3,132 research outputs found

    Aggregation of Data by Using Top -K Spatial Query Preferences

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    A spatial database is a database that is optimized to store and query data that represents objects defined in a geometric space. A spatial preference query ranks objects based on the qualities of features in their spatial neighborhood. For example, using a real estate agency database of flats for lease, a customer may want to rank the flats with respect to the appropriateness of their location, defined after aggregating the qualities of other features (e.g., restaurants, cafes, hospital, market, etc.) within their spatial neighborhood. Such a neighborhood concept can be specified by the user via different functions. It can be an explicit circular region within a given distance from the flat. Another intuitive definition is to assign higher weights to the features based on their proximity to the flat. In this paper, we formally define spatial preference queries and propose appropriate indexing techniques and search algorithms for them. Extensive evaluation of our methods on both real and synthetic data reveals that an optimized branch-and-bound solution is efficient and robust with respect to different parameters. Index Terms: Query processing, spatial databases

    Efficient processing of large-scale spatio-temporal data

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    Millionen Geräte, wie z.B. Mobiltelefone, Autos und Umweltsensoren senden ihre Positionen zusammen mit einem Zeitstempel und weiteren Nutzdaten an einen Server zu verschiedenen Analysezwecken. Die Positionsinformationen und übertragenen Ereignisinformationen werden als Punkte oder Polygone dargestellt. Eine weitere Art räumlicher Daten sind Rasterdaten, die zum Beispiel von Kameras und Sensoren produziert werden. Diese großen räumlich-zeitlichen Datenmengen können nur auf skalierbaren Plattformen wie Hadoop und Apache Spark verarbeitet werden, die jedoch z.B. die Nachbarschaftsinformation nicht ausnutzen können - was die Ausführung bestimmter Anfragen praktisch unmöglich macht. Die wiederholten Ausführungen der Analyseprogramme während ihrer Entwicklung und durch verschiedene Nutzer resultieren in langen Ausführungszeiten und hohen Kosten für gemietete Ressourcen, die durch die Wiederverwendung von Zwischenergebnissen reduziert werden können. Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit den beiden oben beschriebenen Herausforderungen. Wir präsentieren zunächst das STARK Framework für die Verarbeitung räumlich-zeitlicher Vektor- und Rasterdaten in Apache Spark. Wir identifizieren verschiedene Algorithmen für Operatoren und analysieren, wie diese von den Eigenschaften der zugrundeliegenden Plattform profitieren können. Weiterhin wird untersucht, wie Indexe in der verteilten und parallelen Umgebung realisiert werden können. Außerdem vergleichen wir Partitionierungsmethoden, die unterschiedlich gut mit ungleichmäßiger Datenverteilung und der Größe der Datenmenge umgehen können und präsentieren einen Ansatz um die auf Operatorebene zu verarbeitende Datenmenge frühzeitig zu reduzieren. Um die Ausführungszeit von Programmen zu verkürzen, stellen wir einen Ansatz zur transparenten Materialisierung von Zwischenergebnissen vor. Dieser Ansatz benutzt ein Entscheidungsmodell, welches auf den tatsächlichen Operatorkosten basiert. In der Evaluierung vergleichen wir die verschiedenen Implementierungs- sowie Konfigurationsmöglichkeiten in STARK und identifizieren Szenarien wann Partitionierung und Indexierung eingesetzt werden sollten. Außerdem vergleichen wir STARK mit verwandten Systemen. Im zweiten Teil der Evaluierung zeigen wir, dass die transparente Wiederverwendung der materialisierten Zwischenergebnisse die Ausführungszeit der Programme signifikant verringern kann.Millions of location-aware devices, such as mobile phones, cars, and environmental sensors constantly report their positions often in combination with a timestamp to a server for different kinds of analyses. While the location information of the devices and reported events is represented as points and polygons, raster data is another type of spatial data, which is for example produced by cameras and sensors. This Big spatio-temporal Data needs to be processed on scalable platforms, such as Hadoop and Apache Spark, which, however, are unaware of, e.g., spatial neighborhood, what makes them practically impossible to use for this kind of data. The repeated executions of the programs during development and by different users result in long execution times and potentially high costs in rented clusters, which can be reduced by reusing commonly computed intermediate results. Within this thesis, we tackle the two challenges described above. First, we present the STARK framework for processing spatio-temporal vector and raster data on the Apache Spark stack. For operators, we identify several possible algorithms and study how they can benefit from the underlying platform's properties. We further investigate how indexes can be realized in the distributed and parallel architecture of Big Data processing engines and compare methods for data partitioning, which perform differently well with respect to data skew and data set size. Furthermore, an approach to reduce the amount of data to process at operator level is presented. In order to reduce the execution times, we introduce an approach to transparently recycle intermediate results of dataflow programs, based on operator costs. To compute the costs, we instrument the programs with profiling code to gather the execution time and result size of the operators. In the evaluation, we first compare the various implementation and configuration possibilities in STARK and identify scenarios when and how partitioning and indexing should be applied. We further compare STARK to related systems and show that we can achieve significantly better execution times, not only when exploiting existing partitioning information. In the second part of the evaluation, we show that with the transparent cost-based materialization and recycling of intermediate results, the execution times of programs can be reduced significantly

    EAGLE—A Scalable Query Processing Engine for Linked Sensor Data

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    Recently, many approaches have been proposed to manage sensor data using semantic web technologies for effective heterogeneous data integration. However, our empirical observations revealed that these solutions primarily focused on semantic relationships and unfortunately paid less attention to spatio–temporal correlations. Most semantic approaches do not have spatio–temporal support. Some of them have attempted to provide full spatio–temporal support, but have poor performance for complex spatio–temporal aggregate queries. In addition, while the volume of sensor data is rapidly growing, the challenge of querying and managing the massive volumes of data generated by sensing devices still remains unsolved. In this article, we introduce EAGLE, a spatio–temporal query engine for querying sensor data based on the linked data model. The ultimate goal of EAGLE is to provide an elastic and scalable system which allows fast searching and analysis with respect to the relationships of space, time and semantics in sensor data. We also extend SPARQL with a set of new query operators in order to support spatio–temporal computing in the linked sensor data context.EC/H2020/732679/EU/ACTivating InnoVative IoT smart living environments for AGEing well/ACTIVAGEEC/H2020/661180/EU/A Scalable and Elastic Platform for Near-Realtime Analytics for The Graph of Everything/SMARTE

    Clustering uncertain data using voronoi diagrams and R-tree index

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    We study the problem of clustering uncertain objects whose locations are described by probability density functions (pdfs). We show that the UK-means algorithm, which generalizes the k-means algorithm to handle uncertain objects, is very inefficient. The inefficiency comes from the fact that UK-means computes expected distances (EDs) between objects and cluster representatives. For arbitrary pdfs, expected distances are computed by numerical integrations, which are costly operations. We propose pruning techniques that are based on Voronoi diagrams to reduce the number of expected distance calculations. These techniques are analytically proven to be more effective than the basic bounding-box-based technique previously known in the literature. We then introduce an R-tree index to organize the uncertain objects so as to reduce pruning overheads. We conduct experiments to evaluate the effectiveness of our novel techniques. We show that our techniques are additive and, when used in combination, significantly outperform previously known methods. © 2006 IEEE.published_or_final_versio

    When Things Matter: A Data-Centric View of the Internet of Things

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    With the recent advances in radio-frequency identification (RFID), low-cost wireless sensor devices, and Web technologies, the Internet of Things (IoT) approach has gained momentum in connecting everyday objects to the Internet and facilitating machine-to-human and machine-to-machine communication with the physical world. While IoT offers the capability to connect and integrate both digital and physical entities, enabling a whole new class of applications and services, several significant challenges need to be addressed before these applications and services can be fully realized. A fundamental challenge centers around managing IoT data, typically produced in dynamic and volatile environments, which is not only extremely large in scale and volume, but also noisy, and continuous. This article surveys the main techniques and state-of-the-art research efforts in IoT from data-centric perspectives, including data stream processing, data storage models, complex event processing, and searching in IoT. Open research issues for IoT data management are also discussed

    Query Workload-Aware Index Structures for Range Searches in 1D, 2D, and High-Dimensional Spaces

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    abstract: Most current database management systems are optimized for single query execution. Yet, often, queries come as part of a query workload. Therefore, there is a need for index structures that can take into consideration existence of multiple queries in a query workload and efficiently produce accurate results for the entire query workload. These index structures should be scalable to handle large amounts of data as well as large query workloads. The main objective of this dissertation is to create and design scalable index structures that are optimized for range query workloads. Range queries are an important type of queries with wide-ranging applications. There are no existing index structures that are optimized for efficient execution of range query workloads. There are also unique challenges that need to be addressed for range queries in 1D, 2D, and high-dimensional spaces. In this work, I introduce novel cost models, index selection algorithms, and storage mechanisms that can tackle these challenges and efficiently process a given range query workload in 1D, 2D, and high-dimensional spaces. In particular, I introduce the index structures, HCS (for 1D spaces), cSHB (for 2D spaces), and PSLSH (for high-dimensional spaces) that are designed specifically to efficiently handle range query workload and the unique challenges arising from their respective spaces. I experimentally show the effectiveness of the above proposed index structures by comparing with state-of-the-art techniques.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Computer Science 201

    Qualitative Spatial Query Processing : Towards Cognitive Geographic Information Systems

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    For a long time, Geographic Information Systems (GISs) have been used by GIS-experts to perform numerous tasks including way finding, mapping, and querying geo-spatial databases. The advancement of Web 2.0 technologies and the development of mobile-based device applications present an excellent opportunity to allow the public -non-expert users- to access information of GISs. However, the interfaces of GISs were mainly designed and developed based on quantitative values of spatial databases to serve GIS-experts, whereas non-expert users usually prefer a qualitative approach to interacting with GISs. For example, humans typically resort to expressions such as the building is near a riverbank or there is a restaurant inside a park which qualitatively locate the spatial entity with respect to another. In other words, the users' interaction with current GISs is still not intuitive and not efficient. This dissertation thusly aims at enabling users to intuitively and efficiently search spatial databases of GISs by means of qualitative relations or terms such as left, north of, or inside. We use these qualitative relations to formalise so-called Qualitative Spatial Queries (QSQs). Aside from existing topological models, we integrate distance and directional qualitative models into Spatial Data-Base Management Systems (SDBMSs) to allow the qualitative and intuitive formalism of queries in GISs. Furthermore, we abstract binary Qualitative Spatial Relations (QSRs) covering the aforementioned aspects of space from the database objects. We store the abstracted QSRs in a Qualitative Spatial Layer (QSL) that we extend into current SDBMSs to avoid the additional cost of the abstraction process when dealing with every single query. Nevertheless, abstracting the QSRs of QSL results in a high space complexity in terms of qualitative representations

    A Survey on Array Storage, Query Languages, and Systems

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    Since scientific investigation is one of the most important providers of massive amounts of ordered data, there is a renewed interest in array data processing in the context of Big Data. To the best of our knowledge, a unified resource that summarizes and analyzes array processing research over its long existence is currently missing. In this survey, we provide a guide for past, present, and future research in array processing. The survey is organized along three main topics. Array storage discusses all the aspects related to array partitioning into chunks. The identification of a reduced set of array operators to form the foundation for an array query language is analyzed across multiple such proposals. Lastly, we survey real systems for array processing. The result is a thorough survey on array data storage and processing that should be consulted by anyone interested in this research topic, independent of experience level. The survey is not complete though. We greatly appreciate pointers towards any work we might have forgotten to mention.Comment: 44 page
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