46 research outputs found

    Clustering and Sharing Incentives in BitTorrent Systems

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    Peer-to-peer protocols play an increasingly instrumental role in Internet content distribution. Consequently, it is important to gain a full understanding of how these protocols behave in practice and how their parameters impact overall performance. We present the first experimental investigation of the peer selection strategy of the popular BitTorrent protocol in an instrumented private torrent. By observing the decisions of more than 40 nodes, we validate three BitTorrent properties that, though widely believed to hold, have not been demonstrated experimentally. These include the clustering of similar-bandwidth peers, the effectiveness of BitTorrent's sharing incentives, and the peers' high average upload utilization. In addition, our results show that BitTorrent's new choking algorithm in seed state provides uniform service to all peers, and that an underprovisioned initial seed leads to the absence of peer clustering and less effective sharing incentives. Based on our observations, we provide guidelines for seed provisioning by content providers, and discuss a tracker protocol extension that addresses an identified limitation of the protocol

    Clustering and Sharing Incentives in BitTorrent Systems

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    Peer-to-peer protocols play an increasingly instrumental role in Internet content distribution. Consequently, it is important to gain a full understanding of how these protocols behave in practice and how their parameters impact overall performance. We present the first experimental investigation of the peer selection strategy of the popular BitTorrent protocol in an instrumented private torrent. By observing the decisions of more than 40 nodes, we validate three BitTorrent properties that, though widely believed to hold, have not been demonstrated experimentally. These include the clustering of similar-bandwidth peers, the effectiveness of BitTorrent's sharing incentives, and the peers' high average upload utilization. In addition, our results show that BitTorrent's new choking algorithm in seed state provides uniform service to all peers, and that an underprovisioned initial seed leads to the absence of peer clustering and less effective sharing incentives. Based on our observations, we provide guidelines for seed provisioning by content providers, and discuss a tracker protocol extension that addresses an identified limitation of the protocol

    A framework for highly reconfigurable P2P trackers

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    The increasing use of Peer to Peer (P2P) applications, usually ruled by selfish behaviors, is posing new challenges to the research community. As contributions of this work we firstly devise a general framework underpinning the development of highly reconfigurable P2P trackers. Following that, a novel tracker architecture is proposed and several illustrative and enhanced tracker configurations are described. As result, the devised solution turns possible that flexible, programmable and adaptive peer selection mechanisms can be introduced at the P2P application level. The proposed solution assumes the general framework of one of the most popular P2P solutions, in this case a BitTorrent-like approach. As illustrative examples of the proposed framework capabilities, several straightforward and easy to deploy tracker configuration examples are presented, including methods for qualitative differentiation of swarm peers and advanced P2P Traffic Engineering mechanisms fostering the collaboration efforts between ISPs and P2P applications. Both the framework and the devised tracker configurations are validated resorting to simulation experiments.(undefined

    Small Is Not Always Beautiful

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    Peer-to-peer content distribution systems have been enjoying great popularity, and are now gaining momentum as a means of disseminating video streams over the Internet. In many of these protocols, including the popular BitTorrent, content is split into mostly fixed-size pieces, allowing a client to download data from many peers simultaneously. This makes piece size potentially critical for performance. However, previous research efforts have largely overlooked this parameter, opting to focus on others instead. This paper presents the results of real experiments with varying piece sizes on a controlled BitTorrent testbed. We demonstrate that this parameter is indeed critical, as it determines the degree of parallelism in the system, and we investigate optimal piece sizes for distributing small and large content. We also pinpoint a related design trade-off, and explain how BitTorrent's choice of dividing pieces into subpieces attempts to address it

    Swarming Overlay Construction Strategies

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    Swarming peer-to-peer systems play an increasingly instrumental role in Internet content distribution. It is therefore important to better understand how these systems behave in practice. Recent research efforts have looked at various protocol parameters and have measured how they affect system performance and robustness. However, the importance of the strategy based on which peers establish connections has been largely overlooked. This work utilizes extensive simulations to examine the default overlay construction strategy in BitTorrent systems. Based on the results, we identify a critical parameter, the maximum allowable number of outgoing connections at each peer, and evaluate its impact on the robustness of the generated overlay. We find that there is no single optimal value for this parameter using the default strategy. We then propose an alternative strategy that allows certain new peer connection requests to replace existing connections. Further experiments with the new strategy demonstrate that it outperforms the default one for all considered metrics by creating an overlay more robust to churn. Additionally, our proposed strategy exhibits optimal behavior for a well-defined value of the maximum number of outgoing connections, thereby removing the need to set this parameter in an ad-hoc manner

    Modeling and Control of Rare Segments in BitTorrent with Epidemic Dynamics

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    Despite its existing incentives for leecher cooperation, BitTorrent file sharing fundamentally relies on the presence of seeder peers. Seeder peers essentially operate outside the BitTorrent incentives, with two caveats: slow downlinks lead to increased numbers of "temporary" seeders (who left their console, but will terminate their seeder role when they return), and the copyright liability boon that file segmentation offers for permanent seeders. Using a simple epidemic model for a two-segment BitTorrent swarm, we focus on the BitTorrent rule to disseminate the (locally) rarest segments first. With our model, we show that the rarest-segment first rule minimizes transition time to seeder (complete file acquisition) and equalizes the segment populations in steady-state. We discuss how alternative dissemination rules may {\em beneficially increase} file acquisition times causing leechers to remain in the system longer (particularly as temporary seeders). The result is that leechers are further enticed to cooperate. This eliminates the threat of extinction of rare segments which is prevented by the needed presence of permanent seeders. Our model allows us to study the corresponding trade-offs between performance improvement, load on permanent seeders, and content availability, which we leave for future work. Finally, interpreting the two-segment model as one involving a rare segment and a "lumped" segment representing the rest, we study a model that jointly considers control of rare segments and different uplinks causing "choking," where high-uplink peers will not engage in certain transactions with low-uplink peers.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, A shorter version of this paper that did not include the N-segment lumped model was presented in May 2011 at IEEE ICC, Kyot

    An automated framework for the management of P2P traffic in ISP infrastructures

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    Peer-to-Peer (P2P) is nowadays a widely used paradigm underpinning the deployment of several Internet services and applications. However, the management of P2P traffic aggregates is not an easy task for Internet Service Providers (ISPs). In this perspective, and considering an expectable proliferation in the use of such ap- plications, future networks require the development of smart mechanisms fostering an easier coexistence between P2P applications and ISP infrastructures. This paper aims to contribute for such research efforts presenting a framework incorporating useful mechanisms to be activated by network administrators, being also able to operate as an automated management tool dealing with P2P traffic aggregates.This work has been partially supported by FCT - Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia Portugal in the scope of the project: UID/CEC/00319/2013

    Context aware programmable trackers for the next generation Internet

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    This work introduces and proposes the concept of context aware programmable trackers for the next generation Internet. The pro- posed solution gives ground for the development of advanced applications based on the P2P paradigm and will foster collaborative efforts among several network entities (e.g. P2P applications and ISPs). The proposed concept of context aware programmable trackers allows that several peer selection strategies might be supported by a P2P tracker entity able to improve the peer selection decisions according with pre-defined objectives and external inputs provided by specific services. The flexible, adaptive and enhanced peer selection semantics that might be achieved by the proposed solution will contribute for devising novel P2P based services and business models for the future Internet