123 research outputs found

    Impulsive Cluster Anticonsensus of Discrete Multiagent Linear Dynamic Systems

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    Cluster anticonsensus is another important type consensus of multiagent systems. In this paper, we investigate the problem of impulsive cluster anticonsensus of discrete multiagent linear dynamic systems. Firstly, an impulsive protocol is designed to achieve the cluster anticonsensus. Then sufficient conditions are given to guarantee the cluster anticonsensus of the discrete multiagent linear dynamic system based on the Q-theory. Numerical simulation shows the effectiveness of our theoretical results

    Leader-following identical consensus for Markov jump nonlinear multi-agent systems subjected to attacks with impulse

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    The issue of leader-following identical consensus for nonlinear Markov jump multiagent systems (NMJMASs) under deception attacks (DAs) or denial-of-service (DoS) attacks is investigated in this paper. The Bernoulli random variable is introduced to describe whether the controller is injected with false data, that is, whether the systems are subjected to DAs. A connectivity recovery mechanism is constructed to maintain the connection among multi-agents when the systems are subjected to DoS attack. The impulsive control strategy is adopted to ensure that the systems can normally work under DAs or DoS attacks. Based on graph theory, Lyapunov stability theory, and impulsive theory, using the Lyapunov direct method and stochastic analysis method, the sufficient conditions of identical consensus for Markov jump multi-agent systems (MJMASs) under DAs or DoS are obtained, respectively. Finally, the correctness of the results and the effectiveness of the method are verified by two numerical examples

    Enhanced cooperative car-following traffic model with the combination of V2V and V2I communication

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    Vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication are emerging components of intelligent transport systems (ITS) based on which vehicles can drive in a cooperative way and, hence, significantly improve traffic flow efficiency. However, due to the high vehicle mobility, the unreliable vehicular communications such as packet loss and transmission delay can impair the performance of the cooperative driving system (CDS). In addition, the downstream traffic information collected by roadside sensors in the V2I communication may introduce measurement errors, which also affect the performance of the CDS. The goal of this paper is to bridge the gap between traffic flow modelling and communication approaches in order to build up better cooperative traffic systems. To this end, we aim to develop an enhanced cooperative microscopic (car-following) traffic model considering V2V and V2I communication (or V2X for short), and investigate how vehicular communications affect the vehicle cooperative driving, especially in traffic disturbance scenarios. For these purposes, we design a novel consensus-based vehicle control algorithm for the CDS, in which not only the local traffic flow stability is guaranteed, but also the shock waves are supposed to be smoothed. The IEEE 802.11p, the defacto vehicular networking standard, is selected as the communication protocols, and the roadside sensors are deployed to collect the average speed in the targeted area as the downstream traffic reference. Specifically, the imperfections of vehicular communication as well as the measured information noise are taken into account. Numerical results show the efficiency of the proposed scheme. This paper attempts to theoretically investigate the relationship between vehicular communications and cooperative driving, which is needed for the future deployment of both connected vehicles and infrastructure (i.e. V2X

    A Survey on Formation Control of Small Satellites

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    Cooperative control for multi-vehicle swarms

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    The cooperative control of large-scale multi-agent systems has gained a significant interest in recent years from the robotics and control communities for multi-vehicle control. One motivator for the growing interest is the application of spatially and temporally distributed multiple unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) systems for distributed sensing and collaborative operations. In this research, the multi-vehicle control problem is addressed using a decentralised control system. The work aims to provide a decentralised control framework that synthesises the self-organised and coordinated behaviour of natural swarming systems into cooperative UAV systems. The control system design framework is generalised for application into various other multi-agent systems including cellular robotics, ad-hoc communication networks, and modular smart-structures. The approach involves identifying su itable relationships that describe the behaviour of the UAVs within the swarm and the interactions of these behaviours to produce purposeful high-level actions for system operators. A major focus concerning the research involves the development of suitable analytical tools that decomposes the general swarm behaviours to the local vehicle level. The control problem is approached using two-levels of abstraction; the supervisory level, and the local vehicle level. Geometric control techniques based on differential geometry are used at the supervisory level to reduce the control problem to a small set of permutation and size invariant abstract descriptors. The abstract descriptors provide an open-loop optimal state and control trajectory for the collective swarm and are used to describe the intentions of the vehicles. Decentralised optimal control is implemented at the local vehicle level to synthesise self-organised and cooperative behaviour. A deliberative control scheme is implemented at the local vehicle le vel that demonstrates autonomous, cooperative and optimal behaviour whilst the preserving precision and reliability at the local vehicle level
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