17,701 research outputs found

    Collaborative Problem Solving

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    Chapter 8 in Cultural-historical perspectives on collective intelligence In the era of digital communication, collective problem solving is increasingly important. Large groups can now resolve issues together in completely different ways, which has transformed the arts, sciences, business, education, technology, and medicine. Collective intelligence is something we share with animals and is different from machine learning and artificial intelligence. To design and utilize human collective intelligence, we must understand how its problem-solving mechanisms work. From democracy in ancient Athens, through the invention of the printing press, to COVID-19, this book analyzes how humans developed the ability to find solutions together. This wide-ranging, thought-provoking book is a game-changer for those working strategically with collective problem solving within organizations and using a variety of innovative methods. It sheds light on how humans work effectively alongside machines to confront challenges that are more urgent than what humanity has faced before. This title is also available as Open Access on Cambridge Core.Chapter 8 proposes collaborative problem solving as one of three distinct types of CI. Collaborative problem solving covers a wide range of disciplines and contexts, but this chapter primarily draws on studies that have explicitly used CI as a scholarly concept. The most important finding is the identification of a general group performance ability on a wide variety of tasks. This group performance is analyzed in relation to four dimensions that promote successful collaborative problem solving. First, “working well with others” is not only analyzed as an individual ability, but as a quality that emerges through the qualities of a symmetrical collaborative relationship. Second, “cognitive diversity” describes diverse repertoires in groups, also including multidisciplinary and multicultural diversity. Third, “equal participation” emphasizes that everyone in the group should be allowed to bring in their perspective, and group discussions need to be open-minded. Fourth, “joint coordination” is important in setting goals together, dividing tasks and choosing relevant problem solving strategies. Solver experiences from online innovation teams exemplify how this type of CI can move forward in a highly relevant authentic online setting

    Commentary: Collaborative Problem Solving with Liquor Stores

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    This article appears exclusively in the online edition of the Alaska Justice Forum.This article recounts the history of a successful community-based collaborative problem-solving process in the Fairview neighborhood in Anchorage to resolve a seemingly intractable public disorder problem associated with two area liquor stores. The story is an example of the "co-production of public safety" — residents actively working together with police and others to solve neighborhood problems, rather than waiting passively for police or other government officials to find solutions. The author is a member of the leadership of the Fairview Community Council and an academic and researcher with expertise in using community partnerships to address public safety concerns.[Introduction] Angry Residents Demand Closure of Liquor Stores / FVCC Adopts Collaborative Process / Action and Assessment Plan / APD Monitors Liquor Stores / Opposing Liquor License / Co-Production of Public Safet

    Reconstructed Intentions in Collaborative Problem Solving Dialogues

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    We provide evidence that speech act recognition, is 1) difficult for humans to do and 2) likely to misidentify proposals involving reconstructed intentions. We examine the reliability of coding for speech acts in collaborative dialogues and we present an approach for recognizing reconstructed proposals using domain context and other more easily recognized features. 1 Introduction Speech act recognition plays a prominent role in dialogue understanding, in traditional approaches that infer a plan using plan construction operators [PA80], [LA90], [LC91, LC92], and in more recent techniques relying on statistical correlations or finite state machines [RM95, QDL + 97]. Both approaches recognize surface speech acts, using surface form and information provided by the discourse context and the discourse operators, or by a finite state approximation of the planning information. These approaches assume that it is (relatively) simple to recognize speech acts, and that speech acts are a requi..

    Infographic: Collaborative problem solving

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    The most recent OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) examines student ability in collaborative problem solving. Today\u27s infographic shows the results from some of the 50+ participating countries.https://research.acer.edu.au/teacher_graphics/1074/thumbnail.jp

    Coordination Matters : Interpersonal Synchrony Influences Collaborative Problem-Solving

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    The authors thank Martha von Werthern and Caitlin Taylor for their assistance with data collection, Cathy Macpherson for her assistance with the preparation of the manuscript, and Mike Richardson, Alex Paxton, and Rick Dale for providing MATLAB code to assist with data analysis. The research was funded by the British Academy (SG131613).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Collaborative Problem Solving for Sustainability

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    Conflicts over water resources, like other sustainability-related conflicts, are opportunities for discussion, learning, and resolution. Although miscommunication and competition are often barriers to developing effective solutions for water management, parties can productively negotiate their conflict, strengthen relationships, and challenge the status quo. The two most common strategies negotiators use are commonly referred to as competitive, in which negotiators view their goals in direct conflict and seek to claim as much value as possible, and interest-based, in which negotiators strive to create value and reach an outcome that meets all parties\u27 interests, as well as their own. This research investigated how the ways negotiating groups use scientific data in competitive and interest-based negotiation strategies impacts negotiation outcomes. I analyzed the dialogue from four negotiation groups who participated in a science-based roleplay negotiation simulation focused on decision-making about dams in New England. I found that the time negotiating groups spent discussing scientific information, which for this research focused on use of a system dynamics model, whether groups focused on individual fish species, and the ways negotiating groups used scientific information in the value creation and value claiming stages of the negotiation did not explain differences in their negotiated outcomes. How much each group focused on all system performance variables provided the most compelling explanation for their different observed outcomes. The two groups with preferable outcomes considered fish moderately, in addition to hydropower generation and project cost, while the two groups with outcomes that performed worse considered fish less in their negotiations, relative to the other two issues. The findings from this research support the use of discourse analysis for analyzing how scientific information is used in negotiations and for evaluating outcomes from role-play negotiation simulations


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1) mengetahui peningkatan kemampuan berpikir aljabar siswa yang memperoleh pembelajaran Collaborative Problem Solving (CPS) lebih baik dari pada siswa yang memperoleh pembelajaran biasa 2) mengetahui disposisi matematis siswa yang memperoleh model pembelajaran Collaborative Problem Solving (CPS) lebih baik dari pada siswa yang memperoleh pembelajaran biasa 3) mengetahui korelasi antara kemampuan berpikir aljabar dan disposisi matematis siswa yang memperoleh pembelajaran Collaborative Problem Solving (CPS). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kuasi eksperimen. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah kelas VIII SMP Al Falah Bandung sedangkan yang menjadi objek pada penelitian ini adalah model pembelajaran Collaborative Problem Solving (CPS), kemampuan berpikir aljabar dan disposisi matematis. Instumen pengumpulan data menggunakan tes kemampuan berpikir aljabar dan angket disposisi matematis. Data yang terkumpul kemudian diolah menggunakan software SPSS 20.0 for Windows. Adapun teknik analisis data pada penelitian ini adalah analisis data pre-test kemampuan berpikir aljabar, analisis data post-test kemampuan berpikir aljabar, analisis data indeks gain, dan analisis data angket disposisi matematis. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan kemampuan berpikir aljabar siswa yang memperoleh pembelajaran Collaborative Problem Solving (CPS) lebih baik dari pada siswa yang memperoleh pembelajaran biasa, disposisi matematis siswa yang memperoleh model pembelajaran Collaborative Problem Solving (CPS) lebih baik dari pada siswa yang memperoleh pembelajaran biasa, serta terdapat korelasi antara kemampuan berpikir aljabar dan disposisi matematis siswa yang memperoleh pembelajaran Collaborative Problem Solving (CPS). Dengan demikian model pembelajaran Collaborative Problem Solving (CPS) dapat dijadikan salah satu alternatif bagi guru dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran matematika di kelas. Kata Kunci: Model Pembelajaran Collaborative Problem Solving (CPS), Kemampuan Berpikir Aljabar, Disposisi Matematis, Model Pembelajaran Bias


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    Berpikir kritis dan collaborative merupakan kemampuan yang penting di abad ke-21. Tujuan Penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa dalam aktivitas collaborative problem solving. Pendekatan penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian deskriptif bersifat eksploratif. Subjek terdiri dari 2 kelompok siswa kelas IX SMP dengan satu kelompok terdiri dari dua siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu tes berpikir kritis dalam collaborative problem solving dan wawancara. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan atau verifikasi data berdasarkan indikator berpikir kritis dalam collaborative problem solving. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa dalam aktivitas collaborative problem solving terkait geometri terbagi menjadi kategori rendah dan tinggi. Pada kategori rendah tidak dapat melalukan proses collaborative problem solving dengan baik sehingga tidak mampu melalui tahapan interpretasi, analisis, evaluasi, dan inferensi dengan benar. Sedangkan pada kategori tinggi dapat melalukan proses collaborative problem solving dengan baik sehinggga dapat melalui semua tahapan interpretasi, analisis, evaluasi, dan inferensi dengan cukup baik. Keterampilan sosial terutama komunikasi yang digunakan dalam collaborative problem solving berjalan lancar. Selain itu terjadi proses saling memberikan ide dalam memecahkan masalah tersebut dan bekerja sama dalam menemukan solusi yang tepat dan logis