29 research outputs found

    Partition Pruning: Parallelization-Aware Pruning for Deep Neural Networks

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    Parameters of recent neural networks require a huge amount of memory. These parameters are used by neural networks to perform machine learning tasks when processing inputs. To speed up inference, we develop Partition Pruning, an innovative scheme to reduce the parameters used while taking into consideration parallelization. We evaluated the performance and energy consumption of parallel inference of partitioned models, which showed a 7.72x speed up of performance and a 2.73x reduction in the energy used for computing pruned layers of TinyVGG16 in comparison to running the unpruned model on a single accelerator. In addition, our method showed a limited reduction some numbers in accuracy while partitioning fully connected layers

    SMAUG: End-to-End Full-Stack Simulation Infrastructure for Deep Learning Workloads

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    In recent years, there has been tremendous advances in hardware acceleration of deep neural networks. However, most of the research has focused on optimizing accelerator microarchitecture for higher performance and energy efficiency on a per-layer basis. We find that for overall single-batch inference latency, the accelerator may only make up 25-40%, with the rest spent on data movement and in the deep learning software framework. Thus far, it has been very difficult to study end-to-end DNN performance during early stage design (before RTL is available) because there are no existing DNN frameworks that support end-to-end simulation with easy custom hardware accelerator integration. To address this gap in research infrastructure, we present SMAUG, the first DNN framework that is purpose-built for simulation of end-to-end deep learning applications. SMAUG offers researchers a wide range of capabilities for evaluating DNN workloads, from diverse network topologies to easy accelerator modeling and SoC integration. To demonstrate the power and value of SMAUG, we present case studies that show how we can optimize overall performance and energy efficiency for up to 1.8-5x speedup over a baseline system, without changing any part of the accelerator microarchitecture, as well as show how SMAUG can tune an SoC for a camera-powered deep learning pipeline.Comment: 14 pages, 20 figure

    Domain-specific Accelerators for Ideal Lattice-based Public Key Protocols

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    Post Quantum Lattice-Based Cryptography (LBC) schemes are increasingly gaining attention in traditional and emerging security problems, such as encryption, digital signature, key exchange, homomorphic encryption etc, to address security needs of both short and long-lived devices — due to their foundational properties and ease of implementation. However, LBC schemes induce higher computational demand compared to classic schemes (e.g., DSA, ECDSA) for equivalent security guarantees, making domain-specific acceleration a viable option for improving security and favor early adoption of LBC schemes by the semiconductor industry. In this paper, we present a workflow to explore the design space of domain-specific accelerators for LBC schemes, to target a diverse set of host devices, from resource-constrained IoT devices to high-performance computing platforms. We present design exploration results on workloads executing NewHope and BLISSB-I schemes accelerated by our domain-specific accelerators, with respect to a baseline without acceleration. We show that achieved performance with acceleration makes the execution of NewHope and BLISSB-I comparable to classic key exchange and digital signature schemes while retaining some form of general purpose programmability. In addition to 44% and 67% improvement in energy-delay product (EDP), we enhance performance (cycles) of the sign and verify steps in BLISSB-I schemes by 24% and 47%, respectively. Performance (EDP) improvement of server and client side of the NewHope key exchange is improved by 37% and 33% (52% and 48%), demonstrating the utility of the design space exploration framework

    NATSA: A Near-Data Processing Accelerator for Time Series Analysis

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    Time series analysis is a key technique for extracting and predicting events in domains as diverse as epidemiology, genomics, neuroscience, environmental sciences, economics, and more. Matrix profile, the state-of-the-art algorithm to perform time series analysis, computes the most similar subsequence for a given query subsequence within a sliced time series. Matrix profile has low arithmetic intensity, but it typically operates on large amounts of time series data. In current computing systems, this data needs to be moved between the off-chip memory units and the on-chip computation units for performing matrix profile. This causes a major performance bottleneck as data movement is extremely costly in terms of both execution time and energy. In this work, we present NATSA, the first Near-Data Processing accelerator for time series analysis. The key idea is to exploit modern 3D-stacked High Bandwidth Memory (HBM) to enable efficient and fast specialized matrix profile computation near memory, where time series data resides. NATSA provides three key benefits: 1) quickly computing the matrix profile for a wide range of applications by building specialized energy-efficient floating-point arithmetic processing units close to HBM, 2) improving the energy efficiency and execution time by reducing the need for data movement over slow and energy-hungry buses between the computation units and the memory units, and 3) analyzing time series data at scale by exploiting low-latency, high-bandwidth, and energy-efficient memory access provided by HBM. Our experimental evaluation shows that NATSA improves performance by up to 14.2x (9.9x on average) and reduces energy by up to 27.2x (19.4x on average), over the state-of-the-art multi-core implementation. NATSA also improves performance by 6.3x and reduces energy by 10.2x over a general-purpose NDP platform with 64 in-order cores.Comment: To appear in the 38th IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD 2020

    A New System Architecture for Heterogeneous Compute Units

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    The ongoing trend to more heterogeneous systems forces us to rethink the design of systems. In this work, I study a new system design that considers heterogeneous compute units (general-purpose cores with different instruction sets, DSPs, FPGAs, fixed-function accelerators, etc.) from the beginning instead of as an afterthought. The goal is to treat all compute units (CUs) as first-class citizens, enabling (1) isolation and secure communication between all types of CUs, (2) a direct interaction of all CUs, removing the conventional CPU from the critical path, and (3) access to operating system (OS) services such as file systems and network stacks for all CUs. To study this system design, I am using a hardware/software co-design based on two key ideas: 1) introduce a new hardware component next to each CU used by the OS as the CUs' common interface and 2) let the OS kernel control applications remotely from a different CU. The hardware component is called data transfer unit (DTU) and offers the minimal set of features to reach the stated goals: secure message passing and memory access. The OS is called M³ and runs its kernel on a dedicated CU and runs the OS services and applications on the remaining CUs. The kernel is responsible for establishing DTU-based communication channels between services and applications. After a channel has been set up, services and applications communicate directly without involving the kernel. This approach allows to support arbitrary CUs as aforementioned first-class citizens, ranging from fixed-function accelerators to complex general-purpose cores