15 research outputs found

    The effectiveness of a bespoke mobile learning application in a laboratory-based, practical skills undergraduate unit

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    Statement of Problem The teaching of dental technology requires significant face-to-face teaching leading to high staff loading and variability in learning experience. Smartphones, which are now ubiquitous powerful and affordable with excellent communication capability offer the possibility of individualised learning. Purpose To design and evaluate a bespoke learning application for the teaching of partial denture manufacture. Methods The traditional learning process for partial denture construction was analysed and a database-driven mobile learning application using streaming video and text was designed and written using XCode software for Apple iOS devices to deliver student-directed learning in an undergraduate dental technology programme. Results The results indicated high student engagement with the App and a highly significant improvement in the performance of students in course work using the application. However, examination performance was unaffected. Student satisfaction surveys indicated an improvement. Conclusions Interactive video using mobile learning applications reduced staff time and improved student performance. However, students can develop dependence. The broader implications of the study indicate that mobile learning applications have a place in the learning environment whilst their global range offers great opportunities for the delivery of dental technology and other subjects in the future

    Thermoplastic Elastomers

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    Thermoplastic elastomers (TPEs), commonly known as thermoplastic rubbers, are a category of copolymers having thermoplastic and elastomeric characteristics. A TPE is a rubbery material with properties very close to those of conventional vulcanized rubber at normal conditions. It can be processed in a molten state even at elevated temperatures. TPEs show advantages typical of both rubbery materials and plastic materials. TPEs are a class of polymers bridging between the service properties of elastomers and the processing properties of thermoplastics. Nowadays, the best use of thermoplastics is in the field of biomedical applications, starting from artificial skin to many of the artificial human body parts. Apart from these, thermoplastic elastomers are being used for drug encapsulation purposes, and since they are biocompatible in many cases, their scope of applications has been broadened in the biotechnological field as well. The present book highlights many biological and biomedical applications of TPEs from which the broader area readers will benefit

    Management of bone defects with Bio-oss

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    Introduction: The defects in the alveolar bone might appear as a result of congenital malformations, traumatic injuries, periodontal disease, surgical traumas, chronic periapical changes and tumors from benign or malignant origin. The aim of this study was to provide solid and healthy area with application of Bio-Oss in the defect. Materials and methods: Based on the clinical diagnosisestablished by previously taken history, clinical examination and radiographic images oral-surgery interventions was made. To realize the aim of this work, augmentative material was implicated in the bone defects made in the patients after removal of follicular cyst, chronic periapical lesion, and parodontopathia. During the first and seventh day of the interventions, the patients have been followed through from aspect of possible development of local and general complications after the oral-surgery intervention. After period of one, three and six mount control x-ray was made. Results: Obtained results confirmed that: volume of the socket and defect of the bone was kept, fast revascularization was achieved, bone formation and slow resorption of the augmentative material was achieved, and period of normal healing without infection was also achieved. Conclusions: The augmentative materials used for treatment of bone defects besides their basic chemical and physical characteristics referring to their solubility in the body fluids, the transformation, modulation and resorption must be completely safe or secure, i.e. not to bring any risk of infection, immunological risk, physiological intolerance or inhibition of the process of restitutio ad integrum. In our study Bio-Oss was confirmed as augmentative material who had this characteristics. Keywords: bone defect, resorption of the bone, augmentative material, Bio-Os

    Digital Transformation and Public Services

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    Through a series of studies, the overarching aim of this book is to investigate if and how the digitalization/digital transformation process affects various welfare services provided by the public sector, and the ensuing implications thereof. Ultimately, this book seeks to understand if it is conceivable for digital advancement to result in the creation of private/non-governmental alternatives to welfare services, possibly in a manner that transcends national boundaries. This study also investigates the possible ramifications of technological development for the public sector and the Western welfare society at large. This book takes its point of departure from the 2016 Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) report that targets specific public service areas in which government needs to adopt new strategies not to fall behind. Specifically, this report emphasizes the focus on digitalization of health care/social care, education, and protection services, including the use of assistive technologies referred to as "digital welfare." Hence, this book explores the factors potentially leading to whether state actors could be overrun by other non-governmental actors, disrupting the current status quo of welfare services. The book seeks to provide an innovative, enriching, and controversial take on society at large and how various aspects of the public sector can be, and are, affected by the ongoing digitalization process in a way that is not covered by extant literature on the market. This book takes its point of departure in Sweden given the fact that Sweden is one of the most digitalized countries in Europe, according to the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI), making it a pertinent research case. However, as digitalization transcends national borders, large parts of the subject matter take on an international angle. This includes cases from several other countries around Europe as well as the United States