323 research outputs found

    The effect of start-up delays in scheduling divisible loads on bus networks: An alternate approach

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    AbstractIn this paper, scheduling of divisible loads in a bus network is considered. The objective is to minimize the processing time by including the overhead component due to start-up time that could degrade the performance of the system, in addition to the inherent communication and computation delays. These overheads are considered to be constant additive factors to the communication and computation components. A closed-form expression for optimal processing time is derived. Using this closed-form expression, this paper analytically proves significant results regarding the optimal sequence of load distribution and optimal number of processors. Numerical examples are presented to illustrate the analysis

    Ishu bunsan shisutemu ni okeru kabun tasuku no sukejulingu

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    制度:新 ; 報告番号:甲2691号 ; 学位の種類:博士(国際情報通信学) ; 授与年月日:2008/7/30 ; 早大学位記番号:新486

    Load Balancing in Wireless Sensor Network using Divisible Load Theory

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    In this thesis, optimal load allocation strategies are proposed for a wireless sensor network which is connected in a star topology. The load considered here is of arbitrarily divisible kind, such that each fraction of the job can be distributed and assigned to any processor for computation purpose. Divisible Load Theory emphasizes on how to partition the load among a number of processors and links, such that the load is distributed optimally. Its objective is to partition the load in such a way so that the load can be distributed and processed in the shortest possible time. The existing strategies for both star and bus topologies are investigated. The performance of the suggested strategy is compared with the existing ones and it is found that it reduces the overall communication and processing time if allocation time is considered in the previous strategies

    Optimizing Data Intensive Flows for Networks on Chips

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    Data flow analysis and optimization is considered for homogeneous rectangular mesh networks. We propose a flow matrix equation which allows a closed-form characterization of the nature of the minimal time solution, speedup and a simple method to determine when and how much load to distribute to processors. We also propose a rigorous mathematical proof about the flow matrix optimal solution existence and that the solution is unique. The methodology introduced here is applicable to many interconnection networks and switching protocols (as an example we examine toroidal networks and hypercube networks in this paper). An important application is improving chip area and chip scalability for networks on chips processing divisible style loads

    Static Scheduling Strategies for Heterogeneous Systems

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    In this paper, we consider static scheduling techniques for heterogeneous systems, such as clusters and grids. We successively deal with minimum makespan scheduling, divisible load scheduling and steady-state scheduling. Finally, we discuss the limitations of static scheduling approaches


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