313 research outputs found

    Digital Capability Dissected

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    There is a growing interest in digital innovation and transformation among the researchers and practitioners. It has been recognised that being “digital” is not all about digital data and information technologies. The notion of “digital capability” has been increasingly embraced, but definitions of this concept have remained vague and elusive. A salient research question remains: what is digital capability? This question is explored in this paper from theoretical and practical perspectives in the form of a conceptual construct: the Digital Capability Framework (D-CaF). The framework distinguishes six levels and seven dimensions of digital capability. It is intended to provide a foundation to plan and execute digital capability driven innovation and transformation initiatives. Further, it helps identify and prioritise the research areas of high impact for further studies

    Towards interoperable e-Health system in Tanzania: analysis and evaluation of the current security trends and big data sharing dynamics

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    This research article published by the International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration (IJATEE), Volume-6 Issue-59 October-2019In this paper an insight on various e-health interoperable systems was reviewed to discover strengths and challenges faced during sustainable implementation. It covered local, national and regional coverage of integrated systems towards implementation of a single unified e-health system. Peer reviewed and grey literatures were consulted to discover global and local trend and efforts towards implementations of e-health interoperable systems. The available systems and frameworks from the European Union, Asia, America, Oceania and Africa were analyzed for their strengths and challenges. Various policies, guides as well as free and proprietary standards associated with e-health interoperability was reviewed to understand the common standards adopted by the majority of existing systems. The findings of the analysis are useful for policy makers on the best ways to implement interoperable systems in developing countries by focusing on the existing infrastructures and the environment. Similarly, the strengths and challenges encountered by interoperable systems were also examined to provide recommendations for future studies

    Global Understanding of Accretion and Ejection around Black Holes

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    Accretion-ejection around compact objects, mainly around black holes, both in low mass, supermassive, and intermediate-mass, are rich and has been studied exhaustively. However, the subject is expanding and growing rapidly after the launch of different space-based satellites and ground-based telescopes in multiwavelength bands, leaving a range of questions on accretion and ejection mechanisms. The proper understanding of the underlying physical mechanisms responsible for observational evidence is still lacking for several reasons. With the advent of high-resolution satellite observations, it is possible to look at the problems globally as a complete package in a more consistent way. Recently, many new low mass black hole candidates have been discovered; however, very little is known about those systems, e.g., mass, spin parameter, and orbital period. The study in the spectro-temporal domain also needs proper understanding of spectral state change, quasi-periodic oscillation frequency evolution, hardness intensity diagram, and line emissions. The goal and motivation of this book are to focus on top-quality original works in the above-mentioned context, with important research facts that are written in a highly understandable way, from a theoretical, observational, and numerical simulation ground.This book is a collection of high-quality research work, which will give a compact and concise description of the overall view of the subject

    A Cross-cultural Anthology of Mythological Flood Stories

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    Inaccessibility and low maintenance of medical data archive in low-middle income countries: Mystery behind public health statistics and measures

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    Africa bears the largest burden of communicable and non-communicable diseases globally, yet it contributes only about 1 % of global research output, partly because of inaccessibility and low maintenance of medical data. Data is widely recognized as a crucial tool for improvement of population health. Despite the introduction of electronic health data systems in low-and middle-income countries (LMICs) to improve data quality, some LMICs still lack an efficient system to collect and archive data. This study aims to examine the underlying causes of data archive inaccessibility and poor maintenance in LMICS, and to highlight sustainable mitigation measures. Method Authors conducted a comprehensive search on PubMed, Google scholar, organization websites using the search string “data archive” or “medical data” or “public health statistics” AND “challenges” AND “maintenance” AND “Low Middle Income Countries” or “LMIC”. to Identify relevant studies and reports to be included in our review. All articles related data archive in low and middle income countries were considered without restrictions due to scarcity of data. Result Medical data archives in LMICs face challenges impacting data quality. Insufficient training, organizational constraints, and limited infrastructure hinder archive maintenance. To improve, support for public datasets, digital literacy, and technology infrastructure is needed. Standardization, cloud solutions, and advanced technologies can enhance data management, while capacity building and training programs are crucial. Conclusion The creation and maintenance of data archives to facilitate the storage of retrospective datasets is critical to create reliable and consistent data to better equip the development of resilient health systems and surveillance of diseases in LMICs

    Divine communications in a time of revival: Jonathan Edwards’ use of “light” and “water” imagery during the Northampton revival, 1734-35

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    During the Northampton revival of 1734-1735, the Congregationalist pastor and preacher Jonathan Edwards devoted himself wholly to the task of persuading his congregants to cry out to God for mercy, that he might bestow on them the free gift of the new birth. His rhetoric in the sermons of this period is particularly intense and Edwards employs a vast array of oratorical resources in order to move the affections of his audience. These range from logical argumentation for defining and defending his doctrinal convictions, to the moving utilization of images and similes such as those related to light and water. Through the analysis of the latter, the reader can trace the Puritan pastor’s perception of the development of this spiritual awakening, and he or she may approach one of the greatest geniuses and artists of American sermonic tradition.Durante el avivamiento de Northampton de 1734-1735, el pastor y predicador congregacionalista Jonathan Edwards dedicó sus mayores esfuerzos a persuadir a sus fieles para que clamaran a Dios por misericordia, por si se dignara a concederles el don del nuevo nacimiento. La retórica de sus sermones en esta época es especialmente vibrante y Edwards emplea todos sus recursos de oratoria para conmover a sus oyentes: desde la argumentación lógica para definir y defender sus postulados doctrinales, hasta el emotivo uso de imágenes y símiles, como los relativos a la luz o el agua. A través del análisis de estos últimos, el lector puede apreciar cuál fue la evolución del despertar espiritual desde la perspectiva del pastor puritano e igualmente puede acercarse a uno de los mayores genios y artistas de la tradición homilética americana