194 research outputs found

    Machine Learning, Low-Rank Approximations and Reduced Order Modeling in Computational Mechanics

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    The use of machine learning in mechanics is booming. Algorithms inspired by developments in the field of artificial intelligence today cover increasingly varied fields of application. This book illustrates recent results on coupling machine learning with computational mechanics, particularly for the construction of surrogate models or reduced order models. The articles contained in this compilation were presented at the EUROMECH Colloquium 597, « Reduced Order Modeling in Mechanics of Materials », held in Bad Herrenalb, Germany, from August 28th to August 31th 2018. In this book, Artificial Neural Networks are coupled to physics-based models. The tensor format of simulation data is exploited in surrogate models or for data pruning. Various reduced order models are proposed via machine learning strategies applied to simulation data. Since reduced order models have specific approximation errors, error estimators are also proposed in this book. The proposed numerical examples are very close to engineering problems. The reader would find this book to be a useful reference in identifying progress in machine learning and reduced order modeling for computational mechanics

    Learning from Very Few Samples: A Survey

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    Few sample learning (FSL) is significant and challenging in the field of machine learning. The capability of learning and generalizing from very few samples successfully is a noticeable demarcation separating artificial intelligence and human intelligence since humans can readily establish their cognition to novelty from just a single or a handful of examples whereas machine learning algorithms typically entail hundreds or thousands of supervised samples to guarantee generalization ability. Despite the long history dated back to the early 2000s and the widespread attention in recent years with booming deep learning technologies, little surveys or reviews for FSL are available until now. In this context, we extensively review 300+ papers of FSL spanning from the 2000s to 2019 and provide a timely and comprehensive survey for FSL. In this survey, we review the evolution history as well as the current progress on FSL, categorize FSL approaches into the generative model based and discriminative model based kinds in principle, and emphasize particularly on the meta learning based FSL approaches. We also summarize several recently emerging extensional topics of FSL and review the latest advances on these topics. Furthermore, we highlight the important FSL applications covering many research hotspots in computer vision, natural language processing, audio and speech, reinforcement learning and robotic, data analysis, etc. Finally, we conclude the survey with a discussion on promising trends in the hope of providing guidance and insights to follow-up researches.Comment: 30 page

    Advances in Subspace-based Solutions for Diarization in the Broadcast Domain

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    La motivación de esta tesis es la necesidad de soluciones robustas al problema de diarización. Estas técnicas de diarización deben proporcionar valor añadido a la creciente cantidad disponible de datos multimedia mediante la precisa discriminación de los locutores presentes en la señal de audio. Desafortunadamente, hasta tiempos recientes este tipo de tecnologías solamente era viable en condiciones restringidas, quedando por tanto lejos de una solución general. Las razones detrás de las limitadas prestaciones de los sistemas de diarización son múltiples. La primera causa a tener en cuenta es la alta complejidad de la producción de la voz humana, en particular acerca de los procesos fisiológicos necesarios para incluir las características discriminativas de locutor en la señal de voz. Esta complejidad hace del proceso inverso, la estimación de dichas características a partir del audio, una tarea ineficiente por medio de las técnicas actuales del estado del arte. Consecuentemente, en su lugar deberán tenerse en cuenta aproximaciones. Los esfuerzos en la tarea de modelado han proporcionado modelos cada vez más elaborados, aunque no buscando la explicación última de naturaleza fisiológica de la señal de voz. En su lugar estos modelos aprenden relaciones entre la señales acústicas a partir de un gran conjunto de datos de entrenamiento. El desarrollo de modelos aproximados genera a su vez una segunda razón, la variabilidad de dominio. Debido al uso de relaciones aprendidas a partir de un conjunto de entrenamiento concreto, cualquier cambio de dominio que modifique las condiciones acústicas con respecto a los datos de entrenamiento condiciona las relaciones asumidas, pudiendo causar fallos consistentes en los sistemas.Nuestra contribución a las tecnologías de diarización se ha centrado en el entorno de radiodifusión. Este dominio es actualmente un entorno todavía complejo para los sistemas de diarización donde ninguna simplificación de la tarea puede ser tenida en cuenta. Por tanto, se deberá desarrollar un modelado eficiente del audio para extraer la información de locutor y como inferir el etiquetado correspondiente. Además, la presencia de múltiples condiciones acústicas debido a la existencia de diferentes programas y/o géneros en el domino requiere el desarrollo de técnicas capaces de adaptar el conocimiento adquirido en un determinado escenario donde la información está disponible a aquellos entornos donde dicha información es limitada o sencillamente no disponible.Para este propósito el trabajo desarrollado a lo largo de la tesis se ha centrado en tres subtareas: caracterización de locutor, agrupamiento y adaptación de modelos. La primera subtarea busca el modelado de un fragmento de audio para obtener representaciones precisas de los locutores involucrados, poniendo de manifiesto sus propiedades discriminativas. En este área se ha llevado a cabo un estudio acerca de las actuales estrategias de modelado, especialmente atendiendo a las limitaciones de las representaciones extraídas y poniendo de manifiesto el tipo de errores que pueden generar. Además, se han propuesto alternativas basadas en redes neuronales haciendo uso del conocimiento adquirido. La segunda tarea es el agrupamiento, encargado de desarrollar estrategias que busquen el etiquetado óptimo de los locutores. La investigación desarrollada durante esta tesis ha propuesto nuevas estrategias para estimar el mejor reparto de locutores basadas en técnicas de subespacios, especialmente PLDA. Finalmente, la tarea de adaptación de modelos busca transferir el conocimiento obtenido de un conjunto de entrenamiento a dominios alternativos donde no hay datos para extraerlo. Para este propósito los esfuerzos se han centrado en la extracción no supervisada de información de locutor del propio audio a diarizar, sinedo posteriormente usada en la adaptación de los modelos involucrados.<br /

    Proceedings of the 2011 Joint Workshop of Fraunhofer IOSB and Institute for Anthropomatics, Vision and Fusion Laboratory

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    This book is a collection of 15 reviewed technical reports summarizing the presentations at the 2011 Joint Workshop of Fraunhofer IOSB and Institute for Anthropomatics, Vision and Fusion Laboratory. The covered topics include image processing, optical signal processing, visual inspection, pattern recognition and classification, human-machine interaction, world and situation modeling, autonomous system localization and mapping, information fusion, and trust propagation in sensor networks

    A Robotic System for Learning Visually-Driven Grasp Planning (Dissertation Proposal)

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    We use findings in machine learning, developmental psychology, and neurophysiology to guide a robotic learning system\u27s level of representation both for actions and for percepts. Visually-driven grasping is chosen as the experimental task since it has general applicability and it has been extensively researched from several perspectives. An implementation of a robotic system with a gripper, compliant instrumented wrist, arm and vision is used to test these ideas. Several sensorimotor primitives (vision segmentation and manipulatory reflexes) are implemented in this system and may be thought of as the innate perceptual and motor abilities of the system. Applying empirical learning techniques to real situations brings up such important issues as observation sparsity in high-dimensional spaces, arbitrary underlying functional forms of the reinforcement distribution and robustness to noise in exemplars. The well-established technique of non-parametric projection pursuit regression (PPR) is used to accomplish reinforcement learning by searching for projections of high-dimensional data sets that capture task invariants. We also pursue the following problem: how can we use human expertise and insight into grasping to train a system to select both appropriate hand preshapes and approaches for a wide variety of objects, and then have it verify and refine its skills through trial and error. To accomplish this learning we propose a new class of Density Adaptive reinforcement learning algorithms. These algorithms use statistical tests to identify possibly interesting regions of the attribute space in which the dynamics of the task change. They automatically concentrate the building of high resolution descriptions of the reinforcement in those areas, and build low resolution representations in regions that are either not populated in the given task or are highly uniform in outcome. Additionally, the use of any learning process generally implies failures along the way. Therefore, the mechanics of the untrained robotic system must be able to tolerate mistakes during learning and not damage itself. We address this by the use of an instrumented, compliant robot wrist that controls impact forces

    Learning by correlation for computer vision applications: from Kernel methods to deep learning

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    Learning to spot analogies and differences within/across visual categories is an arguably powerful approach in machine learning and pattern recognition which is directly inspired by human cognition. In this thesis, we investigate a variety of approaches which are primarily driven by correlation and tackle several computer vision applications

    An academic review: applications of data mining techniques in finance industry

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    With the development of Internet techniques, data volumes are doubling every two years, faster than predicted by Moore’s Law. Big Data Analytics becomes particularly important for enterprise business. Modern computational technologies will provide effective tools to help understand hugely accumulated data and leverage this information to get insights into the finance industry. In order to get actionable insights into the business, data has become most valuable asset of financial organisations, as there are no physical products in finance industry to manufacture. This is where data mining techniques come to their rescue by allowing access to the right information at the right time. These techniques are used by the finance industry in various areas such as fraud detection, intelligent forecasting, credit rating, loan management, customer profiling, money laundering, marketing and prediction of price movements to name a few. This work aims to survey the research on data mining techniques applied to the finance industry from 2010 to 2015.The review finds that Stock prediction and Credit rating have received most attention of researchers, compared to Loan prediction, Money Laundering and Time Series prediction. Due to the dynamics, uncertainty and variety of data, nonlinear mapping techniques have been deeply studied than linear techniques. Also it has been proved that hybrid methods are more accurate in prediction, closely followed by Neural Network technique. This survey could provide a clue of applications of data mining techniques for finance industry, and a summary of methodologies for researchers in this area. Especially, it could provide a good vision of Data Mining Techniques in computational finance for beginners who want to work in the field of computational finance

    NHL pathological image classification based on hierarchical local information and GoogLeNet-based representations

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    Background. Accurate classification for different non-Hodgkin lymphomas (NHL) is one of the main challenges in clinical pathological diagnosis due to its intrinsic complexity. Therefore, this paper proposes an effective classification model for three types of NHL pathological images, including mantle cell lymphoma (MCL), follicular lymphoma (FL), and chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). Methods. There are three main parts with respect to our model. First, NHL pathological images stained by hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) are transferred into blue ratio (BR) and Lab spaces, respectively. Then specific patch-level textural and statistical features are extracted from BR images and color features are obtained from Lab images both using a hierarchical way, yielding a set of hand-crafted representations corresponding to different image spaces. A random forest classifier is subsequently trained for patch-level classification. Second, H&E images are cropped and fed into a pretrained google inception net (GoogLeNet) for learning high-level representations and a softmax classifier is used for patch-level classification. Finally, three image-level classification strategies based on patch-level results are discussed including a novel method for calculating the weighted sum of patch results. Different classification results are fused at both feature 1 and image levels to obtain a more satisfactory result. Results. The proposed model is evaluated on a public IICBU Malignant Lymphoma Dataset and achieves an improved overall accuracy of 0.991 and area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.998. Conclusion. The experimentations demonstrate the significantly increased classification performance of the proposed model, indicating that it is a suitable classification approach for NHL pathological images

    Video metadata extraction in a videoMail system

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    Currently the world swiftly adapts to visual communication. Online services like YouTube and Vine show that video is no longer the domain of broadcast television only. Video is used for different purposes like entertainment, information, education or communication. The rapid growth of today’s video archives with sparsely available editorial data creates a big problem of its retrieval. The humans see a video like a complex interplay of cognitive concepts. As a result there is a need to build a bridge between numeric values and semantic concepts. This establishes a connection that will facilitate videos’ retrieval by humans. The critical aspect of this bridge is video annotation. The process could be done manually or automatically. Manual annotation is very tedious, subjective and expensive. Therefore automatic annotation is being actively studied. In this thesis we focus on the multimedia content automatic annotation. Namely the use of analysis techniques for information retrieval allowing to automatically extract metadata from video in a videomail system. Furthermore the identification of text, people, actions, spaces, objects, including animals and plants. Hence it will be possible to align multimedia content with the text presented in the email message and the creation of applications for semantic video database indexing and retrieving