404 research outputs found

    Cluster Editing: Kernelization based on Edge Cuts

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    Kernelization algorithms for the {\sc cluster editing} problem have been a popular topic in the recent research in parameterized computation. Thus far most kernelization algorithms for this problem are based on the concept of {\it critical cliques}. In this paper, we present new observations and new techniques for the study of kernelization algorithms for the {\sc cluster editing} problem. Our techniques are based on the study of the relationship between {\sc cluster editing} and graph edge-cuts. As an application, we present an O(n2){\cal O}(n^2)-time algorithm that constructs a 2k2k kernel for the {\it weighted} version of the {\sc cluster editing} problem. Our result meets the best kernel size for the unweighted version for the {\sc cluster editing} problem, and significantly improves the previous best kernel of quadratic size for the weighted version of the problem

    Next Generation Cluster Editing

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    This work aims at improving the quality of structural variant prediction from the mapped reads of a sequenced genome. We suggest a new model based on cluster editing in weighted graphs and introduce a new heuristic algorithm that allows to solve this problem quickly and with a good approximation on the huge graphs that arise from biological datasets

    Parameterized Dynamic Cluster Editing

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    We introduce a dynamic version of the NP-hard Cluster Editing problem. The essential point here is to take into account dynamically evolving input graphs: Having a cluster graph (that is, a disjoint union of cliques) that represents a solution for a first input graph, can we cost-efficiently transform it into a "similar" cluster graph that is a solution for a second ("subsequent") input graph? This model is motivated by several application scenarios, including incremental clustering, the search for compromise clusterings, or also local search in graph-based data clustering. We thoroughly study six problem variants (edge editing, edge deletion, edge insertion; each combined with two distance measures between cluster graphs). We obtain both fixed-parameter tractability as well as parameterized hardness results, thus (except for two open questions) providing a fairly complete picture of the parameterized computational complexity landscape under the perhaps two most natural parameterizations: the distance of the new "similar" cluster graph to (i) the second input graph and to (ii) the input cluster graph

    PACE solver description: KaPoCE: A heuristic cluster editing algorithm

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    The cluster editing problem is to transform an input graph into a cluster graph by performing a minimum number of edge editing operations. A cluster graph is a graph where each connected component is a clique. An edit operation can be either adding a new edge or removing an existing edge. In this write-up we outline the core techniques used in the heuristic cluster editing algorithm of the Karlsruhe and Potsdam Cluster Editing (KaPoCE) framework, submitted to the heuristic track of the 2021 PACE challenge

    PACE Solver Description: ?Solver - Heuristic Track

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    This document describes our heuristic Cluster Editing solver, ?Solver, which got the third place in the 2021 PACE Challenge. We present the local search and kernelization techniques for Cluster Editing that are implemented in the solver

    PACE Solver Description: KaPoCE: A Heuristic Cluster Editing Algorithm

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    The cluster editing problem is to transform an input graph into a cluster graph by performing a minimum number of edge editing operations. A cluster graph is a graph where each connected component is a clique. An edit operation can be either adding a new edge or removing an existing edge. In this write-up we outline the core techniques used in the heuristic cluster editing algorithm of the Karlsruhe and Potsdam Cluster Editing (KaPoCE) framework, submitted to the heuristic track of the 2021 PACE challenge

    Next generation cluster editing

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