8 research outputs found

    Mining local staircase patterns in noisy data

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    Most traditional biclustering algorithms identify biclusters with no or little overlap. In this paper, we introduce the problem of identifying staircases of biclusters. Such staircases may be indicative for causal relationships between columns and can not easily be identified by existing biclustering algorithms. Our formalization relies on a scoring function based on the Minimum Description Length principle. Furthermore, we propose a first algorithm for identifying staircase biclusters, based on a combination of local search and constraint programming. Experiments show that the approach is promising

    Formal Concept Analysis and Knowledge Integration for Highlighting Statistically Enriched Functions from Microarrays Data

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    International audienceIn this paper we introduce a new method for extracting enriched biological functions from transcriptomic databases using an integrative bi-classication approach. The initial gene datasets are firstly represented as a formal context (objects attributes), where objects are genes, and attributes are their expression profiles and complementary information of different knowledge bases. After that, Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) is applied for extracting formal concepts regrouping genes having similar transcriptomic profiles and functional behaviors. An enrichment analysis is then performed in order to identify the pertinent formal concepts from the generated Galois lattice, and to extract biological functions that could participate in the proliferation of cancers

    Formal Concept Analysis with Constraints by EM Operators

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    Clustering formal concepts to discover biologically relevant knowledge from gene expression data.

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    The production of high-throughput gene expression data has generated a crucial need for bioinformatics tools to generate biologically interesting hypotheses. Whereas many tools are available for extracting global patterns, less attention has been focused on local pattern discovery. We propose here an original way to discover knowledge from gene expression data by means of the so-called formal concepts which hold in derived Boolean gene expression datasets. We first encoded the over-expression properties of genes in human cells using human SAGE data. It has given rise to a Boolean matrix from which we extracted the complete collection of formal concepts, i.e., all the largest sets of over-expressed genes associated to a largest set of biological situations in which their over-expression is observed. Complete collections of such patterns tend to be huge. Since their interpretation is a time-consuming task, we propose a new method to rapidly visualize clusters of formal concepts. This designates a reasonable number of Quasi-Synexpression-Groups (QSGs) for further analysis. The interest of our approach is illustrated using human SAGE data and interpreting one of the extracted QSGs. The assessment of its biological relevancy leads to the formulation of both previously proposed and new biological hypotheses

    Formal Concept Analysis Applications in Bioinformatics

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    Bioinformatics is an important field that seeks to solve biological problems with the help of computation. One specific field in bioinformatics is that of genomics, the study of genes and their functions. Genomics can provide valuable analysis as to the interaction between how genes interact with their environment. One such way to measure the interaction is through gene expression data, which determines whether (and how much) a certain gene activates in a situation. Analyzing this data can be critical for predicting diseases or other biological reactions. One method used for analysis is Formal Concept Analysis (FCA), a computing technique based in partial orders that allows the user to examine the structural properties of binary data based on which subsets of the data set depend on each other. This thesis surveys, in breadth and depth, the current literature related to the use of FCA for bioinformatics, with particular focus on gene expression data. This includes descriptions of current data management techniques specific to FCA, such as lattice reduction, discretization, and variations of FCA to account for different data types. Advantages and shortcomings of using FCA for genomic investigations, as well as the feasibility of using FCA for this application are addressed. Finally, several areas for future doctoral research are proposed. Adviser: Jitender S. Deogu

    Mining gene expression data with pattern structures in formal concept analysis

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    International audienceThis paper addresses the important problem of efficiently mining numerical data with formal concept analysis (FCA). Classically, the only way to apply FCA is to binarize the data, thanks to a so-called scaling procedure. This may either involve loss of information, or produce large and dense binary data known as hard to process. In the context of gene expression data analysis, we propose and compare two FCA-based methods for mining numerical data and we show that they are equivalent. The first one relies on a particular scaling, encoding all possible intervals of attribute values, and uses standard FCA techniques. The second one relies on pattern structures without a priori transformation, and is shown to be more computationally efficient and to provide more readable results. Experiments with real-world gene expression data are discussed and give a practical basis for the comparison and evaluation of the methods