26 research outputs found

    QoS Variance Aware Spectrum Sensing and Allocation Strategy for Cognitive Radio Wireless Mesh Networks

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    QoS (Quality of Service) aware spectrum sensing and channel allocation in cognitive radio wireless mesh networks is a continuous practice due to the divergent scope of communication in wireless mesh networks. Henceforth the current research is moving in a direction to find effective solutions towards QoS aware spectrum sensing and channel allocation. But all of these solutions are specific to one or two QoS factors. According to the real-time practices the QoS assessment by one or two factors is impractical

    A channel allocation algorithm for OSA-Enabled IEEE 802.11 WLANs

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    Channel allocation problem is a major challenge in wireless local area networks (WLANs), especially in dense deployments of access points (APs) where congestion of the unlicensed spectrum bands (i.e., ISM bands) could undermine achieved network performance. This paper analyses the possibility to alleviate congestion of the ISM band by allowing some APs to use additional channels located in licensed bands in an opportunistic manner whenever licensee services (i.e., primary users) are not affected. Availability of these additional channels in licensed bands is assumed not to be the same for all the APs. Based on this assumption, we formulate the problem for the channel assignment as a Binary Linear Programming (BLP) problem, which allows us to obtain an optimal solution despite an elevated execution time. We also develop a heuristic method based on building a Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) graph attending to interference conditions that is able to find nearoptimal solutions with a shorter execution time. Results are provided to assess the benefits of such a proposal under different WLAN deployment situations and primary channel availability conditions.Postprint (published version

    Channel Selection in Uncoordinated IEEE 802.11 Networks Using Graph Coloring

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    [EN] One of the big challenges in decentralized Wi-Fi networks is how to select channels for the different access points (APs) and their associated stations (STAs) in order to minimize interference and hence maximize throughput. Interestingly enough, de facto standards in terms of uncoordinated channel selection are quite simple, and in many cases result in fairly suboptimal channel allocations. Here, we explore how graph coloring can be used to evaluate and inform decisions on Wi-Fi channel selection in uncoordinated settings. Graph coloring, in its most basic form, is a classic mathematical problem where colors have to be assigned to nodes in a graph while avoiding assigning the same color to adjacent nodes. In this paper, we modeled Wi-Fi uncoordinated channel selection as a graph coloring problem and evaluated the performance of different uncoordinated channel selection techniques in a set of representative scenarios of residential buildings. The results confirm some of the widely accepted consensus regarding uncoordinated channel selection but also provide some new insights. For instance, in some settings, it would be better to delegate the decision on which channel to use to transmit the STAs, rather than having the AP make the decision on its own, which is the usual way.This publication is part of Project TED2021-131387B-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by the European Union "NextGenerationEU"/PRTR and of Project PID2021-123168NB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/FEDER, UE. Ivan Marsa-Maestre and David Orden are partially funded by Project SB-PLY/19/180501/000171 of the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha and FEDER and by Project WiDAI (CM/JIN/2021-004) of the Comunidad de Madrid and University of Alcala. Jose Manuel Gimenez-Guzman, Ivan Marsa-Maestre, and David Herranz-Oliveros are also funded by Project PID2019-104855RB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. David Orden is also partially supported by Project PID2019-104129GB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. The APC was funded by Project TED2021-131387B-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by the European Union "NextGenerationEU"/PRTR.Gimenez-Guzman, JM.; Marsá-Maestre, I.; De La Hoz, E.; Orden, D.; Herranz-Oliveros, D. (2023). Channel Selection in Uncoordinated IEEE 802.11 Networks Using Graph Coloring. Sensors. 23(13). https://doi.org/10.3390/s23135932231

    Robust provisioning of multicast sessions in cognitive radio networks

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    Today\u27s wireless networks use fixed spectrum over long term and fixed geographical regions. However, spectrum utilization varies by time and location, which leads to temporal and special spectrum underutilization. Therefore, new ways to improve spectrum utilization are needed. Cognitive radio is an emerging technology that enables dynamic sharing of the spectrum in order to overcome spectrum underutilization problem. Users in cognitive radio networks are either primary or secondary users. A primary user is the user who is licensed to use a channel, and has priority to use it over any other user. The secondary user uses a licensed spectrum channel opportunistically when a primary user is idle. Hence, it has to vacate the channel within a certain tolerable interference time when the primary user appears. As a result of this, the secondary user needs to find backup channels to protect the links it is using from primary user\u27s interruption. In this thesis, we concentrate on supporting the multicast service mode using cognitive radio networks. Moreover, we are concerned with supporting this mode of service such that it is robust in the face of failures. The type of failures we are interested in is channel disappearance due to the resumption of activities by primary users. We develop three algorithms which provide robust multicasting in such networks. Our three proposed algorithms are: 1) multicast sessions protection without link-sharing, 2) multicast sessions protection with link-sharing and 3) multicast sessions protection using rings. These algorithms provision multiple multicast sessions, and protect them against single primary user interruption at a time. They also take into account that the activities of a primary user may disrupt communication in several groups, of secondary users, which are referred to as Shared Primary User Risk Group (SPURG). The objective of the proposed algorithms is to increase the number of sessions that can be accommodated in the network and minimize the cost of provisioning the sessions. Multicast sessions protection with/without link-sharing algorithms generate a primary tree for each multicast session, and protect each link of it using a backup tree. Multicast sessions protection with link-sharing allows backup trees to share some links of the primary tree within the same session, and share some links within backup trees for any session. In the third algorithm, a ring is generated where it starts and ends at the source node, and passes through all destination nodes. Also, we compare the performances of our three proposed algorithms. Simulation results show that the number of accommodated sessions in the network increases and the cost of multicast sessions decreases when the number of available channels increases or the session size decreases. Also, multicast sessions protection with link-sharing algorithm outperforms the other two algorithms in terms of the number of sessions in the network. On the other hand, multicast sessions protection using rings achieves the lowest cost for multicast sessions compared with the other two proposed algorithms

    Application-aware Cognitive Multi-hop Wireless Networking Testbed and Experiments

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    In this thesis, we present a new architecture for application-aware cognitive multihop wireless networks (AC-MWN) with testbed implementations and experiments. Cognitive radio is a technique to adaptively use the spectrum so that the resource can be used more efficiently in a low cost way. Multihop wireless networks can be deployed quickly and flexibly without a fixed infrastructure. In presented new architecture, we study backbone routing schemes with network cognition, routing scheme with network coding and spectrum adaptation. A testbed is implemented to test the schemes for AC-MWN. In addition to basic measurements, we implement a video streaming application based on the AC-MWN architecture using cognitive radios. The Testbed consists of three cognitive radios and three Linux laptops equipped with GNU Radio and GStreamer, open source software development toolkit and multimedia framework respectively. Resulting experiments include a range from basic half duplex data to full duplex voice communications and audio/video streaming with spectrum sensing. This testbed is a foundation for a scalable multipurpose testbed that can be used to test such networks as AC-MWN, adhoc, MANET, VANET, and wireless sensor networks. Experiment results demonstrate that the AC-MWN is applicable and valuable for future low-cost and flexible communication networks. Adviser: Yi Qia

    Cognitive radio policy-based adaptive blind rendezvous protocols for disaster response

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    In disaster scenarios, with damaged network infrastructure, cognitive radio (CR) can be used to provide temporary network access in the first few hours. Since spectrum occupancy will be unknown, the radios must rely on spectrum sensing and opportunistic access. An initial goal is to establish rendezvous between CR nodes to set up the network. The unknown primary radio (PR) activity and CR node topology makes this a challenging task. Existing blind rendezvous strategies provide guarantees on time to rendezvous, but assume channels with no PR activity and no external interferers. To handle this problem of blind multi-node rendezvous in the presence of primary users, we propose an Extended Modular Clock Algorithm which abandons the guarantee on time to rendezvous, an information exchange mechanism for the multi-node problem, and various cognitive radio operating policies. We show that the adapted protocols can achieve up to 80% improvement in the expected time to rendezvous and reduce the harmful interference caused to the primary radio

    Cognitive radio for disaster response networks: survey, potential, and challenges

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    In the wake of a natural or man-made disaster, restoration of telecommunications is essential. First responders must coordinate their responses, immediate casualties require assistance, and all affected citizens may need to access information and contact friends and relatives. Existing access and core infrastructure may be damaged or destroyed, so to support the required services, new infrastructure must be rapidly deployed and integrated with undamaged resources still in place. This new equipment should be flexible enough to interoperate with legacy systems and heterogeneous technologies. The ability to selforganize is essential in order to minimize any delays associated with manual configuration. Finally, it must be robust and reliable enough to support mission-critical applications. Wireless systems can be more easily reconfigured than wired solutions to adapt to the various changes in the operating environment that can occur in a disaster scenario. A cognitive radio is one that can observe its operating environment, make decisions and reconfigure in response to these observations, and learn from experience. This article examines the use of cognitive radio technologies for disaster response networks and shows that they are ideally suited to fulfill the unique requirements of these networks. Key enabling technologies for realizing real-world cognitive radio networks for disaster response are discussed and core challenges are examined