446,095 research outputs found

    Economic evaluation of computed tomography in a teaching hospital

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    Computed tomography is very important for accurate diagnosis of some health conditions. However, the procurement and maintenance of CT equipment is expensive and the operating cost per study is high. Against the backdrop, that financial resources are scarce, prudent management and appropriate price fixing of CT scanning procedures is necessary for continuity in business. Objectives: To evaluate the operations of a CT facility employing accounting, financial, and management principles to elucidate how to optimize economic gains in the operations of medical imaging facilities. Method: Record of CT scans done at the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital (UPTH) from May, 2007 to December, 2008 and the revenues generated from the studies were obtained and used for economic performance evaluation of the CT facility. The evaluation was done by analyzing the average variable, fixed, and total costs, as well as the average revenue. Results: The operating cost per study for each of the studies was less than the billing per study thus, implying that profit was made per each study. Some studies contributed more to the profit per study than others e.g. sinuses, inner ear, and TMJ contributed 28,456.04 each to the profit/study while abdomen and chest contributed the least amounts of 17,792.01 and 17,818.24 respectively. Conclusion and recommendation: CT facility can generate enough profit to sustain itself if the products are adequately priced. It was therefore, recommended that part of the profit generated should be used to raise capital via a sinking fund for equipment replacement as demonstrated in the study

    A Consideration of the Influences that Predict Middle School Principal Attitudes

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    Today’s successful school systems have certainly evolved into “heroic learning organizations” (Brown & Moffett, 1999). Competing for such prestigious titles as National Blue Ribbon Schools and Carolina First Palmetto’s Finest Award Schools, additional pressures are placed on everyone involved. The person held most accountable for problem solving is the principal. Two of the most prominent pressures are the challenges of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) and schools meeting Annual Yearly Progress (AYP) requirements for all students. As the instructional leader, the principal influences every aspect of the school and each of its participants. In the process he or she becomes a cheerleader, team captain, nurse, psychologist, visionary, disciplinarian, diplomat, utilitarian, chaplain, judge, prosecutor, negotiator, and clairvoyant. The principal creates, drives, inspires, establishes the culture, engenders the school’s spirit, dreams the vision, and serves as a role model to ensure everyone is integrated into the all-inclusive learning environment

    Remembering Cod

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    Former cod fisherman and historian Ted Ames of Stonington, Maine, says he heard about an old salt who "hauled in 25 tons in 20 minutes after steaming to a favorite fishing spot. ... He filled the net so full that it could not be brought on board without sinking the vessel. So he pulled the net behind him into port and then waited for the tide to go out so he could get the fish.

    New cod war of words:'Cod is God' versus 'sod the cod'—Two opposed discourses on the North Sea Cod Recovery Programme

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    New insights into the North Sea Cod Recovery Programme (CRP), initiated in 2003 by the European Commission to reverse the long-term decline in cod stocks, are presented using discourse analysis. The main conservation measures taken under the CRP have been to reduce catch limits drastically and to increase control over vessels' fishing activities. There has been considerable controversy over the programme from its inception, with protagonists broadly divided into two discourses: (1) 'cod is God'-in which cod has assumed the status of the defining test of the European Union's (EU) resolve to manage fish stocks sustainably in EU waters; (2) 'sod the cod'-in which cod is regarded as one of a number of target commercial fish species, with no special status. Drawing on Frank Fischer's distinction between hegemonic and challenging discourses, we analyse the conflict between them at three levels: empirical; conceptual; and political. We consider moves to reconcile the two discourses in a policy consensus on a revised CRP, which suggest that the challenging discourse (sod-the-cod) has had some success in modifying the impact of the hegemonic discourse (cod-is-God

    Analysis of infrared optical polishing effluents and reduction of COD and TSS levels by ultrafiltration and coagulation/flocculation

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    Samples of polishing effluent produced during infrared optics manufacture were analyzed. Their particle size, composition, Zeta potential, chemical oxygen demand (COD), total suspended solids (TSS), and settleable solids were determined. Feasibility of treatment methods such as ultrafiltration (UF) and coagulation/flocculation was investigated to reduce both COD and TSS. It was found that effluents consisted of a suspension of micro- and nanoparticles. Effluent particle size distribution reflected the removal rate of the originating polishing process. Their composition was primarily germanium and other polished substrates as well as polishing abrasives. The effluent Zeta potential was highly negative and prevented particle settling. COD of all specimens was very high, which prevented sewage discharge. Laboratory-scale trials using UF showed substantial COD abatement of up to 74.1%. TSS was reduced to zero after UF. Comparable coagulation/flocculation COD abatement was demonstrated for the highest COD sample

    Cape Cod Sunset

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    Effect of influent nutrient ratios and hydraulic retention time (HRT) on simultaneous phosphorus and nitrogen removal in a two-sludge sequencing batch reactor process

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    A laboratory-scale anaerobic–anoxic/nitrification sequencing batch reactor (A2N- SBR) fed with domestic wastewater was operated to examine the effect of varying ratios of influent COD/P, COD/TN and TN/P on the nutrient removal. With the increased COD/P, the phosphorus removals exhibited an upward trend. The influent TN/P ratios had a positive linear correlation with the phosphorus removal efficiencies, mainly because nitrates act as electron acceptors for the phosphorus uptake in the A2N-SBR. Moreover, it was found that lower COD/TN ratio, e.g. 3.5, did not significantly weaken the phosphorus removal, though the nitrogen removal first decreased greatly. The optimal phosphorus and nitrogen removals of 94% and 91%, respectively were achieved with influent COD/P and COD/ TN ratios of 19.9 and 9.9, respectively. Additionally, a real-time control strategy for A2N-SBR can be undertaken based on some characteristic points of pH, redox potential (ORP) and dissolved oxygen (DO) profiles in order to obtain the optimum hydraulic retention time (HRT) and improve the operating reliabili

    Comparative Efficiency of Liquid Waste Water Treatment Batik Type of Indigosol Blue-04b by Fenton Method and Adsorption Method with Adsorbent Activated Coconut Charcoal of COD and Color Parameters

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    ABSTRAK Salah satu zat warna yang banyak digunakan untuk pewarnaan batik adalah Indigosol Blue-04B. Selain kandungan zat warnanya yang tinggi, limbah industri batik juga dapat menaikkan konsentrasi COD. Untuk itu diperlukan pengolahan limbah cair yang efektif dan efisien dalam menurunkan polutan organik dan zat warna limbah tersebut. Pada penelitian ini telah diuji pengolahan limbah batik menggunakan dua metode yaitu metode fenton yang merupakan salah satu teknologi AOPs dan metode adsorpsi dengan adsorben arang aktif batok kelapa. Pengolahan dengan dua metode tersebut kemudian akan dibandingkan efisiensinya terhadap parameter COD dan warna pada limbah batik artifisial Indigosol Blue-04B, sehingga didapatkan dosis optimum dari masing-masing metode. Pada metode Fenton menggunakan kecepatan pengadukan 200 rpm selama 2 jam dengan variasi reagen FeSO4.7H2O yaitu 0,25 gram; 0,5 gram; dan 1 gram dengan penambahan 1 ml H2O2 pada masing-masing variasi. Sedangkan pada metode adsorpsi dengan media arang aktif batok kelapa ukuran 8 Mesh yang telah diaktivasi menggunakan 1 M HCl digunakan sistem batch dengan kecepatan pengadukan 60 rpm selama 2 jam dengan variasi massa adsorben 25; 50; dan 100 gram. Dari hasil pengolahan diperoleh dosis optimum fenton dengan perbandingan 1 gram FeSO4.7H2O : 1 ml H2O2 pada menit ke-5 dengan efisiensi degradasi COD dan warna yaitu 66,42% dan 32,41% dan dosis optimum adsorpsi arang aktif batok kelapa yaitu 50 gram pada menit ke-15 dengan efisiensi degradasi COD dan warna yaitu 30,22% dan 33,36% dengan nilai kapasitas adsorben terbaik untuk parameter analisis COD dan warna pada model isoterm Langmuir yaitu 0.01008 mg/mg (COD) dan 0,00496 mg/mg (warna) dengan R>0,9. Meskipun kedua pengolahan yang memberikan penurunan COD dan warna, namun hasil signifikan menunjukkan bahwa metode fenton lebih baik dan efisien dalam pengolahan air limbah zat warna sintetis Indigosol Blue-04B. Kata Kunci: Limbah Industri Batik, Indigosol Blue-04B, Fenton, Adsorpsi, Arang Aktif Batok Kelapa, COD, Warna ABSTRACT One of the most widely used dye for batik staining is Indigosol Blue-04B. In addition to the high content of color substances, batik industrial waste can also increase the concentration of COD. Therefore, effective and efficient effluent treatment is needed to reduce the organic pollutant and the waste dyestuff. In this study batik waste treatment used two methods namely fenton method which is one of AOPs technology and adsorption method with adsorbent activated coconut charcoal. Processing with the two methods would then be compared the efficiency of COD parameters and color in artificial batik waste Indigosol Blue-04B, so that the optimum dose of each method is obtained. Fenton method used 200 rpm stirring speed for 2 hours with variation of FeSO4.7H2O reagent is 0,25 gram; 0.5 grams; and 1 gram with the addition of 1 ml of H2O2 in each variation. While on adsorption method with activated coconut charcoal media size 8 mesh which had been activated using 1 M HCl with batch system with stirring speed 60 rpm for 2 hours with variation of adsorbent mass 25; 50; and 100 grams. The result showed that the optimum dosage of coconut shell charcoal was 50 gram at minute 15 with efficiency of COD degradation and color that was 30,22% and 33,36% with best adsorbent capacity value for COD parameter and color in Langmuir isotherm model that is 0.01008 mg / mg (COD) and 0,00496 mg / mg (color) with R> 0.9. Although both treatments provided a decrease in COD and color, but significant results indicated that the fenton method is better and more efficient in the processing of synthetic dye of Indigosol Blue-04B. Keywords : Batik Industrial Waste, Indigosol Blue-04B, Fenton, Adsorption, Activated Coconut Charcoal, COD, Colo
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