57 research outputs found

    Strategisches GRC-Management: Anforderungen, Forschungsagenda und datenseitiges Modell

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    „Governance, Risk and Compliance“ (GRC) wird gegenwärtig überwiegend als Schlagwort aufgegriffen und durch isolierte, kurzfristige Initiativen umgesetzt. Die Integrationsmöglichkeiten und strategische Bedeutung von GRC werden unzureichend erkannt, wodurch Nutzenpotentiale und mögliche Synergieeffekte nicht genutzt werden können. Obwohl erste integrierte GRC-Ansätze existieren, ist das Thema bislang wenig strukturiert. Die vorliegende Arbeit entwickelt daher ein allgemeines Verständnis für ein integriertes und strategisch ausgerichtetes Management von GRC, das als strategisches GRC-Management bezeichnet wird. Hierfür werden Anforderungen hergeleitet, der Forschungsstand analysiert und eine Forschungsagenda entwickelt. Durch eine Delphi-Studie werden die Anforderungen und Forschungsbedarfe priorisiert. Ein datenseitiges Modell stellt die strukturellen Zusammenhänge von GRC auf Informationsebene dar.GRC as an acronym for governance, risk and compliance is currently looked at as a catchword and implemented with short-term, isolated initiatives. GRC is more considered to be a burden for the business and opportunities for integration as well as the strategic relevance of the topic is not recognized, which makes it difficult to realize potential benefits and synergies. Even though first GRC approaches exist, the overall topic area remains quite unstructured and is not narrowed down precisely. Detailed questions, which are relevant for the topic area, like automation of compliance controls and risk measures, modeling of GRC information as well as the determinants of compliance behavior cannot be sorted into their overall context. The research work at hand therefore aims to establish a basic understanding of an integrated and strategically oriented GRC management, which is called strategic GRC management. For this purpose, this research identifies requirements for such an approach based on an exhaustive and structured literature review, discusses the current state of research in this field and develops a research agenda. These research results are evaluated with a three round Delphi study which at the same time determines the importance of the requirements and the research needs and thereby enables its prioritization. Furthermore, a data-centred model for strategic GRC management, which depicts the structural relationships of GRC on the level its information, is constructed. The data model is demonstrated based on an example and evaluated using published practical examples. This research work provides, specifically with the research agenda, various research opportunities. The requirements and the data-centred model enable the assessment and further development of GRC related management systems in company practice.GRC als Akronym für "Governance, Risk and Compliance" wird gegenwärtig in der Unternehmenspraxis überwiegend als Schlagwort aufgegriffen und durch isolierte, kurzfristige Initiativen umgesetzt. GRC wird mehrheitlich als Bürde gesehen und die Integrationsmöglichkeiten sowie die strategische Bedeutung des Themas werden unzureichend erkannt, wodurch Nutzenpotentiale und mögliche Synergieeffekte nicht genutzt werden können. Obwohl erste integrierte GRC-Ansätze existieren, ist das Thema bislang wenig strukturiert und die Eingrenzung bleibt vage. Relevante Detailfragen, wie die Automatisierung der Compliance-Sicherung und Risikosteuerung, die Modellierung von GRC-Informationen und die Determinanten des Compliance-Verhaltens können nur schwer in den Gesamtzusammenhang eingeordnet werden. Die vorliegende Arbeit verfolgt daher das Ziel der Grundlegung eines allgemeinen Verständnisses für ein integriertes und strategisch ausgerichtetes Management von GRC, das als strategisches GRC-Management bezeichnet wird. Hierfür werden basierend auf einem umfangreichen Literaturreview Anforderungen an das strategische GRC-Management hergeleitet, der Forschungsstand strukturiert analysiert und eine Forschungsagenda entwickelt. Diese Forschungsergebnisse werden durch eine Delphi-Studie bestehend aus drei Befragungsrunden abgesichert. Die Studie bestimmt zudem die Bedeutung der einzelnen Anforderungen und Forschungsbedarfe, wodurch eine Priorisierung ermöglicht wird. Darüber hinaus wird ein datenseitiges Modell für das strategische GRC-Management entwickelt, das die strukturellen Zusammenhänge von GRC auf Informationsebene darstellt. Das Datenmodell wird an Hand eines Beispiels demonstriert und mit Hilfe einer Auswertung von publizierten Praxisbeispielen evaluiert. Die Arbeit stellt durch die Forschungsagenda vielfältige Anknüpfungspunkte für weitere Forschung zur Verfügung. Die Anforderungen sowie das datenseitige Modell ermöglichen eine Bewertung und Weiterentwicklung des GRC-Managements in der Unternehmenspraxis

    Lehren und Forschen mit Videos in der Lehrkräftebildung

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    Die Analyse von Unterrichtsvideos ist zu einer erfolgreich und vielfältig genutzten Methode in der Lehrkräftebildung geworden. Sie vermag wie keine andere Methode die Unterrichtspraxis in ihrer Authentizität zu veranschaulichen und zugleich in ihrer Komplexität zu untersuchen. Dazu sind in den letzten Jahren innovative Videoportale mit Lehrkonzepten und über 1800 aussagekräftige Unterrichtsvideos entstanden, die das Spektrum an Schulformen, Fächern und Unterrichts(qualitäts)dimensionen abdecken. Deren Nutzung, Evaluation und Einsatz in Lehrveranstaltungen werden im vorliegenden Sammelband vorgestellt, ebenso das Meta-Videoportal, über das die Unterrichtsvideos und Begleitmaterialien für alle Akteurinnen und Akteure der Lehrkräftebildung gesucht und genutzt werden können. Ein konzeptueller state-of-the-art-Überblick und ein Review aktueller videobasierter Projekte zum Lehren und Forschen mit Videos in der Lehrkräftebildung vervollständigen den Sammelband. (DIPF/Orig.

    The Online Tutoring Language Game -In Support of Knowledge Sharing in Online Learning Communities -

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    Das Sprachspiel des Online-Tutorings - Zur Unterstützung von Wissenskommunikation in lernenden Online-Gemeinschaften - Eine Analyse im Kontext beruflicher Weiterbildung – Die Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit der Unterstützung der Wissenskommunikation und –konstruktion in Online-Gruppen durch Online-Tutoring. Dabei werden die kommunikativen Handlungen der Online-Lernenden und –Tutoren als ein Sprachspiel betrachtet, als schriftsprachliche Handlungen in der Interaktion. Der Begriff des Sprachspiels ist ein heuristischer Begriff, der von Ludwig Wittgenstein in sprach-philosophischer Auseinandersetzung eingeführt wurde. Wittgenstein hat sich in seinen "Philosophischen Untersuchungen" mit der Alltagssprache und ihrer Vieldeutigkeit beschäftigt. Danach ist der Sinn der Wörter abhängig vom Kontext, in dem sie Verwendung finden. Im Begriff des Sprachspiels bringt er diese Kontextabhängigkeit zum Ausdruck. Die Bedeutung eines Wortes liegt demnach nicht in dem Wort selbst und auch nicht in dem Gegenstand, den das Wort benennt, sondern einzig und allein in seiner Praxis. Das Sprachspiel ist Sprachpraxis, der Gebrauch der Sprache Ausdruck von Sinn. Handlung und Sprache im kooperativen Online-Lernen zu untersuchen, liegt nahe, wenn an die Stelle linearer Wissensvermittlung der wechselseitige Austausch zwischen Lernenden und Lernhelfern tritt und damit das Interesse an unterstützenden als auch hemmenden Faktoren einhergeht. Im Vergleich zur Entwicklung von Technologien und Werkzeugen für die Online-Kooperation ist die Erforschung der Frage nach Möglichkeiten und förderlichen Bedingungen, Wissenskommunikation und -konstruktion in lernenden Online-Gemeinschaften durch Online-Tutoring zu unterstützen, mit weniger Anstrengungen verfolgt und konkretisiert worden. Hier setzt die vorliegende Arbeit an. Sie untersucht, wie Online-Tutoren in asynchronen Kommunikationsumgebungen (Diskussionsforen) durch Sprachspielzüge die Wissenskommunikation in Online-Gruppen unterstützen. Die zentrale Fragestellung richtet sich darauf, wie Online-Tutoren zur Entwicklung kognitiver Präsenz in der Online-Gruppe beitragen können. Kognitive Präsenz ist ein Begriff, der dem Konzept des kritischen Denkens nahe ist.The Online Tutoring Language Game- In Support of Knowledge Sharing in Online Learning Communities - An Analysis in the Context of Advanced Professional Training – The thesis concerns the written language approaches of online tutors in providing support for problem-based task processing through online groups. It considers the process of negotiation, apportionment and creation of meaning in online groups and the support thereof through online tutoring from a language game perspective. The term language game is a heuristic term introduced to philosophical language discourse by Ludwig Wittgenstein and which is suited to the analysis of communicative approaches. The thesis understands learning to mean an active process of knowledge sharing and construction in a group’s written language computer-moderated discourse initiated through the processing of situation- and case-specific tasks. Online tutoring is understood to be a specific form of linguistically-communicated reality comprising didactic approaches based on language games in the context of computer-moderated, text-based communication. It is from this perspective that the thesis addresses the capacity to initiate, participate in and actively contribute to the online tutoring language game with the goal of interaction via socially shared knowledge. The thesis concentrates on the language game tactics used by online tutors to contribute to knowledge sharing and construction in online groups. The study identifies and describes the contexts and interactions between cognitive and interactive activity in online groups and the language game tactics of the online tutors. The focus is on the ethnography of the language game in the respective online groups through the description a) of participation processes and cognitive presence, b) of the typical forms of language use in online tutorial support and c) of event points in online tutorial approaches to the promotion of online cooperation. To this end a plural method approach was adopted which integrates the different processes of social research: open, non-participative observation of the communicative interactions, individual interviews in Chat and Face-to-Face, qualitative content analysis and interaction analyses of selected sequences. The qualitative-subjective dimensions of the learners and the online tutors expressed in evaluations and perceptions were surveyed by means of qualita-tive interviews. Case analyses provided differentiated insights into the shifts of language game tactics and the patterns of interaction in the online groups. The results of the thesis are presented as a system of categories for the online tutors’ language game tactics and their tone styles, as well as for the online learners’ interactive and cognitive tactics. The results of the case study confirm research results on the marginal development of cognitive presence in online groups and indicate the need for support from knowledge sharing and construction processes. A number of causes of superficial learning in online groups can be derived from the results, including inadequate interactive support through the online tutors’ language approaches. Recommendations for the configuration of the online tutoring language game are provided on the basis of the theoretical and empirical results. A review of the analysis is carried out in the context of a critical reflection on the research process and its results, including a discussion of their aptitude for generalisation

    Jahresbericht Forschung und Entwicklung 2005

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    Forschungsjahresbericht 2005 der Fachhochschule Konstan

    Forschungsbericht Universität Mannheim 2008 / 2009

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    Die Universität Mannheim hat seit ihrer Entstehung ein spezifisches Forschungsprofil, welches sich in ihrer Entwicklung und derz eitigen Struktur deutlich widerspiegelt. Es ist geprägt von national und international sehr anerkannten Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften und deren Vernetzung mit leistungsstarken Geisteswissenschaften, Rechtswissenschaft sowie Mathematik und Informatik. Die Universität Mannheim wird auch in Zukunft einerseits die Forschungsschwerpunkte in den Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften fördern und andererseits eine interdisziplinäre Kultur im Zusammenspiel aller Fächer der Universität anstreben

    QSAR at the estrogen and mineralocorticoid receptors

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    The presence of hormonally active compounds in the biosphere, as well as the adverse health effects due to endocrine disruption have lately received considerable public attention. Numerous substances that are associated with toxic effects, such as dioxins, DDT and related compounds, phthalates, had been suspected of acting through endocrine disruption. This public concern led to the formulation of regulations and legislation, both in Europe and in the United States. Endocrine-disrupting chemicals are compounds that interfere with the endocrine system, alter its functions, and consequently may trigger adverse health effects in man and wildlife. Many of these compounds are resistant to biodegradation and often persist in the environment over longer periods of time. The identification of the toxic potential of drugs and chemicals is widely performed with techniques such as in vitro. In addition, a safe in silico identification is also highly desirable to regulatory bodies, the pharmaceutical, and the chemical industry. Nuclear receptors regulate biological functions such as cell growth and differentiation, metabolic processes, reproduction and development, intracellular signaling and can be involved in carcinogenesis through the control of gene expression. Chemicals that disrupt the endocrine system interfere with the function of nuclear receptors, alter their functions and cause adverse health effects. In this thesis, the development and validation of three-dimensional in silico models for the mineralocorticoid and the estrogen receptors _, both belonging to the nuclear receptor superfamily, are presented. These models aim at the screening of drug candidates for mineralocorticoid and estrogen _ activity as well as of environmental chemicals for potential endocrine-disrupting activity. Different in silico tools and protocols were used to quantify receptor-ligand interactions. Those included, molecular dynamics simulations allowing gaining an insight into the dynamical character of the protein-ligand interactions. Multi-dimensional QSAR models were built, using two different technologies, and validated by employing external validation sets, and scramble tests. The models have been added to the VirtualToxLab - a technology for the in silico identification of the toxic (endocrine-disrupting) potential of drugs and environmental chemicals. A Cambridge Structural database (CSD) search was performed in order to obtain an insight on the existence and the nature of intermolecular interactions involving halogen atoms. Both geometry and topology of such interactions were analyzed and quantified. An algorithm was developed to ensure the high-throughput analysis of the 3D structures, which were used as input for the QSAR study and the VirtualToxLab. The input for this program is the coordinate file and the name of the compound, and the output is a flag (verified/not verified) along with detailed information about this decision file. The benefit of this thesis on the society, is that an in silico approach can be used, which is faster and less expensive when comparing to in vitro and in vivo experiments. Such an approach may contribute to the well being of man and wildlife since no chemicals are used and the natural resources are retained

    Purification and preliminary characterization of "Bothrops moojeni" venom components active on haemostasis : ("Botmo thesis")

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    For almost every factor involved in haemostasis there exists a venom protein that can mimic, activate or deactivate it. Many of these components are insensitive to the physiological and therapeutically used coagulation inhibitors and, because of their unique features, are applied as molecular tools for diagnosis and therapy of haemostatic disorders. Batroxobin, purified from the venoms of Bothrops moojeni and B. atrox snakes, commonly known under its trade names Reptilaseâ and Defibraseâ is still widely used in pharmaceutical and diagnostic applications. However, the venom material needed for its production is not further analyzed, although it still contains a large number of potentially active compounds. The goal of this Botmo Thesis was the investigation of the crude B. moojeni venom for the identification of new active ingredients affecting haemostasis. Various protein purification methods, mass spectrometry and biocomputing, as well as newly developed coagulation screening tools were applied. B. moojeni crude venom and its fractions were used as model substances for the development of different screening tools applying mass spectrometry (MS) technology. The complexity of the venom provides a good selectivity assessment for the developed methods. By means of the novel MS approaches, 15 new sequences of Bradykinin-potentiating peptides (BPPs) were revealed, as well as the presence of acetylcholinesterase inhibiting venom component. To our knowledge, it is the first time acetylcholinesterase inhibiting properties were described in the venom of B. moojeni snake. Further, two novel Lys49 phospholipases A2 (PLA2) have been purified and fully sequenced, showing a characteristic sequence in the C-terminal region known in the literature to interact with heparin. Both PLA2s were able to interact in vitro with unfractionated heparin (UFH) and low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) neutralizing their anticoagulant properties. The revealed sequences, possessing the LMWH neutralization properties, may be of medical interest, because there is no LMWH antidote used in clinical applications. Moreover, a procoagulant protein resembling the coagulation FVIIa could be identified in the B. moojeni venom. Such activity has never been reported for any snake venom until now and further investigations would be of medical interest. In addition a new method was developed for the identification of active ingredients acting on blood platelets. It can be used for screening complex protein mixtures, such as B. moojeni venom, containing platelet activating prothrombin activators or thrombin like-enzymes. By means of this methodology, a platelet aggregation activator and platelet antagonist with broad inhibitory activity, which is most likely a disintegrin, could be identified. Up to now, it could be shown that B. moojeni venom is a highly complex mixture of active ingredients and still remains a huge “source of undiscovered potential”. Further purifications and characterization steps are needed in order to get a complete activity profile of the venom, also in fields other than haemostasis. Nevertheless, in the framework of this Botmo Thesis, some active ingredients, also such of medical interest, were identified

    Clonal evolution of mutation events in myeloproliferative neoplasms

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    Myeloproliferative disorders (MPD) are a heterogeneous group of diseases characterized by aberrant proliferation of the myeloid lineages. They represent clonal stem cell disorders with an inherent tendency towards leukemic transformation. Currently, MPD are subdivided into three disease entities: polycythemia vera (PV), essential thrombocythemia (ET) and primary myelofibrosis (PMF). A mutation in JAK2 (JAK2-V617F) is frequently found in all three entities. The discovery of this mutation had a major impact on the diagnostic workup of patients with suspected MPD, increased our understanding of the pathogenesis and has led to first clinical trials testing the effects of JAK2 inhibitors on late stages of MPD. We now have convincing evidence that there are additional mutational events preceding JAK2-V617F. They are likely to be involved in initiating the disease or are acting as collaborating mutations to promote progression to myelofibrosis and acute leukemia. In this thesis, the clonal evolution of deletions on chromosome 20q (del20q) and TET2, a member of the Ten-Eleven-Translocation (TET) family of genes, were studied. In addition, the functional consequence of del20q was also analyzed by shRNA-mediated knockdown. We developed a real time copy number PCR assay for deletions on chromosome 20q (del20q), screened peripheral blood granulocytes from 664 patients with myeloproliferative disorders (MPD) and identified 19 patients with del20q (2.9%), of which 14 (74%) were also positive for JAK2-V617F. We analyzed 8 patients with del20q using array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) and defined a 9 Mb common deleted region with 93 genes. To examine the temporal relationship between the occurrence of del20q and JAK2-V617F we performed colony assays in methylcellulose, picked individual BFU-E and CFU-G colonies and genotyped each colony individually for del20q and JAK2-V617F. In 2/9 patients we found del20q colonies with and without JAK2-V617F, suggesting that del20q preceded JAK2-V617F. 3/9 patients showed the inverse order of events, suggesting that del20q is not a general predisposing event for JAK2-V617F. Interestingly, 2 patients showed a complex pattern of mutation acquisition including several events of del20q affecting alleles of different parental origin and uniparental disomy on chromosome 9p (9p-UPD). The fact that rare somatic events, such as del20q or 9p-UPD, occurred more than once suggests that these patients carry a predisposition to acquire such genetic alterations. In serial samples from patients with del20q, we observed an increase in the percentage of del20q positive cells, suggesting that del20q as the sole genetic alteration may provide a competitive advantage. To find genes involved in the del20q induced proliferation advantage, we analyzed changes in the gene expression pattern induced by del20q. Screening for such differences in expression patterns is most powerful if inter-individual differences in genetic background and differences in the composition of the tissues to be analyzed can be eliminated. Therefore we used pools of individually JAK2-V617F and del20q genotyped colonies grown in methylcellulose, which provided a pure enough cell population to detect small differences in expression and compared the expression pattern of colonies with and without del20q. We discovered 680 genes, which had significantly changes (p<0.05) in expression. Inside the CDR we found 28 genes downregulated, of which we selected three genes for further functional analysis: serin threonin kinase 4 (STK4), topoisomerase 1 (TOP1) and protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor T (PTPRT). A pool of shRNA targeting these genes was used to retrovirally transfect murin bone marrow (BM) cells before they were transplanted to lethally irradiated reciepient mice. Because del20q was preferentially found together with JAK2-V617F, we decided to use BM cells derived from transgenic MxCre;FF1 mice expressing JAK2-V617F. In addition, we also included two additional candiate genes, V-MYB myeloblastosis viral oncogene homolog (avian)-like 2 (MYBL2) and L3MBTL, a human homolog of the Drosophila lethal (3) malignant brain tumor (D-l(3)mbt) polycomb protein, in the bone marrow transplantation experiments. This is an ongoing project and we are monitoring the GFP expression in peripheral blood and the distribution of the integrated shRNAs. So far we did not see any proliferative advantage of the cells transfected with the shRNA pool targeting the del20q candidate genes. Recently, a new gene was found to be mutated in MPN patients: TET2, a member of the Ten-Eleven-Translocation (TET) family of genes. Initial studies suggested, that TET2 mutations may represent a tumor suppressor gene and may precede the acquisition of JAK2-V617F. We therefore studied the clonal evolution of TET2 mutations by analyzing individually genotyped colonies of 8 patients. In 4/8 MPN patients we found that some colonies with mutated TET2 carried wild type JAK2, whereas others were JAK2-V617F positive, indicating that TET2 occurred before JAK2-V617F. One of these patients carried a 4 bp germline deletion, located in the C-terminal conserved region, leading to a frameshift and premature stop. This is the first report of a inherited mutation in TET2. In two other patients we observed the opposite order of events, with JAK2 exon 12 mutation preceding TET2 mutation in one case. These findings suggest, that mutations in TET2 do not represent a general predisposing event for acquiring mutations in JAK2. Two additional patients showed two separated clones for TET2 and JAK2- V617F, which further supports this theory. The present work provided additional insights for understanding the complex clonal pattern in patients with MPN and the role of del20q and TET2 mutations in the clonal evolution of the disease
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