343,350 research outputs found

    IceDust: Incremental and Eventual Computation of Derived Values in Persistent Object Graphs

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    Derived values are values calculated from base values. They can be expressed in object-oriented languages by means of getters calculating the derived value, and in relational or logic databases by means of (materialized) views. However, switching to a different calculation strategy (for example caching) in object-oriented programming requires invasive code changes, and the databases limit expressiveness by disallowing recursive aggregation. In this paper, we present IceDust, a data modeling language for expressing derived attribute values without committing to a calculation strategy. IceDust provides three strategies for calculating derived values in persistent object graphs: Calculate-on-Read, Calculate-on-Write, and Calculate-Eventually. We have developed a path-based abstract interpretation that provides static dependency analysis to generate code for these strategies. Benchmarks show that different strategies perform better in different scenarios. In addition we have conducted a case study that suggests that derived value calculations of systems used in practice can be expressed in IceDust

    An approach to compositional reasoning about concurrent objects and futures

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    Distributed and concurrent object-oriented systems are difficult to analyze due to the complexity of their concurrency, communication, and synchronization mechanisms. Rather than performing analysis at the code level of mainstream objectoriented languages such as Java and C++, we consider an imperative, objectoriented language with a simpler concurrency model. This language, based on concurrent objects communicating by asynchronous method calls and futures, avoids some difficulties of mainstream object-oriented programming languages related to compositionality and aliasing. In particular, reasoning about futures is handled by means of histories. Compositional verification systems facilitate system analysis, allowing components to be analyzed independently of their environment. In this paper, a compositional proof system in dynamic logic for partial correctness is established based on communication histories and class invariants. The soundness and relative completeness of this proof system follow by construction using a transformational approach from a sequential language with a non-deterministic assignment operator

    Dynamic data flow testing

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    Data flow testing is a particular form of testing that identifies data flow relations as test objectives. Data flow testing has recently attracted new interest in the context of testing object oriented systems, since data flow information is well suited to capture relations among the object states, and can thus provide useful information for testing method interactions. Unfortunately, classic data flow testing, which is based on static analysis of the source code, fails to identify many important data flow relations due to the dynamic nature of object oriented systems. This thesis presents Dynamic Data Flow Testing, a technique which rethinks data flow testing to suit the testing of modern object oriented software. Dynamic Data Flow Testing stems from empirical evidence that we collect on the limits of classic data flow testing techniques. We investigate such limits by means of Dynamic Data Flow Analysis, a dynamic implementation of data flow analysis that computes sound data flow information on program traces. We compare data flow information collected with static analysis of the code with information observed dynamically on execution traces, and empirically observe that the data flow information computed with classic analysis of the source code misses a significant part of information that corresponds to relevant behaviors that shall be tested. In view of these results, we propose Dynamic Data Flow Testing. The technique promotes the synergies between dynamic analysis, static reasoning and test case generation for automatically extending a test suite with test cases that execute the complex state based interactions between objects. Dynamic Data Flow Testing computes precise data flow information of the program with Dynamic Data Flow Analysis, processes the dynamic information to infer new test objectives, which Dynamic Data Flow Testing uses to generate new test cases. The test cases generated by Dynamic Data Flow Testing exercise relevant behaviors that are otherwise missed by both the original test suite and test suites that satisfy classic data flow criteria

    Quantitative Static Analysis Over Semirings: Analysing Cache Behaviour for Java Card

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    AbstractWe present a semantics-based technique for modeling and analysing resource usage behaviour of programs written in a simple object oriented language like Java Card byte code. The approach is based on the quantitative abstract interpretation framework of Di Pierro and Wiklicky where programs are represented as linear operators. We consider in particular linear operators over semi-rings (such as max-plus) that have proven useful for analysing cost properties of discrete event systems. We illustrate our technique through a cache behaviour analysis for Java Card

    Extending Traditional Static Analysis Techniques to Support Development, Testing and Maintenance of Component-Based Solutions

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    Traditional static code analysis encompasses a mature set of techniques for helping understand and optimize programs, such as dead code elimination, program slicing, and partial evaluation (code specialization). It is well understood that compared to other program analysis techniques (e.g., dynamic analysis), static analysis techniques do a reasonable job for the cost associated with implementing them. Industry and government are moving away from more ‘traditional’ development approaches towards component-based approaches as ‘the norm.’ Component-based applications most often comprise a collection of distributed object-oriented components such as forms, code snippets, reports, modules, databases, objects, containers, and the like. These components are glued together by code typically written in a visual language. Some industrial experience shows that component-based development and the subsequent use of visual development environments, while reducing an application\u27s total development time, actually increase certain maintenance problems. This provides a motivation for using automated analysis techniques on such systems. The results of this research show that traditional static analysis techniques may not be sufficient for analyzing component-based systems. We examine closely the characteristics of a component-based system and document many of the issues that we feel make the development, analysis, testing and maintenance of such systems more difficult. By analyzing additional summary information for the components as well as any available source code for an application, we show ways in which traditional static analysis techniques may be augmented, thereby increasing the accuracy of static analysis results and ultimately making the maintenance of component-based systems a manageable task. We develop a technique to use semantic information about component properties obtained from type library and interface definition language files, and demonstrate this technique by extending a traditional unreachable code algorithm. To support more complex analysis, we then develop a technique for component developers to provide summary information about a component. This information can be integrated with several traditional static analysis techniques to analyze component-based systems more precisely. We then demonstrate the effectiveness of these techniques on several real Department of Defense (DoD) COTS component-based systems

    Capture-based Automated Test Input Generation

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    Testing object-oriented software is critical because object-oriented languages have been commonly used in developing modern software systems. Many efficient test input generation techniques for object-oriented software have been proposed; however, state-of-the-art algorithms yield very low code coverage (e.g., less than 50%) on large-scale software. Therefore, one important and yet challenging problem is to generate desirable input objects for receivers and arguments that can achieve high code coverage (such as branch coverage) or help reveal bugs. Desirable objects help tests exercise the new parts of the code. However, generating desirable objects has been a significant challenge for automated test input generation tools, partly because the search space for such desirable objects is huge. To address this significant challenge, we propose a novel approach called Capture-based Automated Test Input Generation for Objected-Oriented Unit Testing (CAPTIG). The contributions of this proposed research are the following. First, CAPTIG enhances method-sequence generation techniques. Our approach intro-duces a set of new algorithms for guided input and method selection that increase code coverage. In addition, CAPTIG efficently reduces the amount of generated input. Second, CAPTIG captures objects dynamically from program execution during either system testing or real use. These captured inputs can support existing automated test input generation tools, such as a random testing tool called Randoop, to achieve higher code coverage. Third, CAPTIG statically analyzes the observed branches that had not been covered and attempts to exercise them by mutating existing inputs, based on the weakest precon-dition analysis. This technique also contributes to achieve higher code coverage. Fourth, CAPTIG can be used to reproduce software crashes, based on crash stack trace. This feature can considerably reduce cost for analyzing and removing causes of the crashes. In addition, each CAPTIG technique can be independently applied to leverage existing testing techniques. We anticipate our approach can achieve higher code coverage with a reduced duration of time with smaller amount of test input. To evaluate this new approach, we performed experiments with well-known large-scale open-source software and discovered our approach can help achieve higher code coverage with fewer amounts of time and test inputs

    RELAP-7 Level 2 Milestone Report: Demonstration of a Steady State Single Phase PWR Simulation with RELAP-7

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    The document contains the simulation results of a steady state model PWR problem with the RELAP-7 code. The RELAP-7 code is the next generation nuclear reactor system safety analysis code being developed at Idaho National Laboratory (INL). The code is based on INL's modern scientific software development framework - MOOSE (Multi-Physics Object-Oriented Simulation Environment). This report summarizes the initial results of simulating a model steady-state single phase PWR problem using the current version of the RELAP-7 code. The major purpose of this demonstration simulation is to show that RELAP-7 code can be rapidly developed to simulate single-phase reactor problems. RELAP-7 is a new project started on October 1st, 2011. It will become the main reactor systems simulation toolkit for RISMC (Risk Informed Safety Margin Characterization) and the next generation tool in the RELAP reactor safety/systems analysis application series (the replacement for RELAP5). The key to the success of RELAP-7 is the simultaneous advancement of physical models, numerical methods, and software design while maintaining a solid user perspective. Physical models include both PDEs (Partial Differential Equations) and ODEs (Ordinary Differential Equations) and experimental based closure models. RELAP-7 will eventually utilize well posed governing equations for multiphase flow, which can be strictly verified. Closure models used in RELAP5 and newly developed models will be reviewed and selected to reflect the progress made during the past three decades. RELAP-7 uses modern numerical methods, which allow implicit time integration, higher order schemes in both time and space, and strongly coupled multi-physics simulations. RELAP-7 is written with object oriented programming language C++. Its development follows modern software design paradigms. The code is easy to read, develop, maintain, and couple with other codes. Most importantly, the modern software design allows the RELAP-7 code to evolve with time. RELAP-7 is a MOOSE-based application. MOOSE (Multiphysics Object-Oriented Simulation Environment) is a framework for solving computational engineering problems in a well-planned, managed, and coordinated way. By leveraging millions of lines of open source software packages, such as PETSC (a nonlinear solver developed at Argonne National Laboratory) and LibMesh (a Finite Element Analysis package developed at University of Texas), MOOSE significantly reduces the expense and time required to develop new applications. Numerical integration methods and mesh management for parallel computation are provided by MOOSE. Therefore RELAP-7 code developers only need to focus on physics and user experiences. By using the MOOSE development environment, RELAP-7 code is developed by following the same modern software design paradigms used for other MOOSE development efforts. There are currently over 20 different MOOSE based applications ranging from 3-D transient neutron transport, detailed 3-D transient fuel performance analysis, to long-term material aging. Multi-physics and multiple dimensional analyses capabilities can be obtained by coupling RELAP-7 and other MOOSE based applications and by leveraging with capabilities developed by other DOE programs. This allows restricting the focus of RELAP-7 to systems analysis-type simulations and gives priority to retain and significantly extend RELAP5's capabilities
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