algorithms in the deployment environment and in an autonomously supervised manner. In this paper, we present the general theory of introspective perception and demonstrate successful implementations for two different perception tasks. We provide empirical results on challenging real-robot data for introspective stereo depth estimation and introspective visual simultaneous localization and mapping and show that they learn to predict their uncertainty with high accuracy and leverage this information to significantly reduce state estimation errors for an autonomous mobile robot

    Excavator Pose Estimation for Safety Monitoring by Fusing Computer Vision and RTLS Data

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    The construction industry is considered as a hazardous industry because of its high number of accidents and fatality rates. Safety is one of the main requirements on construction sites since an insecure site drops the morale of the workers, which can also result in lower productivity. To address safety issues, many proactive methods have been introduced by researchers and equipment manufacturers. Studying these methods shows that most of them are using radio-based technologies that perform based on the locations of the attached sensors to the moving objects, which could be expensive and impractical for the large fleet of available construction equipment. Safety monitoring is a sensitive task and avoiding collisions requires a detailed information of the articulated equipment (e.g. excavators) and the motion of each part of that equipment. Therefore, it is necessary to install the location sensors on each moving part of the equipment for estimating its pose, which is a difficult, time consuming, and expensive task. On the other hand, the application of Computer Vision (CV) techniques is growing and becoming more practical and affordable. However, most of the available CV-based techniques evaluate the proximity of the resources by considering each object as a single point regardless of its shape and pose. Moreover, the process of manually collecting and annotating a large image dataset of different pieces of equipment is one of the most time consuming tasks. Furthermore, relying on a single source of data may not only decrease the accuracy of the pose estimation system because of missing data or calculation errors, but it may also increase the computation time. Moreover, when there are multiple objects and equipment in the field of view of each camera, CV-based algorithms are under a higher risk of false recognition of the equipment and their parts. Therefore, fusing the cameras’ data with data from Real-Time Location System (RTLS) can help the pose estimation system by limiting the search area for the parts’ detectors, and consequently reducing the processing time and improving the accuracy by reducing the false detections. This research aims to estimate the excavator pose by fusing CV and RTLS data for safety monitoring and has the following objectives: (1) improving the CV training by developing a method to automatically generate and annotate around-view synthetic images of equipment and their parts using the 3D model of the equipment and the real images of the construction sites as background; (2) developing a guideline for applying stereo vision system in construction sites using regular surveillance cameras with long baseline at a high level; (3) improving the accuracy and speed of CV detection by fusing RTLS data with cameras’ data; and (4) estimating the 3D pose of the equipment for detecting potential collisions based on a pair of Two Dimensional (2D) skeletons of the parts from the views of two cameras. To support these objectives, a comprehensive database of the synthetic images of the excavator and its parts are generated, and multiple detectors from multiple views are trained for each part of the excavator using the image database. Moreover, the RTLS data, providing the location of the equipment, are linked with the corresponding video frames from two cameras to fuse the location data with the video data. Knowing the overall size of the equipment and its location provided by the RTLS system, a virtual cylinder defined around the equipment is projected on the video frames to limit the search scope of the object detection algorithm within the projected cylinder, resulting in a faster processing time and higher detection accuracy. Additionally, knowing the equipment ID assigned to each RTLS device and the cameras’ locations and heights, it is possible to select the suitable detectors for each equipment. After detecting a part, the background of the detected bounding box are removed to estimate the location and orientation of each part. The final skeleton of the excavator is derived by connecting the start and end points of the parts to their adjacent parts knowing the kinematic information of the excavator. Estimating the skeleton of the excavator from each camera view on one hand, and knowing the extrinsic and intrinsic parameters of all available cameras on the construction site, on the other hand, are used for estimating the 3D pose by triangulating the estimated skeleton from each camera. In order to use the available collision avoidance systems, the 3D pose of the excavator is sent to the game environment and the potential collisions are detected followed by generating a warning. The contributions of this research are: (1) developing a method for creating and annotating the synthetic images of the construction equipment and their parts using the equipment 3D models and the real images of the construction sites; (2) creating and training the HOG-based excavator’s parts detectors using the database of the synthetic images developed earlier and automatically produced negative samples from the other excavator parts in addition to the real images of different construction sites while the target object is cut from these; (3) developing a data fusion framework after calibrating two regular surveillance cameras with the long baseline to integrate the RTLS data received from GPS with the video data from the cameras to decrease the processing efforts for detecting excavator parts while increasing the detection accuracy by limiting the search scope for the detectors; (4) developing a clustering technique to subtract parts’ background and extracting the 2D skeleton of the excavator in each camera’s view and to estimate the 3D pose of the excavator; and (5) transferring the 3D pose data of the excavator to the game environment using TCP/IP connection and visualizing the near real-time pose of the excavator in the game engine for detecting the potential collisions

    Identification and tracking of marine objects for collision risk estimation.

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    With the advent of modem high-speed passenger ferries and the general increase in maritime traffic, both commercial and recreational, marine safety is becoming an increasingly important issue. From lightweight catamarans and fishing trawlers to container ships and cruise liners one question remains the same. Is anything in the way? This question is addressed in this thesis. Through the use of image processing techniques applied to video sequences of maritime scenes the images are segmented into two regions, sea and object. This is achieved using statistical measures taken from the histogram data of the images. Each segmented object has a feature vector built containing information including its size and previous centroid positions. The feature vectors are used to track the identified objects across many frames. With information recorded about an object's previous motion its future motion is predicted using a least squares method. Finally a high-level rule-based algorithm is applied in order to estimate the collision risk posed by each object present in the image. The result is an image with the objects identified by the placing of a white box around them. The predicted motion is shown and the estimated collision risk posed by that object is displayed. The algorithms developed in this work have been evaluated using two previously unseen maritime image sequences. These show that the algorithms developed here can be used to estimate the collision risk posed by maritime objects

    Fusion of Data from Heterogeneous Sensors with Distributed Fields of View and Situation Evaluation for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems

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    In order to develop a driver assistance system for pedestrian protection, pedestrians in the environment of a truck are detected by radars and a camera and are tracked across distributed fields of view using a Joint Integrated Probabilistic Data Association filter. A robust approach for prediction of the system vehicles trajectory is presented. It serves the computation of a probabilistic collision risk based on reachable sets where different sources of uncertainty are taken into account

    Real-time vehicle detection using low-cost sensors

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    Improving road safety and reducing the number of accidents is one of the top priorities for the automotive industry. As human driving behaviour is one of the top causation factors of road accidents, research is working towards removing control from the human driver by automating functions and finally introducing a fully Autonomous Vehicle (AV). A Collision Avoidance System (CAS) is one of the key safety systems for an AV, as it ensures all potential threats ahead of the vehicle are identified and appropriate action is taken. This research focuses on the task of vehicle detection, which is the base of a CAS, and attempts to produce an effective vehicle detector based on the data coming from a low-cost monocular camera. Developing a robust CAS based on low-cost sensor is crucial to bringing the cost of safety systems down and in this way, increase their adoption rate by end users. In this work, detectors are developed based on the two main approaches to vehicle detection using a monocular camera. The first is the traditional image processing approach where visual cues are utilised to generate potential vehicle locations and at a second stage, verify the existence of vehicles in an image. The second approach is based on a Convolutional Neural Network, a computationally expensive method that unifies the detection process in a single pipeline. The goal is to determine which method is more appropriate for real-time applications. Following the first approach, a vehicle detector based on the combination of HOG features and SVM classification is developed. The detector attempts to optimise performance by modifying the detection pipeline and improve run-time performance. For the CNN-based approach, six different network models are developed and trained end to end using collected data, each with a different network structure and parameters, in an attempt to determine which combination produces the best results. The evaluation of the different vehicle detectors produced some interesting findings; the first approach did not manage to produce a working detector, while the CNN-based approach produced a high performing vehicle detector with an 85.87% average precision and a very low miss rate. The detector managed to perform well under different operational environments (motorway, urban and rural roads) and the results were validated using an external dataset. Additional testing of the vehicle detector indicated it is suitable as a base for safety applications such as CAS, with a run time performance of 12FPS and potential for further improvements.</div

    3D Modelling for Improved Visual Traffic Analytics

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    Advanced Traffic Management Systems utilize diverse types of sensor networks with the goal of improving mobility and safety of transportation systems. These systems require information about the state of the traffic configuration, including volume, vehicle speed, density, and incidents, which are useful in applications such as urban planning, collision avoidance systems, and emergency vehicle notification systems, to name a few. Sensing technologies are an important part of Advanced Traffic Management Systems that enable the estimation of the traffic state. Inductive Loop Detectors are often used to sense vehicles on highway roads. Although this technology has proven to be effective, it has limitations. Their installation and replacement cost is high and causes traffic disruptions, and their sensing modality provides very limited information about the vehicles being sensed. No vehicle appearance information is available. Traffic camera networks are also used in advanced traffic monitoring centers where the cameras are controlled by a remote operator. The amount of visual information provided by such cameras can be overwhelmingly large, which may cause the operators to miss important traffic events happening in the field. This dissertation focuses on visual traffic surveillance for Advanced Traffic Management Systems. The focus is on the research and development of computer vision algorithms that contribute to the automation of highway traffic analytics systems that require estimates of traffic volume and density. This dissertation makes three contributions: The first contribution is an integrated vision surveillance system called 3DTown, where cameras installed at a university campus together with algorithms are used to produce vehicle and pedestrian detections to augment a 3D model of the university with dynamic information from the scene. A second major contribution is a technique for extracting road lines from highway images that are used to estimate the tilt angle and the focal length of the camera. This technique is useful when the operator changes the camera pose. The third major contribution is a method to automatically extract the active road lanes and model the vehicles in 3D to improve the vehicle count estimation by individuating 2D segments of imaged vehicles that have been merged due to occlusions
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