2,898 research outputs found

    Recognizing Emotions Conveyed through Facial Expressions

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    Emotional communication is a key element of habilitation care of persons with dementia. It is, therefore, highly preferable for assistive robots that are used to supplement human care provided to persons with dementia, to possess the ability to recognize and respond to emotions expressed by those who are being cared-for. Facial expressions are one of the key modalities through which emotions are conveyed. This work focuses on computer vision-based recognition of facial expressions of emotions conveyed by the elderly. Although there has been much work on automatic facial expression recognition, the algorithms have been experimentally validated primarily on young faces. The facial expressions on older faces has been totally excluded. This is due to the fact that the facial expression databases that were available and that have been used in facial expression recognition research so far do not contain images of facial expressions of people above the age of 65 years. To overcome this problem, we adopt a recently published database, namely, the FACES database, which was developed to address exactly the same problem in the area of human behavioural research. The FACES database contains 2052 images of six different facial expressions, with almost identical and systematic representation of the young, middle-aged and older age-groups. In this work, we evaluate and compare the performance of two of the existing imagebased approaches for facial expression recognition, over a broad spectrum of age ranging from 19 to 80 years. The evaluated systems use Gabor filters and uniform local binary patterns (LBP) for feature extraction, and AdaBoost.MH with multi-threshold stump learner for expression classification. We have experimentally validated the hypotheses that facial expression recognition systems trained only on young faces perform poorly on middle-aged and older faces, and that such systems confuse ageing-related facial features on neutral faces with other expressions of emotions. We also identified that, among the three age-groups, the middle-aged group provides the best generalization performance across the entire age spectrum. The performance of the systems was also compared to the performance of humans in recognizing facial expressions of emotions. Some similarities were observed, such as, difficulty in recognizing the expressions on older faces, and difficulty in recognizing the expression of sadness. The findings of our work establish the need for developing approaches for facial expression recognition that are robust to the effects of ageing on the face. The scientific results of our work can be used as a basis to guide future research in this direction

    Loughborough University Spontaneous Expression Database and baseline results for automatic emotion recognition

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    The study of facial expressions in humans dates back to the 19th century and the study of the emotions that these facial expressions portray dates back even further. It is a natural part of non-verbal communication for humans to pass across messages using facial expressions either consciously or subconsciously, it is also routine for other humans to recognize these facial expressions and understand or deduce the underlying emotions which they represent. Over two decades ago and following technological advances, particularly in the area of image processing, research began into the use of machines for the recognition of facial expressions from images with the aim of inferring the corresponding emotion. Given a previously unknown test sample, the supervised learning problem is to accurately determine the facial expression class to which the test sample belongs using the knowledge of the known class memberships of each image from a set of training images. The solution to this problem building an effective classifier to recognize the facial expression is hinged on the availability of representative training data. To date, much of the research in the area of Facial Expression Recognition (FER) is still based on posed (acted) facial expression databases, which are often exaggerated and therefore not representative of real life affective displays, as such there is a need for more publically accessible spontaneous databases that are well labelled. This thesis therefore reports on the development of the newly collected Loughborough University Spontaneous Expression Database (LUSED); designed to bolster the development of new recognition systems and to provide a benchmark for researchers to compare results with more natural expression classes than most existing databases. To collect the database, an experiment was set up where volunteers were discretely videotaped while they watched a selection of emotion inducing video clips. The utility of the new LUSED dataset is validated using both traditional and more recent pattern recognition techniques; (1) baseline results are presented using the combination of Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Fisher Linear Discriminant Analysis (FLDA) and their kernel variants Kernel Principal Component Analysis (KPCA), Kernel Fisher Discriminant Analysis (KFDA) with a Nearest Neighbour-based classifier. These results are compared to the performance of an existing natural expression database Natural Visible and Infrared Expression (NVIE) database. A scheme for the recognition of encrypted facial expression images is also presented. (2) Benchmark results are presented by combining PCA, FLDA, KPCA and KFDA with a Sparse Representation-based Classifier (SRC). A maximum accuracy of 68% was obtained recognizing five expression classes, which is comparatively better than the known maximum for a natural database; around 70% (from recognizing only three classes) obtained from NVIE

    Image-set, Temporal and Spatiotemporal Representations of Videos for Recognizing, Localizing and Quantifying Actions

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    This dissertation addresses the problem of learning video representations, which is defined here as transforming the video so that its essential structure is made more visible or accessible for action recognition and quantification. In the literature, a video can be represented by a set of images, by modeling motion or temporal dynamics, and by a 3D graph with pixels as nodes. This dissertation contributes in proposing a set of models to localize, track, segment, recognize and assess actions such as (1) image-set models via aggregating subset features given by regularizing normalized CNNs, (2) image-set models via inter-frame principal recovery and sparsely coding residual actions, (3) temporally local models with spatially global motion estimated by robust feature matching and local motion estimated by action detection with motion model added, (4) spatiotemporal models 3D graph and 3D CNN to model time as a space dimension, (5) supervised hashing by jointly learning embedding and quantization, respectively. State-of-the-art performances are achieved for tasks such as quantifying facial pain and human diving. Primary conclusions of this dissertation are categorized as follows: (i) Image set can capture facial actions that are about collective representation; (ii) Sparse and low-rank representations can have the expression, identity and pose cues untangled and can be learned via an image-set model and also a linear model; (iii) Norm is related with recognizability; similarity metrics and loss functions matter; (v) Combining the MIL based boosting tracker with the Particle Filter motion model induces a good trade-off between the appearance similarity and motion consistence; (iv) Segmenting object locally makes it amenable to assign shape priors; it is feasible to learn knowledge such as shape priors online from Web data with weak supervision; (v) It works locally in both space and time to represent videos as 3D graphs; 3D CNNs work effectively when inputted with temporally meaningful clips; (vi) the rich labeled images or videos help to learn better hash functions after learning binary embedded codes than the random projections. In addition, models proposed for videos can be adapted to other sequential images such as volumetric medical images which are not included in this dissertation

    Emotion Recognition for Affective Computing: Computer Vision and Machine Learning Approach

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    The purpose of affective computing is to develop reliable and intelligent models that computers can use to interact more naturally with humans. The critical requirements for such models are that they enable computers to recognise, understand and interpret the emotional states expressed by humans. The emotion recognition has been a research topic of interest for decades, not only in relation to developments in the affective computing field but also due to its other potential applications. A particularly challenging problem that has emerged from this body of work, however, is the task of recognising facial expressions and emotions from still images or videos in real-time. This thesis aimed to solve this challenging problem by developing new techniques involving computer vision, machine learning and different levels of information fusion. Firstly, an efficient and effective algorithm was developed to improve the performance of the Viola-Jones algorithm. The proposed method achieved significantly higher detection accuracy (95%) than the standard Viola-Jones method (90%) in face detection from thermal images, while also doubling the detection speed. Secondly, an automatic subsystem for detecting eyeglasses, Shallow-GlassNet, was proposed to address the facial occlusion problem by designing a shallow convolutional neural network capable of detecting eyeglasses rapidly and accurately. Thirdly, a novel neural network model for decision fusion was proposed in order to make use of multiple classifier systems, which can increase the classification accuracy by up to 10%. Finally, a high-speed approach to emotion recognition from videos, called One-Shot Only (OSO), was developed based on a novel spatio-temporal data fusion method for representing video frames. The OSO method tackled video classification as a single image classification problem, which not only made it extremely fast but also reduced the overfitting problem

    Artificial Intelligence Tools for Facial Expression Analysis.

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    Inner emotions show visibly upon the human face and are understood as a basic guide to an individual’s inner world. It is, therefore, possible to determine a person’s attitudes and the effects of others’ behaviour on their deeper feelings through examining facial expressions. In real world applications, machines that interact with people need strong facial expression recognition. This recognition is seen to hold advantages for varied applications in affective computing, advanced human-computer interaction, security, stress and depression analysis, robotic systems, and machine learning. This thesis starts by proposing a benchmark of dynamic versus static methods for facial Action Unit (AU) detection. AU activation is a set of local individual facial muscle parts that occur in unison constituting a natural facial expression event. Detecting AUs automatically can provide explicit benefits since it considers both static and dynamic facial features. For this research, AU occurrence activation detection was conducted by extracting features (static and dynamic) of both nominal hand-crafted and deep learning representation from each static image of a video. This confirmed the superior ability of a pretrained model that leaps in performance. Next, temporal modelling was investigated to detect the underlying temporal variation phases using supervised and unsupervised methods from dynamic sequences. During these processes, the importance of stacking dynamic on top of static was discovered in encoding deep features for learning temporal information when combining the spatial and temporal schemes simultaneously. Also, this study found that fusing both temporal and temporal features will give more long term temporal pattern information. Moreover, we hypothesised that using an unsupervised method would enable the leaching of invariant information from dynamic textures. Recently, fresh cutting-edge developments have been created by approaches based on Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). In the second section of this thesis, we propose a model based on the adoption of an unsupervised DCGAN for the facial features’ extraction and classification to achieve the following: the creation of facial expression images under different arbitrary poses (frontal, multi-view, and in the wild), and the recognition of emotion categories and AUs, in an attempt to resolve the problem of recognising the static seven classes of emotion in the wild. Thorough experimentation with the proposed cross-database performance demonstrates that this approach can improve the generalization results. Additionally, we showed that the features learnt by the DCGAN process are poorly suited to encoding facial expressions when observed under multiple views, or when trained from a limited number of positive examples. Finally, this research focuses on disentangling identity from expression for facial expression recognition. A novel technique was implemented for emotion recognition from a single monocular image. A large-scale dataset (Face vid) was created from facial image videos which were rich in variations and distribution of facial dynamics, appearance, identities, expressions, and 3D poses. This dataset was used to train a DCNN (ResNet) to regress the expression parameters from a 3D Morphable Model jointly with a back-end classifier

    Joint optimization of manifold learning and sparse representations for face and gesture analysis

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    Face and gesture understanding algorithms are powerful enablers in intelligent vision systems for surveillance, security, entertainment, and smart spaces. In the future, complex networks of sensors and cameras may disperse directions to lost tourists, perform directory lookups in the office lobby, or contact the proper authorities in case of an emergency. To be effective, these systems will need to embrace human subtleties while interacting with people in their natural conditions. Computer vision and machine learning techniques have recently become adept at solving face and gesture tasks using posed datasets in controlled conditions. However, spontaneous human behavior under unconstrained conditions, or in the wild, is more complex and is subject to considerable variability from one person to the next. Uncontrolled conditions such as lighting, resolution, noise, occlusions, pose, and temporal variations complicate the matter further. This thesis advances the field of face and gesture analysis by introducing a new machine learning framework based upon dimensionality reduction and sparse representations that is shown to be robust in posed as well as natural conditions. Dimensionality reduction methods take complex objects, such as facial images, and attempt to learn lower dimensional representations embedded in the higher dimensional data. These alternate feature spaces are computationally more efficient and often more discriminative. The performance of various dimensionality reduction methods on geometric and appearance based facial attributes are studied leading to robust facial pose and expression recognition models. The parsimonious nature of sparse representations (SR) has successfully been exploited for the development of highly accurate classifiers for various applications. Despite the successes of SR techniques, large dictionaries and high dimensional data can make these classifiers computationally demanding. Further, sparse classifiers are subject to the adverse effects of a phenomenon known as coefficient contamination, where for example variations in pose may affect identity and expression recognition. This thesis analyzes the interaction between dimensionality reduction and sparse representations to present a unified sparse representation classification framework that addresses both issues of computational complexity and coefficient contamination. Semi-supervised dimensionality reduction is shown to mitigate the coefficient contamination problems associated with SR classifiers. The combination of semi-supervised dimensionality reduction with SR systems forms the cornerstone for a new face and gesture framework called Manifold based Sparse Representations (MSR). MSR is shown to deliver state-of-the-art facial understanding capabilities. To demonstrate the applicability of MSR to new domains, MSR is expanded to include temporal dynamics. The joint optimization of dimensionality reduction and SRs for classification purposes is a relatively new field. The combination of both concepts into a single objective function produce a relation that is neither convex, nor directly solvable. This thesis studies this problem to introduce a new jointly optimized framework. This framework, termed LGE-KSVD, utilizes variants of Linear extension of Graph Embedding (LGE) along with modified K-SVD dictionary learning to jointly learn the dimensionality reduction matrix, sparse representation dictionary, sparse coefficients, and sparsity-based classifier. By injecting LGE concepts directly into the K-SVD learning procedure, this research removes the support constraints K-SVD imparts on dictionary element discovery. Results are shown for facial recognition, facial expression recognition, human activity analysis, and with the addition of a concept called active difference signatures, delivers robust gesture recognition from Kinect or similar depth cameras

    Emotion and Stress Recognition Related Sensors and Machine Learning Technologies

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    This book includes impactful chapters which present scientific concepts, frameworks, architectures and ideas on sensing technologies and machine learning techniques. These are relevant in tackling the following challenges: (i) the field readiness and use of intrusive sensor systems and devices for capturing biosignals, including EEG sensor systems, ECG sensor systems and electrodermal activity sensor systems; (ii) the quality assessment and management of sensor data; (iii) data preprocessing, noise filtering and calibration concepts for biosignals; (iv) the field readiness and use of nonintrusive sensor technologies, including visual sensors, acoustic sensors, vibration sensors and piezoelectric sensors; (v) emotion recognition using mobile phones and smartwatches; (vi) body area sensor networks for emotion and stress studies; (vii) the use of experimental datasets in emotion recognition, including dataset generation principles and concepts, quality insurance and emotion elicitation material and concepts; (viii) machine learning techniques for robust emotion recognition, including graphical models, neural network methods, deep learning methods, statistical learning and multivariate empirical mode decomposition; (ix) subject-independent emotion and stress recognition concepts and systems, including facial expression-based systems, speech-based systems, EEG-based systems, ECG-based systems, electrodermal activity-based systems, multimodal recognition systems and sensor fusion concepts and (x) emotion and stress estimation and forecasting from a nonlinear dynamical system perspective

    Personalized face and gesture analysis using hierarchical neural networks

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    The video-based computational analyses of human face and gesture signals encompass a myriad of challenging research problems involving computer vision, machine learning and human computer interaction. In this thesis, we focus on the following challenges: a) the classification of hand and body gestures along with the temporal localization of their occurrence in a continuous stream, b) the recognition of facial expressivity levels in people with Parkinson's Disease using multimodal feature representations, c) the prediction of student learning outcomes in intelligent tutoring systems using affect signals, and d) the personalization of machine learning models, which can adapt to subject and group-specific nuances in facial and gestural behavior. Specifically, we first conduct a quantitative comparison of two approaches to the problem of segmenting and classifying gestures on two benchmark gesture datasets: a method that simultaneously segments and classifies gestures versus a cascaded method that performs the tasks sequentially. Second, we introduce a framework that computationally predicts an accurate score for facial expressivity and validate it on a dataset of interview videos of people with Parkinson's disease. Third, based on a unique dataset of videos of students interacting with MathSpring, an intelligent tutoring system, collected by our collaborative research team, we build models to predict learning outcomes from their facial affect signals. Finally, we propose a novel solution to a relatively unexplored area in automatic face and gesture analysis research: personalization of models to individuals and groups. We develop hierarchical Bayesian neural networks to overcome the challenges posed by group or subject-specific variations in face and gesture signals. We successfully validate our formulation on the problems of personalized subject-specific gesture classification, context-specific facial expressivity recognition and student-specific learning outcome prediction. We demonstrate the flexibility of our hierarchical framework by validating the utility of both fully connected and recurrent neural architectures

    Analyse de mouvements faciaux à partir d'images vidéo

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    Lors d'une intervention conversationnelle, le langage est supporté par une communication non-verbale qui joue un rôle central dans le comportement social humain en permettant de la rétroaction et en gérant la synchronisation, appuyant ainsi le contenu et la signification du discours. En effet, 55% du message est véhiculé par les expressions faciales, alors que seulement 7% est dû au message linguistique et 38% au paralangage. L'information concernant l'état émotionnel d'une personne est généralement inférée par les attributs faciaux. Cependant, on ne dispose pas vraiment d'instruments de mesure spécifiquement dédiés à ce type de comportements. En vision par ordinateur, on s'intéresse davantage au développement de systèmes d'analyse automatique des expressions faciales prototypiques pour les applications d'interaction homme-machine, d'analyse de vidéos de réunions, de sécurité, et même pour des applications cliniques. Dans la présente recherche, pour appréhender de tels indicateurs observables, nous essayons d'implanter un système capable de construire une source consistante et relativement exhaustive d'informations visuelles, lequel sera capable de distinguer sur un visage les traits et leurs déformations, permettant ainsi de reconnaître la présence ou absence d'une action faciale particulière. Une réflexion sur les techniques recensées nous a amené à explorer deux différentes approches. La première concerne l'aspect apparence dans lequel on se sert de l'orientation des gradients pour dégager une représentation dense des attributs faciaux. Hormis la représentation faciale, la principale difficulté d'un système, qui se veut être général, est la mise en œuvre d'un modèle générique indépendamment de l'identité de la personne, de la géométrie et de la taille des visages. La démarche qu'on propose repose sur l'élaboration d'un référentiel prototypique à partir d'un recalage par SIFT-flow dont on démontre, dans cette thèse, la supériorité par rapport à un alignement conventionnel utilisant la position des yeux. Dans une deuxième approche, on fait appel à un modèle géométrique à travers lequel les primitives faciales sont représentées par un filtrage de Gabor. Motivé par le fait que les expressions faciales sont non seulement ambigües et incohérentes d'une personne à une autre mais aussi dépendantes du contexte lui-même, à travers cette approche, on présente un système personnalisé de reconnaissance d'expressions faciales, dont la performance globale dépend directement de la performance du suivi d'un ensemble de points caractéristiques du visage. Ce suivi est effectué par une forme modifiée d'une technique d'estimation de disparité faisant intervenir la phase de Gabor. Dans cette thèse, on propose une redéfinition de la mesure de confiance et introduisons une procédure itérative et conditionnelle d'estimation du déplacement qui offrent un suivi plus robuste que les méthodes originales.In a face-to-face talk, language is supported by nonverbal communication, which plays a central role in human social behavior by adding cues to the meaning of speech, providing feedback, and managing synchronization. Information about the emotional state of a person is usually carried out by facial attributes. In fact, 55% of a message is communicated by facial expressions whereas only 7% is due to linguistic language and 38% to paralanguage. However, there are currently no established instruments to measure such behavior. The computer vision community is therefore interested in the development of automated techniques for prototypic facial expression analysis, for human computer interaction applications, meeting video analysis, security and clinical applications. For gathering observable cues, we try to design, in this research, a framework that can build a relatively comprehensive source of visual information, which will be able to distinguish the facial deformations, thus allowing to point out the presence or absence of a particular facial action. A detailed review of identified techniques led us to explore two different approaches. The first approach involves appearance modeling, in which we use the gradient orientations to generate a dense representation of facial attributes. Besides the facial representation problem, the main difficulty of a system, which is intended to be general, is the implementation of a generic model independent of individual identity, face geometry and size. We therefore introduce a concept of prototypic referential mapping through a SIFT-flow registration that demonstrates, in this thesis, its superiority to the conventional eyes-based alignment. In a second approach, we use a geometric model through which the facial primitives are represented by Gabor filtering. Motivated by the fact that facial expressions are not only ambiguous and inconsistent across human but also dependent on the behavioral context; in this approach, we present a personalized facial expression recognition system whose overall performance is directly related to the localization performance of a set of facial fiducial points. These points are tracked through a sequence of video frames by a modification of a fast Gabor phase-based disparity estimation technique. In this thesis, we revisit the confidence measure, and introduce an iterative conditional procedure for displacement estimation that improves the robustness of the original methods
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