27 research outputs found

    Distributed model predictive control of steam/water loop in large scale ships

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    In modern steam power plants, the ever-increasing complexity requires great reliability and flexibility of the control system. Hence, in this paper, the feasibility of a distributed model predictive control (DiMPC) strategy with an extended prediction self-adaptive control (EPSAC) framework is studied, in which the multiple controllers allow each sub-loop to have its own requirement flexibility. Meanwhile, the model predictive control can guarantee a good performance for the system with constraints. The performance is compared against a decentralized model predictive control (DeMPC) and a centralized model predictive control (CMPC). In order to improve the computing speed, a multiple objective model predictive control (MOMPC) is proposed. For the stability of the control system, the convergence of the DiMPC is discussed. Simulation tests are performed on the five different sub-loops of steam/water loop. The results indicate that the DiMPC may achieve similar performance as CMPC while outperforming the DeMPC method

    Stability analysis tool for tuning unconstrained decentralized model predicitive controllers

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    Some processes are naturally suitable to be controlled in a decentralized framework: centralized control solutions are often infeasible in dealing with large scale plants and they are technologically prohibitive when the processes are too fast for the available computational resources. In these cases, the resulting control problem is usually split in many smaller subproblems and the global requirements are guaranteed by means of a proper coordination. The unconstrained decentralized case is here considered and a coordination strategy is proposed for improving the global control performances. This paper present a tool for setting up and tuning a nominally stable decentralized Model Predictive Controller. Numerical examples are proposed for testing and validating the developed technique

    Collaboration and Virtualization in Large Information Systems Projects

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    A project is evolving through different phases from idea and conception until the experiments, implementation and maintenance. The globalization, the Internet, the Web and the mobile computing changed many human activities, and in this respect, the realization of the Information System (IS) projects. The projects are growing, the teams are geographically distributed, and the users are heterogeneous. In this respect, the realization of the large Information Technology (IT) projects needs to use collaborative technologies. The distribution of the team, the users' heterogeneity and the project complexity determines the virtualization. This paper is an overview of these aspects for large IT projects. It shortly present a general framework developed by the authors for collaborative systems in general and adapted to collaborative project management. The general considerations are illustrated on the case of a large IT project in which the authors were involved.large IT projects, collaborative systems, virtualization, framework for collaborative virtual systems

    Collaboration and Virtualization in Large Information Systems Projects

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    A project is evolving through different phases from idea and conception until the experiments, implementation and maintenance. The globalization, the Internet, the Web and the mobile computing changed many human activities, and in this respect, the realization of the Information System (IS) projects. The projects are growing, the teams are geographically distributed, and the users are heterogeneous. In this respect, the realization of the large Information Technology (IT) projects needs to use collaborative technologies. The distribution of the team, the users' heterogeneity and the project complexity determines the virtualization. This paper is an overview of these aspects for large IT projects. It shortly present a general framework developed by the authors for collaborative systems in general and adapted to collaborative project management. The general considerations are illustrated on the case of a large IT project in which the authors were involved

    Redesustentables: una experiencia de utilización de «la red» para crear y fortalecer «otras redes»

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    This text describes the different steps that were given towards the consecution of a  postgraduate course that integrates face-to-face chapters and telematic ones. The course emerges in the context of a specific demand (the professional expectations in Latin America and Spain about the access to a title when face-to-face learning is not possible) and in a specific moment that gave it a shape (the existence of collaborative nets among institutions and research centres in different countries, with the purpose of implement and empower spaces to interchange experiences and define a collective space where knowledge can be build up).Este artículo describe los distintos pasos que se dieron hasta concretar un proyecto de curso de postgrado que integra momentos presenciales y telemáticos, y que surge a partir de una demanda específica (la inquietud de profesionales de América Latina y España que no tienen acceso a los cursos presenciales que se están impartiendo de acceder a una titulación de postgrado) y en un contexto determinado que le dio forma (la existencia de redes de colaboración entre entidades y centros de investigación de diferentes países, con el propósito de fortalecer y potenciar espacios de intercambio de experiencias y de definir un espacio colectivo de construcción de conocimientos)

    Improving High-School Students' Conceptual Understanding and Functionalization of Knowledge About Digestion Through the Application of the Interdisciplinary Teaching Approach

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    Adolescents are considered as a nutritionally vulnerable subgroup because of their alimentary behaviours. Considering that alimentary habits are strongly influenced by knowledge about digestion, an experiment was conducted with aim to determine whether conceptual understanding and functionalization of this knowledge can be improved by the interdisciplinary teaching approach. The experiment encompassed 258 students attending the fourth year of high school. No statistically significant difference in the level of the previously acquired chemistry, biology and physics knowledge concerning digestion between the two groups was determined on the pre-test. Conversely, the students in the experimental group significantly outperformed those in the control group on the post-test that required a deep understanding and the application of knowledge about digestion in solving real-life problems. Therefore, it was concluded that high-school teachers can be advised to apply the interdisciplinary teaching approach in order to improve their students' knowledge about this process

    Coopetitive networks of microenterprises in the craft beer industry

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    Abstract. The objective of this thesis was to explain the optimal cooperative patterns of microenterprises in the same industry. Main research teams of the study where business networks and interconnectedness of the firms joined together with the coopetition approach which means simultaneous cooperation and competition of the companies. The research approach is taken to the Craft beer industry to find empirical data to verify theoretical concepts. Therefore the main research question is stated as How microenterprises utilize strategic partnerships with the competitors in the craft beer industry? The craft industry and microbreweries have shown a unique level of cooperation throughout the years, but they have not been connected to the academic field. Microenterprises have been also left to the minor role in the coopetitive literature. The network approach and strategic nets provide justified motives for the coopetitive ties. The study was conducted by gathering experiences and qualitative data from the 19 Finnish microbreweries. 17 of them were contacted through an open-end online survey and 2 were interviewed to find deeper insights of themes. It was evident that microbreweries in Finland have a large network horizon or strategic net to their size which is utilized more occasionally. Some breweries find cooperation with other breweries very essential and utilize it in their marketing and product development and some simply use it as support net. Microbreweries do not see themselves as the top competitors in the industry but as competitors to large industrial breweries. The low competitive pressure enables microbreweries to benefit greatly for their cooperation with other breweries. The results indicate that microenterprises would benefit from coopetitive ties if they manage to focus their competitive efforts to other channels than to themselves. Open information exchange not only benefit the companies, but the customers are also receiving better quality products. It is arguable how well the methods of the craft beer industry could be taken to the high technology field. However, it would be very intriguing to find out

    Operating market based regulation service using software agents compliant with NERC\u27s control performance standards

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    With the changing scenario for procurement of energy it becomes necessary to understand the process of obtaining energy from a diverse set of suppliers capable of providing substantial amounts of electric power at competitive prices. Sufficient insight has been gained in the energy brokerage system design and planning owing to experiences in the recently established markets especially the California market. It becomes contextual to analyze and understand the procurement of ancillary services, which are generally bundled as part of the wholesale energy supply chain, using a similarly competitive environment having a number of players that provide electric power for such services.;The objectives of this thesis are: (1) to provide a simulation package for conducting competitive auctions using software agents for the regulation service auction market, and (2) to demonstrate the compliance of a power system, employing Automatic Generation Control with parameters obtained from such a market, with North American Electric Reliability Council\u27s performance standards. The package employs a flexible and extensible Java-based agent development environment, MADKIT, to simulate the auctions for regulation service, and MATLAB/SIMULINK models with a fuzzy controller to simulate the power system. The framework is tested using a sample three-area power system, where the parameters for regulation service in the second area are obtained from a competitive auction market. A bidding strategy based on fuzzy logic is also designed and tested for ensuring good profit for a bidding supplier in the auctions

    Estudio de Robustez frente a Retardos y Pérdida de Datos de una Estrategia DMPC Basada en Pocos Ciclos de Comunicación

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    XXIX Jornadas de Automática 3-5 de septiembre de 2008 Universitat Rovira i Virgili - TarragonaEste artículo propone una estrategia de control MPC Distribuido que utiliza conceptos de teoría de juegos para realizar el trasvase de información entre los agentes, reduciendo lo máximo posible los ciclos de comunicación. Se ha estudiado el grado de robustez del algoritmo implementado frente a los errores en el canal de comunicaciones que originan retardos y pérdida de datos. Se han obtenido importantes resultados acerca de la máxima tasa de error en el canal soportada por la estrategia