11 research outputs found

    Extremal fullerene graphs with the maximum Clar number

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    A fullerene graph is a cubic 3-connected plane graph with (exactly 12) pentagonal faces and hexagonal faces. Let FnF_n be a fullerene graph with nn vertices. A set H\mathcal H of mutually disjoint hexagons of FnF_n is a sextet pattern if FnF_n has a perfect matching which alternates on and off each hexagon in H\mathcal H. The maximum cardinality of sextet patterns of FnF_n is the Clar number of FnF_n. It was shown that the Clar number is no more than n126\lfloor\frac {n-12} 6\rfloor. Many fullerenes with experimental evidence attain the upper bound, for instance, C60\text{C}_{60} and C70\text{C}_{70}. In this paper, we characterize extremal fullerene graphs whose Clar numbers equal n126\frac{n-12} 6. By the characterization, we show that there are precisely 18 fullerene graphs with 60 vertices, including C60\text{C}_{60}, achieving the maximum Clar number 8 and we construct all these extremal fullerene graphs.Comment: 35 pages, 43 figure

    Master index of volumes 161–170

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    Generation algorithms for mathematical and chemical problems

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    Complexity and algorithms related to two classes of graph problems

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    This thesis addresses the problems associated with conversions on graphs and editing by removing a matching. We study the f-reversible processes, which are those associated with a threshold value for each vertex, and whose dynamics depends on the number of neighbors with different state for each vertex. We set a tight upper bound for the period and transient lengths, characterize all trees that reach the maximum transient length for 2-reversible processes, and we show that determining the size of a minimum conversion set is NP-hard. We show that the AND-OR model defines a convexity on graphs. We show results of NP-completeness and efficient algorithms for certain convexity parameters for this new one, as well as approximate algorithms. We introduce the concept of generalized threshold processes, where the results are NP-completeness and efficient algorithms for both non relaxed and relaxed versions. We study the problem of deciding whether a given graph admits a removal of a matching in order to destroy all cycles. We show that this problem is NP-hard even for subcubic graphs, but admits efficient solution for several graph classes. We study the problem of deciding whether a given graph admits a removal of a matching in order to destroy all odd cycles. We show that this problem is NP-hard even for planar graphs with bounded degree, but admits efficient solution for some graph classes. We also show parameterized results.Esta tese aborda problemas associados a conversões em grafos e de edição pela remoção de um emparelhamento. Estudamos processos f-reversíveis, que são aqueles associados a um valor de limiar para cada vértice e cuja dinâmica depende da quantidade de vizinhos com estado contrário para cada vértice. Estabelecemos um limite superior justo para o tamanho do período e transiente, caracterizamos todas as árvores que alcançam o transiente máximo em processos 2-reversíveis e mostramos que determinar o tamanho de um conjunto conversor mínimo é NP-difícil. Mostramos que o modelo AND-OR define uma convexidade sobre grafos. Mostramos resultados de NP-completude e algoritmos eficientes para certos parâmetros de convexidade para esta nova, assim como algoritmos aproximativos. Introduzimos o conceito de processos de limiar generalizados, onde mostramos resultados de NP-completude e algoritmos eficientes para ambas as versões não relaxada e relaxada. Estudamos o problema de decidir se um dado grafo admite uma remoção de um emparelhamento de modo a remover todos os ciclos. Mostramos que este problema é NP-difícil mesmo para grafos subcúbicos, mas admite solução eficiente para várias classes de grafos. Estudamos o problema de decidir se um dado grafo admite uma remoção de um emparelhamento de modo a remover todos os ciclos ímpares. Mostramos que este problema é NP-difícil mesmo para grafos planares com grau limitado, mas admite solução eficiente para algumas classes de grafos. Mostramos também resultados parametrizados

    Recent results and open problems on CIS Graphs

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    Knowledge of knots: shapes in action

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    Logic is to natural language what knot theory is to natural knots. Logic is concerned with some cognitive performances; in particular, some natural language inferences are captured by various types of calculi (propositional, predicate, modal, deontic, quantum, probabilistic, etc.), which in turn may generate inferences that are arguably beyond natural logic abilities, or non-well synchronized therewith (eg. ex falso quodlibet, material implication). Mathematical knot theory accounts for some abilities - such as recognizing sameness or differences of some knots, and in turn generates a formalism for distinctions that common sense is blind to. Logic has proven useful in linguistics and in accounting for some aspects of reasoning, but which knotting performaces are there, over and beyond some intuitive discriminating abilities, that may require extensions or restrictions of the normative calculus of knots? Are they amenable to mathematical treatment? And what role is played in the game by mental representations? I shall draw from a corpus of techniques and practices to show to what extent compositionality, lexical and normative elements are present in natural knots, with the prospect of formally exploring an area of human competence that interfaces thought, perception and action in a complex fabric

    Generalized averaged Gaussian quadrature and applications

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    A simple numerical method for constructing the optimal generalized averaged Gaussian quadrature formulas will be presented. These formulas exist in many cases in which real positive GaussKronrod formulas do not exist, and can be used as an adequate alternative in order to estimate the error of a Gaussian rule. We also investigate the conditions under which the optimal averaged Gaussian quadrature formulas and their truncated variants are internal

    MS FT-2-2 7 Orthogonal polynomials and quadrature: Theory, computation, and applications

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    Quadrature rules find many applications in science and engineering. Their analysis is a classical area of applied mathematics and continues to attract considerable attention. This seminar brings together speakers with expertise in a large variety of quadrature rules. It is the aim of the seminar to provide an overview of recent developments in the analysis of quadrature rules. The computation of error estimates and novel applications also are described