305 research outputs found

    Collapse Operation Increases Expressive Power of Deterministic Higher Order Pushdown Automata

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    We show that collapsible deterministic second level pushdown automata can recognize more languages than deterministic second level pushdown automata (without collapse). This implies that there exists a tree generated by a second level recursion scheme which is not generated by any second level safe recursion scheme

    Collapsible Pushdown Automata and Recursion Schemes

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    International audienceWe consider recursion schemes (not assumed to be homogeneously typed, and hence not necessarily safe) and use them as generators of (possibly infinite) ranked trees. A recursion scheme is essentially a finite typed {deterministic term} rewriting system that generates, when one applies the rewriting rules ad infinitum, an infinite tree, called its value tree. A fundamental question is to provide an equivalent description of the trees generated by recursion schemes by a class of machines. In this paper we answer this open question by introducing collapsible pushdown automata (CPDA), which are an extension of deterministic (higher-order) pushdown automata. A CPDA generates a tree as follows. One considers its transition graph, unfolds it and contracts its silent transitions, which leads to an infinite tree which is finally node labelled thanks to a map from the set of control states of the CPDA to a ranked alphabet. Our contribution is to prove that these two models, higher-order recursion schemes and collapsible pushdown automata, are equi-expressive for generating infinite ranked trees. This is achieved by giving an effective transformations in both directions

    Recursion Schemes and Logical Reflection

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    International audienceLet R be a class of generators of node-labelled infinite trees, and L be a logical language for describing correctness properties of these trees. Given r in R and phi in L, we say that r_phi is a phi-reflection of r just if (i) r and r_phi generate the same underlying tree, and (ii) suppose a node u of the tree t(r) generated by r has label f, then the label of the node u of t(r_phi) is f* if u in t(r) satisfies phi; it is f otherwise. Thus if t(r) is the computation tree of a program r, we may regard r_phi as a transform of r that can internally observe its behaviour against a specification phi. We say that R is (constructively) reflective w.r.t. L just if there is an algorithm that transforms a given pair (r,phi) to r_phi. In this paper, we prove that higher-order recursion schemes are reflective w.r.t. both modal mu-calculus and monadic second order (MSO) logic. To obtain this result, we give the first characterisation of the winning regions of parity games over the transition graphs of collapsible pushdown automata (CPDA): they are regular sets defined by a new class of automata. (Order-n recursion schemes are equi-expressive with order-n CPDA for generating trees.) As a corollary, we show that these schemes are closed under the operation of MSO-interpretation followed by tree unfolding a la Caucal

    Recursion Schemes and Logical Reflection

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    International audienceLet R be a class of generators of node-labelled infinite trees, and L be a logical language for describing correctness properties of these trees. Given r in R and phi in L, we say that r_phi is a phi-reflection of r just if (i) r and r_phi generate the same underlying tree, and (ii) suppose a node u of the tree t(r) generated by r has label f, then the label of the node u of t(r_phi) is f* if u in t(r) satisfies phi; it is f otherwise. Thus if t(r) is the computation tree of a program r, we may regard r_phi as a transform of r that can internally observe its behaviour against a specification phi. We say that R is (constructively) reflective w.r.t. L just if there is an algorithm that transforms a given pair (r,phi) to r_phi. In this paper, we prove that higher-order recursion schemes are reflective w.r.t. both modal mu-calculus and monadic second order (MSO) logic. To obtain this result, we give the first characterisation of the winning regions of parity games over the transition graphs of collapsible pushdown automata (CPDA): they are regular sets defined by a new class of automata. (Order-n recursion schemes are equi-expressive with order-n CPDA for generating trees.) As a corollary, we show that these schemes are closed under the operation of MSO-interpretation followed by tree unfolding a la Caucal

    Tree Transducers and Formal Methods (Dagstuhl Seminar 13192)

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    The aim of this Dagstuhl Seminar was to bring together researchers from various research areas related to the theory and application of tree transducers. Recently, interest in tree transducers has been revived due to surprising new applications in areas such as XML databases, security verification, programming language theory, and linguistics. This seminar therefore aimed to inspire the exchange of theoretical results and information regarding the practical requirements related to tree transducers

    Collapsible Pushdown Parity Games

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    International audienceThis paper studies a large class of two-player perfect-information turn-based parity games on infinite graphs, namely those generated by collapsible pushdown automata. The main motivation for studying these games comes from the connections from collapsible pushdown automata and higher-order recursion schemes, both models being equi-expressive for generating infinite trees. Our main result is to establish the decidability of such games and to provide an effective representation of the winning region as well as of a winning strategy. Thus, the results obtained here provide all necessary tools for an in-depth study of logical properties of trees generated by collapsible pushdown automata/recursion schemes

    Beyond Language Equivalence on Visibly Pushdown Automata

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    We study (bi)simulation-like preorder/equivalence checking on the class of visibly pushdown automata and its natural subclasses visibly BPA (Basic Process Algebra) and visibly one-counter automata. We describe generic methods for proving complexity upper and lower bounds for a number of studied preorders and equivalences like simulation, completed simulation, ready simulation, 2-nested simulation preorders/equivalences and bisimulation equivalence. Our main results are that all the mentioned equivalences and preorders are EXPTIME-complete on visibly pushdown automata, PSPACE-complete on visibly one-counter automata and P-complete on visibly BPA. Our PSPACE lower bound for visibly one-counter automata improves also the previously known DP-hardness results for ordinary one-counter automata and one-counter nets. Finally, we study regularity checking problems for visibly pushdown automata and show that they can be decided in polynomial time.Comment: Final version of paper, accepted by LMC

    First-Order Model Checking on Generalisations of Pushdown Graphs

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    We study the first-order model checking problem on two generalisations of pushdown graphs. The first class is the class of nested pushdown trees. The other is the class of collapsible pushdown graphs. Our main results are the following. First-order logic with reachability is uniformly decidable on nested pushdown trees. Considering first-order logic without reachability, we prove decidability in doubly exponential alternating time with linearly many alternations. First-order logic with regular reachability predicates is uniformly decidable on level 2 collapsible pushdown graphs. Moreover, nested pushdown trees are first-order interpretable in collapsible pushdown graphs of level 2. This interpretation can be extended to an interpretation of the class of higher-order nested pushdown trees in the collapsible pushdown graph hierarchy. We prove that the second level of this new hierarchy of nested trees has decidable first-order model checking. Our decidability result for collapsible pushdown graph relies on the fact that level 2 collapsible pushdown graphs are uniform tree-automatic. Our last result concerns tree-automatic structures in general. We prove that first-order logic extended by Ramsey quantifiers is decidable on all tree-automatic structures.Comment: phd thesis, 255 page

    On the Expressive Power of Higher-Order Pushdown Systems

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    We show that deterministic collapsible pushdown automata of second order can recognize a language that is not recognizable by any deterministic higher-order pushdown automaton (without collapse) of any order. This implies that there exists a tree generated by a second order collapsible pushdown system (equivalently, by a recursion scheme of second order) that is not generated by any deterministic higher-order pushdown system (without collapse) of any order (equivalently, by any safe recursion scheme of any order). As a side effect, we present a pumping lemma for deterministic higher-order pushdown automata, which potentially can be useful for other applications