201,316 research outputs found

    Copyright in Central and Eastern Europe: An Intellectual Property Metamorphosis

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    Програму присвячено питанням організації і проходження виробничої практики студентами освітньо-професійної підготовки магістрів. Розглянуто мету й основні завдання практики, вимоги щодо підготовки та захисту звіту з виробничої практики, порядок виконання типових завдань. Посібник є допоміжним матеріалом для якісної практичної підготовки студентів, він містить зразки супровідних документів, необхідних для правильного оформлення звіту з практики. Програма розрахована на студентів, викладачів, керівників підприємств усіх форм власності

    Eat what you hear: Gustasonic discourses and the material culture of commercial sound recording

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    This article analyzes discursive linkages between acts of listening and eating within a combined multisensory regime that the authors label the gustasonic. Including both marketing discourses mobilized by the commercial music industry and representations of record consumption in popular media texts, gustasonic discourses have shaped forms and experiences of recorded sound culture from the gramophone era to the present. The authors examine three prominent modalities of gustasonic discourse: (1) discourses that position records as edible objects for physical ingestion; (2) discourses that preserve linkages between listening and eating but incorporate musical recordings into the packaging of other foodstuffs; and (3) discourses of gustasonic distinction that position the listener as someone with discriminating taste. While the gustasonic on one hand serves as an aid to consumerism, it can also cultivate a countervailing collecting impulse that resists music’s commodity status and inscribes sound recording within alternative systems of culture value

    Shopping For Privacy: How Technology in Brick-and-Mortar Retail Stores Poses Privacy Risks for Shoppers

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    As technology continues to rapidly advance, the American legal system has failed to protect individual shoppers from the technology implemented into retail stores, which poses significant privacy risks but does not violate the law. In particular, I examine the technologies implemented into many brick-and-mortar stores today, many of which the average everyday shopper has no idea exists. This Article criticizes these technologies, suggesting that many, if not all of them, are questionable in their legality taking advantage of their status in a legal gray zone. Because the American judicial system cannot adequately protect the individual shopper from these questionable privacy practices, I call upon the Federal Trade Commission, the de facto privacy regulator in the United States, to increase its policing of physical retail stores to protect the shopper from any further harm

    Effectiveness, Efficiency, and Ethics of Marketing Analytics

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    Abstract The concept of big data has influenced the marketing field in numerous ways. By having access to more information about their consumers than ever before, marketers are presented with a unique opportunity to make the marketing process more streamlined and effective than ever; however, this also creates a challenge in understanding how this targeted advertising affects the brand’s perception by consumers. This study looks at the concepts of data marketing and re-targeted ads from three aspects. First, are marketers being as effective as possible to ensure they are sending the right advertisement, to the right customer, at the right time? Second, are marketers being as efficient as possible when choosing the correct platform to reach their target customers? Third, are companies remembering the ethical components of collecting this information on consumers, and ensuring they understand when consumers feel specialized advertising becomes an invasion of their privacy? To answer these questions, I first performed secondary research in the form of a literature review. From surveying the scope of the subject, I then performed primary research by conducting in-depth interviews and a survey. The results show that there are two distinct type of consumers: one group who is accepting of these re-targeted advertisements and welcoming of the specialized marketing, and a second group who is skeptical of this form of marketing and concerned over privacy issues. Marketers must be aware of these two distinct types of consumers and ensure they are choosing their advertising methods carefully to ensure an efficient utilization of resources and to make sure they are not presenting a detriment to their brand for the consumers who do not want catered advertisements

    An Automated Approach to Auditing Disclosure of Third-Party Data Collection in Website Privacy Policies

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    A dominant regulatory model for web privacy is "notice and choice". In this model, users are notified of data collection and provided with options to control it. To examine the efficacy of this approach, this study presents the first large-scale audit of disclosure of third-party data collection in website privacy policies. Data flows on one million websites are analyzed and over 200,000 websites' privacy policies are audited to determine if users are notified of the names of the companies which collect their data. Policies from 25 prominent third-party data collectors are also examined to provide deeper insights into the totality of the policy environment. Policies are additionally audited to determine if the choice expressed by the "Do Not Track" browser setting is respected. Third-party data collection is wide-spread, but fewer than 15% of attributed data flows are disclosed. The third-parties most likely to be disclosed are those with consumer services users may be aware of, those without consumer services are less likely to be mentioned. Policies are difficult to understand and the average time requirement to read both a given site{\guillemotright}s policy and the associated third-party policies exceeds 84 minutes. Only 7% of first-party site policies mention the Do Not Track signal, and the majority of such mentions are to specify that the signal is ignored. Among third-party policies examined, none offer unqualified support for the Do Not Track signal. Findings indicate that current implementations of "notice and choice" fail to provide notice or respect choice

    A Grape Idea: Competitive Collaboration Is a Win-Win for Regional Archives

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    In the summer of 2014, Linfield College and Whitman College archivists Rachael Woody and Melissa Salrin teamed up to document the history of the Walla Walla wine industry. While collaboration in the archives isn’t new, Woody and Salrin offer their perspective on the benefits of such partnerships even when the institutions wish to acquire the same materials and work with the same donors. The authors argue this project can serve as a blueprint for other repositories that wish to document community history and/or work collaboratively with a competing institution. Woody and Salrin outline the respective histories of their institutions and how they developed a programmatic interest in regional wine history, describe how they jointly embarked on the project, and reveal what they believe to have been the benefits to both institutions and their regional wine communities

    The Transformation of Accounting Information Systems Curriculum in the Last Decade

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    Accounting information systems (AIS) are an extremely important component of accounting and accounting education. The purpose of the current study is to examine the transformation of accounting information systems (AIS) curriculum in the last decade. The motivation for this research comes from the vast advances made in the world of information technology (IT) and information systems (IS). The specific research questions addressed in the current study are: (1) how has AIS curriculum changed in the 18 years since SOX? (2) How has AIS curriculum adjusted in recent years with the emergence of the new hot-button topic big data/data analytics? Overall, this study finds that the core of AIS curriculum has not significantly changed over the last decade. However, more emphasis is being placed on topics such as enterprise wide systems/ERP, IT audits, computer fraud, and transaction-processing. Related, several new topical coverages have been introduced such as business analysts and big data/data analytics. The key contribution of this paper is to provide accounting students and accounting educators with useful information regarding the most significant shifts in AIS over the last decade and insight into the most valuable current AIS topics

    Big Brother is Listening to You: Digital Eavesdropping in the Advertising Industry

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    In the Digital Age, information is more accessible than ever. Unfortunately, that accessibility has come at the expense of privacy. Now, more and more personal information is in the hands of corporations and governments, for uses not known to the average consumer. Although these entities have long been able to keep tabs on individuals, with the advent of virtual assistants and “always-listening” technologies, the ease by which a third party may extract information from a consumer has only increased. The stark reality is that lawmakers have left the American public behind. While other countries have enacted consumer privacy protections, the United States has no satisfactory legal framework in place to curb data collection by greedy businesses or to regulate how those companies may use and protect consumer data. This Article contemplates one use of that data: digital advertising. Inspired by stories of suspiciously well-targeted advertisements appearing on social media websites, this Article additionally questions whether companies have been honest about their collection of audio data. To address the potential harms consumers may suffer as a result of this deficient privacy protection, this Article proposes a framework wherein companies must acquire users\u27 consent and the government must ensure that businesses do not use consumer information for harmful purposes