334,969 research outputs found


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    It is possible to involve students in learning process more actively using the new information technologies, research method and co-operation. The paper contains theoretical base of student research work as a component o f studying process in higher education establishments using IT. The research investigates student personality development and interconnection with productivity of studying process. The author analyses researches on productive interaction in the context of computer-supported collaborative learning in science, computers in the community of classrooms, a sociocultural perspective on the human-technology link and computer-mediated communication. The paper contains empirical research results about productivity of studying process on an experimental base increasing a part of the research work and problem solving using IT and collaboration in studying process of Computer science course in Vidzeme University College

    The Effect of the Augmented Reality Applications in Science Class on Students’ 21st Century Skills and Basic Skills

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    This study investigates augmented reality (AR) applications on 21st-century skills and basic skills of elementary school students. The research method is determined as a mixed method. The sample group of the research consisted of 62 randomly selected elementary school 4th-grade students. In the experimental group, courses were taught using AR, and in the control group, the lessons were taught with activities included in the science class. In the research, the 21st-century learning and innovation scale and basic skills scale was used as a quantitative data collection tool, and semi-structured interview and researcher's journal were used as a qualitative data collection tool. According to the results, the study of science using augmented reality applications has positively affected the skills of elementary school 4th-grade students. The qualitative results of the research concluded that students' creativity and innovation, critical thinking, making inferences, problem-solving, collaboration, and communication skills developed. During the interviews with students and the classroom teacher, they stated that the AR application makes information more permanent by embodying the information in their minds. The lessons are fun and exciting; their interest in technology is increased and should be used in other lessons

    Distributed cognition in joint music composition: exploring the role of language and artefacts in multi-session creative collaborative work

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    PhDMy thesis takes steps towards understanding the role technology can play in supporting multisession creative collaborative work. This is achieved by exploring the relationship between the outcomes of a session of work and the resources available within the environment where work takes place. My domain of study is Joint Music Composition, which is a form of collaborative work that requires participants to generate, share, develop and remember information about a musical composition across a number of sessions. Although musical instrument and recording technology have advanced, there appears to be little understanding of how technology can be used to support collaboration in Joint Music Composition. To investigate this, I used the Distributed Cognition framework (Hutchins, 1995a), which has traditionally been employed to study work activities within socio-technological settings, to better understand how to support collaboration and coordination within my domain of study. The findings of my thesis are based on studies conducted in real life settings (i.e., field) and in environments that I helped to organise (i.e., laboratory). Research from the field describes how groups naturally organise their session, their physical setting, and their communication. It also helps to highlight a number of issues relating to the cognitive burden associated with compositions when they are in development. The first laboratory study illustrates the distributed nature of problem solving in Joint Music Composition by giving examples of different ways knowledge is shared within the group and across sessions. The second laboratory study describes how a shared work space appears to change the way knowledge is represented and distributed within two different rehearsal set-ups. Overall, the main insights that are applicable to informing design relate to the way practitioners of Joint Music Composition manage the distributed nature of problem solving using transient representations across multiple sessions of work.Engineering and Physical Science Research Council (EPSRC

    Mengukur Tingkat Literasi Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Mahasiswa di Indonesia

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    Nowadays, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) competence or literacy is an essential. The study measures the students' ICT literacy level and identify the influencing factors. It uses the People Capability Maturity Model (P-CMM) and Digital Competency frameworks. Data were collected using a questionnaire from a random sample of 400 students in Indonesia. The questionnaire used is a self-efficacy method, where respondents answer questions with self-reflection. The literacy level is the average of the responses. The influencing factors were evaluated by multivariate regression analysis. The results show that the level of ICT literacy of Indonesian students is at the level three (defined) of the five levels of the P-CMM framework, indicating that on average students understand and can apply ICT consistently to achieve their goals. This study found ICT literacy is influenced by the availability, accessibility, frequency of use, and duration of use of ICT infrastructure. Educational background, social science or exact, moderates the relationship between duration of use and levels of ICT literacy. In terms of competence, college majors have an effect on all areas of ICT competence (internet activities, communication and collaboration, digital content, security and problem solving). The level of parental education only has a significant effect on security competence and problem solving

    Blended Learning dengan Pendekatan STEM sebagai Inovasi Pembelajaran Abad 21

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    Abstract: Education has important role for the creation of graduates that master the technology, information, and communication in accordance with the demand of this era. Education as a milestone of developing the country basically refers to form human being that able to compete in 4.0 industry to create graduates that has 4C skills (critical thinking and problem solving, creative thinking, communication, and collaboration). One of learning applications that can be applied is STEM. This research aims to know applications of science learning with STEM approach using blended learning. The method of this research uses literature review with secondary data in the form of article during 2013-2022 obtained form google scholar and Mendeley web with 3 keywords: science learning, STEM, and blended learning. Earned 10 national articles from google scholar and 8 international articles from Mendeley web. The result of the research shows that for 9 years, research of the science learning with STEM approach using blended learning is rarely applied.Abstrak: Pendidikan memiliki peran yang sangat penting demi terciptanya output yang dapat menguasai teknologi, informasi, dan komunikasi sesuai dengan tuntutan perkembangan zaman. Pendidikan yang dijadikan sebagai tonggak dalam pembangunan suatu negara pada dasarnya bertujuan untuk membentuk manusia yang unggul agar mampu bersaing pada era revolusi 4.0 untuk menciptalan lulusan yang memiliki keterampilan 4C (critical thinking and problem solving, creative thinking, communication, and collaboration). Salah satu penerapan pembelajaran yang dapat digunakan adalah pendekatan STEM. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan pembelajaran IPA dengan pendekatan STEM melalui blended learning. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan literature review dengan sumber data sekunder berupa artikel terbitan tahun 2013-2022 yang diperoleh melalui google scholar dan Mendeley web melalui 3 kata kunci yaitu pembelajaraan IPA, STEM dan blended learning. Diperoleh sebanyak 10 jurnal nasional yang berasal dari google scholar dan 8 jurnal internasional dari Mendeley web. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa selama 9 tahun terakhir masih jarang dilakukan penelitian pada pembelajaran IPA menggunakan pendekatan STEM yang dilakukan melalui blended learning


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    Background and Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate STEM teachers' digital literacy and technological integration skills. The willingness of teachers to implement new teaching methods is one of the most important determinants of educational success. Engagement, confidence, curiosity, and comprehension of integrated STEM disciplines will increase as a result of indirect STEM integration teaching experiences. Therefore, it is essential to conduct research on STEM teachers' digital literacy knowledge since it is believed that STEM education, which focuses primarily on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, involves complex science and engineering practices.   Methodology: 150 teachers in STEM subjects from Kuala Terengganu were randomly selected to participate in the study using a simple and stratified random selection method. The data was collected using a questionnaire with five sections: respondent information, comprehension of digital tools, communication and collaboration, creation of digital content, security, problem-solving, and technology integration. Correlation and linear regression were used to analyse the data.   Findings: Based on the findings, the level of digital literacy knowledge after COVID-19 was moderately high. In addition, there is a correlation between STEM teachers' digital literacy knowledge and their technology integration. It is estimated that STEM teachers’ knowledge of digital literacy influenced approximately 47% to technology integration.   Contributions: This study's findings may be beneficial for identifying the digital literacy challenges teachers in STEM fields confront post-Covid-19. Future research can therefore emphasize the identification and development of effective educational materials and programmes for STEM teachers, as well as the integration of technology into teaching and learning, in order to further develop the digital literacy of STEM teachers.   Keywords: STEM teacher, digital literacy, knowledge, technology integration, Covid-19.   Cite as: Ramli, F. N. A., & Arsad, N. M. (2023). STEM teacher digital literacy: Relationship between digital literacy and technology integration in teaching and learning post Covid-19. Journal of Nusantara Studies, 8(2), 314-331. http://dx.doi.org/10.24200/jonus.vol8iss2pp314-33

    Educational NASA Computational and Scientific Studies (enCOMPASS)

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    Educational NASA Computational and Scientific Studies (enCOMPASS) is an educational project of NASA Goddard Space Flight Center aimed at bridging the gap between computational objectives and needs of NASA's scientific research, missions, and projects, and academia's latest advances in applied mathematics and computer science. enCOMPASS achieves this goal via bidirectional collaboration and communication between NASA and academia. Using developed NASA Computational Case Studies in university computer science/engineering and applied mathematics classes is a way of addressing NASA's goals of contributing to the Science, Technology, Education, and Math (STEM) National Objective. The enCOMPASS Web site at http://encompass.gsfc.nasa.gov provides additional information. There are currently nine enCOMPASS case studies developed in areas of earth sciences, planetary sciences, and astrophysics. Some of these case studies have been published in AIP and IEEE's Computing in Science and Engineering magazines. A few university professors have used enCOMPASS case studies in their computational classes and contributed their findings to NASA scientists. In these case studies, after introducing the science area, the specific problem, and related NASA missions, students are first asked to solve a known problem using NASA data and past approaches used and often published in a scientific/research paper. Then, after learning about the NASA application and related computational tools and approaches for solving the proposed problem, students are given a harder problem as a challenge for them to research and develop solutions for. This project provides a model for NASA scientists and engineers on one side, and university students, faculty, and researchers in computer science and applied mathematics on the other side, to learn from each other's areas of work, computational needs and solutions, and the latest advances in research and development. This innovation takes NASA science and engineering applications to computer science and applied mathematics university classes, and makes NASA objectives part of the university curricula. There is great potential for growth and return on investment of this program to the point where every major university in the U.S. would use at least one of these case studies in one of their computational courses, and where every NASA scientist and engineer facing a computational challenge (without having resources or expertise to solve it) would use enCOMPASS to formulate the problem as a case study, provide it to a university, and get back their solutions and ideas