8 research outputs found

    Predictor-corrector interior-point algorithm for sufficient linear complementarity problems based on a new type of algebraic equivalent transformation technique

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    We propose a new predictor-corrector (PC) interior-point algorithm (IPA) for solving linear complementarity problem (LCP) with P_* (Îș)-matrices. The introduced IPA uses a new type of algebraic equivalent transformation (AET) on the centering equations of the system defining the central path. The new technique was introduced by Darvay et al. [21] for linear optimization. The search direction discussed in this paper can be derived from positive-asymptotic kernel function using the function φ(t)=t^2 in the new type of AET. We prove that the IPA has O(1+4Îș)√n log⁡〖(3nÎŒ^0)/Δ〗 iteration complexity, where Îș is an upper bound of the handicap of the input matrix. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first PC IPA for P_* (Îș)-LCPs which is based on this search direction

    An algorithmic characterization of P-matricity

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    International audienceIt is shown that a matrix M is a P-matrix if and only if, whatever is the vector q, the Newton-min algorithm does not cycle between two points when it is used to solve the linear complementarity problem 0 ≀ x ⊄ (Mx+q) ≄ 0.Nous montrons dans cet article qu'une matrice M est une P-matrice si, et seulement si, quel que soit le vecteur q, l'algorithme de Newton-min ne fait pas de cycle de deux points lorsqu'il est utilisĂ© pour rĂ©soudre le problĂšme de compl\Ă©mentaritĂ© linĂ©aire 0 ≀ x ⊄ (Mx+q) ≄ 0

    On the complexity of computing the handicap of a sufficient matrix

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    The class of sufficient matrices is important in the study of the linear complementarity problem (LCP)—some interior point methods (IPM’s) for LCP’s with sufficient data matrices have complexity polynomial in the bit size of the matrix and its handicap.In this paper we show that the handicap of a sufficient matrix may be exponential in its bit size, implying that the known complexity bounds of interior point methods are not polynomial in the input size of the LCP problem. We also introduce a semidefinite programming based heuristic, that provides a finite upper bond on the handicap, for the sub-class of Ρ-matrices (where all principal minors are positive)

    New predictor-corrector interior-point algorithm with AET function having inflection point

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    In this paper we introduce a new predictor-corrector interior-point algorithm for solving P_* (Îș)-linear complementarity problems. For the determination of search directions we use the algebraically equivalent transformation (AET) technique. In this method we apply the function φ(t)=t^2-t+√t which has inflection point. It is interesting that the kernel corresponding to this AET function is neither self-regular, nor eligible. We present the complexity analysis of the proposed interior-point algorithm and we show that it's iteration bound matches the best known iteration bound for this type of PC IPAs given in the literature. It should be mentioned that usually the iteration bound is given for a fixed update and proximity parameter. In this paper we provide a set of parameters for which the PC IPA is well defined. Moreover, we also show the efficiency of the algorithm by providing numerical results

    An Algorithmic Characterization of PP-Matricity

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    Nonconvergence of the plain Newton-min algorithm for linear complementarity problems with a P-matrix --- The full report.

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    The plain Newton-min algorithm to solve the linear complementarity problem (LCP for short) 0 ≀ x ⊄ (Mx+q) ≄ 0 can be viewed as a nonsmooth Newton algorithm without globalization technique to solve the system of piecewise linear equations min(x,Mx+q)=0, which is equivalent to the LCP. When M is an M-matrix of order n, the algorithm is known to converge in at most n iterations. We show in this paper that this result no longer holds when M is a P-matrix of order ≄ 3, since then the algorithm may cycle. P-matrices are interesting since they are those ensuring the existence and uniqueness of the solution to the LCP for an arbitrary q. Incidentally, convergence occurs for a P-matrix of order 1 or 2.L'algorithme Newton-min, utilisĂ© pour rĂ©soudre le problĂšme de complĂ©mentaritĂ© linĂ©aire (PCL) 0 ≀ x ⊄ (Mx+q) ≄ 0 peut ĂȘtre interprĂ©tĂ© comme un algorithme de Newton non lisse sans globalisation cherchant Ă  rĂ©soudre le systĂšme d'Ă©quations linĂ©aires par morceaux min(x,Mx+q)=0, qui est Ă©quivalent au PCL. Lorsque M est une M-matrice d'ordre n, on sait que l'algorithme converge en au plus n itĂ©rations. Nous montrons dans cet article que ce rĂ©sultat ne tient plus lorsque M est une P-matrice d'ordre n ≄ 3 ; l'algorithme peut en effet cycler dans ce cas. On a toutefois la convergence de l'algorithme pour une P-matrice d'ordre 1 ou 2