33 research outputs found

    Automating Collision Attacks on RIPEMD-160

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    As an ISO/IEC standard, the hash function RIPEMD-160 has been used to generate the Bitcoin address with SHA-256. However, due to the complex double-branch structure of RIPEMD-160, the best collision attack only reaches 36 out of 80 steps of RIPEMD-160, and the best semi-free-start (SFS) collision attack only reaches 40 steps. To improve the 36-step collision attack proposed at EUROCRYPT 2023, we explored the possibility of using different message differences to increase the number of attacked steps, and we finally identified one choice allowing a 40-step collision attack. To find the corresponding 40-step differential characteristic, we re-implement the MILP-based method to search for signed differential characteristics with SAT/SMT. As a result, we can find a colliding message pair for 40-step RIPEMD-160 in practical time, which significantly improves the best collision attack on RIPEMD-160. For the best SFS collision attack published at ToSC 2019, we observe that the bottleneck is the probability of the right-branch differential characteristics as they are fully uncontrolled in the message modification. To address this issue, we utilize our SAT/SMT-based tool to search for high-probability differential characteristics for the right branch. Consequently, we can mount successful SFS collision attacks on 41, 42 and 43 steps of RIPEMD-160, thus significantly improving the SFS collision attacks. In addition, we also searched for a 44-step differential characteristic, but the differential probability is too low to allow a meaningful SFS collision attack

    New Records in Collision Attacks on SHA-2

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    The SHA-2 family including SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, SHA-512/224 and SHA512/256 is a U.S. federal standard pub- lished by NIST. Especially, there is no doubt that SHA-256 is one of the most important hash functions used in real-world applications. Due to its complex design compared with SHA-1, there is almost no progress in collision attacks on SHA-2 after ASIACRYPT 2015. In this work, we retake this challenge and aim to significantly improve collision attacks on the SHA-2 family. First, we observe from many existing attacks on SHA-2 that the current advanced tool to search for SHA-2 characteristics has reached the bottleneck. Specifically, longer differential characteristics could not be found, and this causes that the collision attack could not reach more steps. To address this issue, we adopt Liu et al.’s MILP-based method and implement it with SAT/SMT for SHA-2, where we also add more techniques to detect contradictions in SHA-2 characteristics. This answers an open problem left in Liu et al.’s paper to apply the technique to SHA-2. With this SAT/SMT-based tool, we search for SHA-2 charac- teristics by controlling its sparsity in a dedicated way. As a result, we successfully find the first practical semi-free-start (SFS) colliding message pair for 39-step SHA-256, improving the best 38-step SFS collision attack published at EUROCRYPT 2013. In addition, we also report the first practical free-start (FS) collision attack on 40-step SHA-224, while the previously best theoretic 40-step attack has time complexity 2110. More- over, for the first time, we can mount practical and theoretic collision attacks on 28-step and 31-step SHA-512, respectively, which improve the best collision attack only reaching 27 steps of SHA-512 at ASIACRYPT 2015. In a word, with new techniques to find SHA-2 characteristics, we have made some notable progress in the analysis of SHA-2 after the major achievements made at EUROCRYPT 2013 and ASIACRYPT 2015

    Automating Collision Attacks on RIPEMD-160

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    As an ISO/IEC standard, the hash function RIPEMD-160 has been used to generate the Bitcoin address with SHA-256. However, due to the complex doublebranch structure of RIPEMD-160, the best collision attack only reaches 36 out of 80 steps of RIPEMD-160, and the best semi-free-start (SFS) collision attack only reaches 40 steps. To improve the 36-step collision attack proposed at EUROCRYPT 2023, we explored the possibility of using different message differences to increase the number of attacked steps, and we finally identified one choice allowing a 40-step collision attack. To find the corresponding 40-step differential characteristic, we re-implement the MILP-based method to search for signed differential characteristics with SAT/SMT. As a result, we can find a colliding message pair for 40-step RIPEMD-160 in practical time, which significantly improves the best collision attack on RIPEMD-160. For the best SFS collision attack published at ToSC 2019, we observe that the bottleneck is the probability of the right-branch differential characteristics as they are fully uncontrolled in the message modification. To address this issue, we utilize our SAT/SMT-based tool to search for high-probability differential characteristics for the right branch. Consequently, we can mount successful SFS collision attacks on 41, 42 and 43 steps of RIPEMD-160, thus significantly improving the SFS collision attacks. In addition, we also searched for a 44-step differential characteristic, but the differential probability is too low to allow a meaningful SFS collision attack

    A heuristic for finding compatible differential paths with application to HAS-160

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    The question of compatibility of differential paths plays a central role in second order collision attacks on hash functions. In this context, attacks typically proceed by starting from the middle and constructing the middle-steps quartet in which the two paths are enforced on the respec- tive faces of the quartet structure. Finding paths that can fit in such a quartet structure has been a major challenge and the currently known compatible paths extend over a suboptimal number of steps for hash functions such as SHA-2 and HAS-160. In this paper, we investigate a heuristic that searches for compatible differential paths. The application of the heuristic in case of HAS-160 yields a practical second order collision over all of the function steps, which is the first practical result that covers all of the HAS-160 steps. An example of a colliding quartet is provide

    D.STVL.9 - Ongoing Research Areas in Symmetric Cryptography

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    This report gives a brief summary of some of the research trends in symmetric cryptography at the time of writing (2008). The following aspects of symmetric cryptography are investigated in this report: • the status of work with regards to different types of symmetric algorithms, including block ciphers, stream ciphers, hash functions and MAC algorithms (Section 1); • the algebraic attacks on symmetric primitives (Section 2); • the design criteria for symmetric ciphers (Section 3); • the provable properties of symmetric primitives (Section 4); • the major industrial needs in the area of symmetric cryptography (Section 5)

    Técnicas de segurança para a internet das coisas

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    Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e TelemáticaIoT assume que dispositivos limitados, tanto em capacidades computacionais como em energia disponível, façam parte da sua infraestrutura. Dispositivos esses que apresentam menos capacidades e mecanismos de defesa do que as máquinas de uso geral. É imperativo aplicar segurança nesses dispositivos e nas suas comunicações de maneira a prepará-los para as ameaças da Internet e alcançar uma verdadeira e segura Internet das Coisas, em concordância com as visões atuais para o futuro. Esta dissertação pretende ser um pequeno passo nesse sentido, apresentando alternativas para proteger as comunicações de dispositivos restritos numa perspetiva de performance assim como avaliar o desempenho e a ocupação de recursos por parte de primitivas criptográficas quando são aplicadas em dispositivos reais. Dado que a segurança em diversas ocasiões tem de se sujeitar aos recursos deixados após a implementação de funcionalidades, foi colocada uma implementação de exposição de funcionalidades, recorrendo ao uso de CoAP, num dispositivo fabricado com intenção de ser usado em IoT e avaliada de acordo com a sua ocupação de recursos.IoT comprehends devices constrained in both computational capabilities and available energy to be a part of its infrastructure. Devices which also present less defense capabilities and mechanisms than general purpose machines. It’s imperative to secure such devices and their communications in order to prepare them for the Internet menaces and achieve a true and secure Internet of Things compliant with today’s future visions. This dissertation intends to be a small step towards such future by presenting alternatives to protect constrained device’s communications in a performance related perspective as well as benchmarks and evaluation of resources used by cryptographic primitives when implemented on real devices. Due to security being on multiple occasions subjected to the resources available only after functionalities implementation, a minimalist implementation of functionalities exposure through the use of CoAP was also deployed in an IoT intended device and assessed according to resource overhead

    Ongoing Research Areas in Symmetric Cryptography

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    This report is a deliverable for the ECRYPT European network of excellence in cryptology. It gives a brief summary of some of the research trends in symmetric cryptography at the time of writing. The following aspects of symmetric cryptography are investigated in this report: • the status of work with regards to different types of symmetric algorithms, including block ciphers, stream ciphers, hash functions and MAC algorithms (Section 1); • the recently proposed algebraic attacks on symmetric primitives (Section 2); • the design criteria for symmetric ciphers (Section 3); • the provable properties of symmetric primitives (Section 4); • the major industrial needs in the area of symmetric cryptography (Section 5)

    Cryptanalysis of Symmetric Cryptographic Primitives

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    Symmetric key cryptographic primitives are the essential building blocks in modern information security systems. The overall security of such systems is crucially dependent on these mathematical functions, which makes the analysis of symmetric key primitives a goal of critical importance. The security argument for the majority of such primitives in use is only a heuristic one and therefore their respective security evaluation continually remains an open question. In this thesis, we provide cryptanalytic results for several relevant cryptographic hash functions and stream ciphers. First, we provide results concerning two hash functions: HAS-160 and SM3. In particular, we develop a new heuristic for finding compatible differential paths and apply it to the the Korean hash function standard HAS-160. Our heuristic leads to a practical second order collision attack over all of the HAS-160 function steps, which is the first practical-complexity distinguisher on this function. An example of a colliding quartet is provided. In case of SM3, which is a design that builds upon the SHA-2 hash and is published by the Chinese Commercial Cryptography Administration Office for the use in the electronic authentication service system, we study second order collision attacks over reduced-round versions and point out a structural slide-rotational property that exists in the function. Next, we examine the security of the following three stream ciphers: Loiss, SNOW 3G and SNOW 2.0. Loiss stream cipher is designed by Dengguo Feng et al. aiming to be implemented in byte-oriented processors. By exploiting some differential properties of a particular component utilized in the cipher, we provide an attack of a practical complexity on Loiss in the related-key model. As confirmed by our experimental results, our attack recovers 92 bits of the 128-bit key in less than one hour on a PC with 3 GHz Intel Pentium 4 processor. SNOW 3G stream cipher is used in 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) and the SNOW 2.0 cipher is an ISO/IEC standard (IS 18033-4). For both of these two ciphers, we show that the initialization procedure admits a sliding property, resulting in several sets of related-key pairs. In addition to allowing related-key key recovery attacks against SNOW 2.0 with 256-bit keys, the presented properties reveal non-random behavior of the primitives, yield related-key distinguishers for the two ciphers and question the validity of the security proofs of protocols based on the assumption that these ciphers behave like perfect random functions of the key-IV. Finally, we provide differential fault analysis attacks against two stream ciphers, namely, HC-128 and Rabbit. In this type of attacks, the attacker is assumed to have physical influence over the device that performs the encryption and is able to introduce random faults into the computational process. In case of HC-128, the fault model in which we analyze the cipher is the one in which the attacker is able to fault a random word of the inner state of the cipher but cannot control its exact location nor its new faulted value. Our attack requires about 7968 faults and recovers the complete internal state of HC-128 by solving a set of 32 systems of linear equations over Z2 in 1024 variables. In case of Rabbit stream cipher, the fault model in which the cipher is analyzed is the one in which a random bit of the internal state of the cipher is faulted, however, without control over the location of the injected fault. Our attack requires around 128 − 256 faults, precomputed table of size 2^41.6 bytes and recovers the complete internal state of Rabbit in about 2^38 steps