51 research outputs found

    Preference Learning for Move Prediction and Evaluation Function Approximation in Othello

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    This paper investigates the use of preference learning as an approach to move prediction and evaluation function approximation, using the game of Othello as a test domain. Using the same sets of features, we compare our approach with least squares temporal difference learning, direct classification, and with the Bradley-Terry model, fitted using minorization-maximization (MM). The results show that the exact way in which preference learning is applied is critical to achieving high performance. Best results were obtained using a combination of board inversion and pair-wise preference learning. This combination significantly outperformed the others under test, both in terms of move prediction accuracy, and in the level of play achieved when using the learned evaluation function as a move selector during game play

    Virtual player design using self-learning via competitive coevolutionary algorithms

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    The Google Artificial Intelligence (AI) Challenge is an international contest the objective of which is to program the AI in a two-player real time strategy (RTS) game. This AI is an autonomous computer program that governs the actions that one of the two players executes during the game according to the state of play. The entries are evaluated via a competition mechanism consisting of two-player rounds where each entry is tested against others. This paper describes the use of competitive coevolutionary (CC) algorithms for the automatic generation of winning game strategies in Planet Wars, the RTS game associated with the 2010 contest. Three different versions of a prime algorithm have been tested. Their common nexus is not only the use of a Hall-of-Fame (HoF) to keep note of the winners of past coevolutions but also the employment of an archive of experienced players, termed the hall-of-celebrities (HoC), that puts pressure on the optimization process and guides the search to increase the strength of the solutions; their differences come from the periodical updating of the HoF on the basis of quality and diversity metrics. The goal is to optimize the AI by means of a self-learning process guided by coevolutionary search and competitive evaluation. An empirical study on the performance of a number of variants of the proposed algorithms is described and a statistical analysis of the results is conducted. In addition to the attainment of competitive bots we also conclude that the incorporation of the HoC inside the primary algorithm helps to reduce the effects of cycling caused by the use of HoF in CC algorithms.This work is partially supported by Spanish MICINN under Project ANYSELF (TIN2011-28627-C04-01),3 by Junta de Andalucía under Project P10-TIC-6083 (DNEMESIS) and by Universidad de Málaga, Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Using Cultural Coevolution for Learning in General Game Playing

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    Traditionally, the construction of game playing agents relies on using pre-programmed heuristics and architectures tailored for a specific game. General Game Playing (GGP) provides a challenging alternative to this approach, with the aim being to construct players that are able to play any game, given just the rules. This thesis describes the construction of a General Game Player that is able to learn and build knowledge about the game in a multi-agent setup using cultural coevolution and reinforcement learning. We also describe how this knowledge can be used to complement UCT search, a Monte-Carlo tree search that has already been used successfully in GGP. Experiments are conducted to test the effectiveness of the knowledge by playing several games between our player and a player using random moves, and also a player using standard UCT search. The results show a marked improvement in performance when using the knowledge

    Coevolutionary Approaches to Generating Robust Build-Orders for Real-Time Strategy Games

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    We aim to find winning build-orders for Real-Time Strategy games. Real-Time Strategy games provide a variety of challenges, from short-term control to longer term planning. We focus on a longer-term planning problem; which units to build and in what order to produce the units so a player successfully defeats the opponent. Plans which address unit construction scheduling problems in Real-Time Strategy games are called build-orders. A robust build-order defeats many opponents, while a strong build-order defeats opponents quickly. However, no single build-order defeats all other build-orders, and build-orders that defeat many opponents may still lose against a specific opponent. Other researchers have only investigated generating build-orders that defeat a specific opponent, rather than finding robust, strong build-orders. Additionally, previous research has not applied coevolutionary algorithms towards generating build-orders. In contrast, our research has three main contributions towards finding robust, strong build-orders. First, we apply a coevolutionary algorithm towards finding robust build-orders. Compared to exhaustive search, a genetic algorithm finds the strongest build-orders while a coevolutionary algorithm finds more robust build-orders. Second, we show that case-injection enables coevolution to learn from specific opponents while maintaining robustness. Build-orders produced with coevolution and case-injection learn to defeat or play like the injected build-orders. Third, we show that coevolved build-orders benefit from a representation which includes branches and loops. Coevolution will utilize multiple branches and loops to create build-orders that are stronger than build-orders without loops and branches. We believe this work provides evidence that coevolutionary algorithms may be a viable approach to creating robust, strong build-orders for Real-Time Strategy games
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